1,269 research outputs found

    Determinants of Entrepreneurial Risk among Young Emiratis

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    This work aimed to investigate the determinants of entrepreneurial risk among Emirati youth enrolled in a university in the United Arab Emirates. This was a quantitative study, which used a survey of 324 university students with an average age of 20.7 years and a standard deviation of 3.1 years. The collected data were analyzed using two methods—Ordinal Probit Regression Estimation and Structural Equation Modeling—to identify the factors that may determine entrepreneurial risk and assess the research hypotheses among this group of Emirati youth. The results showed that Emirati youth are risk-averse when (a) they do not receive government support, (b) they have a perception of low self-efficacy, (c) they are afraid of failure, and d) they perceive considerable obstacles and barriers. In addition, it is concluded that it is necessary to stimulate creativity and an innovative mindset among students

    Nova abordagem para o estudo das paleofloras utilizando sistemas de informação geográfica aplicada a Flora Glossopteris

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    FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOThis paper introduces a methodology which makes possible the visualization of the spatial distribution of plant fossils and applies it to the occurrences of the Gondwana Floristic Province present on the eastern border of the Brazilian portion of the Paraná Basin during the Neopaleozoic. This province was chosen due to the existence of a large number of publications referring to their occurrence, so that a meta-analysis of their distribution could be based on ample information. The first step was the construction of a composite database including geographical location, geology, and the botanical systematics of each relevant fossil. The geographical locations were then georeferenced for translation into various maps showing various aspects of the distribution of the fossils. The spatial distribution of the fossil-housing outcrops shows that these are distributed along the area of deposition studied. Although some genera persisted for long periods of time, others lasted for only short intervals. As time passed, the fossil composition underwent a gradual change from the Late Carboniferous (Itararé Group) to the Late Permian (Rio do Rasto Formation), with the number of genera represented decreasing from 45 in the Itararé Group to 11 in the Rio do Rasto Formation.This paper introduces a methodology which makes possible the visualization of the spatial distribution of plant fossils and applies it to the occurrences of the Gondwana Floristic Province present on the eastern border of the Brazilian portion of the Paraná Basin during the Neopaleozoic. This province was chosen due to the existence of a large number of publications referring to their occurrence, so that a meta-analysis of their distribution could be based on ample information. The first step was the construction of a composite database including geographical location, geology, and the botanical systematics of each relevant fossil. The geographical locations were then georeferenced for translation into various maps showing various aspects of the distribution of the fossils. The spatial distribution of the fossil-housing outcrops shows that these are distributed along the area of deposition studied. Although some genera persisted for long periods of time, others lasted for only short intervals. As time passed, the fossil composition underwent a gradual change from the Late Carboniferous (Itararé Group) to the Late Permian (Rio do Rasto Formation), with the number of genera represented decreasing from 45 in the Itararé Group to 11 in the Rio do Rasto Formation444681689FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO2009/04418-4; 2009/10547-1sem informaçãoAzcuy, C.B.A., Beri, A., Bernardes De Oliveira, M.E.C., Carrizo, H.A., Di Pasquo, M., Saraiva, P.D., Gonzales, C., Iannuzzi, R., Lemos, V.B., Melo, J.H.G., Pagani, A., Vergel, M.M., Bioestratigrafia del Paleozoico Superior de América del Sur: Primera etapa de trabajo hacia una nueva propuesta cronoestratigráfica (2007) Publicaciónes Especiales De La Asociación Paleontológica Argentina, 11, pp. 9-65Burrough, P.A., (1986) Principles Of Geographical Information Systems For Land Resources Assessment., p. 54. , Oxford, Oxford University PressCarneiro, C.C., Interpretação de dados de sensores remotos e aerogeofísicos como ferramenta na análise estrutural da área centro-oeste do Sistema Transcorrente Carajás (PA) (2005) MS Dissertation, Instituto De Geociências, Universidade Estadual De Campinas, Campinas, p. 100(2004) Carta Geológica Do Brasil Ao Milionésimo: Sistema De Informações Geográficas-SIG, Escala 1:1.000.000, , Compania de Pesquisas de Recursos Minerais (CPRM) Brasília, Ministério de Minas e EnergiaDerby, O.A., Illustrations of the Stem structure of Tietea singularis (1915) American Journal of Science, 39, pp. 251-260Florin, R., Die Koniferen des Oberkarbons und des unteren Perms (1940) Palaeontographica Abteilung B, 85, pp. 243-363Frey, A., (2009) Syllabus of Plants Families. Bryophytes and Seedless Vascular Plants, p. 419. , 13 ed., Berlin, Gebrüder BerntraegenIannuzzi, R., Souza, P.A., Floral succession in the Lower Permian deposits of the Brazilian Paraná Basin: An up-to-date overview (2005) New Mexico Museum Of Natural History and Science Bulletin, 30, pp. 144-149Lundqvist, G., Fossile Pflanzen der Glossopteris Flora aus Brasilien (1919) Kungl Svenska Vetenskaps-akademiens Handlingar, 60, pp. 1-36Milani, E.J., Melo, J.H.G., Souza, P.A., Fernandes, L.A., França, A.B., Bacia do Paraná (2007) Boletim De Geociências Da Petrobras, 15 (2), pp. 265-287Milani, E.J., (1997) Evolução Tectono-Estratigráfica Da Bacia Do Paraná E De Seu Relacionamento Com a Geodinâmica Fanerozóica Do Gondwana Sul-Ocidenta, p. 255. , PhD Thesis, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto AlegreMilani, E., Comentários sobre a origem e a evolução tectônica da Bacia do Paraná. In: Mantesso-Neto V., Bartorelli, a., Carneiro C.D.R., Brito-Neves B.B. (org). Geologia do Continente Sul-Americano: Evolução da Obra de Fernando Flavio Marques de Almeida (2004) São Paulo, pp. 265-279. , Ed. BecaRabus, B., Eineder, M., Roth, A., Bamler, R., The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission - A New Class of Elevation Models Acquired by Spaceborne Radar (2003) Journal Of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, 57, pp. 241-262Rao, H.S., On the anatomy of Lycopodiopsis derbyi renault with remarks on the Southern Palæozoic Lycopods (1940) Proceedings of The Indian Academy of Sciences - Section B, 11 (5), pp. 197-217Rees, P.M., Ziegler, A.M., Gibbs, M.T., Kutzbach, J.E., Behling, P., Rowley, D.B., Permian phytogeographic patterns and climate data/ model comparisons (2002) Journal of Geology, 110, pp. 1-31Ricardi-Branco, F., Branco, F.C., Garcia, R.F., Faria, R.S., Pereira, S.Y., Portugal, R., Pessenda, L.C., Pereira, P.R.B., Features of plant accumulations along the Itanhaém River, on the southern coast of the Brazilian state of São Paulo (2009) PALAIOS, 24 (7), pp. 416-424Rohn, R., Rösler, O., Middle to Upper Permian phytostratigraphy of the Eastern Paraná Basin (2000) Revista Da Universidade De Guarulhos, 5, pp. 69-73Rösler, O., The Brazilian eogondwanic floral succession (1978) Boletim IG - USP, 9, pp. 85-90Scotese, C.R., (2001) Atlas of Earth History, 1, p. 52. , Texas, ArlingtonSpicer, R.A., The importance of depositional sorting to the biostratigraphy of plant megafossils (1980) Biostratigraphy of Fossil Plants: Successional and Paleoecological Analyses., pp. 171-183. , Dilcher, D.L., Taylor, T.N. Pennsylvania, Hutchinson & RossTaylor, T.N., Taylor, E.L., Krigs, M., (2008) Paleobotany: The Biology and Evolution of Fossil Plants., p. 1252. , Amsterdam, Elsevier IncVeevers, J.J., Gondwanaland from 600-570 Ma assembly through 320 Ma merger in Pangea to 185-100 Ma breakup: Supercontinental tectonics via stratigraphy and radiometric dating (2004) Earth-science Reviews, 68 (1-2), pp. 1-132O presente artigo introduz a uma metodologia na qual será possível a visualização da distribuição espacial de fitofósseis. Tal metodologia será cada a ocorrências da Província Florística do Gondwana presente na borda leste da porção brasileira da Bacia do Paraná durante o Neopaleozóico. Essa província foi escolhida tendo em vista que nela há grande número de publicações referentes às suas ocorrências. Isso torna possível a meta-análise de sua distribuição, uma vez que há ampla gama de informações. O primeiro passo foi a construção de uma base de dados composta, incluindo localização geográfica, geologia e sistemática botânica de cada fóssil de interesse. As informações foram então georreferenciadas para posterior transferência em diversos mapas mostrando vários aspectos da distribuição fossilífera. Através de sua distribuição espacial, se pode contatar que os fitofósseis se encontram amplamente distribuídos em toda a área de estudo. No entanto, alguns gêneros persistem por longos períodos de tempo, já outros somente por curtos intervalos. Ao longo do tempo, a composição fossilífera se transformou gradualmente, desde suas primeiras ocorrências no Grupo Itararé (Neocarbonífero), até a Formação Rio do Rastro (Neopermiano), com o número de gêneros decrescendo de 45 no Grupo Itararé para 11 na Formação Rio do Rast

    Effects of vitamin D supplementation on pulmonary function in postmenopausal women following an aquatic exercise program

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    Objective: This study sought to investigate the effects of vitamin D supplementation and aquatic exercise on pulmonary function in postmenopausal women. Materials and methods: This prospective and controlled study included 104 women (62 +/- 6.5 years) divided into three groups: a control group lacking vitamin D and calcium supplementation which remained sedentary (CGn = 17)a control group receiving vitamin D and calcium supplementation which remained sedentary (CDG, n = 33)and a group that completed aquatic exercises three times a week and received vitamin D and calcium supplementation (DTG, n = 54). Data before and after 6 months of the study were analyzed, including serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH) D) and calcium concentrations, peak expiratory flow (PEF), forced vital capacity (FVC), and cirtometry. Results: We observed significant increases in 25(OH) D concentrations in CDG (52.9 +/- 2.4 to 69.1 +/- 2.2nmol/Lp < 0.0001) and DTG groups (55.5 +/- 3 to 71.5 +/- 3 nmol/Lp < 0.0001). PEF increased by 7 +/- 2% (p = 0.0080) in CDG group and 11 +/- 2% (p < 0.0001) in DTG group, whereas FVC increased by 7 +/- 2% (p = 0.0016) in the CDG group and 10 +/- 2% (p < 0.0001) in the DTG group, whereas CG had no changes in any of these parameters. The increment value of cirtometry in DTG group (+ 43 +/- 3%) were significantly (p < 0.0001) higher than those in CG (-4 +/- 8%) and CDG (+ 4 +/- 9%) groups. Conclusion: Our data suggest that vitamin D supplementation improves pulmonary function parameters in postmenopausal women.Fapesp (Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo)Federal AgencFederal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education (Higher Education Personnel Improvement Coordination - Capes)Univ Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Med, Disciplina Endocrinol, Fac Med,Unifesp,EPM, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Sao Judas Tadeu, Fisiol Translac, Programa Posgrad Educ Fis & Ciencias Envelhecimen, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Sao Paulo, Escola Educ Fis & Esporte, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Med, Disciplina Endocrinol, Fac Med,Unifesp,EPM, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilFAPESP: 08/50179-9Web of Scienc

    Urinary protein detection by iTRAQ® associated with renal transplant complications and its modification with therapy

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    AbstractBackgroundAfter renal transplant, surgical, infection complications, as well as graft rejection may occur; early detection through non-invasive markers is the key to change therapy and avoid biopsy.ObjectiveThe aim of the study is to determine urine protein profiles in patients undergoing renal transplant with complications and detect its variation when therapy is modified.Material and methodsUrine samples were collected from patients prior the transplant and various postoperative stages. Urinary protein profiles were obtained by peptide labelling using isobaric isotopes for relative quantification (iTRAQ®).ResultsA total of 22 patients were included, of whom 12 developed post-transplant complication: 2 with graft rejection (1 male and 1 female) and 10 (6 males and 4 females) in the group of post-transplant infections. Using iTRAQ® 15/345 and 28/113 proteins were identified and fulfilled the acceptance criteria, in graft rejection and post-transplant infections group, respectively.ConclusionsAlbumin was the only protein found in both groups, the remaining proteins were different. The five proteins with higher scores in graft rejection were: alpha-1-microglobulin, 5′-nucleotidase cytosolic III, retinol-binding protein 4, membrane protein palmitoylated 4, and serine carboxypeptidase, while post-transplant infections were: mitochondrial acetyl-coenzyme A synthetase, putative adenosyl homocysteinase 2, zinc finger protein GLIS1, putative protein FAM157B, and zinc finger protein 615. It remains to elucidate the involvement of each of these in patients with renal transplantation

    Impact of contact lens materials on the mfERG response of the human retina

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    Purpose To investigate the effect of different hydrophilic and rigid gas-permeable contact lens (CL) materials on multifocal electroretinography (mfERG). Methods The mfERG was recorded in 18 healthy subjects with RETI-port/scan21 (TM): 11 subjects underwent mfERG recording wearing two different hydrophilic CLs with different water contents in a randomized order (1 silicone hydrogel-Comfilcon A, 48%EWC, and 1 hydrogel-Omafilcon A, 62% EWC) and 7 other subjects wore a hydrophobic rigid gas-permeable scleral lens (SL)-Hexafocon A. Control measures were recorded without CL in both groups. mfERG recordings were performed with a stimulus array pattern of 103-scaled hexagons displayed on a 19-inch RGB monitor at 28 cm distance at a frame rate of 60 Hz. The amplitude (nV), implicit time and response density (nV/deg(2)) of the first-order kernel components N1, P1 and N2 were evaluated for the total mfERG response and for the response averages of 4 quadrants and of 6 successive concentric rings. Subjects were optically corrected for the working distance of ERG display. Results Hydrophobic material significantly decreased the P1 amplitude of the total mfERG response, at Rings 3, 4 and 6 and Quadrant 4 (> 53.77 +/- 43.2 nV; P <= 0.050), as well as the total (- 71.59 +/- 50.68 nV) and Ring 6 (- 104.76 +/- 79.88 nV) N2 amplitude (P <= 0.043). N1, P1 and N2 peak times suffered significant changes with both hydrophilic CL (P <= 0.050). Omafilcon A significantly increased P1 amplitude of Ring 5 and N2 amplitude of Ring 4, when compared to baseline (52.40 +/- 71.87 nV; P = 0.036) and to Comfilcon A (39.51 +/- 48.63 nV; P = 0.023), respectively. Conclusions Hydrophobic CL slightly attenuated the strength of the mfERG signal, especially at the middle to peripheral retinal areas, while hydrophilic CL slightly changed the implicit time of the response. Different hydrophilic CL materials might affect the mfERG response differently. When considering the measurement of mfERG obtained with a CL in place, researchers should bear in mind thThis project was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) in the framework of projects PTDC/FIS-OPT/0677/2014 and the FCT Strategic Funding UID/FIS/04650/2013, FCT- SFRH/BPD/92365/2013 and SFRH/BD/136684/2018

    Yearbook III - PhD research in progress July 2009

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    An edited volume with contributions from six PhD researchers in the school of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of East London. Each contributor details their research work in progress. Topics in this volume include: pluridisciplinarity in SHADyC, ‘truth-telling’ in sociology, cultural studies, framing Nation-State and Gender, public space in Marseille and oral history research

    Exercício físico e osteoporose: efeitos de diferentes tipos de exercícios sobre o osso e a função física de mulheres pós-menopausadas

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    Physical exercise is an important stimulus for osteoporosis prevention and treatment. However, it is not clear yet which modality would be better to stimulate bone metabolism and enhance physical function of postmenopausal women. This review paper aims to summarize and update present knowledge on the effects of different kinds of aquatic and ground physical exercises on bone metabolism and physical function of postmenopausal women. Moderate to intense exercises, performed in a high speed during short intervals of time, in water or on the ground, can be part of a program to prevent and treat postmenopausal osteoporosis. Mechanical vibration has proven to be beneficial for bone microarchitecture, improving bone density and bone strength, as well as increasing physical function. Although impact exercises are recognized as beneficial for the stimulation of bone tissue, other variables such as muscle strength, type of muscle contraction, duration and intensity of exercises are also determinants to induce changes in bone metabolism of postmenopausal women. Not only osteoanabolic exercises should be recommended; activities aimed to develop muscle strength and body balance and improve the proprioception should be encouraged to prevent falls and fractures.O exercício físico é um estímulo muito importante para o tratamento da osteoporose. Contudo, ainda não está claro qual modalidade seria melhor para estimular o metabolismo ósseo e melhorar a função física de mulheres pós-menopausadas. Este trabalho visa resumir e atualizar os principais achados sobre os efeitos de diferentes tipos de exercícios aquáticos e de solo para a função física e metabolismo ósseo de mulheres pós-menopausadas. Exercícios moderados a intensos, executados em alta velocidade durante intervalos de tempo curtos, na água ou em solo, podem fazer parte de um programa para prevenir e tratar a osteoporose na pós-menopausa. A vibração mecânica se mostrou benéfica para a microarquitetura óssea, aumentando a densidade e a resistência ósseas, bem como melhorando a função física. Apesar de os exercícios de impacto serem  adequados para a estimulação do tecido ósseo, outras variáveis, como força muscular, tipo de contração, duração e intensidade dos exercícios, também são determinantes para induzir mudanças no metabolismo ósseo de mulheres pós-menopausadas. Além da ação sobre o osso, outras atividades que visem aumentar a força muscular e melhorar a propriocepção e o equilíbrio corporal também devem ser encorajadas para a prevenção de quedas e fraturas.Federal University of São Paulo School of Medicine Division of EndocrinologyUNIFESP, EPM, Division of EndocrinologySciEL

    Exploring cancer health disparities among formerly incarcerated African Americans

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    Incarcerated populations have a higher burden of chronic disease and elevated risk factors for cancer (BJS, 2012). In 2013, cancer (31%) and heart disease (26%) accounted for over half of all prisoner deaths. The Genomics Research Program of the National Cancer Institute’s Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (2016) identified incarcerated persons as an understudied population about which there is limited data regarding cancer risks and outcomes. A majority of studies on corrections populations focus on health issues associated with reduction of infectious diseases such as HIV, Tuberculosis, and Hepatitis. Scant research has been conducted on issues associated with cancer prevention and control among African Americans with a history of incarceration. This qualitative, participatory, pilot research study explores the domains of cancer health disparities among African American men and women who were formerly incarcerated in Illinois prisons. Four qualitative focus groups will be conducted. The primary purpose of the focus groups is to collect and qualitatively analyze preliminary data on the barriers to access, utilization and treatment of cancer. This presentation seeks to: (1) describe the need for enhanced access to cancer care and treatment, (2) advocate for the inclusion of best practices in cancer care in corrections systems and, (3) identify policy recommendations and initiatives aimed at reducing cancer disparities among incarcerated and formerly incarcerated persons