1,997 research outputs found

    Ontología y resistencia: la constitución de sí como paradigma de acción política en el último Foucault

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    When we think of Michel Foucault’s contribution to the history of contemporary political thought, we don’t usually refer to his investigations, conducted in the eighties, into the ethics of the care of oneself of Greco-Roman Antiquity. Does that research, nevertheless, lack any political meaning or consequence? To answer this question, we must first put forward the terms of what is mainly at stake in those investigations: the possibility to think differently what it means for a subject to be constituted. With them, Foucault seems to have found an experience and a practice of subjectivation that, once its ontological structure becomes clear, also allows us think of a concept of political action as immanent and autonomous subjectivation capable of resisting the modern dispositifs of power.La contribución de Michel Foucault a la historia del pensamiento político contemporáneo no suele basarse en las investigaciones que dedicó, en la década de los ochenta, al análisis de la ética del cuidado sí de la Antigüedad grecorromana. ¿Carecen ellas, sin embargo, de cualquier significado o consecuencia política? Para responder a esta pregunta, en primer lugar, debemos exponer la apuesta filosófica central que en tales análisis está en juego: la posibilidad de pensar de otro modo la constitución de un sujeto. Con ello, Foucault habría encontrado una experiencia y una práctica de la subjetivación que, al quedar expuesta su estructura ontológica, nos permite, además, pensar en una concepción de la acción política como subjetivación, inmanente y autónoma, capaz de hacer frente a los dispositivos modernos del poder

    Diversidad y continuidad de los sistemas técnicos del Paleolítico Medio en los Pirineos sur-orientales

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    En aquest article es presenta una síntesi metodològica sobre la tecnologia utilitzada en l’elaboració dels productes de talla al llarg del paleolític mitjà, a la vegada que es duu a terme una anàlisi comparativa dels mètodes de talla documentats en els nivells N10 de la Roca dels Bous i en les unitats UA3, S5, S6 i S7 de l’Estret de Tragó. Aquests assentaments, ubicats en els Pre-pirineus orientals (Noguera, Lleida), presenten ocupacions musterianes amb cronologies de l’MIS5 en els nivells més antics de Tragó i de l’MIS3 amb N10 de la Roca dels Bous i els nivells recents de Tragó. En ambdós jaciments i independentment de la cronologia dels nivells estudiats, s’hi detecta una variabilitat i una coexistència de mètodes de talla agrupats en estratègies expeditives i estructurades. D’altra banda, en tots els conjunts analitzats es documenten intensos processos de reducció dels nuclis, la qual cosa no es pot relacionar amb la manca de matèries primeres. Els patrons tecnoeconòmics que es detecten en els nivells més antics de Tragó persisteixen en les ocupacions més recents d’aquest mateix jaciment, així com en el nivell N10 de la Roca dels Bous. L’estabilitat al llarg del temps d’aquests comportaments ens porta a suggerir la continuïtat de determinats elements tecnocognitius dels neandertals als Pre-Pirineus sud-orientals.In this paper, we present a methodological approach in order to define general trends in the Middle Palaeolithic technical systems. This approach has been applied to level N10 of Roca dels Bous site and levels UA3, S5, S6 and S7 of Estret de Tragó site. These rockshelters are located in the South-eastern Pre-Pyrenees (Noguera, Catalonia, Spain) and they were occupied in the MIS5 —Tragó UA3—, and MIS3 —S7, S6 and S5 in Tragó and Roca dels Bous level N10—. The analysis of these assemblages shows both a certain degree of technical variability and the coexistence of «expedient» and structured knapping methods. These assemblages also share anintense core-reduction pattern not related to the scarcity of raw material. This techno-economic pattern ha been identified in all the leves of Tragó and in the Roca dels Bous one. We propose that this stability in technical behaviour can be interpreted in terms of a long term continuity of the techno-cognitive sphere of the South-eastern Prepyrenean Neanderthals.En este artículo se presenta una síntesis metodológica sobre la tecnología empleada en la elaboración de los productos de talla a lo largo del Paleolítico Medio de los Pirineos Orientales, a la vez que se lleva a cabo un análisis comparativo de los métodos de talla documentados en los niveles N10 de la Roca dels Bous y en las unidades UA3, S5, S6 y S7 de Estret de Tragó. Estos asentamientos, ubicados en los Pre-Pirineos Orientales (Noguera, Lleida), presentan ocupaciones musterienses con cronologías del MIS5 en los niveles más antiguos de Tragó y del MIS3 tanto en N10 de la Roca dels Bous como en los niveles más recientes de Tragó. En ambos yacimientos e independientemente de la cronología de los niveles estudiados, se detecta la coexistencia de distintos métodos de talla agrupados en estrategias de talla expeditivas y estructuradas. Por otro lado, en todos los conjuntos analizados se documentan intensos procesos de reducción de los núcleos, lo cual no se puede relacionar con la escasez de materias primas. Los patrones tecno-económicos que se detectan en los niveles más antiguos de Tragó persisten en las ocupaciones más recientes de este mismo yacimiento, así como en el nivel N10 de la Roca dels Bous. La estabilidad en el tiempo de estos comportamientos permite sugerir la continuidad de elementos tecno-cognitivos en los neandertales en el Pre-Pirineo sur-oriental

    Enhancement of the broadband modulation diffraction efficiency of liquid-crystal displays

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    We report a method to maximize the broadband modulation diffraction efficiency of liquid-crystal spatial light modulators for polychromatic applications requiring a wide range of wavelengths. An optimized encoding pattern based on the minimum Euclidean projection principle is applied in order to increase the diffraction efficiency at large wavelengths that exhibit phase modulation depth lower than 2p. We demonstrate modulation efficiencies over 80% on a wavelength range from 454 to 633 nm, which can reach up to 98% when the range is reduced to 60 nm. Experimental results are shown to confirm the calculations

    A Public Fabric Database for Defect Detection Methods and Results

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    [EN] The use of image processing for the detection and classification of defects has been a reality for some time in science and industry. New methods are continually being presented to improve every aspect of this process. However, these new approaches are applied to a small, private collection of images, which makes a real comparative study of these methods very difficult. The objective of this paper was to compile a public annotated benchmark, that is, an extensive set of images with and without defects, and make these public, to enable the direct comparison of detection and classification methods. Moreover, different methods are reviewed and one of these is applied to the set of images; the results of which are also presented in this paper.The authors thank for the financial support provided by IVACE (Institut Valencia de Competitivitat Empresarial, Spain) and FEDER (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, Europe), throughout the projects: AUTOVIMOTION and INTELITEX.Silvestre-Blanes, J.; Albero Albero, T.; Miralles, I.; Pérez-Llorens, R.; Moreno, J. (2019). A Public Fabric Database for Defect Detection Methods and Results. AUTEX Research Journal. 19(4):363-374. https://doi.org/10.2478/aut-2019-0035S36337419

    AMELIE: Authoring Multimedia-Enhanced Learning Interactive Environment for e-Health Contents

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    This paper presents the AMELIE Authoring Tool for e-health applications. AMELIE provides the means for creating video-based contents with a focus on e-learning and telerehabilitation processes. The main core of AMELIE lies in the efficient exploitation of raw multimedia resources, which may be already available at clinical centers or recorded ad hoc for learning purposes by health professionals. Three real use cases scenarios involving different target users are presented: (1) cognitive skills? training of surgeons in minimally invasive surgery (medical professionals), (2) training of informal carers for elderly home assistance and (3) cognitive rehabilitation of patients with acquired brain injury. Preliminary validation in the field of surgery hints at the potential of AMELIE; and its versatility in different medical applications is patent from the use cases described. Regardless, new validation studies are planned in the three main application areas identified in this work

    Identification of a field isolate of Fasciola hepatica resistant to albendazole and susceptible to triclabendazole

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    The experiments described here were designed to characterize the status of susceptibility/resistance to albendazole (ABZ) and triclabendazole (TCBZ) of a Fasciola hepatica isolate (named CEDIVE isolate) recovered from infected sheep (Gualeguay, Argentina) and maintained under laboratory conditions. Two separate clinical efficacy experiments were performed on sheep artificially infected with the CEDIVE isolate. Experiment 1: Sheep were randomly distributed either in an untreated control group or an ABZ (7.5 mg/kg) treated group (n= 4 each). Additionally, the systemic exposure of ABZ metabolites was assessed in those ABZ-treated infected animals. In Experiment 2, an untreated control group and a TCBZ (10 mg/kg) treated group was included (n = 4 each). The fluckicidal efficacy of ABZ and TCBZ was assessed by comparison of the number of flukes recovered from untreated and treated sheep at 15 days post-treatment. The efficacy against the CEDIVE isolate of F. hepatica was 29% (ABZ) and 100% (TCBZ). The plasma drug exposure (expressed as AUC and Cmax) observed in the ABZ treated animals (Experiment 1), was in agreement with data obtained in previous studies, which indicate that the low ABZ efficacy was not related to the quality of the pharmaceutical product and/or to a low systemic availability of the active drug/metabolite. The results reported here, clearly show that the CEDIVE isolate of F. hepatica behaves as resistant to ABZ and susceptible to TCBZ.Fil: Sanabria, Rodrigo Eduardo Fabrizio. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; Argentina;Fil: Ceballos, Laura. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires.. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Departamento de Fisiopatologia. Laboratorio de Farmacologia; Argentina;Fil: Moreno, Laura. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires.. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Departamento de Fisiopatologia. Laboratorio de Farmacologia; Argentina;Fil: Romero, Jorge Marcelo. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; Argentina;Fil: Lanusse Carlos. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires.. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Departamento de Fisiopatologia. Laboratorio de Farmacologia; Argentina;Fil: Alvarez Luis. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires.. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Departamento de Fisiopatologia. Laboratorio de Farmacologia; Argentina

    Identification of a field isolate of Fasciola hepatica resistant to albendazole and susceptible to triclabendazole

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    The experiments described here were designed to characterize the status of susceptibility/resistance to albendazole (ABZ) and triclabendazole (TCBZ) of a Fasciola hepatica isolate (named CEDIVE isolate) recovered from infected sheep (Gualeguay, Argentina) and maintained under laboratory conditions. Two separate clinical efficacy experiments were performed on sheep artificially infected with the CEDIVE isolate. Experiment 1: Sheep were randomly distributed either in an untreated control group or an ABZ (7.5 mg/kg) treated group (n= 4 each). Additionally, the systemic exposure of ABZ metabolites was assessed in those ABZ-treated infected animals. In Experiment 2, an untreated control group and a TCBZ (10 mg/kg) treated group was included (n = 4 each). The fluckicidal efficacy of ABZ and TCBZ was assessed by comparison of the number of flukes recovered from untreated and treated sheep at 15 days post-treatment. The efficacy against the CEDIVE isolate of F. hepatica was 29% (ABZ) and 100% (TCBZ). The plasma drug exposure (expressed as AUC and Cmax) observed in the ABZ treated animals (Experiment 1), was in agreement with data obtained in previous studies, which indicate that the low ABZ efficacy was not related to the quality of the pharmaceutical product and/or to a low systemic availability of the active drug/metabolite. The results reported here, clearly show that the CEDIVE isolate of F. hepatica behaves as resistant to ABZ and susceptible to TCBZ.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Proposal for the deployment of an augmented reality tool for construction safety inspection

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    The construction site is a hazardous place. The dynamic, complex interaction between workers, machinery, and the environment leads to dangerous risks. In response to such risks, the goal is to fulfill the zero accidents philosophy, which requires the development of safety skills among workers and the provision of tools for risk prevention. In pursuit of that vision, this work studies collective protective equipment (CPE). Traditional methodologies propose visual inspections using checklists, the effectiveness of which depends on the quality of the inspection by the safety advisor (SA). This paper analyses the traditional process of safety inspections in building projects: the traditional methods, main pain points, and bottlenecks are identified, along with the key performance indicators (KPIs) needed to complete these processes correctly. Because of this, a methodology that digitises the CPE inspection process is proposed. Augmented reality (AR) is used as a 3D viewer with an intuitive interface for the SA, and, accordingly, functional requirements are detailed and different information layers and user interfaces for AR applications are proposed. In addition, the workflow and KPIs are shown. To demonstrate the feasibility of the proposal, a proof of concept is developed and evaluated. The relevance of this work lies in providing background for the use of AR in safety inspection processes on construction sites and in offering methodological recommendations for the development and evaluation of these applications.This work has been supported by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain (MICIU) through the BIMIoTICa project (RTC-2017-6454-7) and by the CONICYT for its economic support to Felipe Muñoz, beneficiary of a pre-doctoral grant (CONICYT—PCHA/International Doctorate/2019-72200306). The authors also acknowledge the financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, through the “Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence (2019–2023) under the grant CEX2018-000797-S funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033”.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version