30,291 research outputs found

    Spectral changes in layered ff-electron systems induced by Kondo hole substitution in the boundary-layer

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    We investigate the effect of disorder on the dynamical spectrum of layered ff-electron systems. With random dilution of ff-sites in a single Kondo insulating layer, we explore the range and extent to which Kondo hole incoherence can penetrate into adjacent layers. We consider three cases of neighboring layers: band insulator, Kondo insulator and simple metal. The disorder-induced spectral weight transfer, used here for quantification of the proximity effect, decays algebraically with distance from the boundary layer. Further, we show that the spectral weight transfer is highly dependent on the frequency range considered as well as the presence of interactions in the clean adjacent layers. The changes in the low frequency spectrum are very similar when the adjacent layers are either metallic or Kondo insulating, and hence are independent of interactions. In stark contrast, a distinct picture emerges for the spectral weight transfers across large energy scales. The spectral weight transfer over all energy scales is much higher when the adjacent layers are non-interacting as compared to when they are strongly interacting Kondo insulators. Thus, over all scales, interactions screen the disorder effects significantly. We discuss the possibility of a crossover from non-Fermi liquid to Fermi liquid behavior upon increasing the ratio of clean to disordered layers in particle-hole asymmetric systems.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Heterovalent interlayers and interface states: an ab initio study of GaAs/Si/GaAs (110) and (100) heterostructures

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    We have investigated ab initio the existence of localized states and resonances in abrupt GaAs/Si/GaAs (110)- and (100)-oriented heterostructures incorporating 1 or 2 monolayers (MLs) of Si, as well as in the fully developed Si/GaAs (110) heterojunction. In (100)-oriented structures, we find both valence- and conduction-band related near-band edge states localized at the Si/GaAs interface. In the (110) systems, instead, interface states occur deeper in the valence band; the highest valence-related resonances being about 1 eV below the GaAs valence-band maximum. Using their characteristic bonding properties and atomic character, we are able to follow the evolution of the localized states and resonances from the fully developed Si/GaAs binary junction to the ternary GaAs/Si/GaAs (110) systems incorporating 2 or 1 ML of Si. This approach also allows us to show the link between the interface states of the (110) and (100) systems. Finally, the conditions for the existence of localized states at the Si/GaAs (110) interface are discussed based on a Koster-Slater model developed for the interface-state problem.Comment: REVTeX 4, 14 pages, 15 EPS figure

    Verifying black hole orbits with gravitational spectroscopy

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    Gravitational waves from test masses bound to geodesic orbits of rotating black holes are simulated, using Teukolsky's black hole perturbation formalism, for about ten thousand generic orbital configurations. Each binary radiates power exclusively in modes with frequencies that are integer-linear-combinations of the orbit's three fundamental frequencies. The following general spectral properties are found with a survey of orbits: (i) 99% of the radiated power is typically carried by a few hundred modes, and at most by about a thousand modes, (ii) the dominant frequencies can be grouped into a small number of families defined by fixing two of the three integer frequency multipliers, and (iii) the specifics of these trends can be qualitatively inferred from the geometry of the orbit under consideration. Detections using triperiodic analytic templates modeled on these general properties would constitute a verification of radiation from an adiabatic sequence of black hole orbits and would recover the evolution of the fundamental orbital frequencies. In an analogy with ordinary spectroscopy, this would compare to observing the Bohr model's atomic hydrogen spectrum without being able to rule out alternative atomic theories or nuclei. The suitability of such a detection technique is demonstrated using snapshots computed at 12-hour intervals throughout the last three years before merger of a kludged inspiral. Because of circularization, the number of excited modes decreases as the binary evolves. A hypothetical detection algorithm that tracks mode families dominating the first 12 hours of the inspiral would capture 98% of the total power over the remaining three years.Comment: 18 pages, expanded section on detection algorithms and made minor edits. Final published versio

    Phase Space Reduction for Star-Products: An Explicit Construction for CP^n

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    We derive a closed formula for a star-product on complex projective space and on the domain SU(n+1)/S(U(1)×U(n))SU(n+1)/S(U(1)\times U(n)) using a completely elementary construction: Starting from the standard star-product of Wick type on Cn+1{0}C^{n+1} \setminus \{ 0 \} and performing a quantum analogue of Marsden-Weinstein reduction, we can give an easy algebraic description of this star-product. Moreover, going over to a modified star-product on Cn+1{0}C^{n+1} \setminus \{ 0 \}, obtained by an equivalence transformation, this description can be even further simplified, allowing the explicit computation of a closed formula for the star-product on \CP^n which can easily transferred to the domain SU(n+1)/S(U(1)×U(n))SU(n+1)/S(U(1)\times U(n)).Comment: LaTeX, 17 page

    Finite Cluster Typical Medium Theory for Disordered Electronic Systems

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    We use the recently developed typical medium dynamical cluster (TMDCA) approach~[Ekuma \etal,~\textit{Phys. Rev. B \textbf{89}, 081107 (2014)}] to perform a detailed study of the Anderson localization transition in three dimensions for the Box, Gaussian, Lorentzian, and Binary disorder distributions, and benchmark them with exact numerical results. Utilizing the nonlocal hybridization function and the momentum resolved typical spectra to characterize the localization transition in three dimensions, we demonstrate the importance of both spatial correlations and a typical environment for the proper characterization of the localization transition in all the disorder distributions studied. As a function of increasing cluster size, the TMDCA systematically recovers the re-entrance behavior of the mobility edge for disorder distributions with finite variance, obtaining the correct critical disorder strengths, and shows that the order parameter critical exponent for the Anderson localization transition is universal. The TMDCA is computationally efficient, requiring only a small cluster to obtain qualitative and quantitative data in good agreement with numerical exact results at a fraction of the computational cost. Our results demonstrate that the TMDCA provides a consistent and systematic description of the Anderson localization transition.Comment: 20 Pages, 19 Figures, 3 Table

    Computational modeling of passive transport of functionalized nanoparticles

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    Functionalized nanoparticles (NPs) are complex objects present in a variety of systems ranging from synthetic grafted nanoparticles to viruses. The morphology and number of the decorating groups can vary widely between systems. Thus, the modeling of functionalized NPs typically considers simplified spherical objects as a first-order approximation. At the nanoscale label, complex hydrodynamic interactions are expected to emerge as the morphological features of the particles change, and they can be further amplified when the NPs are confined or near walls. Direct estimation of these variations can be inferred via diffusion coefficients of the NPs. However, the evaluation of the coefficients requires an improved representation of the NPs morphology to reproduce important features hidden by simplified spherical models. Here, we characterize the passive transport of free and confined functionalized nanoparticles using the Rigid Multi-Blob (RMB) method. The main advantage of RMB is its versatility to approximate the mobility of complex structures at the nanoscale with significant accuracy and reduced computational cost. In particular, we investigate the effect of functional groups' distribution, size, and morphology over nanoparticle translational and rotational diffusion. We identify that the presence of functional groups significantly affects the rotational diffusion of the nanoparticles; moreover, the morphology of the groups and number induce characteristic mobility reduction compared to non-functionalized nanoparticles. Confined NPs also evidenced important alterations in their diffusivity, with distinctive signatures in the off-diagonal contributions of the rotational diffusion. These results can be exploited in various applications, including biomedical, polymer nanocomposite fabrication, drug delivery, and imaging