2,703 research outputs found

    Linking nematode communities and soil health under climate change

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    Soil health is intimately intertwined with ecosystem services. Climate change negatively impacts ecosystem functioning, by altering carbon and nitrogen biogeochemical cycles and shifting nutrient bioavailability, thus hampering food production and exacerbating biodiversity loss. Soil ecosystem services are provided by belowground biota, and as the most abundant metazoans on Earth, nematodes are key elements of soil food webs and reliable bioindicators of soil health. Here, we carry out a literature review from 2019, the year that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change published a report relating and expressing serious concerns on the effects of climate change on the land degradation and sustainability of terrestrial ecosystems. We focus on documenting and discussing the composition of nematode communities contributing to improving soil health, and soil management practices to promote their presence and limit the effects of climate change on soils. By recognizing beneficial nematodes as plant-promoting agents, we could harness their potential to our benefit, catalyze decomposition services, improve plant performance, and increase carbon sequestration. This way, we will contribute to soil health and a well-balanced and well-managed system, making it possible to increase productivity, guarantee food security, and reduce the yield gap, with a limited human footprint on the environment.D.P. is supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, FCT/MCTES), through grant 2021.08030.BD. At CBMA, this work was supported by the “Contrato-Programa” UIDB/04050/2020 funded by national funds through the FCT I.P

    Mural Paintings Characterisation Using X-ray Fluorescence and Raman Spectroscopy—A Case Study: Nossa Senhora das Neves Chapel, Vilar de Perdizes, Galicia—North Portugal Euroregion

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    Attribution 4.0 International https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/[Abstract]: Sixteenth-century mural paintings of Nossa Senhora das Neves in Vilar de Perdizes (Galicia—North Portugal Euroregion) were analysed. An iconographic study has allowed us to understand the meaning of the seven scenes that constitute the mural painting. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and Raman spectroscopies determined the compounds used in this mural painting, both in the original and in later repaintings. The black paint was bone black. Hydroxyapatite characteristic bands and those of the associated phosphates have been identified. White lime was used as white paint. Lepidocrocite and goethite were used to make yellows, and hematite was used to make red shades. Cinnabar has been used for a later red repaint. Carbon-based compounds and rutile were used to create different tonalities by darkening or lightening colours. It is of great significance to obtain accurate and reliable mural painting information through scientific means, since preservation, restoration, and repainting without detailed information can be harmful to mural paintings.This work was financed with national funds through FCT -FUNDAÇÃO PARA A CIÊNCIA E A TECNOLOGIA, I.P. of Portugal, under the projects with the references CEECIND/03568/2017, (UIDB/00073/2020), and (UIDP/00073/2020) projects of the I, D unit Geosciences Centre (CGEO) of Coimbra University (Portugal). Ezequiel Vázquez and Ana J. López were beneficiaries of a scientific stay financed by Erasmus+, HERDADE Consortium (2021-1-ES01-KA130-HED-000007519). Pablo Barreiro Castro and D.M. Freire-Lista were beneficiaries of a scientific stay in University of Trás-os- Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD) and A Coruña University (UC), respectively, financed by the IACOBUS program.Portugal. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia; CEECIND/03568/2017Portugal. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia; UIDB/00073/2020Portugal. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia; UIDP/00073/202

    Mural paintings characterisation using X-ray fluorescence and Raman spectroscopy-a case study: Nossa Senhora das Neves chapel, Vilar de Perdizes, Galicia-North Portugal Euroregion

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    Sixteenth-century mural paintings of Nossa Senhora das Neves in Vilar de Perdizes (Galicia—North Portugal Euroregion) were analysed. An iconographic study has allowed us to understand the meaning of the seven scenes that constitute the mural painting. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and Raman spectroscopies determined the compounds used in this mural painting, both in the original and in later repaintings. The black paint was bone black. Hydroxyapatite characteristic bands and those of the associated phosphates have been identified. White lime was used as white paint. Lepidocrocite and goethite were used to make yellows, and hematite was used to make red shades. Cinnabar has been used for a later red repaint. Carbon-based compounds and rutile were used to create different tonalities by darkening or lightening colours. It is of great significance to obtain accurate and reliable mural painting information through scientific means, since preservation, restoration, and repainting without detailed information can be harmful to mural paintings.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia | Ref. UIDB/00073/2020Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia | Ref. UIDP/00073/202


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    Tratar questões sobre a geografia cultural na Amazônia, requer, cautelosamente, compreender as microhistórias que compõem a diversidade de sujeitos e conflitos intricados no território. Para tanto, importante pensar o conceito de cultura, de microterritório, de  (pós)modernidade (quanto proposta teórica) para analisar as diversas Amazônias construídas ao longo das distintas gerações. Nesse sentido, o Grupo de Estudo Desenvolvimento e Dinâmicas Territoriais na Amazônia (GEDTAM) tem empreendido em suas análises a tentativa de possibilitar interpretações sobre as subdivisões da totalidade dos sujeitos que coexistem no território, algumas vezes, (re)produzindo  microterritorializações efetivas. O estudo de caso, sobre a Orla do Xingu, no município de Altamira, Sudoeste do Estado do Pará, faz parte deobservações/acompanhamentos empíricos sobre a teia de sociabilidade instituída nessa área, comumente denominada como área de lazer e interatividade comum à população da cidade. A expertise para o início do trabalho aconteceu junto ao início das obras na Usina Hidrelétricade Belo Monte, em 2011, processo que causou grandes transformações, principalmente demográficas, na estrutura do núcleo urbano de Altamira. A perspectiva está em corroborar com interpretações críticas acerca das transformações nas dinâmicas locais e proporcionar elementos que subsidiem reflexões sobre a temática cultural e a produção do espaço querespondão aos interesses dos sujeitos locais, com intuito de reafirmar o compromisso social da Universidade como forma de inserção nas ações de promoção e garantia dos valores democráticos, de igualdade e desenvolvimento social


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    A remoção cirúrgica dos terceiros molares impactados é um dos procedimentos mais comumente realizados por especialistas em cirurgia e traumatologia bucomaxilofacial. Entretanto, a remoção dos terceiros molares pode acarretar em uma série de complicações, como por exemplo: lesão do nervo alveolar inferior e ao nervo lingual. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar uma revisão de literatura acerca das lesões nervosas após a cirurgia de terceiros molares inclusos. Para a construção da revisão de literatura foi realizado uma pesquisa na base de dados SciELO, MEDLINE e LILACS entre os anos de 2015 a 2020. A etiologia das lesões nervosas é variada, porém a principal causa está relacionada com a exérese de terceiros molares inferiores inclusos. Quando ocorrem, uma parte dos casos têm resolução espontânea, porém alguns casos necessitam de tratamento. Diante disso, é importante realizar um bom planejamento cirúrgico para que seja evitado essa complicação, sempre que possível


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    O seio maxilar é caracterizado como sendo uma cavidade pneumática localizada na maxila, também o maior dos seios paranasais, acima dos dentes pré-molares e molares superiores. A estrutura do seio por diversas vezes apresenta uma morfologia segmentar, podendo ser uma forma radicular ou até mesmo formando projeções entre as raízes dos dentes próximos a essa área. Esse resumo teve o objetivo de analisar quais os sinais mais comumente encontrados em tomografia computadorizada quando existe proximidade das raízes dos molares superiores com o seio maxilar segundo a literatura. Foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica nas bases de dados: Lilacs, Medline e Scielo. Critério de inclusão artigos em inglês e português, dos últimos 20 anos. Critério de exclusão artigos publicados antes do ano 2000. As raízes dos molares superiores, podem ser encontrados em íntima relação com o seio maxilar, essa relação pode favorecer algumas complicações relacionadas à disseminação de processos inflamatórios e ocorrência de acidentes durante procedimentos clínicos. A projeção dos ápices radiculares sobre os seios maxilares e a interrupção do assoalho do seio maxilar se caracterizaram como sendo os sinais indicativos mais encontrados de protrusão das raízes dos molares superiores para o interior do seio maxilar quando analisada por uma tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico. A interpretação imediata entre a posição do ápice radicular e o seio maxilar é um fator preditivo para a identificação da comunicação bucusinusal

    Nossa Senhora das Neves Chapel, Vilar de Perdizes, Galicia-North Portugal Euroregion

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    UIDB/04666/2020 UIDP/04666/2020 CEECIND/03568/2017 UIDB/00073/2020 UIDP/00073/2020Sixteenth-century mural paintings of Nossa Senhora das Neves in Vilar de Perdizes (Galicia—North Portugal Euroregion) were analysed. An iconographic study has allowed us to understand the meaning of the seven scenes that constitute the mural painting. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and Raman spectroscopies determined the compounds used in this mural painting, both in the original and in later repaintings. The black paint was bone black. Hydroxyapatite characteristic bands and those of the associated phosphates have been identified. White lime was used as white paint. Lepidocrocite and goethite were used to make yellows, and hematite was used to make red shades. Cinnabar has been used for a later red repaint. Carbon-based compounds and rutile were used to create different tonalities by darkening or lightening colours. It is of great significance to obtain accurate and reliable mural painting information through scientific means, since preservation, restoration, and repainting without detailed information can be harmful to mural paintings.publishersversionpublishe

    Using AR interfaces to support industrial maintenance procedures

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    Industries are becoming more and more digitized to better implement intelligent and predictive maintenance support systems, aligned with Industry 4.0, which requires the progressive digitization of data collection and processes. Maintenance interventions, in an evolving technological context, are increasingly more complex and difficult for technicians to perform. In these environments, the use of Augmented Reality (AR) to help assist and guide in the maintenance operations, can accomplish a considerable gain in productivity. AR allows to superimpose information objects in real scenes, such as text, images, audiovisuals, and 2D/3D model animations, making available contextual information about the process, based on location and perspective. This paper describes the design and implementation of a prototype augmented reality application to support maintenance tasks inside a metal stamping production unit, that produces components for the automotive sector. It aims to train and guide personnel during the maintenance operations, and offering an extra channel to reach expert help.2411-78B2-7CDB | Pedro Miguel MoreiraN/