907 research outputs found

    Potential phytotoxic and shading effects of invasive Fallopia (Polygonaceae) taxa on the germination of dominant native species

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    Two species of the genus Fallopia (F. sachalinensis, F. japonica, Polygonaceae) native to Asia, and their hybrid (F. ×bohemica), belong to the most noxious plant invaders in Europe. They impact highly on invaded plant communities, resulting in extremely poor native species richness. The low number of native species in invaded communities points to the possible existence of mechanisms suppressing their germination. In this study we assessed, under laboratory conditions, whether there are phytotoxic effects of the three Fallopia congeners on seed germination of three target species: two native species commonly growing in habitats that are often invaded by Fallopia taxa (Urtica dioica, Calamagrostis epigejos), and Lepidium sativum, a species commonly used in allelopathic bioassays as a control. Since Fallopia taxa form dense stands with high cover, we included varying light conditions as an additional factor, to simulate the effects of shading by leaf canopy on germination. The effects of aqueous extracts (2.5%, 5.0%, and 0% as a control) from dry leaves and rhizomes of the Fallopia congeners on germination of the target species were thus studied under two light regimes, simulating full daylight (white light) and light filtered through canopy (green light), and in dark as a control regime. Rhizome extracts did not affect germination. Light treatments yielded inconclusive results, indicating that poor germination and establishment of species in invaded stands is unlikely to be caused by shading alone. However, we found a pronounced phytotoxic effect of leaf extracts of Fallopia taxa, more so at 5.0% than 2.5% extract concentration. Fallopia sachalinensis exerted the largest negative effect on the germination of Urtica dioica, F. ×bohemica on that of C. epigejos, and F. japonica had invariably the lowest inhibitory effect on all test species. The weak phytotoxic effect of F. japonica corresponds to the results of previous studies that found this species to be generally a weaker competitor than its two congeners. Although these results do not necessarily provide direct evidence for allelopathic effects in the field, we demonstrate the potential phytotoxic effect of invasive Fallopia taxa on the germination of native species. This suggests that allelopathy may play a role in the impact of Fallopia invasion on species diversity of invaded communities

    Potential phytotoxic and shading effects of invasive Fallopia (Polygonaceae) taxa on the germination of dominant native species

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    Two species of the genus Fallopia (F. sachalinensis, F. japonica, Polygonaceae) native to Asia, and their hybrid (F. ×bohemica), belong to the most noxious plant invaders in Europe. They impact highly on invaded plant communities, resulting in extremely poor native species richness. The low number of native species in invaded communities points to the possible existence of mechanisms suppressing their germination. In this study we assessed, under laboratory conditions, whether there are phytotoxic effects of the three Fallopia congeners on seed germination of three target species: two native species commonly growing in habitats that are often invaded by Fallopia taxa (Urtica dioica, Calamagrostis epigejos), and Lepidium sativum, a species commonly used in allelopathic bioassays as a control. Since Fallopia taxa form dense stands with high cover, we included varying light conditions as an additional factor, to simulate the effects of shading by leaf canopy on germination. The effects of aqueous extracts (2.5%, 5.0%, and 0% as a control) from dry leaves and rhizomes of the Fallopia congeners on germination of the target species were thus studied under two light regimes, simulating full daylight (white light) and light filtered through canopy (green light), and in dark as a control regime. Rhizome extracts did not affect germination. Light treatments yielded inconclusive results, indicating that poor germination and establishment of species in invaded stands is unlikely to be caused by shading alone. However, we found a pronounced phytotoxic effect of leaf extracts of Fallopia taxa, more so at 5.0% than 2.5% extract concentration. Fallopia sachalinensis exerted the largest negative effect on the germination of Urtica dioica, F. ×bohemica on that of C. epigejos, and F. japonica had invariably the lowest inhibitory effect on all test species. The weak phytotoxic effect of F. japonica corresponds to the results of previous studies that found this species to be generally a weaker competitor than its two congeners. Although these results do not necessarily provide direct evidence for allelopathic effects in the field, we demonstrate the potential phytotoxic effect of invasive Fallopia taxa on the germination of native species. This suggests that allelopathy may play a role in the impact of Fallopia invasion on species diversity of invaded communities

    Spectrophotometric determination of ascorbic acid in coloured samples

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá stanovením vitaminu C v barevných vzorcích spektrofotometrickou metodou po extrakci xylenem. Teoretická část se zabývá reakcemi, biochemií a výskytem kyseliny askorbové v potravinách. Rovněž je zde pojednáno o různých metodách stanovení vitaminu C, ať už jde o HPLC metody, elektrochemické metody, titrační stanovení, spektrofotometrické metody nebo metodu polarografickou. V experimentální části byly touto metodou nejprve stanoveny koncentrace kyseliny askorbové ve standardech, a potom v reálných vzorcích (vitaminové tablety, pomerančová šťáva a šťáva šlechtěných odrůd černého bezu). Dále byly stanoveny některé validační parametry metody. Citlivost metody byla určena na 1,6772, linearita na 0,9990, mez detekce byla stanovena na 0,0466 mg/ml a mez stanovitelnosti na 0,1552 mg/ml. Přesnost metody byla vyjádřena relativní směrodatnou odchylkou, která nabývala hodnot do 3,00 %.This bachelor’s thesis deals with spectrophotometric determination of ascorbic acid after the xylen extraction in coloured samples. The theoretical part deals with reactions, biochemistry and occurrence of ascorbic acid in foodstuffs. Also, it is dealt with various methods of determination of ascorbic acid, such as HPLC methods, electrochemical methods, titrimetric determinations, spectrophotometric determinations or polarographic method. In the experimental part of this method were first determined the concentration of ascorbic acid in the standards, then in real samples (vitamin tablets, orange juice and the juice of cultivated varieties of elderberry). Some validation parameters of the method were also determined. Sensitivity of the method was determined to 1,6772, linearity to 0,9990, limit of detection was set at 0,0466 mg/ml and the detection limit at 0,1552 mg/ml. Accuracy of the method was expressed as relative standard deviation, which gained 3,00% in value.


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    We deal in this paper with teaching foreign languages for specific purposes (LSP) the future agricultural graduates, which plays a major role at the Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra as part of its language education system. Besides specialized terms and definitions, it also covers mastering the specific functional style of a given foreign language. Graduates from this university have shown their competence in various agricultural fields of study, as well as foreign language use in professional placement abroad. To be good at one´s specialization means to follow the latest news and the newest forms of research constantly, to read professional magazines proficiently, to be able to write scientific papers and present them in public, and to be ready to lead international teams in various agricultural projects. Our paper deals with the research we have provided at the Department of Languages. The goal of research was the four year monitoring of the group of 156 students of the Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra who were supposed, within their language UNIcert®, level III (C1) exam, to write their projects on varied specific topics of their own choices, to prepare and perform their presentations in the English or German languages, as well as evaluation of their results. The mentioned research was carried out in the years 2007 – 2010. The students were, through this exam, verified their complex skills in creating their own texts as well as their ability to present them in public


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    Introduction: Neuropsychiatric involvement in systemic lupus erythematosus (NPSLE) includes a heterogeneous variety of neurological and psychiatric syndromes involving central, peripheral and autonomic nervous system. Neuropsychiatric lupus is associated with increased morbidity and mortality, and NPSLE has been proven to have a profound effect on health-related quality-of-life. Cognitive impairment is one of the most common manifestations of NPSLE. The aim of our study was to assess cognitive dysfunction and its association with an inflammatory and non-inflammatory mechanism in a cohort of NPSLE patients. Methods: One-hundred patients with the diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) were enrolled in our study. All patients underwent clinical neuro-psychological and psychiatric examinations and based on the results the diagnosis of cognitive dysfunction was established according to the ACR classification of NPSLE. In the study, the presence of serum autoantibodies and promising molecule tumour necrosis factor-like weak inducer of apoptosis (TWEAK), which supposed to be involved in the pathogenesis of NPSLE, were evaluated. Results: Cognitive dysfunction (a moderate to severe degree of a cognitive deficit) was found in fifty-seven percent of SLE patients. Of the examined biomarkers including TWEAK, none showed a significant association with cognitive impairment. The only antibodies associated with cognitive dysfunction were antiphospholipid antibodies. The antiphospholipid antibodies were two times higher in a group with cognitive dysfunction than in the group without cognitive impairment and the prevalence of the antiphospholipid syndrome was significantly higher in NPSLE patients (28.1% vs. 20.9%; p<0.05). Conclusion: Cognitive dysfunction significantly decreased the mental performance of patients with SLE. The presence of antiphospholipid antibodies indicates that cognitive dysfunction is probably associated with non-inflammatory mechanism rather than inflammation. Supported by MHCR 023728. References: 1. Moravcova R, Posmurova M et al. Cognitive dysfunction in the Czech population of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. CesRevmtol:2010;18;2;85–91. 2. Fragoso-Loyo H, Atisha-Fregoso Y et al. Utility of TWEAK to assess neuropsychiatric disease activity in systemic lupus erythematosus. Lupus:2016;25;364–36


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    Introduction: Neuropsychiatric involvement in systemic lupus erythematosus (NPSLE) includes a heterogeneous variety of neurological and psychiatric syndromes involving central, peripheral and autonomic nervous system. Neuropsychiatric lupus is associated with increased morbidity and mortality, and NPSLE has been proven to have a profound effect on health-related quality-of-life. Cognitive impairment is one of the most common manifestations of NPSLE. The aim of our study was to assess cognitive dysfunction and its association with an inflammatory and non-inflammatory mechanism in a cohort of NPSLE patients. Methods: One-hundred patients with the diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) were enrolled in our study. All patients underwent clinical neuro-psychological and psychiatric examinations and based on the results the diagnosis of cognitive dysfunction was established according to the ACR classification of NPSLE. In the study, the presence of serum autoantibodies and promising molecule tumour necrosis factor-like weak inducer of apoptosis (TWEAK), which supposed to be involved in the pathogenesis of NPSLE, were evaluated. Results: Cognitive dysfunction (a moderate to severe degree of a cognitive deficit) was found in fifty-seven percent of SLE patients. Of the examined biomarkers including TWEAK, none showed a significant association with cognitive impairment. The only antibodies associated with cognitive dysfunction were antiphospholipid antibodies. The antiphospholipid antibodies were two times higher in a group with cognitive dysfunction than in the group without cognitive impairment and the prevalence of the antiphospholipid syndrome was significantly higher in NPSLE patients (28.1% vs. 20.9%; p<0.05). Conclusion: Cognitive dysfunction significantly decreased the mental performance of patients with SLE. The presence of antiphospholipid antibodies indicates that cognitive dysfunction is probably associated with non-inflammatory mechanism rather than inflammation. Supported by MHCR 023728. References: 1. Moravcova R, Posmurova M et al. Cognitive dysfunction in the Czech population of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. CesRevmtol:2010;18;2;85–91. 2. Fragoso-Loyo H, Atisha-Fregoso Y et al. Utility of TWEAK to assess neuropsychiatric disease activity in systemic lupus erythematosus. Lupus:2016;25;364–36

    Financial Analysis of Selected Company

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    Import 26/06/2013Práce je zaměřena na finanční analýzu společnosti Solartec, s. r. o., jejíž hlavní činností je výroba a instalace fotovoltaických elektráren. Cílem práce je zhodnotit finanční situaci společnosti Solartec, s. r. o. v letech 2007 až 2011. Teoretická část práce obsahuje informace o finanční analýze, především o jejich metodách. Část praktická se pak zabývá provedením finanční analýzy společnosti Solartec, s. r. o. Finanční analýza této společnosti byla provedena na podkladě odborné literatury a účetních výkazů podniku.This thesis is focused on financial analysis of the company Solartec, s. r. o. whose main activity lies in productoin of solar cells and assembling of Photovoltaic Power Plants. The goal of the thesis is an avaluation of financial situation of Solartec, s. r. o. in years from 2007 to 2011. The theoretical part contains knowledge about financial analysis, especially their methods. Practical part of this thesis is concerned with performing financial analysis of the Solartec, s. r. o. company. Financial analysis of this company was performed on the basis of specialized bibliography and accounts of the company.117 - Katedra účetnictvívýborn

    Possibilities of the environmental education integration into the schooling programm

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    Katedra andragogiky a managementu vzděláváníFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult


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    katedra: KHT; přílohy: CD ROM,; rozsah: 36 s.,1 obr.prilohPředmětem této bakalářské práce je navrhnout časopis, který by vydávala katedra hodnocení textilií na fakultě textilní v Liberci. V úvodní části je charakterizován zadaný problém. V první kapitole je proveden marketingový výzkum, který je nejprve popsán po teoretické stránce a pak je aplikován do praxe. Druhá část práce je zaměřena na marketingový mix {\clqq}4P``. Části marketingového mixu jsou výrobek, cena, distribuce a komunikace. Ve zvláštní kapitole je provedena SWOT analýza, která analyzuje silné a slabé stránky, příležitosti a hrozby katedry hodnocení textilií. Závěrečná kapitola si klade za cíl zhodnotit celý projekt a shrnout poznatky získané marketingovým výzkumem a rozborem marketingového mixu.The subject of this bachelor work is to suggest a journal, which would be published by department of textile evaluation in faculty of textile engineering in Liberec. In the introduction is characterized the Schedule problem. In the first part is provided marketing research, which is at first described in theoretical aspect and then it´s applied into practice. The second part of the work is focused on marketing mix {\clqq}4P``. The elements of the marketing mix are product, price, place and promotion. The SWOT analyses are worked out in the special part that analyses strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the department of textile evaluation. The last chapter is setting up a goal, to evaluate whole project and summarize data, which have been done by marketing research and analyses of marketing mix