7 research outputs found


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    O racismo contra negros no Brasil é um problema latente, provocador e complexo, por mais que alguns setores sociais tentem tornar invisível tal situação. Essa realidade torna essa pesquisa relevante por esta levantar questões críticas a respeito das constituições dos sujeitos e seus discursos acerca do racismo, mas, principalmente por abranger o discurso que está inserido em práticas sociais tensas de resposta ao discurso dominante e estabelecedor de relações assimétricas de poder. A partir da Teoria Social do Discurso de Norman Fairclough (2001), da Gramática do Design Visual de Gunther Kress e van Leeuwen (2006) e da concepção de texto de Hanks (2008), realizamos a análise crítica de três imagens (grafites) presentes em espaços públicos (muro e calçada) na rua Juvenal Galeno (Bairro do Benfica) e na avenida Treze de Maio (Bairro de Fátima), na cidade de Fortaleza - CE. Buscamos, assim, relacionar as implicações desses três referenciais teóricos na nossa análise: a definição de discurso, enquanto prática social, de Fairclough, aliada à sua concepção de texto como formação social, o processo conceitual simbólico sugestivo da Gramática do Design Visual e a concepção dinâmica de texto proposta por Hanks. O conjunto visual formado por texto e imagem nos grafites revela o discurso multimodal de um movimento negro que busca questionar os sentidos impostos pelo discurso racista dominante. Ao contrário do que o senso comum defende, os grafites são construções fecundas de sentido que produzem subjetividades e podem transformar o imaginário social

    Influence of pyroligneous extract on water quality and productive performance of Penaeus vannamei/ Influência do extrato pirolenhoso na qualidade de água e no desempenho produtivo de Penaeus vannamei

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    Water is the main input used in shrimp farming, and the good quality of this natural resource is not only essential for the farmed animals’ welfare, but also for a good profitability at the end of the farming process inaquaculture species. Pyroligneous extract (PE) is a yellow to reddish-brown liquid obtained from the condensation of gases produced by partial wood combustion. This compound has been used for several purposes in different areas, such as in the fertilization of various vegetable crops and in soil conditioning. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the possible benefits of the application of pyroligneous extract on water quality and its consequences on the production performance of Penaeus vannamei. Six 1.0 ha ponds were used, 3 of which were used for the application of pyroligneous extract (WPE) and the other 3 without the extract (wPE) for comparison purposes. The extract was diluted in water and applied directly to the dry soil and after a few hours of reaction the ponds were filled with water and prepared for cultivation. There was a significant difference (p0.05) between the ponds (WPE) and (wPE) in the following water quality parameters: dissolved oxygen, pH, total alkalinity, total hardness, magnesium and silica. However, the values found were within the recommended range for shrimp farming. No significant differences (p0.05) were found in the parameters analyzed in relation to production performance.Water is the main input used in shrimp farming, and the good quality of this natural resource is not only essential for the farmed animals’ welfare, but also for a good profitability at the end of the farming process inaquaculture species. Pyroligneous extract (PE) is a yellow to reddish-brown liquid obtained from the condensation of gases produced by partial wood combustion. This compound has been used for several purposes in different areas, such as in the fertilization of various vegetable crops and in soil conditioning. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the possible benefits of the application of pyroligneous extract on water quality and its consequences on the production performance of Penaeus vannamei. Six 1.0 ha ponds were used, 3 of which were used for the application of pyroligneous extract (WPE) and the other 3 without the extract (wPE) for comparison purposes. The extract was diluted in water and applied directly to the dry soil and after a few hours of reaction the ponds were filled with water and prepared for cultivation. There was a significant difference (p0.05) between the ponds (WPE) and (wPE) in the following water quality parameters: dissolved oxygen, pH, total alkalinity, total hardness, magnesium and silica. However, the values found were within the recommended range for shrimp farming. No significant differences (p0.05) were found in the parameters analyzed in relation to production performance

    Visual and critical literacy for Spanish as a foreign language and for specific purposes: advertisements reading as a social and political practice

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    Con los estudios de los multiliteracidades y de la literacidad crítica, se supera el concepto de lectura exclusivamente como decodificación, transcripción de datos y búsqueda de las intenciones del autor, es decir, se entiende que leer es una práctica crítica, social y política. De ahí, el objetivo del estudio es proponer una actividad de lectura de anuncios publicitarios en español/LE fundamentada en la perspectiva de la literacidad crítica de Cervetti et al (2001) y de la literacidad visual de Muffoletto (2001), para estudiantes de las carreras de Turismo, Administración, Publicidad, Periodismo y Comunicación Social. Analizamos cinco anuncios publicitarios de cerveza y gaseosa, además de una propuesta de actividad de lectura y producción de anuncios. También explicamos cómo se forma el imperativo en español, es decir, unimos un abordaje de literacidad crítica a la enseñanza de la gramática contextualizada. El trabajo muestra que enseñar lengua extranjera es ir más allá de los contenidos gramaticales descontextualizados y puramente normativistas