88 research outputs found

    El gobierno corporativo y sus efectos en el índice de solvencia de las sociedades financieras populares en México: Corporate governance and its effects on the solvency index of popular financial companies in Mexico

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    El presente trabajo tiene como propósito, analizar los efectos del gobierno corporativo sobre los índices de solvencia de las sociedades financieras populares, cuya operación dentro del sector de ahorro y crédito popular se orienta básicamente a un sector de la población en México, que no tiene acceso a servicios financieros por parte de la banca tradicional; tales entidades posterior a su normalización y autorización por el estado mexicano, durante los últimos veinte años, han transitado por una serie de dificultades que ponen en constante riesgo su permanencia y continuidad como sociedades autorizadas. Con base en lo anterior se construyó un índice sobre gobierno corporativo, tomando como referencia las recomendaciones sobre aspectos mínimos sobre el tema, emitidas por la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico (OCDE); y para el tema de solvencia financiera, se consideró la metodología basada en el Z-Score de Altman, posteriormente, mediante un análisis de correlación se identificó en qué medida afectan o benefician las practicas del gobierno corporativo a cada SOFIPO y si estas inciden en su nivel de solvencia

    Una aproximación a la tecnología de proyección térmica

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    Thermal spray technology comprises a group ofcoating application processes which provides sur-faces protection functions and performance enhancementof substrate or component. Thereare several types and forms of materials that canbe sprayed thermally to provide them protectionagainst corrosion, wear, and also it serves as a thermalbarrier. This technique is also used to restoreand repair parts or components, not to mention avariety of applications. This article attempts to bea reference guide of thermal spray technology, coveringthe technical principles, mechanisms of layerformation and adhesion of the coating / substrate,processes, types of coatings, applications andanalyzing a case of study.La tecnología de proyección térmica comprende ungrupo de procesos de aplicaciones de recubrimientosque proporcionan a las superficies funciones deprotección y mejora del rendimiento del sustrato ocomponente. Existen muchos tipos y formas demateriales que pueden ser aspersados térmicamentepara proporcionales protección contra la corrosión,desgaste y sirviendo además como barreratérmica. Esta técnica también es utilizada para restaurary reparar piezas o componentes, sin mencionaruna variedad de aplicaciones. Este artículopretende ser una guía de referencia de la tecnologíade proyección térmica que abarca los principios dela técnica, mecanismos de formación de la capa yde adhesión del recubrimiento/sustrato, procesos,tipos de revestimientos, aplicaciones y el análisis deun caso de estudio

    Una aproximación a la tecnología de proyección térmica

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    Thermal spray technology comprises a group ofcoating application processes which provides sur-faces protection functions and performance enhancementof substrate or component. Thereare several types and forms of materials that canbe sprayed thermally to provide them protectionagainst corrosion, wear, and also it serves as a thermalbarrier. This technique is also used to restoreand repair parts or components, not to mention avariety of applications. This article attempts to bea reference guide of thermal spray technology, coveringthe technical principles, mechanisms of layerformation and adhesion of the coating / substrate,processes, types of coatings, applications andanalyzing a case of study.La tecnología de proyección térmica comprende ungrupo de procesos de aplicaciones de recubrimientosque proporcionan a las superficies funciones deprotección y mejora del rendimiento del sustrato ocomponente. Existen muchos tipos y formas demateriales que pueden ser aspersados térmicamentepara proporcionales protección contra la corrosión,desgaste y sirviendo además como barreratérmica. Esta técnica también es utilizada para restaurary reparar piezas o componentes, sin mencionaruna variedad de aplicaciones. Este artículopretende ser una guía de referencia de la tecnologíade proyección térmica que abarca los principios dela técnica, mecanismos de formación de la capa yde adhesión del recubrimiento/sustrato, procesos,tipos de revestimientos, aplicaciones y el análisis deun caso de estudio

    Influence of the soil water content and distribution on both the hydraulic and transpiration performance of 'Manzanilla' olive trees

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    VI International Symposium on Irrigation of Horticultural Crops, celebrado del 2-6 de noviembre de 2006 en Viña del Mar, Chile ISBN-978-90-66057-13-5This work was made with mature 'Manzanilla' olive trees in an orchard of a semi-arid area in southern Spain. Three water treatments were considered: Rainfed, in which the trees had rainfall as the only source of water supply; FAO, in which the trees were under localized irrigation to replace the crop water demand, with some roots left in drying soil; Pond, in which the whole rootzones of the trees were maintained under non-limiting soil water conditions for the whole dry season. Our aim was to obtain information on the mechanisms behind the reduction of transpiration (Ep) in the FAO trees, as compared to the Pond trees. Our results show a near-isohydric behaviour of the FAO trees, i.e. those trees under localized irrigation in which some roots are left in drying showed lower stomatal conductance than the Pond trees in which all roots were in wetted soil. This helped the FAO trees to maintain similar leaf water potentials than the Pond trees. In addition, the FAO trees maintained a constant difference between the water potential of the canopy and that in the soil. This has been described as an isohydrodynamic behaviour, and it is thought to be an improvement over a typically anisohydric behaviour. These mechanisms were behind the similar values of tree hydraulic conductance (K p) found in the FAO and Pond treatments. The Rainfed trees showed lower Kp values because of the low Ep values of those trees, due to the low soil water availability in that treatment. Our results show, however, that the Rainfed trees were able to maintain similar values of Kp all throughout the dry season, which shows that the hydraulic efficiency of the xylem of those trees was little affected by embolism, despite of the high demanding conditions in the area.Ministry of Education and Science (Spain) AGL2006-04666/AGRUnión Europea STREP 327 02312

    Evaluación de metodologías para la aplicación de sistemas de protección contra la corrosión en el interior de tanques de lastre en embarcaciones marinas

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    In this paper, different methodologies of surface preparation for applyinga paint system used in ballast tanks of marine vessels are studied andtheir influences in the performance of the paint system are evaluated.Typical rusts found on boat surfaces were characterized, field tests wereconducted with different surface preparations in hard-to-reach areas,controlling the contamination degree by soluble salts and comparingdifferent methods (Bresle method, Sleeve test, Saltsmart test and ionchromatography) and different roughness profiles (sand blasting, powergrinding and sandpaper, scraping and picketing) in order to determinethe more efficient combination of methods for the surface preparation inhard-to-reach areas. Different properties of a paint system were evaluateduring laboratory and field exposure tests. The final exposure time was 7months. It was found that the methods of surface preparation by picketingand power grinding + sandpaper have the higher salt contents (> 10 μg/cm2), exceeding the maximum permitted limit of 5.0 μg/cm2Este artículo presenta los resultados de la evaluación del desempeño ymetodologías de preparación superficial para la aplicación de un sistemade pinturas utilizado en tanques de lastre de embarcaciones marinas.Se caracterizaron las herrumbres típicas encontradas en superficies deembarcaciones, se realizaron pruebas de campo haciendo diferentespreparaciones de superficies en áreas de difícil acceso que permitierancontrolar el grado de contaminación por sales solubles, comparandodiferentes métodos (Método Bresle, Sleeve test, Saltsmart, cromatografíaiónica) y varios perfiles de anclaje (sand blasting, grata y lija, escariadory piqueteo) con el fin de determinar la combinación de los métodos máseficientes en la práctica para la preparación de zonas de difícil acceso. Seevaluaron las propiedades de un sistema de pinturas en laboratorio y encampo durante 7 meses de exposición. Se encontró que los métodos depreparación de superficie por piqueteo y grata + lija son los que presentanel mayor contenido de sales (> de 10 μg/cm2), superando el límitemáximo permitido de 5.0 μg/cm2. A partir del método de preparacióncon escariador están por debajo de los 10 μg/cm2

    A proposal to design the platform e-gloo for english grammar teacher content development and student learning at the english Language Department of the Western Multidisciplinary Campus of the University of El Salvador-2020

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    The present holistic projective research: “A Proposal to Design the Platform E-GLOO for English Grammar Teacher Content Development and Student Learning at the English Language Department of the Western Multidisciplinary Campus of the University of El Salvador-2020” had as a main objective to upgrade English Grammar teacher content development and student learning, but due to situations with the Covid-19 pandemic and the limitations that this cause

    Contributions to the INIFAP technology transfer 35 years after its creation / Contribuições para a transferência de tecnologia INIFAP 35 anos após a sua criação

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    The main contributions that INIFAP has made in the transfer of technologies and knowledge, in support of the rural population of Mexico, are presented, the most outstanding models within the national and international scope that researchers have put into operation and their main results are detailed. Undoubtedly, the institutional contributions to the programs of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development have marked a watershed between the traditional models or what "what occurred to him" to the researcher in contrast to the participatory and inclusive models to contribute to the substantial improvement of the productive processes, the family economy and for the agribusiness

    Genomic diversity of burkholderia pseudomalleiIsolates, Colombia

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    We report an analysis of the genomic diversity of isolates of Burkholderia pseudomallei, the cause of melioidosis, recovered in Colombia from routine surveillance during 2016–2017. B. pseudomallei appears genetically diverse, suggesting it is well established and has spread across the region

    Evaluation of methodologies for the application of protection systems against corrosion inside ballast tanks in marine vessels

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    RESUMEN: Este artículo presenta los resultados de la evaluación del desempeño y metodologías de preparación superficial para la aplicación de un sistema de pinturas utilizado en tanques de lastre de embarcaciones marinas. Se caracterizaron las herrumbres típicas encontradas en superficies de embarcaciones, se realizaron pruebas de campo haciendo diferentes preparaciones de superficies en áreas de difícil acceso que permitieran controlar el grado de contaminación por sales solubles, comparando diferentes métodos (Método Bresle, Sleeve test, Saltsmart, cromatografía iónica) y varios perfiles de anclaje (sand blasting, grata y lija, escariador y piqueteo) con el fin de determinar la combinación de los métodos más eficientes en la práctica para la preparación de zonas de difícil acceso. Se evaluaron las propiedades de un sistema de pinturas en laboratorio y en campo durante 7 meses de exposición. Se encontró que los métodos de preparación de superficie por piqueteo y grata + lija son los que presentan el mayor contenido de sales (> de 10 μg/cm2), superando el límite máximo permitido de 5.0 μg/cm2. A partir del método de preparación con escariador están por debajo de los 10 μg/cm2.ABSTRACT: In this paper, different methodologies of surface preparation for applying a paint system used in ballast tanks of marine vessels are studied and their influences in the performance of the paint system are evaluated. Typical rusts found on boat surfaces were characterized, field tests were conducted with different surface preparations in hard-to-reach areas, controlling the contamination degree by soluble salts and comparing different methods (Bresle method, Sleeve test, Saltsmart test and ion chromatography) and different roughness profiles (sand blasting, power grinding and sandpaper, scraping and picketing) in order to determine the more efficient combination of methods for the surface preparation in hard-to-reach areas. Different properties of a paint system were evaluate during laboratory and field exposure tests. The final exposure time was 7 months. It was found that the methods of surface preparation by picketing and power grinding + sandpaper have the higher salt contents (> 10 μg/ cm2), exceeding the maximum permitted limit of 5.0 μg/cm2

    Seroepidemiology of infection with Toxoplasma gondii in healthy blood donors of Durango, Mexico

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Toxoplasma gondii </it>(<it>T. gondii</it>) infection in blood donors could represent a risk for transmission in blood recipients. There is scarce information about the epidemiology of <it>T. gondii </it>infection in blood donors in Mexico. Therefore, we sought to determine the prevalence of <it>T. gondii </it>infection and associated socio-demographic and behavioral characteristics in a population of healthy blood donors of Durango City, Mexico.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Four hundred and thirty two blood donors in two public blood banks of Durango City, Mexico were examined for <it>T. gondii </it>infection between August to September 2006. Blood donors were tested for anti-<it>T. gondii </it>IgG and IgM antibodies by using enzyme-linked immunoassays (Diagnostic Automation Inc., Calabasas, CA, USA). Socio-demographic and behavioral characteristics from each participant were also obtained.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Thirty two (7.4%) of 432 blood donors had IgG anti-<it>T. gondii </it>antibodies. Eight (1.9%) of them had also IgM anti-<it>T. gondii </it>antibodies. Multivariate analysis using logic regression showed that <it>T. gondii </it>infection was associated with the presence of cats at home (adjusted OR = 3.81; 95% CI: 1.45–10.01). The age group of 45–60 years showed a significantly higher frequency of <it>T. gondii </it>infection than the group of 25–34 years (p = 0.02). Blood donors without education had a significantly higher frequency of infection (15.8%) than those with 13–19 years of education (4.5%) (p = 0.04). Other characteristics of blood donors including male gender, consumption of undercooked meat or blood transfusion did not show an association with infection.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The prevalence of <it>T. gondii </it>infection in healthy blood donors of Durango City, Mexico is lower than those reported in blood donors of south and central Mexico, and is one of the lowest reported in blood donors worldwide. <it>T. gondii </it>infection in our blood donors was most likely acquired by contact with cats. Prevalence of infection increased with age and decreased with educational level.</p