1,498 research outputs found

    The painter Gaspar de Quevedo, his apprenticeship in Seville and new works in Canary Islands

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    El pintor canario Gaspar de Quevedo se estableció a comienzos del tercio central del siglo XVII en Sevilla, de donde regresó a Tenerife tras enviudar en 1649. En este trabajo se aclara su –hasta ahora supuesta– formación pictórica en la ciudad andaluza, al revelarse la identidad su maestro, Miguel Güelles, con quien concertó su aprendizaje en 1633. Además de esta noticia, que obliga a reconsiderar su itinerario biográfico, proponemos atribuirle tres pinturas conservadas en otros tantos templos isleños –en Tenerife y Lanzarote– que contribuyen a perfilar su catálogo y su trayectoria artística entre Andalucía y Canarias.The canarian painter Gaspar de Quevedo was stablished at the beginings of the 1630s of the XVIIth century in Seville, from where he came back to Tenerife after he became a widow in 1649. This article illustrates his –until now supposed– pictoric training in the andalusian city, and unlock the identity of his master, Miguel Güelles, whom he concerted his apprenticeship in 1633. Further more this notice, wich obligates to reconsider his biographical itinerary, we propose to attribute three paintings than have been conservated in some temples of the islands –in Tenerife and Lanzarote–, that contribute to outline his catalogue and his artistic career in Andalusia and Canary Islands

    The climate of the Castilian-Leonese Cantabrian Mountains: diversity and contrasts

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    Se realiza la caracterización del clima de la Cordillera Cantábrica en Castilla y León, resaltando los rasgos que la singularizan a partir del análisis de sus variables térmicas y pluviométricas, expresadas de forma numérica y cartográfica. La impronta del relieve, la transición climática zonal y meridiana, y el cambio observado en algunas variables desde los años 90 a la actualidad, son aspectos a destacar.Climate characterization of the Cantabrian Mountains in Castilla and León is performed, highlighting the features that single out from the analysis of their thermal and rainfall variables, expressed numerically and cartographic. The imprint of the relief, the zonal and meridian climatic transition, and the change observed in some variables from the 90s to the present, are notable aspects

    Plan de negocios para la comercialización y distribución de camisetas y camisetas de tirantes en la ciudad de Bogotá

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    EmprendimientoEl presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo formular un plan de negocio para una empresa de comercialización y distribución de camisetas y camisetas de tirantes en la ciudad de Bogotá, para lo cual la comercialización y distribución será realizada por la empresa y así poder garantizar la satisfacción de los clientes logrando participación competitiva en el mercado con expectativas ambiciosas para el lucro y sostenibilidad económica de la compañíaINTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. ESTUDIO DE MERCADO 3. ESTUDIO FINANCIERO 4. ANALISIS FINANCIERO CONCLUSIONES BIBLIOGRAFIAPregradoIngeniero Industria

    Vínculo de la teoría práctica para el desarrollo de competencias mediante la asignatura de Física en el Nivel Medio Superior de la UANL.

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    En esta actividad investigativa se diseñó una estrategia didáctica para la realización de actividades en el salón de clase orientadas al desarrollo de competencias científicas en los estudiantes; para ello se propone el estudio integral del fenómeno físico enfocado a la comprensión total, tomando en cuenta las potencialidades de la Física aunado a las potencialidades de su didáctica. El principal sustento consiste en que en una misma actividad docente: se observe, se modele, se interprete, se describa, se argumente, se interactúe con el fenómeno físico y se verifique lo estudiado. Para ello fue necesario elaborar una serie de experimentos en las áreas de Mecánica, Óptica, Electricidad y Magnetismo, Calor y Fluidos, además se diseñó un software relacionado con algunos de los experimentos para el estudio del fenómeno físico de la manera antes descrita. Se aplicó la estrategia a un grupo de estudiantes de la asignatura de Física de una de las preparatorias de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León y se muestran los resultados de la aplicación

    Impact of Distance on Mode of Active Commuting in Chilean Children and Adolescents

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    Active commuting could contribute to increasing physical activity. The objective of this study was to characterise patterns of active commuting to and from schools in children and adolescents in Chile. A total of 453 Chilean children and adolescents aged between 10 and 18 years were included in this study. Data regarding modes of commuting and commuting distance was collected using a validated questionnaire. Commuting mode was classified as active commuting (walking and/or cycling) or non-active commuting (car, motorcycle and/or bus). Commuting distance expressed in kilometres was categorised into six subgroups (0 to 0.5, 0.6 to 1, 1.1 to 2, 2.1 to 3, 3.1 to 5 and >5 km). Car commuting was the main mode for children (to school 64.9%; from school 51.2%) and adolescents (to school 50.2%; from school 24.7%). Whereas public bus commuting was the main transport used by adolescents to return from school. Only 11.0% and 24.8% of children and adolescents, respectively, walk to school. The proportion of children and adolescents who engage in active commuting was lower in those covering longer distances compared to a short distance. Adolescents walked to and from school more frequently than children. These findings show that non-active commuting was the most common mode of transport and that journey distances may influence commuting modes in children and adolescents.To the teachers and students of the participating schools, the CONICYT PAI-MEC programme (MEC 80150030), the Academic Incentive Programs from the Research Department of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Valparaiso-Chile and funding from the University of Granada 2016 (Unit of Excellence on Exercise and Health—UCEES)

    Iglesia y sociedad en La Laguna durante el Antiguo Régimen: la cofradía de Jesús Nazareno y el patronato de los Salazar de Frías

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    La Cofradía de Jesús Nazareno, establecida en el convento agustino de La Laguna desde principios del siglo XVII, constituye un interesante ejemplo de corporación religiosa liderada por un linaje local, en este caso los Salazar de Frías. A lo largo de aquella centuria, los miembros de la familia consolidaron su estatus social y paralelamente su posición en la Cofradía hasta conseguir del Cabildo de la Isla el «reconocimiento» de sus derechos sobre la procesión del paso. Ésta se celebraba cada Miércoles Santo con la imagen de Jesús Nazareno, una excepcional talla que posiblemente introdujo su iconografía en Tenerife. La identificación de los Salazar con esta efigie propició, además, su proyección devocional en La Laguna durante el Antiguo Régimen, un proceso que decae con la desamortización eclesiástica a principios del Ochocientos.The confraternity of Jesús Nazareno was established in the convent of San Agustín in La Laguna (Tenerife) since the beginning of the 17th century, constitutes an interesting example of a religious corporation led by a local linage, in this case, the Salazar de Frías. Throughout that century , the family members consolidated their social status and, at the same time, their position in the confraternity until obtaining the «reconnaissance» from the Cabildo of the Island of their rights to the procession of the «paso». This procession was celebrated every Holy Wednesday with de carving of Jesús Nazareno, an excepcional sculpture, wich probably introduced this kind of iconography in Tenerife. Salazar family’s identification with the carving also allowed its devotional projection in La Laguna during the Old Regime. At the beginning of the 19th century, the process declined with the Spanish redemption of property from mortmain

    Universal temporal features of rankings in competitive sports and games

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    Many complex phenomena, from the selection of traits in biological systems to hierarchy formation in social and economic entities, show signs of competition and heterogeneous performance in the temporal evolution of their components, which may eventually lead to stratified structures such as the wealth distribution worldwide. However, it is still unclear whether the road to hierarchical complexity is determined by the particularities of each phenomena, or if there are universal mechanisms of stratification common to many systems. Human sports and games, with their (varied but simplified) rules of competition and measures of performance, serve as an ideal test bed to look for universal features of hierarchy formation. With this goal in mind, we analyse here the behaviour of players and team rankings over time for several sports and games. Even though, for a given time, the distribution of performance ranks varies across activities, we find statistical regularities in the dynamics of ranks. Specifically the rank diversity, a measure of the number of elements occupying a given rank over a length of time, has the same functional form in sports and games as in languages, another system where competition is determined by the use or disuse of grammatical structures. Our results support the notion that hierarchical phenomena may be driven by the same underlying mechanisms of rank formation, regardless of the nature of their components. Moreover, such regularities can in principle be used to predict lifetimes of rank occupancy, thus increasing our ability to forecast stratification in the presence of competition
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