6 research outputs found

    Identificação e diferenciação da expressão de genes em Tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum CUVIER, 1818) alimentado com frutos e sementes da Amazônia

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    Fruits play an important role in the Central Amazonia floodplain ecosystem, especially when considering the relation fish-plants. More than 110 plants species have been identified which produc fruits and seeds consumed by tambaqui in its natural environment. The knowledge of the food habits of these animals in nature, made possible the inclusion of fruits and seeds in the fish diet created when reared under captivity, aiming to decrease production costs, and keeping a satisfactory fish growth rate. However, the presence of antinutritional factors can limit the inclusion of certain vegetable products in the diet of these fishes. This work aims to evaluate, at a molecular level, the effect of the incorporation of the fruits ‘camu-camu’, ‘catoré’, ‘embaúba’, ‘jauari’ and ‘munguba’ seeds in tambaqui feeding, in the ratio of 1:1 with a commercial ration. The physiological, biochemical and cytogenotoxicity parameters were also evaluated for their effects in the fishes submitted to a period of 1, 15 and 30 days of modified feeding. The results demonstrated that fruits and seeds did not affect metabolic, enzymatic and cytogenotoxic alterations in the fishes during the tested periods. However, it was possible to verify a significant difference in the feeding period and food deprivation in subbimetted fishes. The gene differential expression showded fragments that presented similarity with Adenylate Kinase, Superoxide Dismutase, Apolipoprotein and Cytochrome P450 enziyme genes. Others seven expressed transcripts did not demonstrated similarity with enzymes deposited in the GenBank, and two fragments were characterized as products of proteins not identified thefore being candidates for future studies in order to understand the animals process metabolism when fed with supplemented rations with Amazonian fruits and seeds.As frutas desempenham um papel importante nos ecossistemas da planície inundável da Amazônia Central, especialmente se considerarmos a relação peixesplantas. Mais de 110 espécies de plantas foram identificadas como produtoras de frutos e sementes consumidos pelo tambaqui em seu ambiente natural. O conhecimento do hábito alimentar desses animais na natureza, possibilitou a inclusão de frutos e sementes na dieta de peixes criados em cativeiro, visando baratear custos da produção, mantendo um crescimento satisfatório dos animais. Porém, a presença de fatores antinutricionais pode limitar a inclusão de certos produtos vegetais na dieta desses peixes. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar em nível molecular os efeitos da incorporação dos frutos camu-camu, catoré, embaúba, jauari e da semente munguba na alimentação do tambaqui, na proporção de 1:1 com a ração comercial. Foram avaliados também os efeitos fisiológicos, bioquímicos e citogenotóxicos nos peixes submetidos a períodos de 1, 15 e 30 dias de alimentação modificada. Os resultados demonstraram que os frutos e sementes não provocaram alterações metabólicas, enzimáticas e citogenotóxicas nos peixes durante os períodos testados. Entretanto, foi possível verificar diferenças significativas em função do período de alimentação e da privação alimentar a que os peixes foram submetidos. A expressão diferencial de genes mostrou fragmentos que apresentaram similaridade com os genes das enzimas Adenilato Quinase, Superóxido Dismutase, Apolipoproteína e Citocromo P450. Outros sete transcritos expressos não demonstraram similaridade com as enzimas depositadas no GenBank, e dois fragmentos foram caracterizados como produtos de proteína não identificada, sendo candidatos a futura investigação para a compreensão de processos específicos do metabolismo dos animais alimentados com rações suplementadas com frutos e sementes da Amazônia

    A Educação do Campo e o ensino de genética: uma possibilidade didática investigativa

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    ABSTRACT. Research related to the genome project, cloning and genetically modified organisms are present inside and outside the school. Such subjects deserve attention in the teaching of genetics due to the difficulties presented by the students, regarding the learning of genetics in this subject, due to the high degree of abstraction, the impossibility of practical activities due to the planning and infrastructure necessary for its development. Understanding the challenges faced by teachers for the development of teaching strategies that ensure the learning of genetics, in a contextualized way, this work is developed. The objective of the described work was to elaborate and develop didactic strategies that allow the presentation of genetic contents in a contextualized way. An Investigative Didactic Sequence (SEI) was developed, in which the contents of Molecular Biology applied to Genetics were addressed in order to answer the question: “How to approach the concepts of Genetics to the context of students inserted in Rural Education?”. It is a qualitative research of a participative nature, developed with students from the Education of the country, from the 3rd year of high school in Colniza/MT. It was observed that the students understood definitions such as: DNA, RNA, Chromosomes, Gene, Genome, as well as the perception of gene selection in the improvement of species and identified it as a recurrent practice in the area.ABSTRACT. Research related to the genome project, cloning and genetically modified organisms are present inside and outside the school. Such subjects deserve attention in the teaching of genetics due to the difficulties presented by the students, regarding the learning of genetics in this subject, due to the high degree of abstraction, the impossibility of practical activities due to the planning and infrastructure necessary for its development. Understanding the challenges faced by teachers for the development of teaching strategies that ensure the learning of genetics, in a contextualized way, this work is developed. The objective of the described work was to elaborate and develop didactic strategies that allow the presentation of genetic contents in a contextualized way. An Investigative Didactic Sequence (SEI) was developed, in which the contents of Molecular Biology applied to Genetics were addressed in order to answer the question: “How to approach the concepts of Genetics to the context of students inserted in Rural Education?”. It is a qualitative research of a participative nature, developed with students from the Education of the country, from the 3rd year of high school in Colniza/MT. It was observed that the students understood definitions such as: DNA, RNA, Chromosomes, Gene, Genome, as well as the perception of gene selection in the improvement of species and identified it as a recurrent practice in the area.RESUMEN. Las investigaciones relacionadas con el proyecto del genoma, la clonación y los organismos genéticamente modificados están presentes dentro y fuera de la escuela. Dichos temas merecen atención en la enseñanza de la genética debido a las dificultades que presentan los estudiantes, en cuanto al aprendizaje de la genética en esta disciplina, debido al alto grado de abstracción, la imposibilidad de realizar actividades prácticas debido a la planificación e infraestructura necesaria para su desarrollo. Entendiendo los desafíos que enfrentan los docentes para el desarrollo de estrategias de enseñanza que aseguren el aprendizaje de la genética, de manera contextualizada, se desarrolla este trabajo. El objetivo del trabajo descrito fue elaborar y desarrollar estrategias didácticas que permitan la presentación de contenidos genéticos de forma contextualizada. Se desarrolló una Secuencia Didáctica Investigativa (SEI), en la que se abordaron los contenidos de Biología Molecular aplicada a la Genética para dar respuesta a la pregunta: “¿Cómo acercar los conceptos de Genética al contexto de los estudiantes insertados en la Educación Rural?”. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa con carácter participativo, desarrollada con estudiantes de la Educación del País, del 3er año de Bachillerato en Colniza/MT. Se observó que los estudiantes entendieron definiciones como: ADN, ARN, Cromosomas, Gen, Genoma, así como la selección de genes percibidos en el mejoramiento de especies y la identificaron como una práctica recurrente en el campo.ABSTRACT. Research related to the genome project, cloning and genetically modified organisms are present inside and outside the school. Such subjects deserve attention in the teaching of genetics due to the difficulties presented by the students, regarding the learning of genetics in this subject, due to the high degree of abstraction, the impossibility of practical activities due to the planning and infrastructure necessary for its development. Understanding the challenges faced by teachers for the development of teaching strategies that ensure the learning of genetics, in a contextualized way, this work is developed. The objective of the described work was to elaborate and develop didactic strategies that allow the presentation of genetic contents in a contextualized way. An Investigative Didactic Sequence (SEI) was developed, in which the contents of Molecular Biology applied to Genetics were addressed in order to answer the question: “How to approach the concepts of Genetics to the context of students inserted in Rural Education?”. It is a qualitative research of a participative nature, developed with students from the Education of the country, from the 3rd year of high school in Colniza/MT. It was observed that the students understood definitions such as: DNA, RNA, Chromosomes, Gene, Genome, as well as the perception of gene selection in the improvement of species and identified it as a recurrent practice in the area.Pesquisas relacionadas ao projeto genoma, clonagem e organismos geneticamente modificados estão presentes dentro e fora da escola. Tais assuntos merecem destaque no ensino de genética em função das dificuldades apresentadas pelos estudantes, devido ao elevado grau de abstração, a inviabilidade de atividades práticas em decorrência do planejamento e infraestrutura necessária para o seu desenvolvimento. Compreendendo os desafios enfrentados por professores para a elaboração de estratégias didáticas que garantam a aprendizagem da genética, de forma contextualizada, objetivo do trabalho descrito foi de elaborar e desenvolver estratégias didáticas que possibilitem a apresentação dos conteúdos de genética de forma contextualizada. Desenvolveu-se uma Sequência Didática Investigativa (SEI), em que foram abordados os conteúdos da Biologia Molecular aplicada à Genética para responder à questão: “Como aproximar os conceitos de Genética com o contexto dos estudantes inseridos na Educação do Campo?”. É uma pesquisa qualitativa de caráter participante, desenvolvida com estudantes da Educação do Campo, do 3° ano do Ensino Médio em Colniza/MT. Observou-se que as estudantes compreenderam definições como: DNA, RNA, Cromossomos, Gene, Genoma, assim como perceberam a seleção gênica no melhoramento de espécies e identificaram-na como prática recorrente no campo. Palavras-chave: ensino de biologia, prática pedagógica, sequência didática.   Rural Education and the teaching of genetics: an investigative didactic possibility ABSTRACT. Research related to the genome project, cloning and genetically modified organisms are present inside and outside the school. Such subjects deserve attention in the teaching of genetics due to the difficulties presented by the students, regarding the learning of genetics in this subject, due to the high degree of abstraction, the impossibility of practical activities due to the planning and infrastructure necessary for its development. Understanding the challenges faced by teachers for the development of teaching strategies that ensure the learning of genetics, in a contextualized way, this work is developed. The objective of the described work was to elaborate and develop didactic strategies that allow the presentation of genetic contents in a contextualized way. An Investigative Didactic Sequence (SEI) was developed, in which the contents of Molecular Biology applied to Genetics were addressed in order to answer the question: “How to approach the concepts of Genetics to the context of students inserted in Rural Education?”. It is a qualitative research of a participative nature, developed with students from the Education of the country, from the 3rd year of high school in Colniza/MT. It was observed that the students understood definitions such as: DNA, RNA, Chromosomes, Gene, Genome, as well as the perception of gene selection in the improvement of species and identified it as a recurrent practice in the area. Keywords: biology teaching, pedagogical practice, didactic sequence.   Educación Rural y enseñanza de la genética: una posibilidad didáctica de investigación RESUMEN. Las investigaciones relacionadas con el proyecto del genoma, la clonación y los organismos genéticamente modificados están presentes dentro y fuera de la escuela. Dichos temas merecen atención en la enseñanza de la genética debido a las dificultades que presentan los estudiantes, en cuanto al aprendizaje de la genética en esta disciplina, debido al alto grado de abstracción, la imposibilidad de realizar actividades prácticas debido a la planificación e infraestructura necesaria para su desarrollo. Entendiendo los desafíos que enfrentan los docentes para el desarrollo de estrategias de enseñanza que aseguren el aprendizaje de la genética, de manera contextualizada, se desarrolla este trabajo. El objetivo del trabajo descrito fue elaborar y desarrollar estrategias didácticas que permitan la presentación de contenidos genéticos de forma contextualizada. Se desarrolló una Secuencia Didáctica Investigativa (SEI), en la que se abordaron los contenidos de Biología Molecular aplicada a la Genética para dar respuesta a la pregunta: “¿Cómo acercar los conceptos de Genética al contexto de los estudiantes insertados en la Educación Rural?”. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa con carácter participativo, desarrollada con estudiantes de la Educación del País, del 3er año de Bachillerato en Colniza/MT. Se observó que los estudiantes entendieron definiciones como: ADN, ARN, Cromosomas, Gen, Genoma, así como la selección de genes percibidos en el mejoramiento de especies y la identificaron como una práctica recurrente en el campo. Palabras clave: enseñanza de la biología, práctica pedagógica, secuencia didáctica


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    O uso da ferramenta histológica permite aferir os efeitos de poluentes orgânicos e inorgânicos, além de outros estressores sobre peixes. Nesse sentido, foram observadas as estruturas histológicas em brânquias e fígado de peixes do Rio Paraguai. Para tanto foram coletados um total de 34 peixes sendo sete Pygocentrus nattereri e nove Serrasalmus marginatus a jusante, e 18 Serrasalmus marginatus a montante da mancha urbana da cidade de Cáceres. A histologia do fígado e brânquias foifoi satisfatória nas amostras fixadas em McDowell e inclusas em historresina. Dentre as alterações encontradas nas brânquias destacam-se a presença de rodlet cells; o espessamento do epitélio da lamela primária; a fusão parcial das lamelas secundárias e a presença de estruturas amorfas encapsuladas por tecido conjuntivo. No fígado observam-se o esvaziamento do citoplasma dos hepatócitos, a presença de vacúolos redondos bem delimitados, as dilatações sinusoidais, a infiltração leucocitária, a perda do contorno celular ou dos nuclear e também a presença de material amorfo encapsulado por tecido fibroso. Após a análise de revisão da literatura, vale destacar que, as principais alterações visualizadas em brânquias em condições de contaminação são: o aumento, fusão lamelar, aneurisma, hiperplasia e perda morfológica dos detalhes teciduais; no fígado são: aumento da vacuolização, perda dos detalhes morfológicos teciduais, infiltração leucocitária, freqüência dos centro melanomacrófagos e hiperplasia. Palavras-chave: brânquias, estressores, fígado, histologia, poluente

    Diversity, geographical distribution, and prevalence of

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    The genus Entamoeba includes a variety of widely distributed species adapted to live in the digestive tracts of humans and a large variety of animals of different classes. The objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence, distribution, and molecular epidemiology of Entamoeba spp. in different classes of hosts in Brazil. Studies that analyzed hosts from several classes, including humans and domestic, wild, or captive animals, were considered. The pooled prevalence of Entamoeba spp. was calculated using the random-effects model. A total of 166 studies on humans and 16 on animals were included. The prevalence of Entamoeba spp. in the Brazilian population was 22% (95% CI: 21–24). The state with the highest prevalence was Paraiba with 72%, followed by Federal District with 53%, and Rondonia with 50%. In immunocompromized patients, the prevalence was 18%, and cancer (36%) was the most prevalent cause of immunosuppression. The prevalence of Entamoeba spp. in animal hosts was 12% (95% CI: 7–17). Captive wild animals and domestic farm animals showed the highest prevalence, with 16% and 15%, respectively. The species found more often were E. coli (86.5%), E. dispar (7.9%), and E. histolytica (3.1%). In conclusion, a high prevalence (22%) of Entamoeba spp. was found in the Brazilian population, with a prevalence of up to 50% mainly in the northern, northeastern, and central-western regions. The pathogenic species E. histolytica is distributed in most Brazilian regions, with significant prevalence percentages. Among animals, unidentified Entamoeba species were most prevalent in mammals

    Multilocus Genotyping of Giardia duodenalis in Mostly Asymptomatic Indigenous People from the Tapirapé Tribe, Brazilian Amazon.

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    Little information is available on the occurrence and genetic variability of the diarrhoea-causing enteric protozoan parasite Giardia duodenalis in indigenous communities in Brazil. This cross-sectional epidemiological survey describes the frequency, genotypes, and risk associations for this pathogen in Tapirapé people (Brazilian Amazon) at four sampling campaigns during 2008-2009. Microscopy was used as a screening test, and molecular (PCR and Sanger sequencing) assays targeting the small subunit ribosomal RNA, the glutamate dehydrogenase, the beta-giardin, and the triosephosphate isomerase genes as confirmatory/genotyping methods. Associations between G. duodenalis and sociodemographic and clinical variables were investigated using Chi-squared test and univariable/multivariable logistic regression models. Overall, 574 individuals belonging to six tribes participated in the study, with G. duodenalis prevalence rates varying from 13.5-21.7%. The infection was positively linked to younger age and tribe. Infected children <15 years old reported more frequent gastrointestinal symptoms compared to adults. Assemblage B accounted for three out of four G. duodenalis infections and showed a high genetic diversity. No association between assemblage and age or occurrence of diarrhoea was demonstrated. These data indicate that the most likely source of infection was anthropic and that different pathways (e.g., drinking water) may be involved in the transmission of the parasite.This research was funded by the São Paulo State Research Support Foundation (FAFESP, Brazil), the National Health Foundation (FUNASA, Brazil), and the Mato Grosso State Research Support Foundation (FAPEMAT, Brazil), grant number 0839/2006. Additional funding was obtained from the Health Institute Carlos III (ISCIII), Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Spain), grant number PI16CIII/00024.S