118 research outputs found

    Histoplasmose crônica disseminada com lesões exclusivas na boca: relato de caso

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    We report a rare case of chronic disseminated histoplasmosis with several ulcerated lesions in the oral cavity in an alcoholic patient without human immunodeficiency virus infection, with no detectable signs and symptoms of systemic disease or extraoral manifestations. Histopathological analysis revealed chronic inflammatory process with granulomas containing Histoplasma-like organisms. The isolation of Histoplasma capsulatum provided the definitive diagnosis. Treatment with itraconazole resulted in complete remission of oral lesions. As far we aware, this is the second case report of oral histoplasmosis in an HIV negative patient described in Brazil.Reportamos um caso raro de histoplasmose crônica disseminada com diversas lesões ulceradas na cavidade oral de um paciente alcoólatra, sem o vírus da imunodeficiência humana, com nenhum outro sinal detectável ou sintomas de doença sistêmica ou manifestações extra-orais. Análise histopatológica revelou processo inflamatório crônico com granulomas contendo organismos fúngicos. O isolamento do Histoplasma capsulatum forneceu o diagnóstico definitivo. Tratamento com itraconazol resultou numa remissão completa das lesões orais. De acordo com nosso conhecimento, este é o segundo caso reportado de histoplasmose oral em um paciente HIV negativo descrito no Brasil

    Genetic transformation of novel isolates of chicken Lactobacillus bearing probiotic features for expression of heterologous proteins: a tool to develop live oral vaccines

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    BACKGROUND: The use of lactic acid bacteria as vehicles to delivery antigens to immunize animals is a promising issue. When genetically modified, these bacteria can induce a specific local and systemic immune response against selected pathogens. Gastric acid and bile salts tolerance, production of antagonistic substances against pathogenic microorganisms, and adhesive ability to gut epithelium are other important characteristics that make these bacteria useful for oral immunization. RESULTS: Bacteria isolated on de Man, Rogosa and Sharpe medium (MRS) from different gastrointestinal portions of broiler chicks were evaluated for their resistance to artificial gastric acid and bile salts, production of hydrogen peroxide, and cell surface hydrophobicity. Thirty-eight isolates were first typed at species level by PCR amplification of 16S-23S rRNA intergenic spacers using universal primers that anneal within 16S and 23S genes, followed by restriction digestion analyses of PCR amplicons (PCR-ARDRA). An expression cassette was assembled onto the pCR2.1-Topo vector by cloning the promoter, leader peptide, cell wall anchor and terminator sequences derived from the laminin binding S-layer protein gene of L. crispatus strain F5.7 (lbs gene). A sequence encoding the green fluorescent protein (GFP) was inserted as reporter gene, and an erythromycin resistance gene was added as selective marker. All constructs were able to express GFP in the cloning host E. coli XL1-Blue and different Lactobacillus strains as verified by FACS and laser scanning confocal microscopy. CONCLUSION: Lactobacillus isolated from gastrointestinal tract of broiler chickens and selected for probiotic characteristics can be genetically modified by introducing an expression cassette into the lbs locus. The transformed bacteria expressed on its cell wall surface different fluorescent proteins used as reporters of promoter function. It is possible then that similar bacterial model expressing pathogen antigens can be used as live oral vaccines to immunize broilers against infectious diseases

    Identification and analysis of seven effector protein families with different adaptive and evolutionary histories in plant-associated members of the Xanthomonadaceae.

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    The Xanthomonadaceae family consists of species of non-pathogenic and pathogenic γ-proteobacteria that infect different hosts, including humans and plants. In this study, we performed a comparative analysis using 69 fully sequenced genomes belonging to this family, with a focus on identifying proteins enriched in phytopathogens that could explain the lifestyle and the ability to infect plants. Using a computational approach, we identified seven phytopathogen-enriched protein families putatively secreted by type II secretory system: PheA (CM-sec), LipA/LesA, VirK, and four families involved in N-glycan degradation, NixE, NixF, NixL, and FucA1. In silico and phylogenetic analyses of these protein families revealed they all have orthologs in other phytopathogenic or symbiotic bacteria, and are involved in the modulation and evasion of the immune system. As a proof of concept, we performed a biochemical characterization of LipA from Xac306 and verified that the mutant strain lost most of its lipase and esterase activities and displayed reduced virulence in citrus. Since this study includes closely related organisms with distinct lifestyles and highlights proteins directly related to adaptation inside plant tissues, novel approaches might use these proteins as biotechnological targets for disease control, and contribute to our understanding of the coevolution of plant-associated bacteria

    Comparisons of ball possession, match running performance, player prominence and team network properties according to match outcome and playing formation during the 2018 FIFA World Cup

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    The aims of this study conducted in national teams during the 2018 Russia FIFA World Cup were: i) to verify the possible variations of ball possession, match running performance, player prominence, team network properties according to match outcome and playing formation; and ii) to investigate the relationships between player prominence and total distance covered according to team ball possession. Sixty-one matches were analysed over the course of the competition (n=988 player observations). Running performance was examined using total distance covered in (TDIP) and out of possession, and that travelled in different speed-range categories. Player prominence (micro) and team network properties (macro) were obtained using social network analysis where completed passes between teammates were counted (n=28019 passes). Main findings were: i) with the exception of clustering coefficients which indicate the level of interconnectivity between close teammates (win = draw > loss), match outcome was unaffected by ball possession, running and network measures ; iii) teams employing a 1‒4‒2‒3‒1 formation reported greater values for ball possession, TDIP, and micro/macro network measures compared to those playing 1‒4‒4‒2 and 1‒4‒3‒3 formations; iv) TDIP tended to be related to most player prominence variables, even though the magnitude of coefficients varied considerably according to network measures and playing positions. This study has provided additional insights into elite soccer match-play performance

    Enhancing Network Slicing Architectures with Machine Learning, Security, Sustainability and Experimental Networks Integration

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    Network Slicing (NS) is an essential technique extensively used in 5G networks computing strategies, mobile edge computing, mobile cloud computing, and verticals like the Internet of Vehicles and industrial IoT, among others. NS is foreseen as one of the leading enablers for 6G futuristic and highly demanding applications since it allows the optimization and customization of scarce and disputed resources among dynamic, demanding clients with highly distinct application requirements. Various standardization organizations, like 3GPP's proposal for new generation networks and state-of-the-art 5G/6G research projects, are proposing new NS architectures. However, new NS architectures have to deal with an extensive range of requirements that inherently result in having NS architecture proposals typically fulfilling the needs of specific sets of domains with commonalities. The Slicing Future Internet Infrastructures (SFI2) architecture proposal explores the gap resulting from the diversity of NS architectures target domains by proposing a new NS reference architecture with a defined focus on integrating experimental networks and enhancing the NS architecture with Machine Learning (ML) native optimizations, energy-efficient slicing, and slicing-tailored security functionalities. The SFI2 architectural main contribution includes the utilization of the slice-as-a-service paradigm for end-to-end orchestration of resources across multi-domains and multi-technology experimental networks. In addition, the SFI2 reference architecture instantiations will enhance the multi-domain and multi-technology integrated experimental network deployment with native ML optimization, energy-efficient aware slicing, and slicing-tailored security functionalities for the practical domain.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure

    Guidelines for the diagnosis, classification, prophylaxis and treatment of chronic graft-versus-host disease

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    The lack of widely-used standardized diagnostic criteria may impair both the true evaluation of chronic graft-versus-host disease and the correlation of its severity with transplant-related mortality. At the I Consensus of the Brazilian Society of Bone Marrow Transplantation - SBTMO that took place in June 2009, the Group of GVHD Studies Brazil-Seattle (GEDECH), presented the guidelines for diagnosis, classification, prophylaxis and treatment of chronic GVHD as proposed by the National Institutes of Health and based on the reality in Brazilian Centers. These proposals, including standardization of features used in diagnosis and tools to score involved organs and to assess the overall severity, should be used in clinical studies of chronic graft-versus-host disease. These criteria are useful to better analyze the incidence of this disease, in addition to evaluate the extension of the involvement of organs or the site affected and its influence on late transplantation mortality. Prophylaxis and treatment proposed for this important complication of hematopoietic stem cell transplantations were discussed and graded according to the levels of evidence established by the National Institutes of Health.A falta de critérios diagnósticos padronizados, amplamente utilizados, pode comprometer tanto a avaliação real da incidência da doença contra hospedeiro crônica bem como a correlação de sua gravidade com a taxa de mortalidade pós-transplante. Na I Reunião de Diretrizes da Sociedade Brasileira de Transplante de Medula Óssea, realizada em junho de 2009, o Grupo de Estudos de DECH Brasil - Seattle (GEDECH), baseado na realidade dos Centros brasileiros, apresentou as recomendações para diagnóstico, classificação, profilaxia e tratamento da doença enxerto contra hospedeiro crônica propostas pelo National Institutes of Health. Estas propostas incluíram padronização das características utilizadas no diagnóstico e ferramentas para a pontuação dos órgãos envolvidos e avaliação global da gravidade a serem utilizados em estudos clínicos da doença enxerto contra hospedeiro crônica. Estes critérios são úteis para uma melhor análise da incidência desta doença, além de poder avaliar a gravidade do comprometimento de um órgão ou sítio envolvido e a influência na mortalidade tardia do transplante. A profilaxia e os tratamentos propostos para esta importante complicação dos transplantes de células-tronco hematopoéticas foram discutidos e graduados de acordo com níveis de evidência estabelecidos pelo National Institutes of Health.223

    Cooperation between Apoptotic and Viable Metacyclics Enhances the Pathogenesis of Leishmaniasis

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    Mimicking mammalian apoptotic cells by exposing phosphatidylserine (PS) is a strategy used by virus and parasitic protozoa to escape host protective inflammatory responses. With Leishmania amazonensis (La), apoptotic mimicry is a prerogative of the intramacrophagic amastigote form of the parasite and is modulated by the host. Now we show that differently from what happens with amastigotes, promastigotes exposing PS are non-viable, non-infective cells, undergoing apoptotic death. As part of the normal metacyclogenic process occurring in axenic cultures and in the gut of sand fly vectors, a sub-population of metacyclic promastigotes exposes PS. Apoptotic death of the purified PS-positive (PSPOS) sub-population was confirmed by TUNEL staining and DNA laddering. Transmission electron microscopy revealed morphological alterations in PSPOS metacyclics such as DNA condensation, cytoplasm degradation and mitochondrion and kinetoplast destruction, both in in vitro cultures and in sand fly guts. TUNELPOS promastigotes were detected only in the anterior midgut to foregut boundary of infected sand flies. Interestingly, caspase inhibitors modulated parasite death and PS exposure, when added to parasite cultures in a specific time window. Efficient in vitro macrophage infections and in vivo lesions only occur when PSPOS and PS-negative (PSNEG) parasites were simultaneously added to the cell culture or inoculated in the mammalian host. The viable PSNEG promastigote was the infective form, as shown by following the fate of fluorescently labeled parasites, while the PSPOS apoptotic sub-population inhibited host macrophage inflammatory response. PS exposure and macrophage inhibition by a subpopulation of promastigotes is a different mechanism than the one previously described with amastigotes, where the entire population exposes PS. Both mechanisms co-exist and play a role in the transmission and development of the disease in case of infection by La. Since both processes confer selective advantages to the infective microorganism they justify the occurrence of apoptotic features in a unicellular pathogen