37 research outputs found

    Independent AND-parallel implementation of narrowing

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    We present a parallel graph narrowing machine, which is used to implement a functional logic language on a shared memory multiprocessor. It is an extensión of an abstract machine for a purely functional language. The result is a programmed graph reduction machine which integrates the mechanisms of unification, backtracking, and independent and-parallelism. In the machine, the subexpressions of an expression can run in parallel. In the case of backtracking, the structure of an expression is used to avoid the reevaluation of subexpressions as far as possible. Deterministic computations are detected. Their results are maintained and need not be reevaluated after backtracking

    Efficient implementation of general negation using abstract interpretation

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    While negation has been a very active área of research in logic programming, comparatively few papers have been devoted to implementation issues. Furthermore, the negation-related capabilities of current Prolog systems are limited. We recently presented a novel method for incorporating negation in a Prolog compiler which takes a number of existing methods (some modified and improved) and uses them in a combined fashion. The method makes use of information provided by a global analysis of the source code. Our previous work focused on the systematic description of the techniques and the reasoning about correctness and completeness of the method, but provided no experimental evidence to evalúate the proposal. In this paper, after proposing some extensions to the method, we provide experimental data which indicates that the method is not only feasible but also quite promising from the efficiency point of view. In addition, the tests have provided new insight as to how to improve the proposal further. Abstract interpretation techniques (in particular those included in the Ciao Prolog system preprocessor) have had a significant role in the success of the technique

    Weather observations of remote polar areas using an AWS onboard a unique zero-emissions polar vehicle

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    The Antarctic Plateau is one of the land areas with the largest gaps in surface weather observations on Earth, gaps that are usually filled with simulations provided by climate models. However, these simulated values must be ground-validated, which is particularly difficult and costly in remote polar regions. We designed and developed a Mobile Automatic Weather Station (M-AWS) which, on board a zero-emissions polar vehicle, recorded a large set of ground measurements that could be used to evaluate numerical weather simulations in an inexpensive way during the Year of Polar Prediction Southern Hemisphere Special Observing Period (YOPP). The M-AWS registered several weather variables over a transect of 2538 km in the East Antarctic Plateau. These meteorological data were also used by other scientific projects that were part of the expedition and for improving weather forecasting during the mission. The innovative design of the M-AWS overcame the main challenges imposed by the harsh conditions of a voyage in one of the world’s most extreme regions.This is a contribution to the Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP), a flagship activity of the Polar Prediction Project (PPP), initiated by the World Weather Research Programme (WWRP) of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). MICROAIRPOLAR is a project founded by AEI (Spain) and ERDF (EU), CTM2016-79741-R grant. AEMET Antarctic program is supported by the MSIU (Spain). Sergi Gonzalez’s research activities are partly supported by ANTALP Research Group funded by Generalitat de Catalunya (2017 SGR 1102)

    Exámenes inversos del TECNM-campus Cd. Juárez

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    El presente trabajo de investigación muestra la implementación de la estrategia didáctica llamada E-1=ma (por sus siglas Examen Inverso iguala Mejoramiento en el Aprendizaje), con la finalidad de reducir los índices de reprobación y de deserción de los alumnos que cursan las materias de ciencias básicas. El método E-1 = ma consiste en 4 pasos:  Datos reales, Resolver, Revisar y Retroalimentar. Los resultados empíricos de la aplicación de esta estrategia muestran que los alumnos se auto motivan, aumenta su confianza y mejora su aprendizaje, Estas habilidades son identificadas [1] como destrezas de un ser humano para formar seres competitivos para el siglo XXI; reflejándose en una mejor calificación final. Se concluye que, con esta estrategia de exámenes con respuesta, es más efectivo el aprendizaje y disminuye el estrés y tensión de los alumnos en comparación de un examen tradicional y que no en comparación a los profesores que no llevan el modelo [2]

    Rationale and methods of the cardiometabolic valencian study (escarval-risk) for validation of risk scales in mediterranean patients with hypertension, diabetes or dyslipidemia

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    BackgroundThe Escarval-Risk study aims to validate cardiovascular risk scales in patients with hypertension, diabetes or dyslipidemia living in the Valencia Community, a European Mediterranean region, based on data from an electronic health recording system comparing predicted events with observed during 5 years follow-up study.Methods/DesignA cohort prospective 5 years follow-up study has been designed including 25000 patients with hypertension, diabetes and/or dyslipidemia attended in usual clinical practice. All information is registered in a unique electronic health recording system (ABUCASIS) that is the usual way to register clinical practice in the Valencian Health System (primary and secondary care). The system covers about 95% of population (near 5 million people). The system is linked with database of mortality register, hospital withdrawals, prescriptions and assurance databases in which each individual have a unique identification number. Diagnoses in clinical practice are always registered based on IDC-9. Occurrence of CV disease was the main outcomes of interest. Risk survival analysis methods will be applied to estimate the cumulative incidence of developing CV events over time.DiscussionThe Escarval-Risk study will provide information to validate different cardiovascular risk scales in patients with hypertension, diabetes or dyslipidemia from a low risk Mediterranean Region, the Valencia Community

    Early Holocene ritual complexity in South America: the archaeological record of Lapa do Santo (east-central Brazil)

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    Early Archaic human skeletal remains found in a burial context in Lapa do Santo in eastcentral Brazil provide a rare glimpse into the lives of hunter-gatherer communities in South America, including their rituals for dealing with the dead. These included the reduction of the body by means of mutilation, defleshing, tooth removal, exposure to fire and possibly cannibalism, followed by the secondary burial of the remains according to strict rules. In a later period, pits were filled with disarticulated bones of a single individual without signs of body manipulation, demonstrating that the region was inhabited by dynamic groups in constant transformation over a period of centuries

    Handbook of Active Ageing and Quality of Life: From Concepts to Applications

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    La edición de este libro estuvo a cargo de Fermina Rojo-Pérez y Gloria Fernández-Mayoralas.El documento adjunto contiene la cubierta, portada e índice del libro.This handbook presents an overview of studies on the relationship of active ageing and quality of life. It addresses the new challenges of ageing from the paradigm of positive ageing (active, healthy and successful) for a better quality of life. It provides theoretical perspectives and empirical studies, including scientific knowledge as well as practical experiences about the good ageing and the quality of later life around the world, in order to respond to the challenges of an aged population. The handbook is structured in 4 sections covering theoretical and conceptual perspectives, social policy issues and research agenda, methods, measurement instrument-scales and evaluations, and lastly application studies including domains and geographical contexts.Peer reviewe