104 research outputs found

    Traces of how they see us and how we see ourselves ...

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    Esta colección de Editorial UNAB presenta reflexiones sobre asuntos de actualidad dentro de la comunicación social, escritos por profesores de la Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga e invitados especiales a la institución, como aporte al debate sobre este campo del conocimiento, el oficio y la profesión.This collection of Editorial UNAB presents reflections on current issues within social communication, written by professors from the Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga UNAB and special guests at the institution, as a contribution to the debate on this field of knowledge, trade and profession

    Generalization Process by Second Grade Students

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    This study is part of a broader study on algebraic reasoning in elementary education. The research objective of the present survey, namely to describe generalization among second grade (7- to 8-year-old) students, was pursued through semi-structured interviews with six children in connection with a contextualized generalization task involving the function y = x + 3. Particular attention was paid to the structures recognized and the type of generalization expressed by these students as they reasoned. In all six, we observed three phases of inductive reasoning: (a) abductive, (b) inductive and (c) generalization. The students correctly recognized the structure at least once during the interview and expressed generalization in three ways.Spanish National Research Agency (AEI)European Fund for Regional Development (FEDER)Government of Spain - BES-2017-08012

    El turismo como propuesta patrimonial: de los museos arqueológicos a las nuevas alternativas lúdicas en la actual provincia de Guanentá (Santander, Colombia)

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     Based on concepts such as heritage, tourism and santandereanidad, this article proposes a trip to the past of the current province of Guanentá in Santander (Colombia), to understand the cultural characteristics of the people of the province of Guane of the Nuevo Reino de Granada, conquered by Martín Galeano in 1540. The archaeological finds now preserved in museums have allowed this region to link to a new tourist proposal that recognizes the importance of the Guane heritage that must be maintained through a playful alternative such as the “memory parks”. The chronicles of the time, the analysis of archaeological finds and other cultural legacies have strengthened the identity of today’s Santandereano, which in turn, values even more the existing heritage assets in funerary sites, especially observable in the area of the Mesa de los Santos. A partir de conceptos como patrimonio, turismo y santandereanidad, este artículo propone un viaje al pasado de la actual provincia santandereana de Guanentá (Colombia) buscando entender las características culturales de las gentes de la provincia de Guane del Nuevo Reino de Granada, conquistada por Martín Galeano en 1540. Los hallazgos arqueológicos, ahora conservados en museos, han permitido a esta región vincularse a una nueva propuesta turística que reconoce la importancia del patrimonio guane, el cual debe mantenerse a través de una alternativa lúdica como son los “parques de la memoria”. Las crónicas de la época, el análisis de hallazgos arqueológicos y otros legados culturales han fortalecido la identidad del santandereano de hoy, que a su vez, valora aún más los bienes patrimoniales existentes en sitios funerarios, observables especialmente en la zona de la Mesa de los Santos.

    The Evolution from “I think it plus three” Towards “I think it is always plus three.” Transition from Arithmetic Generalization to Algebraic Generalization

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    This research was conducted within the project references EDU2016-75771-P and PID2020-113601 GB-I00, financed by the Spanish National Research Agency (AEI) and MCIN/ AEI/https:// doi. org/ 10. 13039/ 50110 00110 33. Furthermore, it was supported by a fellowship reference BES-2017–080124, awarded by the government of Spain.thinking in primary education. Our general research objective was to identify and describe generalization of a 2nd grade student (aged 7–8). Specifically, we focused on the transition from arithmetic to algebraic generalization. The notion of structure and its continuity in the generalization process are important for this transition. We are presenting a case study with a semi-structured interview where we proposed a task of contextualized generalization involving the function y = x + 3. Special attention was given to the structures evidenced and the type of generalization expressed by the student in the process. We noted that the student identified the correct structure for the task during the interview and that he evidenced a factual type of algebraic generalization. Due to the student’s identification of the appropriate structure and the application of it to other different particular cases, we have observed a transition from arithmetic thinking to algebraic thinking.Funding for open access publishing: Universidad de Granada/CBUAEDU2016-75771-P and PID2020-113601 GB-I00, financed by the Spanish National Research Agency (AEI) and MCIN/ AEI/https:// doi.org/10.13039/501100011033Fellowship reference BES-2017–080124, awarded by the government of Spai

    Propuesta para el estudio histórico-semiótico de un testamento indígena del siglo XVII otorgado por un cacique de la provincia de Guane en el Nuevo Reino de Granada

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    This article offers some of the steps to follow to prepare a historical-semiotic study of a fragment of the testament of the chief of Coratá, dated  1649, and transcribed by Fray Enrique Báez, based on the criticism of sources since the analytical procedure was installed in the historiographic discipline during the nineteenth century, and th concept of textual deconstruction raised by Jacques Derrida. First, a historical analysis of the source is carried out in order to determine the investigative possibilities offered by the testamentary document under study. Second, a semiotic analysis of the imprint or writing of the testament is carried out, taking into account aspects such as the type of writing, the author’s imprint, the imprint for the reader, the words that signify and symbolize the Indian (indio) and the Indian (indiano), scriptural violence, relationships with the other and being written. Este escrito presenta algunos de los pasos por seguir para llevar a cabo un estudio histórico-semiótico de un fragmento del testamento del cacique de Coratá, fechado en 1649 y transcrito por fray Enrique Báez, con base en la crítica de fuentes —desde que el proceder analítico se instala en la disciplina historiográfica durante el siglo XIX— y el concepto de deconstrucción textual planteado por Jacques Derrida. En primer lugar, se hace un análisis histórico de la fuente con el fin de determinar las posibilidades investigativas que ofrece el documento testamentario que se estudia. En segundo lugar, se lleva a cabo un análisis semiótico de la huella o escritura del testamento, atendiendo a aspectos tales como el tipo de escritura, la huella del autor, la huella para el lector, las palabras que significan y simbolizan lo indio y lo indiano, la violencia escritural, las relaciones con el otro y el ser escrito

    Communication Notebooks No. 5. Along the path of Latin American identity

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    Esta colección de Editorial UNAB presenta reflexiones sobre asuntos de actualidad dentro de la comunicación social, escritos por profesores de la Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga e invitados especiales a la institución, como aporte al debate sobre este campo del conocimiento, el oficio y la profesión.Presentación. - 7 Introducción. - 9 Aprende a escuchar a la gente: camino para estudiar las identidades culturales latinoamericanas. - 21 Historia magistra vitae y algo más. - 35 La relacióncomunicación-cultura-identidad: representaciones modernas y críticas. - 57 Cavilaciones sobre identidad y (ojalá) otros muchos cuentos. - 69 Huellas de cómo nos ven y cómo nos vemos... - 81 Y se hizo la imagen... - 95 Conversatorio sobre identidad cultural latinoameticana Entre el proyecto modernizador y la esperanza. -109 Voces de los estudiantes. - 135 Ordenar, pensar y producir la vida social. - 141 La identidad se construye.. de reconcer un pasado, comunicarlo a un presente, para transformar el futuro. - 145 Reflexión histórico-cultura de las voces silenciadas en América Latina. - 148This collection of Editorial UNAB presents reflections on current issues within social communication, written by professors from the Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga UNAB and special guests at the institution, as a contribution to the debate on this field of knowledge, trade and profession

    Pathogenic variants of the coenzyme A biosynthesis-associated enzyme phosphopantothenoylcysteine decarboxylase cause autosomal-recessive dilated cardiomyopathy

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    Coenzyme A (CoA) is an essential cofactor involved in a range of metabolic pathways including the activation of long-chain fatty acids for catabolism. Cells synthesize CoA de novo from vitamin B5 (pantothenate) via a pathway strongly conserved across prokaryotes and eukaryotes. In humans, it involves five enzymatic steps catalyzed by four enzymes: pantothenate kinase (PANK [isoforms 1–4]), 40 -phosphopantothenoylcysteine synthetase (PPCS), phosphopantothenoylcysteine decarboxylase (PPCDC), and CoA synthase (COASY). To date, inborn errors of metabolism associated with all of these genes, except PPCDC, have been described, two related to neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation (NBIA), and one associated with a cardiac phenotype. This paper reports another defect in this pathway (detected in two sisters), associated with a fatal cardiac phenotype, caused by biallelic variants (p.Thr53Pro and p.Ala95Val) of PPCDC. PPCDC enzyme (EC catalyzes the decarboxylation of 40 -phosphopantothenoylcysteine to 40 -phosphopantetheine in CoA biosynthesis. The variants p.Thr53Pro and p.Ala95Val affect residues highly conserved across different species; p.Thr53Pro is involved in the binding of flavin mononucleotide, and p.Ala95Val is likely a destabilizing mutation. Patient-derived fibroblasts showed an absence of PPCDC protein, and nearly 50% reductions in CoA levels. The cells showed clear energy deficiency problems, with defects in mitochondrial respiration, and mostly glycolytic ATP synthesis. Functional studies performed in yeast suggest these mutations to be functionally relevant. In summary, this work describes a new, ultra-rare, severe inborn error of metabolism due to pathogenic variants of PPCDCConsejería de Educaci on, Juventud y Deporte, Comunidad de Madrid, Grant/Award Number: B2017/BMD3721; Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Grant/Award Number: PI19/01155; Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Grant/Award Number: BFU2017-82574-

    Subscapular and triceps skinfolds reference values of Hispanic American children and adolescents and their comparison with the reference of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

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    Introduction: the assessment of the skinfold thickness is an objective measure of adiposity. Therefore, it is a useful tool for nutritional diagnosis and prevention of metabolic risk associated with excess fat in chilhood and adolescence. Objective: to provide percentiles of subscapular and triceps skinfolds for Hispanic American schoolchildren and compare them with those published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from United States, that it have been commonly used as a reference in most of these countries. Methods: subscapular and triceps skinfolds were measured in 9.973 schoolchildren 4-19 aged from Spain, Argentina, Cuba, Venezuela and Mexico with Holtain caliper with 0.2 mm accuracy. Percentiles were obtained with the LMS statistical method and were presented in tables divided in stages of 6 months and in curves graphics. The difference between Hispanic American and CDC mean values were provided for P3, P50 and P97 in mm and also were graphically represented. Results: skinfolds measurements obviously increased with age in both sexes but, in boys, this increase is much more marked in highest percentiles between 8 and 13 years; this maximum is reached earlier than what occurs in CDC reference. In both sexes, all percentiles analized in Hispanic American schoolchildren were higher than the CDC reference except P97 up to 10 or 13 years that was notably smaller. Conclusions: the skinfolds percentiles of Hispanic American children and adolescents differ from CDC that are usually used as reference. The values of subscapular and triceps skinfolds provided in this study, could be applied to populations of a similar ethnic background, especially in comparative studies of body composition

    Revista Colombiana de Marketing. Revista de la Facultad de Ingeniería de Mercados año 4 número 6 Octubre de 2005

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    La Ingeniería de Mercados focaliza su atención en el diagnóstico, investigación, proyección, diseño en el que utilizándolos y en asocio con las ciencias sociales, planteará modelos que permiten dar soluciones adecuadas, bien sean tangibles o intangibles a dichos problemas.La Ingeniería de Mercados focaliza su atención en el diagnóstico, investigación, proyección, diseño en el que utilizándolos y en asocio con las ciencias sociales, planteará modelos que permitan dar soluciones adecuadas, bien sean tangibles o intangibles a dichos problemas.Modalidad Presencia