62 research outputs found

    HELP! I'm Being Censored

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    Sentidos, significados y vivencias familiares de la alternativa a la escuela tradicional en Educación Infantil

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    Formal education in today’s liquid societies is in crisis since its aims are challenged by population groups that keep alive the postulates of the unschooling theories of the 60s and 70s. This tends to be more pressing in the stage of early childhood education where, in the Spanish context, there is a great diversity of alternative education projects. Its study is a source of inspiration and learning to promote transformation and improvement processes in other areas, formal or non-formal. Thus, the main objective of this research is to understand the school experiences that this pedagogical model fosters in the families of the children who participate in it, identifying their purposes and meanings. For this, a multiple case study is carried out from a hybrid qualitative design with a biographical-narrative approach. As main results, seven axes are identified around which the experience of families is articulated: space for dialogue, live project, source of trust, learning, association, family and new opportunity. The main conclusion is that, for families, the educational project in which they participate is much more than a school for their children: this project is lived from the personal level as a space for expression and dialogue, as a community of mutual aid in which to trust and from whom to learn, almost like a big family.La educación formal en las actuales sociedades líquidas se encuentra en crisis toda vez que sus fines son puestos en entredicho por grupos de población que mantienen vivos los postulados de las teorías de la desescolarización de los años 60 y 70. Esto suele ser más acuciante en la etapa de Educación Infantil en la que, en el contexto español, existe una gran diversidad de proyectos de educación alternativos. Su estudio supone una fuente de inspiración y aprendizaje para promover procesos de transformación y mejora en otros ámbitos, formales o no formales. Así, el objetivo principal de esta investigación es comprender las vivencias de escuela que este modelo pedagógico propicia en las familias de los niños y niñas que participan en él, identificando sus sentidos y significados. Para ello se realiza un estudio de caso múltiple desde un diseño cualitativo híbrido con un enfoque biográfico-narrativo. Como principales resultados se identifican siete ejes en torno a los cuales se articula la experiencia de las familias: espacio de diálogo, proyecto vivo, fuente de confianza, aprendizaje, asociación, familia y nueva oportunidad. Como principal conclusión se destaca que, para las familias, el proyecto educativo en el que participan es mucho más que una escuela para sus hijos: este proyecto es vivido desde el plano personal como un espacio de expresión y diálogo, como una comunidad de ayuda mutua en la que confiar y de la cual aprender, casi como una gran familia


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    The purpose of this work is to investigate, within the framework of the Spanish education system, the reasons that drive students to train to be teachers. We use a mixed methodological approach where we incorporate techniques of content and discourse analysis in a sample of 346 first year students of the degree in primary education in the University of Jaén (Spain). As main results we highlight the predominance of intrinsic motivation, and the emergence of gender and the order of choice of the degree as powerful explanatory variables of both the type of motivation put into play, and the degree of confidence placed in the possibilities of work placement and the expectation of working as a teacher. There is an average confidence in the degree's possibilities for work placement, but there are high job prospects that may have positive effects for their work placement. We finish by making practical contributions to the management of the staffing policy.El propósito del presente trabajo es indagar, en el marco del sistema educativo español, en las razones que empujan al alumnado a formarse para ser docentes. Utilizamos un enfoque metodológico híbrido, incorporando técnicas propias del análisis de contenido y del discurso en una muestra de 346 estudiantes del primer curso del Grado en Educación Primaria de la Universidad de Jaén (España). Como principales resultados destacamos el predominio de la motivación intrínseca y el surgimiento del género y el orden de elección del grado como potentes variables explicativas tanto del tipo de motivación puesta en juego, como del grado de confianza depositado en las posibilidades de inserción y la expectativa de trabajar como docente. Existe una confianza media en las posibilidades de inserción del grado, pero unas altas expectativas laborales que pueden tener efectos positivos para su inserción laboral. Finalizamos realizando aportaciones prácticas para la gestión de la política de personal.El propósito del presente trabajo es indagar, en el marco del sistema educativo español, en las razones que empujan al alumnado a formarse para ser docentes. Utilizamos un enfoque metodológico híbrido, incorporando técnicas propias del análisis de contenido y del discurso en una muestra de 346 estudiantes del primer curso del Grado en Educación Primaria de la Universidad de Jaén (España). Como principales resultados destacamos el predominio de la motivación intrínseca y el surgimiento del género y el orden de elección del grado como potentes variables explicativas tanto del tipo de motivación puesta en juego, como del grado de confianza depositado en las posibilidades de inserción y la expectativa de trabajar como docente. Existe una confianza media en las posibilidades de inserción del grado, pero unas altas expectativas laborales que pueden tener efectos positivos para su inserción laboral. Finalizamos realizando aportaciones prácticas para la gestión de la política de personal

    ¿Por que escolher uma escola alternativa?

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    This research aims to identify and reflect on the reasons behind the choice of an alternative education centre for the stage of Early Childhood Education in Spain. For this purpose, it is used a biographical-narrative methodology based on a multiple case study made up of 24 families. That way, four major motivational categories are identified: promotion of the integral development of the person, opposition to the traditional school, search for happiness in childhood and trust in the principles pedagogical. Analysed families especially value a comprehensive education beyond its instrumental purpose, they consider public school as the extreme opposite to the principles and values defended from alternative projects. It concludes by pointing out how these motivations, in addition to having a pedagogical sense, respond to a broader strategy to reproduce their identity and lifestyles.Esta investigación pretende identificar y reflexionar sobre los motivos que se encuentran detrás de la elección de un centro de educación alternativo para la etapa de Educación Infantil en España. Para ello, se utiliza una metodología biográfico-narrativa basada en un estudio de caso múltiple compuesto por 24 familias. Así, se identifican cuatro categorías motivacionales: promoción del desarrollo integral de la persona, oposición a la escuela tradicional, búsqueda de la felicidad en la infancia y confianza en los principios pedagógicos. Las familias analizadas valoran especialmente una educación integral adaptada a las necesidades de la infancia más allá de su finalidad instrumental, considerando a la escuela pública como el extremo opuesto a los principios y valores defendidos desde los proyectos alternativos. Se concluye apuntando cómo estas motivaciones, además de tener un sentido pedagógico, responden a una estrategia más amplia de reproducción de la identidad y estilos de vida.Esta investigação pretende identificar e refletir sobre os motivos que se encontram por trás da escolha de um centro de educação alternativo para a Educação da Primeira Infância, na Espanha. Para isso, utiliza-se uma metodologia biográfico-narrativa baseada em um estudo de caso múltiplo composto por 24 famílias. Assim, identificam-se quatro categorias motivacionais: promoção do desenvolvimento integral da pessoa, oposição à escola tradicional, procura da felicidade na infância e confiança nos princípios pedagógicos. As famílias analisadas valoram, especialmente, uma educação integral adaptada às necessidades da infância além da finalidade instrumental, considerando à escola pública como o extremo oposto aos princípios e valores defendidos pelos projetos alternativos. Conclui-se apontando como estas motivações, ademais de ter um sentido pedagógico, respondem a uma estratégia mais ampla de reprodução da identidade e os estilos de vida

    A biopsychosocial approach assessing pain indicators among Black men

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    Introduction The lack of empirical evidence documenting the pain experience of Black men may be the result of social messaging that men are to project strength and avoid any expression of emotion or vulnerability. This avoidant behavior however, often comes too late when illnesses/symptoms are more aggressive and/or diagnosed at a later stage. This highlights two key issues - the willingness to acknowledge pain and wanting to seek medical attention when experiencing pain. Methods To better understand the pain experience in diverse raced and gendered groups, this secondary data analysis aimed to determine the influence identified physical, psychosocial, and behavioral health indicators have in reporting pain among Black men. Data were taken from a baseline sample of 321 Black men, >40 years old, who participated in the randomized, controlled Active & Healthy Brotherhood (AHB) project. Statistical models were calculated to determine which indicators (somatization, depression, anxiety, demographics, medical illnesses) were associated with pain reports. Results Results showed that 22% of the men reported pain for more than 30 days, with more than half of the sample being married (54%), employed (53%), and earning an income above the federal poverty level (76%). Multivariate analyses showed that those reporting pain were more likely to be unemployed, earn less income, and reported more medical conditions and somatization tendencies (OR=3.28, 95% CI (1.33, 8.06) compared to those who did not report pain. Discussion Findings from this study indicate that efforts are needed to identify the unique pain experiences of Black men, while recognizing its impact on their identities as a man, a person of color, and someone living with pain. This allows for more comprehensive assessments, treatment plans, and prevention approaches that may have beneficial impacts throughout the life course

    Recent Progress and Next Steps for the MATHUSLA LLP Detector

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    We report on recent progress and next steps in the design of the proposed MATHUSLA Long Lived Particle (LLP) detector for the HL-LHC as part of the Snowmass 2021 process. Our understanding of backgrounds has greatly improved, aided by detailed simulation studies, and significant R&D has been performed on designing the scintillator detectors and understanding their performance. The collaboration is on track to complete a Technical Design Report, and there are many opportunities for interested new members to contribute towards the goal of designing and constructing MATHUSLA in time for HL-LHC collisions, which would increase the sensitivity to a large variety of highly motivated LLP signals by orders of magnitude.Comment: Contribution to Snowmass 2021 (EF09, EF10, IF6, IF9), 18 pages, 12 figures. v2: included additional endorser

    Week 48 resistance analyses of the once-daily, single-tablet regimen darunavir/cobicistat/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide (D/C/F/TAF) in adults living with HIV-1 from the Phase III Randomized AMBER and EMERALD Trials

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    Darunavir/cobicistat/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide (D/C/F/TAF) 800/150/200/10 mg is being investigated in two Phase III trials, AMBER (NCT02431247; treatment-naive adults) and EMERALD (NCT02269917; treatment-experienced, virologically suppressed adults). Week 48 AMBER and EMERALD resistance analyses are presented. Postbaseline samples for genotyping/phenotyping were analyzed from protocol-defined virologic failures (PDVFs) with viral load (VL) >= 400 copies/mL at failure/later time points. Post hoc analyses were deep sequencing in AMBER, and HIV-1 proviral DNA from baseline samples (VL = 3 thymidine analog-associated mutations (24% not fully susceptible to tenofovir) detected at screening. All achieved VL <50 copies/mL at week 48 or prior discontinuation. D/C/F/TAF has a high genetic barrier to resistance; no darunavir, primary PI, or tenofovir RAMs were observed through 48 weeks in AMBER and EMERALD. Only one postbaseline M184I/V RAM was observed in HIV-1 of an AMBER participant. In EMERALD, baseline archived RAMs to darunavir, emtricitabine, and tenofovir in participants with prior VF did not preclude virologic response

    The Household Water Insecurity Experiences (HWISE) Scale: Comparison scores from 27 sites in 22 countries

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    Household survey data from 27 sites in 22 countries were collected in 2017–2018 in order to construct and validate a cross-cultural household-level water insecurity scale. The resultant Household Water Insecurity Experiences (HWISE) scale presents a useful tool for monitoring and evaluating water interventions as a complement to traditional metrics used by the development community. It can also help track progress toward achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 6 ‘clean water and sanitation for all’. We present HWISE scale scores from 27 sites as comparative data for future studies using the HWISE scale in low-and middle-income contexts. Site-level mean scores for HWISE-12 (scored 0–36) ranged from 1.64 (SD 4.22) in Pune, India, to 20.90 (7.50) in Cartagena, Colombia, while site-level mean scores for HWISE-4 (scored 0–12) ranged from 0.51 (1.50) in Pune, India, to 8.21 (2.55) in Punjab, Pakistan. Scores tended to be higher in the dry season as expected. Data from this first implementation of the HWISE scale demonstrate the diversity of water insecurity within and across communities and can help to situate findings from future applications of this tool

    Models of classroom assessment for course-based research experiences

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    Course-based research pedagogy involves positioning students as contributors to authentic research projects as part of an engaging educational experience that promotes their learning and persistence in science. To develop a model for assessing and grading students engaged in this type of learning experience, the assessment aims and practices of a community of experienced course-based research instructors were collected and analyzed. This approach defines four aims of course-based research assessment—(1) Assessing Laboratory Work and Scientific Thinking; (2) Evaluating Mastery of Concepts, Quantitative Thinking and Skills; (3) Appraising Forms of Scientific Communication; and (4) Metacognition of Learning—along with a set of practices for each aim. These aims and practices of assessment were then integrated with previously developed models of course-based research instruction to reveal an assessment program in which instructors provide extensive feedback to support productive student engagement in research while grading those aspects of research that are necessary for the student to succeed. Assessment conducted in this way delicately balances the need to facilitate students’ ongoing research with the requirement of a final grade without undercutting the important aims of a CRE education

    Multiancestry analysis of the HLA locus in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases uncovers a shared adaptive immune response mediated by HLA-DRB1*04 subtypes

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    Across multiancestry groups, we analyzed Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) associations in over 176,000 individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) versus controls. We demonstrate that the two diseases share the same protective association at the HLA locus. HLA-specific fine-mapping showed that hierarchical protective effects of HLA-DRB1*04 subtypes best accounted for the association, strongest with HLA-DRB1*04:04 and HLA-DRB1*04:07, and intermediary with HLA-DRB1*04:01 and HLA-DRB1*04:03. The same signal was associated with decreased neurofibrillary tangles in postmortem brains and was associated with reduced tau levels in cerebrospinal fluid and to a lower extent with increased Aβ42. Protective HLA-DRB1*04 subtypes strongly bound the aggregation-prone tau PHF6 sequence, however only when acetylated at a lysine (K311), a common posttranslational modification central to tau aggregation. An HLA-DRB1*04-mediated adaptive immune response decreases PD and AD risks, potentially by acting against tau, offering the possibility of therapeutic avenues