409 research outputs found

    A Case Report: Unmasking a Singular Culprit for Cardiogenic Shock: Looking Beyond the Coronary Tree

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    BACKGROUND: Cardiogenic shock remains challenging in its therapy and aetiology. CASE SUMMARY: A 74-year-old woman admitted for cardiogenic shock requiring mechanical ventilation and high-dose inotropics and vasopressors with an electrocardiogram showing left ventricular (LV) lateral wall ischaemia had diffuse coronary artery disease but TIMI III flow in the coronary tree. An echocardiogram showed a suspicious mass invading the left ventricle and computed tomography scan revealed an advanced lung cancer with LV wall and pulmonary artery invasion as the cardiogenic shock cause. DISCUSSION: When managing cardiogenic shock, it is important to consider different and not obvious diagnosis. A high level of clinical suspicion and multimodality imaging assessment was very important in the present case to attain the diagnosis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    CARATkids questionnaire development process

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    Introdução: A asma e a rinite alérgica (ARA) são doenças inflamatórias crónicas das vias aéreas que frequentemente coexistem. O questionário para avaliação do controlo da asma e da rinite alérgica (CARAT) encontra‑se validado para o adulto. O objectivo foi desenvolver o questionário CARATkids para crianças entre os 4 e os 12 anos de idade, com o diagnóstico médico de ARA. Este trabalho pretende descrever o processo do desenvolvimento do questionário. Métodos: O desenvolvimento do questionário foi estruturado em três fases: 1) revisão da literatura sobre questionários pediátricos existentes; 2) realização de reuniões de consenso que permitiu a criação de uma versão preliminar do CARATkids, com duas versões (crianças e pais), composto por 17 itens. Para as crianças, as perguntas foram acompanhadas por ilustrações para cada questão, com formato de resposta dicotómica (sim / não). Para os pais o questionário manteve o formato de CARAT17, com questões com 4 pontos de Likert e outras questões com opção de resposta com escala dicotómica; 3) realização de um estudo transversal através de entrevistas cognitivas efectuadas a 29 crianças e respectivos pais. Resultados: Foram incluídas 29 crianças (11 do sexo feminino) e respectivos pais. A mediana de idades (P25‑P75) foi de 8 (6‑10) anos. As crianças com 4 a 5 anos não sabiam ler o questionário; com 6‑8 eram capazes de ler / compreender as perguntas, embora referindo dificuldades para algumas expressões. As crianças com mais de 9 anos consideraram o questionário muito simples e claro. O grau de concordância entre as crianças e seus pais foi de 61%, tendo ambos considerado as ilustrações muito claras e esclarecedoras quanto aos conceitos subjacentes. Os pais concordaram que a versão destinada aos pais estava muito completa, considerando a versão da criança muito clara e adequada. Consideraram ainda a escala dicotómica como mais apropriada para crianças, em comparação com a escala de Likert do questionário aplicado aos pais. As expressões identificadas como de difícil entendimento foram alteradas. Conclusão: O questionário CARATkids é o primeiro que avalia o controlo da asma e da rinite na criança. Os testes cognitivos demonstraram a sua aplicabilidade dos 6 aos 12 anos de idade.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Development Process and Cognitive Testing of CARATkids - Control of Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Test for Children

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    Background: Allergic rhinitis and asthma (ARA) are chronic inflammatory diseases of the airways that often coexist in children. The only tool to assess the ARA control, the Control of Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Test (CARAT) is to be used by adults. We aimed to develop the Pediatric version of Control of Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Test (CARATkids) and to test its comprehensibility in children with 4 to 12 years of age. Methods: The questionnaire development included a literature review of pediatric questionnaires on asthma and/or rhinitis control and two consensus meetings of a multidisciplinary group. Cognitive testing was carried out in a cross-sectional qualitative study using cognitive interviews. Results: Four questionnaires to assess asthma and none to assess rhinitis control in children were identified. The multidisciplinary group produced a questionnaire version for children with 17 questions with illustrations and dichotomous (yes/no) response format. The version for caregivers had 4-points and dichotomous scales. Twenty-nine children, 4 to 12 years old, and their caregivers were interviewed. Only children over 6 years old could adequately answer the questionnaire. A few words/expressions were not fully understood by children of 6 to 8 years old. The drawings illustrating the questions were considered helpful by children and caregivers. Caregivers considered the questionnaire complete and clear and preferred dichotomous over the 4-points scales. The proportion of agreement between children and their caregivers was 61%. The words/expressions that were difficult to understand were amended. Conclusion: CARATkids, the first questionnaire to assess a child’s asthma and rhinitis control was developed and its content validity was assured. Cognitive testing showed that CARATKids is well-understood by children 6 to 12 years old. The questionnaire’s measurement properties can now be assessed in a validation study

    Frequência da Anafilaxia Induzida pelo Exercício numa Consulta de Imunoalergologia

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    Introdução: A anafilaxia induzida pelo exercício (AIE) é uma forma rara de alergia física que ocorre na sequência de esforços físicos. A verdadeira incidência e prevalência da AIE permanecem por esclarecer, não existindo até à data dados publicados a nível nacional. Objectivos: Estimar a frequência da AIE no ambulatório de um serviço de Imunoalergologia e incrementar o conhecimento em relação a esta patologia. Métodos: De 7699 doentes observados na consulta de Imunoalergologia durante o período de um ano, incluímos os correspondentes a quadros de anafilaxia notificados pelo corpo clínico (“pelo menos um episódio de reacção sistémica grave”). Resultados: A AIE foi reportada em 5 de 103 doentes com história de anafilaxia; correspondendo a uma frequência de 0,06% na população observada na consulta. A média etária destes doentes era de 20,2 ± 10,3 anos (entre 10 e 37 anos) e a distribuição por sexo masculino/feminino de 4:1. Todos tinham história pessoal de atopia e de rinite alérgica; dois doentes (40%) tinham asma. As actividades desencadeantes das crises foram a corrida, o futebol, a natação e a dança. Todos os doentes tinham sintomas com o exercício dependente da ingestão prévia de alimentos: cereais em três doentes (trigo – dois, cevada – um), leguminosas em dois (amendoim – um, feijão -frade e feijão -verde – um); com teste cutâneo por picada positivo para os referidos alimentos. Conclusões: A AIE representa 5% dos casos de anafi laxia reportados. Todos os casos identifi cados apresentavam AIE dependente de alimentos, encontrando-se os doentes controlados com a evicção dos alimentos referidos 6 horas antes da prática de exercício e sendo portadores de dispositivo para autoadministração de adrenalina

    The Value of Right Ventricular Longitudinal Strain in the Evaluation of Adult Patients With Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot: a New Tool for a Contemporary Challenge

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    OBJECTIVE: The role of right ventricular longitudinal strain for assessing patients with repaired tetralogy of Fallot is not fully understood. In this study, we aimed to evaluate its relation with other structural and functional parameters in these patients. METHODS: Patients followed-up in a grown-up CHD unit, assessed by transthoracic echocardiography, cardiac MRI, and treadmill exercise testing, were retrospectively evaluated. Right ventricular size and function and pulmonary regurgitation severity were assessed by echocardiography and MRI. Right ventricular longitudinal strain was evaluated in the four-chamber view using the standard semiautomatic method. RESULTS: In total, 42 patients were included (61% male, 32±8 years). The mean right ventricular longitudinal strain was -16.2±3.7%, and the right ventricular ejection fraction, measured by MRI, was 42.9±7.2%. Longitudinal strain showed linear correlation with tricuspid annular systolic excursion (r=-0.40) and right ventricular ejection fraction (r=-0.45) (all p<0.05), which in turn showed linear correlation with right ventricular fractional area change (r=0.50), pulmonary regurgitation colour length (r=0.35), right ventricular end-systolic volume (r=-0.60), and left ventricular ejection fraction (r=0.36) (all p<0.05). Longitudinal strain (β=-0.72, 95% confidence interval -1.41, -0.15) and left ventricular ejection fraction (β=0.39, 95% confidence interval 0.11, 0.67) were independently associated with right ventricular ejection fraction. The best threshold of longitudinal strain for predicting a right ventricular ejection fraction of <40% was -17.0%. CONCLUSIONS: Right ventricular longitudinal strain is a powerful method for evaluating patients with tetralogy of Fallot. It correlated with echocardiographic right ventricular function parameters and was independently associated with right ventricular ejection fraction derived by MRI.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Myocardial Work Brings New Insights into Left Ventricular Remodelling in Cardio-Oncology Patients

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    Serial transthoracic echocardiographic (TTE) assessment of 2D left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and global longitudinal strain (GLS) are the gold standard screening methods for cancer therapeutics-related cardiac dysfunction (CTRCD). Non-invasive left ventricular (LV) pressure-strain loop (PSL) provides a novel method of quantifying myocardial work (MW) with potential advantages to evaluate the impact of cardiotoxic treatments on heart function. We prospectively assessed breast cancer female patients undergoing cancer therapy through serial monitoring by 2D and 3D TTE. Patients were evaluated at T0, T1 and T2 (before, 4-6 and 12-14 months after starting therapy, respectively). Through PSL analysis, MW indices were calculated. A total of 122 patients, with a mean age of 54.7 years, who received treatment with anthracyclines (77.0%) and anti-HER2 (75.4%) were included. During a mean follow-up of 14.9 ± 9.3 months, LVEF and GLS were significantly diminished, and 29.5% developed CTRCD. All MW indices were significantly reduced at T1 compared with baseline and tended to return to baseline values at T2. Global work index and global work efficiency showed a more pronounced variation in patients with CTRCD. The presence of more than one cardiovascular risk factor, obesity and baseline left atrium volume were predictors of changes in MW parameters. In conclusion, breast cancer treatment was associated with LV systolic dysfunction as assessed by MW, with its peak at 4-6 months and a partial recovery afterwards. Assessment of myocardial deformation parameters allows a more detailed characterization of cardiac remodelling and could enhance patient screening and selection for cardioprotective therapeutics.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Validation of control of allergic rhinitis and asthma test for children (CARATKids)--a prospective multicenter study

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    BACKGROUND: Control of Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Test for Children (CARATKids) is the first questionnaire that assesses simultaneously allergic rhinitis and asthma control in children. It was recently developed, but redundancy of questions and its psychometric properties were not assessed. This study aimed to (i) establish the final version of the CARATKids questionnaire and (ii) evaluate its reliability, responsiveness, cross-sectional validity, and longitudinal validity. METHODS: A prospective observational study was conducted in 11 Portuguese centers. During two visits separated by 6 wk, CARATKids, visual analog scale scales and childhood asthma control test were completed, and participant's asthma and rhinitis were evaluated by his/her physician without knowing the questionnaires' results. Data-driven item reduction was conducted, and internal consistency, responsiveness analysis, and associations with external measures of disease status were assessed. RESULTS: Of the 113 children included, 101 completed both visits. After item reduction, the final version of the questionnaire has 13 items, eight to be answered by the child and five by the caregiver. Its Cronbach's alpha was 0.80, the Guyatt's responsiveness index was -1.51, and a significant (p < 0.001) within-patient change of CARATKids score in clinical unstable patients was observed. Regarding cross-sectional validity, correlation coefficients of CARATKids with the external measures of control were between 0.45 and -0.69 and met the a priori predictions. In the longitudinal validity assessment, the correlation coefficients between the score changes of CARATKids and those of external measures of control ranged from 0.34 to 0.46

    Nursing Diagnosis Risk for falls: prevalence and clinical profile of hospitalized patients

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    Objectives: to identify the prevalence of the Nursing Diagnosis (ND) Risk for falls in the hospitalizations of adult patients in clinical and surgical units, to characterize the clinical profile and to identify the risk factors of the patients with this ND. Method: a cross-sectional study with 174 patients. The data was collected from the computerized nursing care prescriptions system and on-line hospital records, and analyzed statistically. Results: the prevalence of the ND Risk for falls was 4%. The patients’ profile indicated older adults, males (57%), those hospitalized in the clinical units (63.2%), with a median length of hospitalization of 20 (10-24) days, with neurological illnesses (26%), cardio-vascular illnesses (74.1%) and various co-morbidities (3±1.8). The prevalent risk factors were neurological alterations (43.1%), impaired mobility (35.6%) and extremes of age (10.3%). Conclusion: the findings contributed to evidencing the profile of the patients with a risk of falling hospitalized in clinical and surgical wards, which favors the planning of interventions for preventing this adverse event