1,333 research outputs found

    Heavy Metals (Cd, Cu and As) Accumulation by Aquatic Plant along with Gomti River, Lucknow (U. P.)

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    The aquatic plants have a great importance to the removal of heavy metals from the contaminated river water. In this study the heavy metals (Cd, Cu and As) were evaluated in aquatic plants like Ranunculus sceleratus, Hydrilla virticillata, Botumusumbelatus and Sagittaria japonica collected from the 15 sites along with Gomti river, Lucknow (U. P.), Heavy metals enters into the river through the discharge of domestic sewage, industrial effluents, municipal waste water etc., The concentration of Cu was found maximum followed by Cd and least was As for all selected plants at all sites. The highest accumulation of Arsenic, Cadmium and Copper was found in Hydrilla virticillata (0.172±0.005 ÎŒg g−1 DW), Sagittaria japonica(1.62±0.02 ÎŒg g−1 DW) and Botumus umbelatus (2.08±0.07 ÎŒg g−1 DW) respectively. However, the lowest concentration of all these heavy metals was observed in Ranunculus scleratus sp. The results of this study to give the information in relation to aquatic plants growing in polluted water, which accumulates heavy metals. These findings provide are an opportunity for the removal of toxic heavy metals from the use of aquatic plants in phytoremediation and treating water bodies

    Heavy Metals (Cd, Cu and As) Accumulation by Aquatic Plant along with Gomti River, Lucknow (U. P.)

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    The aquatic plants have a great importance to the removal of heavy metals from the contaminated river water. In this study the heavy metals (Cd, Cu and As) were evaluated in aquatic plants like Ranunculus sceleratus, Hydrilla virticillata, Botumusumbelatus and Sagittaria japonica collected from the 15 sites along with Gomti river, Lucknow (U. P.), Heavy metals enters into the river through the discharge of domestic sewage, industrial effluents, municipal waste water etc., The concentration of Cu was found maximum followed by Cd and least was As for all selected plants at all sites. The highest accumulation of Arsenic, Cadmium and Copper was found in Hydrilla virticillata (0.172±0.005 ÎŒg g−1 DW), Sagittaria japonica (1.62±0.02 ÎŒg g−1 DW) and Botumus umbelatus (2.08±0.07 ÎŒg g−1 DW) respectively. However, the lowest concentration of all these heavy metals was observed in Ranunculus scleratus sp. The results of this study to give the information in relation to aquatic plants growing in polluted water, which accumulates heavy metals. These findings provide are an opportunity for the removal of toxic heavy metals from the use of aquatic plants in phytoremediation and treating water bodies

    First impressions and perceived roles: Palestinian perceptions on foreign aid

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    This paper summarizes some results of a wider research on foreign aid that was conducted in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in 2010. It seeks to describe the impressions and feelings of Palestinian aid beneficiaries as well as the roles and functions they attached to foreign aid. To capture and measure local perceptions on Western assistance a series of individual in depth interviews and few focus group interviews were conducted in the Palestinian territories. The interview transcripts were processed by content analysis. As research results show — from the perspective of aid beneficiaries — foreign aid is more related to human dignity than to any economic development. All this implies that frustration with the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict inevitably embraces the donor policies and practices too

    Instabilities in the Nuclear Energy Density Functional

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    In the field of Energy Density Functionals (EDF) used in nuclear structure and dynamics, one of the unsolved issues is the stability of the functional. Numerical issues aside, some EDFs are unstable with respect to particular perturbations of the nuclear ground-state density. The aim of this contribution is to raise questions about the origin and nature of these instabilities, the techniques used to diagnose and prevent them, and the domain of density functions in which one should expect a nuclear EDF to be stable.Comment: Special issue "Open Problems in Nuclear Structure Theory" of Jour.Phys.G - accepted. 7 pages, 2 figure


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    Herbal medicines widely improved for primary health care because of better cultural acceptability and better compatibility with human body and lesser side effects. The aim of present study was to formulate and evaluate of herbal gel containing Allium cepa extract. Topical gel formulation was designed by using Allium cepa extract and carbopol 934 as a gelling agent and different excipients. The herbaceous plant Allium cepa (onion). It has great health significance and is consumed for nutritional and health benefits for last centuries. It contains flavonoids compound. Plant extract used for prevention of hair loss. Raw onion eaten in salad form this is play very important role in health beneïŹts. Gel was prepared by incorporating extract of Allium cepa in gel at a particular step in order to prepare non greasy formulation. Gel Formulation F3 Batch was optimized in the concentration 1.5% of Carbopol 934. Different gel formulations were evaluated for their physical appearance; pH, Spreadability, Homogeneity in-vitro diffusion ,Viscosity and Drug Excipients comparability study are carried out

    Canonical Gravity, Diffeomorphisms and Objective Histories

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    This paper discusses the implementation of diffeomorphism invariance in purely Hamiltonian formulations of General Relativity. We observe that, if a constrained Hamiltonian formulation derives from a manifestly covariant Lagrangian, the diffeomorphism invariance of the Lagrangian results in the following properties of the constrained Hamiltonian theory: the diffeomorphisms are generated by constraints on the phase space so that a) The algebra of the generators reflects the algebra of the diffeomorphism group. b) The Poisson brackets of the basic fields with the generators reflects the space-time transformation properties of these basic fields. This suggests that in a purely Hamiltonian approach the requirement of diffeomorphism invariance should be interpreted to include b) and not just a) as one might naively suppose. Giving up b) amounts to giving up objective histories, even at the classical level. This observation has implications for Loop Quantum Gravity which are spelled out in a companion paper. We also describe an analogy between canonical gravity and Relativistic particle dynamics to illustrate our main point.Comment: Latex 16 Pages, no figures, revised in the light of referees' comments, accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Logarithmic corrections to black hole and black ring entropy in tunneling approach

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    The tunneling approach beyond semiclassical approximation has been used to calculate the corrected Hawking temperature and entropy for various black holes and FRW universe model. We examine their derivations, and prove that the quantity HH in the corrected temperature is the explicit function of the only free parameter A\mathcal{A} (which is an auxiliary parameter defined by A=ℏSBH\mathcal{A}=\hbar S_{BH}). Our analysis improves previous calculations, and indicates that the leading order logarithmic correction to entropy is a natural result of the corrected temperature and the first law of thermodynamics. Additionally, we apply the tunneling approach beyond semiclassical approximation to neutral black rings. Based on the analysis, we show that the entropy of neutral black rings also has a logarithmic leading order correction.Comment: 13 pages, rewritte

    Working Group Report: Neutrino and Astroparticle Physics

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    This is the report of neutrino and astroparticle physics working group at WHEPP-8. We present the discussions carried out during the workshop on selected topics in the above fields and also indicate progress made subsequently. The neutrino physics subgroup studied the possibilites of constraining neutrino masses, mixing and CPT violation in lepton sector from future experiments. Neutrino mass models in the context of abelian horizontal symmetries, warped extra dimensions and in presence of triplet Higgs were studied. Effect of threshold corrections on radiative magnification of mixing angles was investigated. The astroparticle physics subgroup focused on how various particle physics inputs affect the CMBR fluctuation spectrum, and on brane cosmology. This report also contains an introduction on how to use the publicly available code CMBFAST to calculate the CMBR fluctuations.Comment: Prepared for the 8th Workshop on High-Energy Physics Phenomenology (WHEPP-8), IIT Mumbai, India, 5-16 Jan 200

    HST and UKIRT imaging observations of z~1 6C radio galaxies - II. Galaxy morphologies and the alignment effect

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    (abridged) Powerful radio galaxies often display enhanced optical/UV emission regions, elongated and aligned with the radio jet axis. The aim of this series of papers is to separately investigate the effects of radio power and redshift on the alignment effect, together with other radio galaxy properties. In this second paper, we present a deeper analysis of the morphological properties of these systems, including both the host galaxies and their surrounding aligned emission. The host galaxies of our 6C subsample are well described as de Vaucouleurs ellipticals, with typical scale sizes of ~10kpc. This is comparable to the host galaxies of low-z radio sources of similar powers, and also the more powerful 3CR sources at the same redshift. The contribution of nuclear point source emission is also comparable, regardless of radio power. The 6C alignment effect is remarkably similar to that seen around more powerful 3CR sources at the same redshift in terms of extent and degree of alignment with the radio source axis, although it is generally less luminous. The bright, knotty features observed in the case of the z~1 3CR sources are far less frequent in our 6C subsample; neither do we observe such strong evidence for evolution in the strength of the alignment effect with radio source size/age. However, we do find a very strong link between the most extreme alignment effects and emission line region properties indicative of shocks, regardless of source size/age or power. In general, the 6C alignment effect is still considerably stronger than that seen around lower redshift galaxies of similar radio powers. (abridged)Comment: 23 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS. See http://www.mrao.cam.ac.uk/~kji/MorphPaper/ for version of paper with full resolution images of Figs 1-1

    The Hyper Suprime-Cam SSP Survey: Overview and Survey Design

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    Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) is a wide-field imaging camera on the prime focus of the 8.2m Subaru telescope on the summit of Maunakea in Hawaii. A team of scientists from Japan, Taiwan and Princeton University is using HSC to carry out a 300-night multi-band imaging survey of the high-latitude sky. The survey includes three layers: the Wide layer will cover 1400 deg2^2 in five broad bands (grizygrizy), with a 5 σ5\,\sigma point-source depth of r≈26r \approx 26. The Deep layer covers a total of 26~deg2^2 in four fields, going roughly a magnitude fainter, while the UltraDeep layer goes almost a magnitude fainter still in two pointings of HSC (a total of 3.5 deg2^2). Here we describe the instrument, the science goals of the survey, and the survey strategy and data processing. This paper serves as an introduction to a special issue of the Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, which includes a large number of technical and scientific papers describing results from the early phases of this survey.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, 5 tables. Corrected for a typo in the coordinates of HSC-Wide spring equatorial field in Table
