1,668 research outputs found

    Mobilidade urbana na era digital: impactos do teletrabalho na mobilidade e espaço urbano

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    As cidades contemporâneas sofrem o efeito das Novas Tecnologias da Informação e comunicação – NTIC, as quais impactam na sua organização espacial e dinâmica urbana, remodelando-a em distintas esferas. Neste contexto, o presente artigo buscou identificar e analisar os impactos causados pelas NTIC na mobilidade e espaço urbano, através da análise do teletrabalho como estratégia de gerenciamento da mobilidade, que busca promover a eficiência e eficácia dos deslocamentos através da sua racionalização. Metodologicamente foram seguidos os seguintes passos: i) Levantamento do estado da arte; ii) Levantamento de planos e políticas de gerenciamento da mobilidade; iii) Sistematização das potenciais repercussões do teletrabalho sobre a mobilidade e espaço urbano; e vi) Estruturação de um modelo conceitual. A pesquisa sistematizou os impactos associados a duas modalidades de teletrabalho - o home office e os telecentros e sinalizou para a crescente implementação do teletrabalho em diversos contextos, repercutindo na dinâmica urbana e apresentando potencial para reduzir o número de viagens casa-trabalho, promovendo alterações nos padrões de viagens e uma eventual processo de descentralização urbanaPeer Reviewe

    Mobilidade urbana na era digital: impactos do teletrabalho na mobilidade e espaço urbano

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    As cidades contemporâneas sofrem o efeito das Novas Tecnologias da Informação e comunicação – NTIC, as quais impactam na sua organização espacial e dinâmica urbana, remodelando-a em distintas esferas. Neste contexto, o presente artigo buscou identificar e analisar os impactos causados pelas NTIC na mobilidade e espaço urbano, através da análise do teletrabalho como estratégia de gerenciamento da mobilidade, que busca promover a eficiência e eficácia dos deslocamentos através da sua racionalização. Metodologicamente foram seguidos os seguintes passos: i) Levantamento do estado da arte; ii) Levantamento de planos e políticas de gerenciamento da mobilidade; iii) Sistematização das potenciais repercussões do teletrabalho sobre a mobilidade e espaço urbano; e vi) Estruturação de um modelo conceitual. A pesquisa sistematizou os impactos associados a duas modalidades de teletrabalho - o home office e os telecentros e sinalizou para a crescente implementação do teletrabalho em diversos contextos, repercutindo na dinâmica urbana e apresentando potencial para reduzir o número de viagens casa-trabalho, promovendo alterações nos padrões de viagens e uma eventual processo de descentralização urbanaPeer Reviewe


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    This article has as main objective the submitting of a proposal for regionalization of undergraduate courses for the Bahia State, taking as a reference the demands identified by local and regional actors. In theoretical terms, we take as a reference for the analysis approach that values the importance of fixed, flows and regional centers for the production, organization and dynamics of regionalization. The methodological procedures adopted involved field research and interviews in the fourteen regional centres established to perform the search. The results point to the need for implementation of new courses in Bahian regions within a planning that considers as priority a greater socio-spatial equity.Este artigo tem como objetivo central a apresentação de uma proposta de regionalização dos cursos de graduação para o Estado da Bahia, tomando como referência as demandas identificadas pelos agentes locais e regionais. Em termos teóricos, tomamos como referência para a análise a abordagem que valoriza a importância dos fixos, dos fluxos e dos centros regionais para a produção, organização e dinâmica da regionalização. Os procedimentos metodológicos adotados envolveram trabalho de campo e aplicação de entrevistas nos quatorze centros regionais definidos para a realização da pesquisa. Os resultados apontam para a necessidade de implantação de novos cursos nas regiões baianas dentro de um planejamento que considere como prioridade uma maior equidade sócio-espacial

    Violência em transporte público: uma abordagem baseada em análise espacial

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    OBJETIVO: Realizar uma análise espacial da ocorrência de atos de violência (especificamente roubos) em transporte público, identificando as regiões de maior incidência, por meio da geoestatística, e possíveis causas com auxílio de análise multicritério em Sistema de Informação Geográfica. MÉTODOS: A unidade de análise é a zona de tráfego da pesquisa Origem-Destino, realizada em Salvador, BA, Brasil, em 2013. Os roubos registrados pela Secretaria de Segurança Pública da Bahia, no mesmo ano, foram localizados e compatibilizados aos limites das zonas de tráfego e, posteriormente, associados aos respectivos centroides. Após determinação das regiões de maior probabilidade de ocorrências, foi feita uma análise geográfica de possíveis causas na região de maior potencial, considerando fatores analisados por meio de uma análise multicritério em ambiente de Sistema de Informação Geográfica. RESULTADOS: A execução das duas etapas deste trabalho permitiu identificar áreas correspondentes à maior probabilidade de ocorrência de roubo em transporte público. Além disso, foram identificados três trechos viários (Estrada da Liberdade, Rua Pero Vaz e Avenida General San Martin) mais vulneráveis, localizados nessas áreas. Nesses trechos, os fatores que mais contribuem para o potencial de ocorrência de roubo em ônibus são: F1 - proximidade a locais que facilitam a fuga, F3 - grande movimentação de pessoas e F2 - ausência de policiamento, respectivamente. CONCLUSÕES: Com o uso da Krigagem indicativa (estimação eoestatística), é possível a construção de uma superfície espacial de probabilidades de ocorrências, que pode ser uma ferramenta útil para implementação de políticas públicas. A análise multicritério no ambiente do Sistema de Informação Geográfica permitiu a compreensão dos fatores espaciais relacionados ao fenômeno em análise.OBJECTIVE: To carry out a spatial analysis of the occurrence of acts of violence (specifically robberies) in public transportation, identifying the regions of greater incidence, using geostatistics, and possible causes with the aid of a multicriteria analysis in the Geographic Information System. METHODS: The unit of analysis is the traffic analysis zone of the survey named Origem-Destino, carried out in Salvador, state of Bahia, in 2013. The robberies recorded by the Department of Public Security of Bahia in 2013 were located and made compatible with the limits of the traffic analysis zones and, later, associated with the respective centroids. After determining the regions with the highest probability of robbery, we carried out a geographic analysis of the possible causes in the region with the highest robbery potential, considering the factors analyzed using a multicriteria analysis in a Geographic Information System environment. RESULTS: The execution of the two steps of this study allowed us to identify areas corresponding to the greater probability of occurrence of robberies in public transportation. In addition, the three most vulnerable road sections (Estrada da Liberdade, Rua Pero Vaz, and Avenida General San Martin) were identified in these areas. In these sections, the factors that most contribute with the potential for robbery in buses are: F1 - proximity to places that facilitate escape, F3 - great movement of persons, and F2 - absence of policing, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Indicator Kriging (geostatistical estimation) can be used to construct a spatial probability surface, which can be a useful tool for the implementation of public policies. The multicriteria analysis in the Geographic Information System environment allowed us to understand the spatial factors related to the phenomenon under analysis

    Mixed Oxides Derived from Hydrotalcites Mg/Al Active in the Catalytic Transfer Hydrogenation of Furfural to Furfuryl Alcohol

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    Herein, a family of Mg/Al hydrotalcites was synthesized as catalytic precursors of MgAlOx mixed oxides. Both hydrotalcites and mixed oxides were characterized and the mixed oxides were tested in the reduction of furfural to yield furfuryl alcohol by MPV reaction using isopropanol as hydrogen donor. Different catalytic parameters were tested, such as the type of alcohol, calcination temperature of the hydrotalcite, and reaction temperature. Furfural and isopropanol were adsorbed on the MgAl-3 catalyst to follow the species adsorbed on the catalyst by FTIR analysis. The results showed that the isopropanol was activated as isopropoxide and furfural changed the adsorption site with increasing temperature but maintaining the h1-conformation. The catalytic performances were associated with the basicity of the catalysts and the deactivation processes have been attributed to the existence of adsorbed species on the surface, mainly due to furfural-derived compounds. The catalysts were reused in three consecutive cycles showing a sharp drop of catalytic activity. To recover the activity, the catalysts were calcined at 500 °C but the activity was only partially recovered. The XPS analysis after reactivation showed that the catalyst surface was modified due to the segregation of hydroxides of Mg and Al.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2021-122736OB-C42), FEDER (European Union) funds (PID2021-122736OB-C42, P20-00375, UMA20-FEDERJA88). Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Interaction effects of fermentation time and sourdough content on the size and acidity in bread

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    The use of sourdough to provide certain physical, organoleptic and nutritional properties to bread is one of the most used biotechnological processes in the production of cereal-based foods. Sourdough, yeast and fermentation time are elements that provide rising to the bread, in addition to aroma, flavour and nutritional properties. The time of fermentation of the dough before baking and the portion of sourdough added in the dough pieces are decisive on the acids formation by microbiological action, and thus, the properties of the bread. The physical aspect is also an important factor in the final product, and it can be widely affected according to the percentage of sourdough used and the fermentation time prior to baking. This is due to the variation in the rheological properties of the dough and possibly to the competition existing in the microbiota development. In this work, the interaction effects of fermentation time and sourdough content on the size and acidity in bread are assessed. For this purpose, bread samples were prepared with a fixed amount of yeast and 0, 20 and 50% sourdough portions. Afterwards, they were allowed to ferment periods of 0, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300 and 360 minutes before being baked. The results obtained are reported in the present work.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The economic burden of disease of epithelial ovarian cancer in Spain: the OvarCost study

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    bjective: To assess the economic burden of epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) in incident patients and the burden by disease stage in Spain. Methods: We developed a Markov model from a social perspective simulating the natural history of EOC and its four stages, with a 10-year time horizon, 3-week cycles, 3% discount rate, and 2016 euros. Healthcare resource utilization and costs were estimated by disease stage. Direct healthcare costs (DHC) included early screening, genetic counselling, medical visits, diagnostic tests, surgery, chemotherapy, hospitalizations, emergency services, and palliative care. Direct non-healthcare costs (DNHC) included formal and informal care. Indirect costs (IC) included labour productivity losses due to temporary and permanent leaves, and premature death. Epidemiology data and resource use were taken from the literature and validated for Spain by the OvarCost group using a Delphi method. Results: The total burden of EOC over 10 years was 3102 mill euros: 15.1% in stage I, 3.9% in stage II, 41.0% in stage III, and 40.2% in stage IV. Annual average cost/patient was 24,111 and it was 8,641; 14,184; 33,858, and 42,547 in stages I-IV, respectively. Of total costs, 71.2% were due to DHC, 24.7% to DNHC, and 4.1% to IC. Conclusions: EOC imposes a significant economic burden on the national healthcare system and society in Spain. Investment in better early diagnosis techniques might increase survival and patients' quality of life. This would likely reduce costs derived from late stages, consequently leading to a substantial reduction of the economic burden associated with EOC

    FDG-PET-based neural correlates of Addenbrooke’s cognitive examination III scores in Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal degeneration

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    IntroductionThe Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination III (ACE-III) is a brief test useful for neuropsychological assessment. Several studies have validated the test for the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD). In this study, we aimed to examine the metabolic correlates associated with the performance of ACE-III in AD and behavioral variant FTD.MethodsWe enrolled 300 participants in a cross-sectional study, including 180 patients with AD, 60 with behavioral FTD (bvFTD), and 60 controls. An 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography study was performed in all cases. Correlation between the ACE-III and its domains (attention, memory, fluency, language, and visuospatial) with the brain metabolism was estimated.ResultsThe ACE-III showed distinct neural correlates in bvFTD and AD, effectively capturing the most relevant regions involved in these disorders. Neural correlates differed for each domain, especially in the case of bvFTD. Lower ACE-III scores were associated with more advanced stages in both disorders. The ACE-III exhibited high discrimination between bvFTD vs. HC, and between AD vs. HC. Additionally, it was sensitive to detect hypometabolism in brain regions associated with bvFTD and AD.ConclusionOur study contributes to the knowledge of the brain regions associated with ACE-III, thereby facilitating its interpretation, and highlighting its suitability for screening and monitoring. This study provides further validation of ACE-III in the context of AD and FTD

    Herramienta de evaluación de la calidad de los Materiales Educativos Digitales: perfiles de aplicación del profesor y del alumno

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    Este documento contiene dos adaptaciones de la herramienta de evaluación de la calidad de materiales educativos digitales (MED) del estándar UNE 71362 al profesor y al alumno que no son especialistas en Tecnologías ni en Accesibilidad con el fin de facilitar o mejorar la creación y selección de MED. Estos perfiles de aplicación no garantizan el cumplimiento del 100% de los criterios de calidad, por lo que no pueden ser usados como herramienta para certificar la calidad de los MED. Sin embargo, sí pueden ser usados para asegurar/comprobar con más facilidad determinados aspectos de la calidad