4 research outputs found

    O licenciamento ambiental de suinoculturas na região do Alto São Francisco, Minas Gerais

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    O Brasil é um dos principais países exportadores de carne suinícola, tendo produzido 3,643 milhões de toneladas em 2015. Porém, essa intensa produção animal ocasiona uma serie de impactos ambientais como a contaminação do solo e da água. Este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar o estado de adequação ambiental dos empreendimentos suinícolas licenciados no período de 2011 a 2015 na região do Alto São Francisco, Minas Gerais, observando principalmente as alternativas de mitigação de impactos utilizadas. A estatística utilizada foi a descritiva e a coleta de dados interpretativa, por meio de check-list. Verificou-se que o principal motivo de indeferimento de licenças foi a falta de cumprimento de condicionantes estabelecidas pelos órgãos ambientais. Os principais impactos ambientais negativos da suinocultura observados foram o grande volume de efluente gerado e da emissão de gases que contribuem com o aumento do efeito estufa. Entre as medidas mitigadoras, destaca-se o manejo do efluente por meio de biodigestores e queimadores, podendo ser reutilizado como insumo para fertirrigação ou geração de energia elétrica. A regularização ambiental é uma prática necessária para a sustentabilidade da atividade de suinocultura, proporcionando adequações necessárias à qualidade de vida

    Relevance of strategic environmental assessment to Rio Grande basin management

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    This research aims to identify the vulnerabilities of Rio Grande basin in Minas Gerais state as well as to investigate, through technical, legal, social, and governmental aspects, the relevance of SEA as an environmental tool for the conservation and preservation of watersheds. Rio Grande basin evaluation was performed by using this following database: soil classes, land use classification, water quality index, and economic ecological index. It was performed multi-criteria decision analysis based on analytic hierarchy process methodology. 52.5% of the studied area was classified as “good” preservation condition. Alto Grande (GD1), Mortes/Jacaré (GD2) and Furnas (GD3) units did not contain significant percentages of their areas corresponding to the preservation class “very good”. In the studied area, 34.51% was classified as “medium” preservation condition, thus indicating the need for effective measures for the river basin conservation. These findings highlight the potential importance of including the SEA in the decision-making process for plans, policies and programs related to the integrated management of water resources

    Mining for sand extraction - Rio Grande: Brazilian environmental legislation applied

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    Sand is a fundamental natural resource, and its availability is crucial for economic growth and infrastructure development. The present work aimed to analyze the sand mining processes in an enterprise on the banks of the Rio Grande, in the southwest of Minas Gerais, mainly the environmental aspects and the focus on meeting legal conditions and requirements that encompass the process of extracting sand. sand extraction is a globally widespread activity, essential in the construction industry and several other industrial applications. Rivers provide a natural source of sand, a vital component in manufacturing concrete, asphalt, glass, and ceramic products and foundry. However, this activity is not without controversy, due to the significant environmental impacts it entails. In extracting sand from the bed of rivers or lakes, a dredger is used to remove sand and other materials found at the bottom of the water body, using water as a means of transport. Sand extraction is a globally widespread activity, playing an essential role in the construction industry and several other industrial applications. Rivers provide a natural source of sand, a vital component in manufacturing concrete, asphalt, glass, and ceramic products and foundry. However, this activity is not without controversy, due to the significant environmental impacts it entails. In extracting sand from the bed of rivers or lakes, a dredger is used to remove sand and other materials found at the bottom of the water body, using water as a means of transport. The main operation of this project consists of the extraction of sand and gravel intended for direct use in civil construction, as established by code A-03-01-8 in COPAM Normative Deliberation no. 217/2017 (Brazilian State Legislation), being a potential polluting activity. Furthermore, the aforementioned development is located within the buffer zone of the Serra da Canastra National Park, weighing 1 for the locational framing criteria