62 research outputs found

    Efeito do consumo das proteínas do soro do leite, componentes peptídicos e aminoácidos nos transportadores de glicose em músculos de ratos

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    Orientador: Jaime Amaya-FarfánTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de AlimentosResumo: As proteínas do soro do leite apresentam propriedades nutricionais e funcionais que influenciam a modulação de funções bioquímicas e fisiológicas.Estudos têm demonstrado que as proteínas do soro do leite (PSL), principalmente na forma hidrolisada (PSLH) possuem a capacidade de aumentar os níveis de glicogênio muscular. Considerando que a captação de glicose pela célula do músculo esquelético relaciona-se diretamente à atividade de proteínas transportadoras de glicose, este estudo se propôs realizar dois experimentos para conhecer os efeitos da PSL e da PSLH e de alguns dos seus produtos de hidrólise nos transportadores de glicose em músculos de ratos. No experimento 1, o objetivo foi verificar se o consumo de PSL e PSLH modulam a concentração de transportadores de glicose GLUT-1 e GLUT-4 na membrana plasmática (MP) de células musculares de animais sedentários e exercitados. Foram utilizados 48 ratos Wistar machos divididos em dois grupos: sedentários e exercitados, e cada um desses subdivididos em outros três, de acordo com a dieta, totalizando 6 grupos (n=8 por grupo). Os animais foram mantidos por 9 dias recebendo as dietas experimentais baseadas na AIN-93G, com as seguintes fontes protéicas: caseína (CAS), utilizada como controle, proteína do soro do leite (PSL), proteína do soro do leite hidrolisada (PSLH), e o animais exercitados foram submetidos a uma única sessão de exercício a 15m/min durante 60min um dia anterior ao sacrifício. Após o período experimental os animais foram sacrificados, os transportadores de glicose no músculo, GLUT-1 e GLUT-4, foram analisados por western blot. Adicionalmente, glicogênio, aminoácidos livres plasmáticos, insulina e indicadores bioquímicos de saúde foram determinados por métodos padrões. O consumo de PSLH elevou significativamente as concentrações de GLUT-4 na MP e de glicogênio, enquanto GLUT-1, insulina e os indicadores de saúde não apresentaram alterações. Baseado nas evidências do experimento 1, de que o consumo de PSLH eleva os estoques de glicogênio muscular e que também aumenta a concentração do transportador de glicose GLUT-4 na membrana plasmática, o experimento 2 teve como objetivo identificar quais componentes da PSLH poderiam modular a translocação do transportador de glicose GLUT-4 para a MP em músculo esquelético. Foram utilizados 49 ratos Wistar machos divididos em 7 grupos (n=7), que receberam soluções orais de glicose 30% mais 0,55 g/kg de peso corpóreo os seguintes componentes da PSLH: a) glicose (controle); b) PSLH; c) L-isoleucina; d) L-leucina; e) L-leucina mais L-isoleucina; f) peptídeo Lisoleucil- L-leucina; g) peptídeo L-leucil-L-isoleucina. Após receberem as soluções, os animais foram sacrificados, o transportador de glicose GLUT-4 no músculo foi analisado por western blot. Também foram analisados glicogênio, glicemia, insulina, aminoácidos livres plasmáticos e musculares, e indicadores bioquímicos de saúde por métodos clássicos. Entre os componentes testados da PSLH, o peptídeo leucil-isoleucina e o aminoácido isoleucina se mostraram mais eficientes em translocar GLUT-4 para a MP, favorecendo a captação de glicose pelo músculo esquelético. Os resultados obtidos nos experimentos indicam que o consumo da PSLH e de seus componentes ao aumentarem a translocação de GLUT-4 para a membrana plasmática, poderiam auxiliar no tratamento ou prevenção do diabetes do tipo IIAbstract: The milk whey proteins (WP) exhibit nutritional and functional properties which result in the modulation of the biochemical and physiological functions. Studies have shown that the WP, especially those in the hydrolyzed form (WPH),has the capacity to increase muscle glycogen levels. Considering that glucose uptake by the skeletal muscle cell is directly related to the activity of the glucose transporter proteins, the present study proposed to carry out two experiments to determine the effects of WP and WPH and of some of their hydrolysis products on the glucose transporters in rat muscles. The objective of experiment 1 was to verify if the consumption of WP and WPH are able to modulate the concentration of the glucose transporters GLUT-1 and GLUT-4 in the plasma membrane (PM) of muscle cells in sedentary and exercised animals. Forty-eight male Wistar rats were used, divided into sedentary and exercised groups, each of which was sub-divided into three sub-groups according to the diet, giving a total of 6 groups (n=8 per group). The animals were maintained for 9 days on experimental diets based on AIN-93G with the following protein sources: casein (CAS) used as the control, whey protein (WP) and whey protein hydrolysate (WPH). The exercised animals were submitted to a single exercise session for 60 min at 15m/min one day prior to euthanasia. After the experimental period, the animals were euthanized, and the muscle glucose transporters GLUT-1 and GLUT-4 analyzed by western blot. In addition, glycogen, free plasma amino acids, insulin and the biochemical health indicators were analyzed by standard techniques. The consumption of WPH significantly increased the concentrations of GLUT-4 in the PM and of glycogen, whereas GLUT-1, insulin and the health indicators remained unaltered. Based on evidence from experiment 1 that the consumption of WPH raised the muscle glycogen reserves and also the concentration of the glucose transporter GLUT-4 in the plasma membrane, the second experiment was designed to identify which WPH components could modulate translocation of the glucose transporter GLUT-4 to the PM in the skeletal muscle of the animals. Forty-nine male Wistar rats were used, divided into 7 groups (n=7), who were orally fed 30% glucose solutions plus 0.55 g/kg of body weight of the following WPH components: a) glucose (control); b) WPH; c) L-isoleucine; d) L-leucine; e) L-leucine plus L-isoleucine (50:50 mixture of both amino acids); f) L-isoleucyl-L-leucine peptide or g) L-leucyl-L-isoleucine peptide. After receiving the solutions, the animals were euthanized and the GLUT-4 determined by western blot. Glycogen, glycemia, insulin, free plasma and muscle amino acids, and the biochemical health indicators were also analyzed by classical methods. Of the WPH components tested, the peptide L-leucyl-L-isoleucine and the amino acid L-isoleucine were shown to be more efficient in translocating GLUT-4 to the PM, favoring the capture of glucose by the skeletal muscle. The results obtained from these experiments indicated that the consumption of WPH and its components increased GLUT-4 translocation to the plasma membrane, and could aid in the treatment and prevention of type ll diabetesDoutoradoNutrição Experimental e Aplicada à Tecnologia de AlimentosDoutora em Alimentos e Nutriçã

    Effect of intraoperative HES 6% 130/0.4 on the need for blood transfusion after major oncologic surgery: a propensity-matched analysis

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    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effect of the intraoperative use of hydroxyethyl starch on the need for blood products in the perioperative period of oncologic surgery. The secondary end-points included the need for other blood products, the clotting profile, the intensive care unit mortality and length of stay. METHODS: Retrospective observational analysis in a tertiary oncologic ICU in Brazil including 894 patients submitted to oncologic surgery for a two-year period from September 2007. Patients were grouped according to whether hydroxyethyl starch was used during surgery (hydroxyethyl starch and No-hydroxyethyl starch groups) and compared using a propensity score analysis. A total of 385 propensity-matched patients remained in the analysis (97 in the No-hydroxyethyl starch group and 288 in the hydroxyethyl starch group). RESULTS: A higher percentage of patients in the hydroxyethyl starch group required red blood cell transfusion during surgery (26% vs. 14%; p = 0.016) and in the first 24 hours after surgery (5% vs. 0%; p = 0.015) but not in the 24- to 48-hour period after the procedure. There was no difference regarding the transfusion of other blood products, intensive care unit mortality or length of stay. CONCLUSION: Hydroxyethyl starch use in the intraoperative period of major oncologic surgery is associated with an increase in red blood cell transfusions. There are no differences in the need for other blood products, intensive care unit length of stay or mortality

    Assistência jurídica gratuita, por meio do núcleo de prática jurídica, às associações civis ambientais de Florianópolis: acesso à justiça, educação ambiental e cidadania

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    Trabalho apresentado no 31º SEURS - Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul, realizado em Florianópolis, SC, no período de 04 a 07 de agosto de 2013 - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.A atividade de extensão de assistência jurídica gratuita às associações civis, promovida pelo Grupo de Pesquisa de Direito Ambiental, objetiva proporcionar aos cidadãos florianopolitanos o acesso à justiça, por meio da tutela ambiental. Dentre os objetivos do projeto se destacam o assessoramento às entidades civis; a formação do caráter cívico dos cidadãos no que tange à matéria ambiental; e a capacitação dos acadêmicos e juristas para a conscientização ambiental. O projeto acompanha a Ação Civil Pública [ACP] n. 2007.72.00.008013-6, a ACP n. 023.96.029354-1 e a Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade [ADIn] n. 4252-1, que estão em curso e apresentam resultados positivos, assim como as perspectivas para o futuro das demais. Observa-se, que a assimilação da cidadania ambiental através da prática jurídica e educação, são os meios pelos quais o projeto busca visibilidade na sociedade. A adequação cultural é fundamental parte deste processo de consciência ambiental

    Educação e fake news: construindo convergências

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    Durante um curto espaço de tempo, as pesquisas a respeito das Redes Sociais da Internet transitaram entre um espaço de indignação e esperança, abarcando manifestações sociais em escalas globais para o materialismo da pós-verdade, chamados de Fake News. Assim, ao discorrer sobre o papel da educação no cenário das múltiplas formas e formatos de comunicação que perpassam as Redes Sociais da Internet, temos por objetivo compreender a relação entre educação e fake news a partir da constituição de rede de autores e rede de palavras-chave, identificando as possíveis convergências e perspectivas que possam ampliar a relação entre esses dois campos de estudo. Nesse sentido, para compor o cenário de reflexões, realizamos um levantamento bibliométrico das produções acadêmicas desenvolvidas no período de 2013 a 2019, disponíveis no repositório Science Direct. O exame das produções acadêmicas versou sobre o reconhecimento das fontes que contemplam o contexto da educação e das fake news, realçando as concepções e os vínculos entre ambas. A partir do software de visualização de redes, VOSviewer, apresentamos a rede de palavras-chave e a rede de autores que se sobressaem na associação entre esses campos de análise. Verificamos que as principais conexões entre educação e educação tratam sobre o desenvolvimento de habilidades para a constatação de notícias errôneas. Por sua vez, por meio da visualização da rede de palavras-chave, três palavras foram evidenciadas: educação, social media e fake news, e na rede de autores, dos 46 autores, foram criados 14 clusters

    Whey Protein Hydrolysate Increases Translocation Of Glut-4 To The Plasma Membrane Independent Of Insulin In Wistar Rats.

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    Whey protein (WP) and whey protein hydrolysate (WPH) have the recognized capacity to increase glycogen stores. The objective of this study was to verify if consuming WP and WPH could also increase the concentration of the glucose transporters GLUT-1 and GLUT-4 in the plasma membrane (PM) of the muscle cells of sedentary and exercised animals. Forty-eight Wistar rats were divided into 6 groups (n = 8 per group), were treated and fed with experimental diets for 9 days as follows: a) control casein (CAS); b) WP; c) WPH; d) CAS exercised; e) WP exercised; and f) WPH exercised. After the experimental period, the animals were sacrificed, muscle GLUT-1 and GLUT-4, p85, Akt and phosphorylated Akt were analyzed by western blotting, and the glycogen, blood amino acids, insulin levels and biochemical health indicators were analyzed using standard methods. Consumption of WPH significantly increased the concentrations of GLUT-4 in the PM and glycogen, whereas the GLUT-1 and insulin levels and the health indicators showed no alterations. The physical exercise associated with consumption of WPH had favorable effects on glucose transport into muscle. These results should encourage new studies dealing with the potential of both WP and WPH for the treatment or prevention of type II diabetes, a disease in which there is reduced translocation of GLUT-4 to the plasma membrane.8e7113

    The expression of and preoperative correlation between heat-shock protein 70, EuroSCORE, and lactate in patients undergoing CABG with cardiopulmonary bypass

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    Objetive: Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) improved symptoms and increased survival and quality of life in patients with coronary artery disease. However, it should be the main cause of a complex organic systemic inflammatory response that greatly contributes to several postoperative adverse effects. Methods: We aimed to evaluate heat-shock protein 70 (HSP 70) expression as a morbimortality predictor in patients with preserved ventricular function undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) and to determine their association with the lactate as a marker of tissue hypoperfusion and the EuroSCORE risk score. This is a prospective, observational study including 46 patients and occurring between May and July 2016. Patients without ventricular dysfunction undergoing myocardial revascularization with extracorporeal circulation were included. They were divided into (1) complicated and (2) uncomplicated postoperative evolution groups. EuroSCORE, lactate levels, and HSP 70 expression and their correlations were determined. Results: Statistical analysis showed that the group with complicated evolution had higher EuroSCORE values than the other group. HSP 70 protein levels were significantly increased in the group with uncomplicated evolution and showed similar results. According to our results, HSP family proteins may be independent predictors of uncomplicated evolution in patients without ventricular dysfunction undergoing CABG with CPB. Conclusion: HSP 70 should be a good discriminator and protection marker for complications in cardiac surgery.34215616

    Utjecaj dodatka brašna od brakteja banane (Musa spp.) na miševe hranjene hranom s velikim udjelom masnoća

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    Research background. The extensive cultivation of bananas (Musa sp.) is related to producing tons of residues, such as leaves, pseudostems and bracts (inflorescences). The banana bract is a commercially interesting residue due to its dietary fibre content and high antioxidant potential. With this in mind, this study evaluates the effects of administering banana bract flour in animal models fed a cafeteria diet. Experimental approach. Thirty-two male rats were divided into 4 groups: (i) control diet, (ii) control diet with 10 % banana bract flour, (iii) hypercaloric diet, and (iv) hypercaloric diet with 10 % bract banana flour. The study was conducted for 12 weeks and included analysis of phenolic compounds, assessment of the antioxidant effect of banana bract flour, determination of serum biochemical parameters (glucose, total cholesterol, triglycerides, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine transaminase (ALT), amylase, albumin, uric acid, creatine, total protein, and oral glucose), determination of faecal fat content, and histomorphological analysis of the liver, pancreas and adipose tissue. In addition, molecular parameters such as IL6, total and phosphorylated JNK, total and phosphorylated IKKβ, TNFα, TLR4 and HSP70 were determined. Results and conclusions. The banana bract flour showed a high content of phenolic compounds and an antioxidant effect. The in vivo results suggest that the supplementation of a hypercaloric diet with banana bract flour prevented pathological damage by reducing total cholesterol and glucose amounts, which may imply a hepatoprotective effect of this supplement. Thus, using banana bract flour as a supplement can increase the consumption of fibre, antioxidants and bioactive compounds. Novelty and scientific contribution. The development of flour from banana waste and its inclusion in the diet can prevent and/or help treat obesity. In addition, the use of banana bracts can help protect the environment, as they are considered a source of waste by the food industry.Pozadina istraživanja. Pri ekstenzivnom uzgoju banana (Musa sp.) nastaje velika količina otpadaka, kao što su lišće, prividno deblo i cvjetne brakteje. Brakteje banane su od komercijalnog interesa, jer su bogate vlaknima i imaju veliki antioksidacijski potencijal. Stoga je svrha ovoga rada bila ispitati utjecaj dodatka brašna od brakteja banane na životinje hranjene hranom s velikim udjelom masnoća. Eksperimentalni pristup. Trideset i dva mužjaka miševa podijeljena su u četiri skupine ovisno o hranidbi: (i) kontrolna prehrana, (ii) kontrolna prehrana s dodatkom 10 % brašna od brakteja banane, (iii) hiperkalorična prehrana i (iv) hiperkalorična prehrana s dodatkom 10 % brašna od brakteja banane. Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom 12 tjedana, te je obuhvaćalo ispitivanje udjela fenolnih spojeva i antioksidacijskog učinka brašna od brakteja banane, određivanje biokemijskih pokazatelja u serumu (koncentracije glukoze, ukupnog kolesterola i triglicerida, aktivnosti aspartat aminotransferaze (AST), alanin transaminaze (ALT) i amilaze, te koncentracije albumina, mokraćne kiseline, kreatinina, ukupnih proteina i oralne glukoze), masenog udjela lipida u stolici, te histomorfološku analizu tkiva jetre, gušterače i masnog tkiva. Uz to, ispitana je prisutnost molekula kao što su interleukin 6 (IL6), ukupne i fosforilirane kinaze JNK i IKKβ, tumorski faktor nekroze alfa (TNFα), Toll-u sličan receptor 4 (TLR4) i protein toplinskog šoka 70 (HSP70). Rezultati i zaključci. Brašno od brakteja banane imalo je velik udjel fenolnih spojeva i izražen antioksidacijski učinak. Rezultati dobiveni ispitivanjem in vivo pokazuju da su se dodatkom tog brašna hiperkaloričnoj prehrani smanjile koncentracije ukupnog kolosterola i glukoze u krvi, te spriječilo patološko oštećenje organa, što upućuje na mogući hepatoprotektivni učinak ovog dodatka hrani. Zaključeno je da se dodatkom ovog brašna povećava unos vlakana, antioksidanasa i bioaktivnih spojeva u organizam. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Pripremom brašna od brakteja banane i njegovim dodatkom prehrani moguće je spriječiti ili smanjiti pretilost. Osim toga, korištenje brakteja banana pomaže zaštiti okoliša, jer predstavljaju otpad iz prehrambene industrije

    The step of incorporation of Bacillus coagulans GBI-30 6086 into “requeijão cremoso” processed cheese does not affect metabolic homeostasis of rats

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    Dairy product consumption is a common habit in Brazil. These products present a good matrix for probiotic incorporation. Thus, in this study the feasibility of producing a probiotic "requeijao cremoso" incorporated with Bacillus coagulans GBI-30 6086 in three different steps and its metabolic effect in an animal model for 2 weeks has been evaluated. Wistar adult health rats were randomized into one to five groups (n = 8 for each group): Control (C); "requeijao cremoso" without probiotic (RC); probiotic inoculated in the milk before pasteurization at 65 degrees C/30 min (RPP); "requeijao cremoso" inoculated before the fusion step and consequently exposed to 90 degrees C/5 min (RPF); and "requeijao cremoso" inoculated after fusion step, i.e., once the product temperature reached 50 degrees C (RPAF). At the end of treatment, analysis of molecular markers of proteins of stress and antioxidant system, HSP 25, 60, 70 and 90, SOD and catalase were performed in the animals' muscles by Western Blot technique. The HSP25, HSP90 and catalase levels of C, RPP, RPF, and RPAF were similar, indicating that the homeostasis remained unchanged. The incorporation of B. coagulans GBI-30 6086 in the "requeijao cremoso" was shown to be stable and the microorganism remained viable in all steps tested. The incorporation of the probiotic strain in the fusion stage facilitated the technological process, since it allowed a better homogenization of the product and did not affect the maintenance of the metabolic homeostasis of rats10CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPsem informação302763/2014-7; 305804/2017-013/21544-9; 18/24540-8; 2019/21188-