973 research outputs found

    Proposal of a Novel Setup for Linac Monitoring Using a Specifically Designed Plastic Scintillator and a Spectrophotometer

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    In this work we report the design, implementation and results of an alternative monitoring system for a linear accelerator (LINAC) used in medical therapy. The system proposed consist in aslab of scintillator plastic with awavelength shifter fiberoptically coupled to collect the light generated,and a Spectrophotometer Ocean Optics USB4000 as analyzer. The control was made with two computers, one into the therapy room and another, using a VNC (Virtual Network Computer) and Ethernet wire, outside of the room in order to avoid radiation exposure. The LINAC dose range covered was 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 30 and 40 Monitor Units (MU) with 6 and 18 MeV energy photons. The spectrum obtained was compared with the measures of the LINAC ionization camera used to calibrate it. The results obtained allowus to propose this device as an alternative method to monitor the LINAC performance

    Searching for Very High Energy Emission from Pulsars Using the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Observatory

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    There are currently over 160 known gamma-ray pulsars. While most of them are detected only from space, at least two are now seen also from the ground. MAGIC and VERITAS have measured the gamma ray pulsed emission of the Crab pulsar up to hundreds of GeV and more recently MAGIC has reported emission at 2\sim2 TeV. Furthermore, in the Southern Hemisphere, H.E.S.S. has detected the Vela pulsar above 30 GeV. In addition, non-pulsed TeV emission coincident with pulsars has been detected by many groups, including the Milagro Collaboration. These GeV-TeV observations open the possibility of searching for very-high-energy (VHE, > 100GeV) pulsations from gamma-rays pulsars in the HAWC field of view.Comment: Presented at the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2015), The Hague, The Netherlands. See arXiv:1508.03327 for all HAWC contribution

    Study through Geant4, for Time Resolution characterization of different detectors arrays coupled with two SiPMs, as a function of: the scintillator plastic material, its volumetric dimensions and the location of the radiation emission source

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    The high time resolution detectors are relevant in those experiments or simulations were the particles to detect, have a very short time of flight (TOF), and due this it´s required that the detections times are ranged between ns. & ps.Using Geant4 software, it was made thirty simulations of coupled detectors to plastic scintillators with two silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) located on the scintillator’s central sides. To characterize the time resolution, it was required to quantify the optical photons that reach the Score in a certain time, which are generated by muons on the surface of the plastic scintillator. Different configurations of muon beams were simulated at energy of 1 GeV, to interact with the configuration of the scintillator material of its corresponding arrangement. The simulations were made varying three parameters: the scintillator material “BC404 & BC422”, its size, and the location of the radiation source. Fifteen simulations correspond to BC404 material & fifteen simulations to BC422 material respectively. The first five simulations consisted in varying the scintillator’s volumetric size and collocate the muons beam guided randomly distributed over it, the next five simulations differentiate from setting up a directly centered beam, and the last five simulations for guide the beam on the left lower corner of each scintillator.The best time resolution achieved was σ= 8.67 +/− 0.26 ps., reported by the detector with BC422 scintillator material which has a volume of 20x20x3 mm3

    Numerical analysis of gas-solidsflow hydrodynamics and heat transfer in two outlet configurationindustrial riser using mesoscale theory to predict the interfacialdrag

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    Se analizan numéricamente dos configuraciones de un riser del proceso FCC variando la disposición de la salida superior, usando un modelo CFD en 2 D que incluye el Modelo de los Dos Fluidos (TMF), la Teoría Cinética del Flujo Granular (KTGF) y como modelo de arrastre el modelo de la Minimización de la Energía Multi-Escala (EMMS). El modelo se resuelve a través del programa ANSYS Fluent® 14.5 solucionando las ecuaciones de balance de masa, momentum y energía; y ecuaciones constitutivas para calcular la interacción entre las fases, la fase sólida con las paredes, y las propiedades de la fase granular. El modelo propuesto en este trabajo predice adecuadamente el comportamiento del flujo gas-sólido, prediciendo diferentes patrones de flujo en las coordenadas axial y radial del riser; así como zonas concentradas y diluidas de sólidos en la parte baja y alta del riser, respectivamente. Las fluctuaciones en la concentración y las velocidades de los sólidos tanto radial como axialmente que se observan son producto del alto grado de mezclado radial que se acentúa cerca de las paredes del riser debido al arrastre considerado por el modelo utilizado. Por otro lado se observa una rápida estabilización térmica radial y axial alcanzando en poco tiempo el estado estacionario. Los perfiles obtenidos en las dos configuraciones analizadas son muy similares, lo que motiva a que en trabajos futuros se analicen otras configuraciones de salida del riser que permitan mejorar los patrones de concentración y velocidades de los sólidos.In the FCC process two configurations riser are numerically analyzed varying the upper outlet orientation using a 2 D CFD model which includes the Two Fluid Model (TFM), Kinetic Theory of Granular Flow (KTGF), and Energy Minimization Multi-Scale (EMMS) theory as drag model. This model is solved using the ANSYS Fluent® 14.5 software, solving the governing equations of mass, momentum, and energy balance; and the constitutive equations to calculate interfacial interaction, wall-solid phase interaction, and granular phase properties. The model proposed in this work properly predicts the gas-solid flow behavior, predicting different solid flow patterns in radial and axial riser directions, as well as concentrated and diluted zones at riser's top and bottom respectively. The radial and axial solids concentration and velocities profiles fluctuations observed are produced by the high radial solid mix which is higher near the riser walls due to drag force considered by the model used. On the other hand, a rapid radial and axial thermal stabilization is observed reaching the steady state rapidly. The profiles obtained from riser configurations analyzed are very similar, so in future works other riser outlets configurations will be analyzed to try to improve the solid concentration and velocity profiles.Peer Reviewe

    Characterizing a Mini Gamma Detector

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    There are several types of gamma radiation detectors, which have different characteristics depending on its use. We designed and instrumented a gamma detector for low energies of a small and portable size to obtain spectrum from radioactive sources and from that analyze each spectrum. This instrument basically consists of a scintillator crystal coupled to a SiPM this in turn coupled to a PCB card designed with capacitors and resistors for a better signal, a voltage source of 29 volts. For signal acquisition the system must be connected to an oscilloscope this in turn is controlled by a script developed in Python. For the calibration radioactive isotopes with the same dimensions were used, caesium-137 (Cs-137), cobalto-60 (Co-60), sodium-22 (Na-22) and manganese-54 (Mn-54) as gamma ray emission

    Study of CT Images Processing with the Implementation of MLEM Algorithm using CUDA on NVIDIA’S GPU Framework

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    In medicine, the acquisition process in Computed Tomography Images (CT) is obtained by a reconstruction algorithm. The classical method for image reconstruction is the Filtered Back Projection (FBP). This method is fast and simple but does not use any statistical information about the measurements. The appearance of artifacts and its low spatial resolution in reconstructed images must be considered. Furthermore, the FBP requires of optimal conditions of the projections and complete sets of data. In this paper a methodology to accelerate acquisition process for CT based on the Maximum Likelihood Estimation Method (MLEM) algorithm is presented. This statistical iterative reconstruction algorithm uses a GPU Programming Paradigms and was compared with sequential algorithms in which the reconstruction time was reduced by up to 3 orders of magnitude while preserving image quality. Furthermore, they showed a good performance when compared with reconstruction methods provided by commercial software. The system, which would consist exclusively of a commercial laptop and GPU could be used as a fast, portable, simple and cheap image reconstruction platform in the future

    Monitoring System for Agrometeorological Application with Voice-Controlled Interface

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    The objective of this work is to present aspects about the already completed development stages of a monitoring system for agrometeorological application that uses Human-Computer Interface controlled by written and spoken languages. Technologies related to the development of this type of HCI have been increasingly used and are gradually more connected to the most diverse devices and machines including fieldwork uses. This interdisciplinary work is supported by research in the areas of Meteorology, Linguistics, Natural Language Processing (NPL) and Computing using physical prototypes focused on monitoring: automated solar search, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), unmanned groundvehicle (UGV), mix of meteorological sensors and the system itself. The steps already completed and interrelated - automated solar tracker, the set of meteorological sensors and the system - show that this type of monitoring has a significant degree of accuracy, low cost and autonomy - it does not depend on the conventional grid and makes small decisions

    Height-based equations as screening tools for elevated blood pressure in the SAYCARE study

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    This study evaluated the accuracy of four height-based equations: blood pressure to height ratio (BPHR), modified BPHR (MBPHR), new modified BPHR (NMBPHR), and height-based equations (HBE) for screening elevated BP in children and adolescents in the SAYCARE study. We measured height and BP of 829 children and adolescents from seven South American cities. Receiving operating curves were used to assess formula performance to diagnose elevated BP in comparison to the 2017 clinical guideline. Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values (PPV, NPV) were calculated for the four screening formulas. The diagnostic agreement was evaluated with the kappa coefficient. The HBE equation showed the maximum sensitivity (100%) in children, both for boys and girls, and showed the best performance results, with a very high NPV (>99%) and high PPV (>60%) except for female children (53.8%). In adolescents, the highest sensitivity (100%) was achieved with the NMBPHR for both sexes. Kappa coefficients indicated that HBE had the highest agreement with the gold standard diagnostic method (between 0.70 and 0.75), except for female children (0.57). Simplified methods are friendlier than the percentile gold standard tables. The HBE equation showed better performance than the other formulas in this Latin American pediatric population

    Detrital zircon typology and U/Pb geochronology for the Miocene Ladrilleros-Juanchaco sedimentary sequence, Equatorial Pacific (Colombia) : new constraints on provenance and paleogeography in northwestern South America

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    Typology and internal texture analyses were performed on detrital zircons obtained from the Miocene sandstones of the Ladrilleros-Juanchaco sedimentary sequence (Colombia, Equatorial Pacific). This analysis was complemented with zircon U/Pb dating to identify typology-age associations as indicators of provenance of these sediments. Our results show that zircons with S and P dominant typology have internal structures/zoning that indicate mostly igneous and possibly some metamorphic origins. Morphometric results suggest little transport from source areas. Both typology and U/Pb data point to the Western Cordillera as the main source of the detrital materials of this sedimentary sequence. A paleogeographic reconstruction shows that during Late Miocene times there were significant portions of the Western Cordillera uplifted, eroding away and acting as a fluvio-topographic barrier blocking sediments from the Central Cordillera to reach the Pacific basins. Miocene plutons at the axis of the Western Cordillera were also probably exhumed and played a role as geomorphologically active massifs. This study demonstrates that typologic analysis on detrital zircon grains is a powerful tool as indicator of provenance and paleogeography in complex litho-tectonic areas where overlapping U/Pb signatures can lead to contradictory results