20 research outputs found


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    O ensaio de Toxicidade Aguda Oral (TAO) do extrato hidroalcoólico das folhas de Caryocar brasiliense foi avaliado em camundongos machos de acordo com Organization for Economic Co-operationand Development (OECD) – Guideline 423,com o objetivo de identificar a dose tóxica e letal do extrato de Caryocar brasiliense por via oral. O extrato foi administrado por via oral em camundongos com 20 g de peso corporal. Por 11 dias, com atenção as primeiras 24 horas, os animais foram observados quanto a alterações comportamentais ocasionadas pela ingestão do extrato. Após a eutanásia, fígado, baço, pâncreas, pulmões, rins e coração foram macro e microscopicamente avaliados e nenhuma alteração importante foi encontrada. O teste foi realizado com diversas doses, a dose de 2000mg/kg foi a única que levou animais a óbito nas primeiras 30 horas (2/3), o que de acordo com a OECD 423, permitiu classificar o extrato bruto das folhas do Caryocar brasiliense em classe toxicológica IV

    Ultrastructural and Cytotoxic Effects of Metarhizium robertsii Infection on Rhipicephalus microplus Hemocytes

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    Metarhizium is an entomopathogenic fungus widely employed in the biological control of arthropods. Hemocytes present in the hemolymph of invertebrates are the cells involved in the immune response of arthropods. Despite this, knowledge about Rhipicephalus microplus hemocytes morphological aspects as well as their role in response to the fungal infection is scarce. The present study aimed to analyze the hemocytes of R. microplus females after Metarhizium robertsii infection, using light and electron microscopy approaches associated with the cytotoxicity evaluation. Five types of hemocytes (prohemocytes, spherulocytes, plasmatocytes, granulocytes, and oenocytoids) were described in the hemolymph of uninfected ticks, while only prohemocytes, granulocytes, and plasmatocytes were observed in fungus-infected tick females. Twenty-four hours after the fungal infection, only granulocytes and plasmatocytes were detected in the transmission electron microscopy analysis. Hemocytes from fungus-infected tick females showed several cytoplasmic vacuoles with different electron densities, and lipid droplets in close contact to low electron density vacuoles, as well as the formation of autophagosomes and subcellular material in different stages of degradation could also be observed. M. robertsii propagules were more toxic to tick hemocytes in the highest concentration tested (1.0 × 108 conidia mL−1). Interestingly, the lowest fungus concentration did not affect significantly the cell viability. Microanalysis showed that cells granules from fungus-infected and uninfected ticks had similar composition. This study addressed the first report of fungal cytotoxicity analyzing ultrastructural effects on hemocytes of R. microplus infected with entomopathogenic fungi. These results open new perspectives for the comprehension of ticks physiology and pathology, allowing the identification of new targets for the biological control

    Ectocommensal and ectoparasites in goldfish Carassius auratus (Linnaeus, 1758) in farmed in the State of São Paulo

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    Concomitant infections by several parasitic genera are rare, very debilitating and often lethal to fish reared under commercial breeding conditions. Were describe a multiple and concurrent parasite infestation in cultured goldfish Carassius auratus with skin damage (nodules and/or ulceration). Fish with skin lesions underwent necropsy, and the skin and gills were scraped and examined. Histopathological examination with Hematoxylin-Eosin and Giemsa stain, and an ultrastructure study using transmission and scanning electron microscopy were conducted. In the skin, we identified multiple-parasite infestations by Gyrodactylidae, Epistylis sp., Trichodina sp., Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, Tetrahymena sp. and Ichthyobodo necator,associated with epithelial cell hyperplasia and epidermal sloughing. Although no gross lesions were observed, were identified a large number of parasites in the gills (Epistylis sp., Piscinoodinium sp., Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, Trichodina sp., Apiosoma sp., Hexamitasp. and cysts of a trematode digenean). The observed trematodes were not identified. The associated microscopic lesions were epithelial hypertrophic and hyperplasic and exhibited fusion of secondary lamellae and epithelial cell detachment. This is the first description of a protozoan Vorticella sp. parasitizing goldfish in Brazil. Multiple ectoparasitism by protozoa and Platyhelminthes, with or without apparent tissue damage, can be fatal for goldfish raised on farms with poor management

    Estudo retrospectivo dos acidentes por serpentes atendidos no Hospital Geral de Palmas-TO, no período de 2010 e 2011.

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    Os acidentes ofídicos representam um sério problema de saúde pública no Brasil, assim como em outros países de região tropical. A expansão e o crescimento desordenado das cidades acarretam inúmeros impactos como perdas de habitat, predação, falta de abrigo e disponibilidades de recursos. Esses impactos promovem o deslocamento dos diferentes elementos faunísticos para áreas de zona urbana e periurbana, provocando um aumento nos acidentes provocados por serpentes. No Tocantins, são poucos os estudos que avaliam a epidemiologia destes acidentes, sendo este necessário para estabelecer uma conduta adequada para tratamento dos pacientes acometidos por serpentes. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o perfil dos acidentes por serpentes atendidos no Hospital Geral de Palmas – Tocantins (HGP), nos anos de 2010 e 2011, e elencar as possíveis dificuldades no seu tratamento através da análise dos dados do SINAN e dos prontuários dos pacientes. Nos anos de 2010 e 2011 foram atendidos no HGP 52 pacientes vítimas de acidentes ofídicos. Os acidentes ocorreram em sua maioria com pessoas do sexo masculino, na zona rural, com idade entre 20 a 49 anos, sendo a maioria dos acidentes ocasionados pelo gênero Bothrops. A ocorrência de acidentes com este grupo da população tem sido referida em todas as casuísticas nacionais, o que se deve as atividades do campo, executadas preferencialmente por homens. Portanto, faz se necessário promover ações junto aos moradores das áreas urbanas e rurais para promover medidas que possam reduzir os índices de acidentes com serpentes no município.Palavras chave: Acidente Ofídico, Serpentes, Tocantins.ABSTRACTThe snakebites represent a serious public health problem in Brazil, as well as in other countries of tropical region. The expansion and disordered growth of cities are leading in numerous impacts like loss of habitats, predation, lack of shelter and availability of resources. These impacts promote displacement of different faunal elements for urban areas and peri-urban areas, thus causing an increase in accidents caused by serpents. In Tocantins, there are few studies that assess the epidemiology of these accidents, which is necessary to establish an appropriate conduct for treatment of patients affected by serpents. This work aimed to evaluate the profile of accidents by snakes served in General Hospital of Palmas (GHP) -Tocantins, in the years 2010 and 2011, and list the possible difficulties in its treatment through analysis of data from SINAN and analysis of medical records of patients. In the years 2010 and 2011 were treated in 52 patients HGP victims of snake bites. These Snakebites occurred mostly in males, in rural areas, aged 20-49 years, with the majority of accidents caused by Bothrops. The occurrence of accidents with this group has been referred to in all the studies, national this is field activities in the vast majority being performed by men thus causing a high frequency of accidents with the group. So there is a need to promote actions with the residents of urban and rural areas. These measures can reduce their accident rates with snakes.Keywords: Accident Ophidian, Snakes, Tocantins.

    Diabetes mellitus increases the susceptibility to encephalitozoonosis in mice.

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    Microsporidiosis are diseases caused by opportunistic intracellular fungi in immunosuppressed individuals, as well as in transplanted patients, the elderly and children, among others. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycemia and decreased T cell response, neutrophil function, humoral immunity failure, increasing the susceptibility to infections. Here, we investigated the susceptibility of streptozotocin (STZ)-induced type I diabetic and/or immunosuppressed mice to encephalitozoonosis by Encephalitozoon cuniculi. Microscopically, granulomatous hepatitis, interstitial pneumonia and pielonephritis were observed in all infected groups. STZ treatment induced an immunossupressor effect in the populations of B (B-1 and B2) and CD4+ T lymphocytes. Moreover, infection decreased CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes and macrophages of DM mice. Furthermore, infection induced a significant increase of IL-6 and TNF-α cytokine serum levels in DM mice. IFN-γ, the most important cytokine for the resolution of encephalitozoonosis, increased only in infected mice. In addition to the decreased immune response, DM mice were more susceptible to encephalitozoonosis, associated with increased fungal burden, and symptoms. Additionally, cyclophosphamide immunosuppression in DM mice further increased the susceptibility to encephalitozoonosis. Thus, microsporidiosis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of comorbidities in diabetics

    Spleen immune cell analysis.

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    <p>Evaluation of B-2 (CD23<sup>+</sup>CD19<sup>+</sup>) cells, CD4<sup>+</sup> (CD19<sup>-</sup>CD8<sup>-</sup>CD4+), and CD8<sup>+</sup> (CD19<sup>-</sup>CD4<sup>-</sup>CD8<sup>+</sup>) T lymphocytes and macrophages (CD19<sup>-</sup>F4/80<sup>+</sup>CD11b<sup>+</sup>) in spleen Cy immunosuppressed and STZ-induced DM mice infected with <i>E</i>. <i>cuniculi</i> compared with its controls. Two ways variance analysis (ANOVA) revealed * p<0,05.</p