2,486 research outputs found

    Connections and dynamical trajectories in generalised Newton-Cartan gravity I. An intrinsic view

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    The "metric" structure of nonrelativistic spacetimes consists of a one-form (the absolute clock) whose kernel is endowed with a positive-definite metric. Contrarily to the relativistic case, the metric structure and the torsion do not determine a unique Galilean (i.e. compatible) connection. This subtlety is intimately related to the fact that the timelike part of the torsion is proportional to the exterior derivative of the absolute clock. When the latter is not closed, torsionfreeness and metric-compatibility are thus mutually exclusive. We will explore generalisations of Galilean connections along the two corresponding alternative roads in a series of papers. In the present one, we focus on compatible connections and investigate the equivalence problem (i.e. the search for the necessary data allowing to uniquely determine connections) in the torsionfree and torsional cases. More precisely, we characterise the affine structure of the spaces of such connections and display the associated model vector spaces. In contrast with the relativistic case, the metric structure does not single out a privileged origin for the space of metric-compatible connections. In our construction, the role of the Levi-Civita connection is played by a whole class of privileged origins, the so-called torsional Newton-Cartan (TNC) geometries recently investigated in the literature. Finally, we discuss a generalisation of Newtonian connections to the torsional case.Comment: 79 pages, 7 figures; v2: added material on affine structure of connection space, former Section 4 postponed to 3rd paper of the serie

    Annexin I and dexamethasone effects on phospholipase and cyclooxygenase activity in human synoviocytes.

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    Annexin I is a glucocorticoid-induced mediator with anti-inflammatory activity in animal models of arthritis. We studied the effects of a bioactive annexin I peptide, ac 2-26, dexamethasone (DEX), and interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) on phospholipase A2 (PLA2) and cyclooxygenase (COX) activities and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) release in cultured human fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLS). Annexin I binding sites on human osteoarthritic (OA) FLS were detected by ligand binding flow cytometry. PLA2 activity was measured using 3H-arachidonic acid release, PGE2 release and COX activity by ELISA, and COX2 content by flow cytometry. Annexin I binding sites were present on human OA FLS. Annexin I peptide ac 2-26 exerted a significant concentration-dependent inhibition of FLS constitutive PLA2 activity, which was reversed by IL-1beta. In contrast, DEX inhibited IL-1beta-induced PLA2 activity but not constitutive activity. DEX but not annexin I peptide inhibited IL-1beta-induced PGE2 release. COX activity and COX2 expression were significantly increased by IL-1beta. Annexin I peptide demonstrated no inhibition of constitutive or IL-1beta-induced COX activity. DEX exerted a concentration-dependent inhibition of IL-1beta-induced but not constitutive COX activity. Uncoupling of inhibition of PLA2 and COX by annexin I and DEX support the hypothesis that COX is rate-limiting for PGE2 synthesis in FLS. The effect of annexin I but not DEX on constitutive PLA2 activity suggests a glucocorticoid-independent role for annexin I in autoregulation of arachidonic acid production. The lack of effect of annexin I on cytokine-induced PGE2 production suggests PGE2-independent mechanisms for the anti-inflammatory effects of annexin I in vivo

    The H-Index as a Quantitative Indicator of the Relative Impact of Human Diseases

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    Assessment of the relative impact of diseases and pathogens is important for agencies and other organizations charged with providing disease surveillance, management and control. It also helps funders of disease-related research to identify the most important areas for investment. Decisions as to which pathogens or diseases to target are often made using complex risk assessment approaches; however, these usually involve evaluating a large number of hazards as it is rarely feasible to conduct an in-depth appraisal of each. Here we propose the use of the H-index (or Hirsch index) as an alternative rapid, repeatable and objective means of assessing pathogen impact. H-index scores for 1,414 human pathogens were obtained from the Institute for Scientific Information's Web of Science (WOS) in July/August 2010. Scores were compared for zoonotic/non-zoonotic, and emerging/non-emerging pathogens, and across taxonomic groups. H-indices for a subset of pathogens were compared with Disability Adjusted Life Year (DALY) estimates for the diseases they cause. H-indices ranged from 0 to 456, with a median of 11. Emerging pathogens had higher H-indices than non-emerging pathogens. Zoonotic pathogens tended to have higher H-indices than human-only pathogens, although the opposite was observed for viruses. There was a significant correlation between the DALY of a disease and the H-index of the pathogen(s) that cause it. Therefore, scientific interest, as measured by the H-index, appears to be a reflection of the true impact of pathogens. The H-index method can be utilized to set up an objective, repeatable and readily automated system for assessing pathogen or disease impact

    Simulating the interaction between a society and a renewable resource

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    ... In this paper we present the simulator, and, in order to give a general outline of its use we present different experimentations. The architecture of simulators is based on Distributed Artificial Intelligence principle (multi-agents simulations, object oriented language). We simulate an aquatic ecosystem submitted to an increase of the fishing effort and compare the effect of different representation of fishing effort. As a result of the simulations, focus can be put on the relation between space sharing rules and the evolution of the ecological equilibrium. The simulator is considered as a discussion tool to lead to interdisciplinary meetings. (D'après résumé d'auteur

    Systematic Assessment of the Climate Sensitivity of Important Human and Domestic Animals Pathogens in Europe

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    Climate change is expected to threaten human health and well-being via its effects on climate-sensitive infectious diseases, potentially changing their spatial distributions, affecting annual/seasonal cycles, or altering disease incidence and severity. Climate sensitivity of pathogens is a key indicator that diseases might respond to climate change, but the proportion of pathogens that is climate-sensitive, and their characteristics, are not known. The climate sensitivity of European human and domestic animal infectious pathogens, and the characteristics associated with sensitivity, were assessed systematically in terms of selection of pathogens and choice of literature reviewed. Sixty-three percent (N = 157) of pathogens were climate sensitive; 82% to primary drivers such as rainfall and temperature. Protozoa and helminths, vector-borne, foodborne, soilborne and waterborne transmission routes were associated with larger numbers of climate drivers. Zoonotic pathogens were more climate sensitive than human- or animal-only pathogens. Thirty-seven percent of disability-adjusted-life-years arise from human infectious diseases that are sensitive to primary climate drivers. These results help prioritize surveillance for pathogens that may respond to climate change. Although this study identifies a high degree of climate sensitivity among important pathogens, their response to climate change will be dependent on the nature of their association with climate drivers and impacts of other drivers

    Nonspecific Cellular and Humoral Defence Mechanisms in Sheatfish (Silurus glanis)

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    Climate variability and outbreaks of infectious diseases in Europe

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    Several studies provide evidence of a link between vector-borne disease outbreaks and El Niño driven climate anomalies. Less investigated are the effects of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Here, we test its impact on outbreak occurrences of 13 infectious diseases over Europe during the last fifty years, controlling for potential bias due to increased surveillance and detection. NAO variation statistically influenced the outbreak occurrence of eleven of the infectious diseases. Seven diseases were associated with winter NAO positive phases in northern Europe, and therefore with above-average temperatures and precipitation. Two diseases were associated with the summer or spring NAO negative phases in northern Europe, and therefore with below-average temperatures and precipitation. Two diseases were associated with summer positive or negative NAO phases in southern Mediterranean countries. These findings suggest that there is potential for developing early warning systems, based on climatic variation information, for improved outbreak control and management

    Participatory diagnosis and adaptive management of small-scale fisheries in the Niger River Basin

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    In a broad sense, analysis of ‘resilience’ is about the capacity of systems to adapt to shocks, recognizing that disturbance and change are integral component of complex systems. More formally, resilience analysis proposes to focus on mechanisms and processes that help systems absorbing perturbations and shocks, and coping with uncertainty and risks. Defined in such a way, the concept of resilience thus appears particularly useful for the management of small-scale fisheries. However, while the resilience concept is appealing, particularly in the face of the failure of current management approaches, the danger is that it remains largely academic and theoretical, and not of a great help in effectively improving the way natural resources are managed on the ground. The challenge, therefore, lies in a pragmatic approach to operationalizing the concept of resilience and making its implementation on the ground practical and meaningful. In this project we propose a framework aimed at this objective and we test it in the specific context of small-scale fisheries in the Niger River Basin
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