212 research outputs found

    Direct Versus Indirect Measurement of Digit Ratio (2D:4D): A Critical Review of the Literature and New Data

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    Digit ratio (2D:4D: the relative lengths of the second and fourth digits) is widely used as a correlate of prenatal sex steroids. There are two common methods of measuring 2D:4D, the direct method and the indirect method. The modern interest in 2D:4D began 16 years ago when finger lengths were measured directly, but many studies now report 2D:4D calculated from indirectly measured fingers from photocopies or scans. However, there are concerns about the accuracy of the latter in comparison to the former. The purpose of this article was twofold: to review these concerns and to add new data to the debate. Our review shows that in 2005, directional effects in indirect 2D:4D were reported such that direct 2D:4D > indirect 2D:4D. This finding was challenged by a 2006 report that direct 2D:4D was lower (not higher) than indirect 2D:4D for male right-hand 2D:4D. Two further studies from the same group have claimed that indirect 2D:4D may be lower, higher, or comparable to direct 2D:4D. More recent comparisons of direct 2D:4D versus indirect 2D:4D and a meta-analysis of Chinese studies have replicated the finding of direct 2D:4D > indirect 2D:4D. We considered an additional sample and found significant direct 2D:4D > indirect 2D:4D for three of four ratios. The overall literature is discussed within the context of standards of research (sample size) and publishing (clarity of report). It is concluded that direct 2D:4D does tend to be greater than indirect 2D:4D. Implications for comparative studies and other aspects of research in 2D:4D are discussed

    Literatura colonial: a presença moçambicana

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    Polymorphism in the flanking regions of the PbGP43 gene from the human pathogen Paracoccidioides brasiliensis: search for protein binding sequences and poly(A) cleavage sites

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Paracoccidioides brasiliensis </it>is a thermo-dimorphic fungus that causes paracoccidiodomycosis (PCM). Glycoprotein gp43 is the fungal main diagnostic antigen, which can also protect against murine PCM and interact with extracellular matrix proteins. It is structurally related to glucanases, however not active, and whose expression varies considerably. We have presently studied polymorphisms in the Pb<it>GP43 </it>flanking regions to help understand such variations.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>we tested the protein-binding capacity of oligonucleotides covering the Pb<it>GP43 </it>proximal 5' flanking region, including overlap and mutated probes. We used electrophoretic mobility shift assays and found DNA binding regions between positions -134 to -103 and -255 to -215. Only mutation at -230, characteristic of <it>P. brasiliensis </it>phylogenetic species PS2, altered binding affinity. Next, we cloned and sequenced the 5' intergenic region up to position -2,047 from <it>P. brasiliensis </it>Pb339 and observed that it is composed of three tandem repetitive regions of about 500 bp preceded upstream by 442 bp. Correspondent PCR fragments of about 2,000 bp were found in eight out of fourteen isolates; in PS2 samples they were 1,500-bp long due to the absence of one repetitive region, as detected in Pb3. We also compared fifty-six Pb<it>GP43 </it>3' UTR sequences from ten isolates and have not observed polymorphisms; however we detected two main poly(A) clusters (1,420 to 1,441 and 1,451 to 1,457) of multiple cleavage sites. In a single isolate we found one to seven sites.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We observed that the amount of Pb<it>GP43 </it>transcripts accumulated in <it>P. brasiliensis </it>Pb339 grown in defined medium was about 1,000-fold higher than in Pb18 and 120-fold higher than in Pb3. We have described a series of features in the gene flanking regions and differences among isolates, including DNA-binding sequences, which might impact gene regulation. Little is known about regulatory sequences in thermo-dimorphic fungi. The peculiar structure of tandem repetitive fragments in the 5' intergenic region of Pb<it>GP43</it>, their characteristic sequences, besides the presence of multiple poly(A) cleavage sites in the 3' UTR will certainly guide future studies.</p

    A importância do LinkedIn no recrutamento: a perspetiva dos consultores de recursos humanos

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    O LinkedIn é uma das principais redes sociais direcionada para o uso profissional, mostrando-se uma ferramenta muito valorizada pelos técnicos de recursos humanos e também pelos utilizadores em geral, já que é uma ferramenta que ajuda a manter a informação profissional atualizada. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é perceber o que os consultores de recursos humanos procuram no perfil de um candidato no LinkedIn, que competências são mais valorizadas e, também, porque é que determinadas empresas privilegiam o LinkedIn no processo de recrutamento. Para a realização do estudo foram selecionadas nove empresas consultoras de recursos humanos que utilizam a ferramenta LinkedIn no processo de recrutamento e seleção. Para tal, foi utilizado o método qualitativo, baseado no método Grounded Theory. O instrumento de recolha de informação foi um questionário sociodemográfico e a entrevista semiestruturada. No total foram realizadas nove entrevistas a cada um dos consultores de recursos humanos responsável pelo recrutamento de candidatos das empresas selecionadas. Os resultados sugerem a utilização gradual da ferramenta LinkedIn no apoio aos processos de recrutamento e seleção. No entanto, o facto de utilizarem o LinkedIn, mostra-se como uma técnica de recrutamento que não é utilizada de forma isolada, os recrutadores apenas a utilizam como complemento ao processo de recrutamento. No final da dissertação existe uma discussão dos resultados obtidos e posteriormente uma conclusão do estudo realizado.LinkedIn is a major social networks targeted for professional use, proving to be a very valuable tool for technical human resources and also by general users as it is a tool that helps to keep the skills information updated. The main goal of this study is to examine what human resources consultants seek in the profile of a candidate on LinkedIn, which skills are most valued and also why certain companies choose LinkedIn in the recruitment process. To conduct the study were selected nine consultants of human resources of companies that are using LinkedIn as a tool in the process of recruitment and selection. Therefore, we used a qualitative method, inspired by the Grounded Theory method. Data collection instrument was a sociodemographic questionnaire and a semi-structured interview. In total it were conducted nine interviews with each consultant of human resources responsible for recruiting candidates. The results suggest the gradual use of LinkedIn tool in supporting the recruitment and selection processes. However, the fact of using LinkedIn, is presented as a recruitment technique that is not used alone, recruiters only use it as a complement in the recruitment process. In the end this study is presented a discussion of the results and then a conclusion of the research study

    Constipation in infants: influence of type of feeding and dietary fiber intake

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    Objective: To study the relationship between breast-feeding, dietary fiber intake and constipation in infants. Methods: The study population consisted of 275 infants consecutively enrolled in two Primary Care Clinic in the city of Embu, in the Great São Paulo. The feeding pattern were classified in predominantly breast-feeding, partially breast and cow s milk feeding and artificial feeding. Constipation was defined by the elimination of hard stool associated with one of the following: painful or difficult defecation, hard or round cracked stools and less than three defecations a week. False constipation was defined by the elimination of soft stools without pain or difficulty but with less than three defecations a week. Results: Constipation was found in 25.1% (69/275). False constipation was found only in the first semester of life in 5.1% of 159 infants. The prevalence of constipation was higher between 6 and 24 months (38.8%, 45/116) than in the first semester of life (15.1%, p=0.000). A model of logistic regression demonstrated that infants under artificial feeding were 4.53 times more liable to develop constipation than infants who were predominantly breastfed. The daily dietary fiber intake (g/day) was similar (p=0.57) among the constipated (median=9.0 g; 25th and 75th percentiles: 6.9-13.1g) and non-constipated (median = 8.8 g; 25th and 75th percentiles: 6.1-12.9 g). Conclusions: Dietary fiber intake was similar in constipated and non-constipated infants. Breast-feeding serves as a protection factor against the development of constipation in the first semester of life.Objetivo: estudar a associação entre tipo de aleitamento, consumo de fibra alimentar e ocorrência de constipação em lactentes. Métodos: foram estudados 275 lactentes atendidos consecutivamente em unidade básica de saúde. O tipo de aleitamento foi classificado como predominante, misto e artificial. Constipação foi caracterizada pela eliminação de fezes duras, associada a uma das seguintes características: dor ou dificuldade ao evacuar, fezes em cíbalos ou cilíndrica, com rachaduras, e intervalo entre as evacuações maior ou igual a 3 dias. Pseudoconstipação foi caracterizada quando ocorria a eliminação de fezes amolecidas, sem dor ou dificuldade, em intervalo maior ou igual a 3 dias. Resultados: constipação foi observada em 25,1% dos lactentes. Pseudoconstipação ocorreu exclusivamente nos primeiros 6 meses de vida, em 5,1% dos 159 lactentes desta faixa etária. Constipação entre os 6 e 24 meses (38,8%; 45/116) foi mais freqüente do que no primeiro semestre de vida (15,1%, p=0,0000). A análise de regressão logística evidenciou que, no primeiro semestre, os lactentes em aleitamento artificial demonstram chance 4,5 vezes maior de apresentar constipação do que os em aleitamento predominante. Entre os de 6 a 24 meses, a estimativa de consumo de fibra alimentar (gramas/dia) foi semelhante (p=0,57) nos lactentes com constipação (mediana=9,0g; percentis 25 e 75: 6,9-13,1g) e naqueles com hábito intestinal normal (mediana=8,8; percentis 25 e 75: 6,1-12,9g). Conclusões: o consumo de fibra alimentar por crianças menores de dois anos foi semelhante entre os grupos com e sem constipação intestinal. O aleitamento natural predominante é fator de proteção contra constipação no primeiro semestre de vida.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de PediatriaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de PediatriaSciEL

    Labor precariousness and the worker’s overthrow process

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    As mudanças globais vivenciadas atualmente fomentam um novo paradigma nas relações trabalhistas, a exemplo de formas precarizadas de trabalho e emprego, que por sua vez têm sido percebidas, a partir da proliferação das novas modalidades de contrato e do declínio da oferta de empregos típicos/permanentes, como uma das consequências mais visíveis da flexibilização do mercado de trabalho. Este artigo tem por objetivo apresentar os aspectos caracterizadores da precarização do trabalho e suas consequências para o trabalhador. A precarização, em suma, apresenta-se como um fenômeno que perpassa o dinâmico movimento de estruturação do trabalho e do emprego, posto que concerne tanto ao crescimento do desemprego e à ampliação do exército de reserva quanto às especificidades dos empregos disponíveis no mercado de trabalho, enfatizados pela instabilidade e efemeridade contratuais. Isso conduz à expansão do contingente de trabalhadores alienados de seus direitos e sujeitos a condições de trabalho instáveis, insatisfatórias e potencialmente adoecedoras.Current global changes foster a new paradigm in labor relationships, such as precarious forms of work and employment, which have been perceived, from the proliferation of new contract modalities and the decline of typical/permanent employment, as one of the most visible consequences of labor market flexibility. This article aims to present the characterizing aspects of work precariousness and its consequences for the worker. In short terms, precariousness is a phenomenon that runs through the dynamic movement of work and employment structuring, as it concerns not only to unemployment growth and the expansion of the reserve register but also to the specificities of the jobs available in the labor market, emphasized by the instability and contractual ephemerality. It leads to an increasing number of workers who are alienated from their rights and subjected to unstable, unsatisfactory and potentially ill conditions of labor. &nbsp

    Reproductive biology of donkey. I. Testicular measurement and sexual behaviour at semen collection

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    Foram avaliadas as medidas tesliculares e o comportamcnto sexual durante a colheita dc sêmen de seis (6) jumentos da raça Pega, com idades variando enire 3 e 9 anos. Os valores médios obtidos para o comprimento, largura e altura testiculares foram, respectivamente, 10,12 x 7,38 x 7,68 cm para o testículo esquerdo e 10,35 x 6,73 x 7,12 cm para o direito. Não foi encontrada diferença significante (a = 0,05) entre os volumes do testículo esquerdo e direito de um mesmo reprodutor, cujos valores médios foram 201,36 cm3 e 182,34 cm3, respectivamente. Num total de 68 colheitas, o tempo de reação médio (medido desde que o animal era colocado cm presença da fêmea até a ejaculação) foi de 10,98 minutos, variando de dois a 45 min. (coeficiente de variação = 59%). Durante o período de excitação observaram-se reações, consideradas por vários autores como características da espécie, tais como salto sem ereção ou com ereção apenas parcial do pênis, “flehmen” e movimentos mastigatórios.Testicular measurements and sexual behaviour at semen collection of six donkeys of the “Pega” breed, ranging from 3 to 9 year of age were studied. The average testicular lenght, widht and height were, respectively, 10.12 x 7.38 x 7.68 cm for the left testicle and 10.35 x 6.73 x 7.12 cm for the right one. No statistical difference was found between left testicular volume (x = 201.36 cm3) and right testicular volume (x = 182.34 cm3) of the same sire. The reaction time (measured from the first visual contact with the female to ejaculation) ranged from 2 to 45 minutes and the overall mean was 10.98 ± 6.48 min (n=68). During the teasing period some reactions, considered characteristic of donkeys by others investigators, was observed. These included mounting without penis erection or with partial penis erection, flehmen and mastigatory movements of the type described as an oestrous symptom in jennets

    Biologia reprodutiva de jumentos. III. pH, osmolalidade e níveis de eletrólitos no sêmen

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    Seminal samples of six jackass of Pega breed were analysed for pH (n=70), osmolality (n=69) and Na (n=49), K (n=51), Ca(n=51) and Mg (n=51) levels determinations. The pH values ranged from 7.0 to 7.8 with the average of 7.29± 1.18 for the total ejaculate number. Seminal plasma osmolality stayed between 273 and 373 mOsm, with the total average of 302.89± 15.03 mOsm, which represents a freezing point depression of 0.56°C. The meamconcentrations of Na, K, Ca and Mg in the seminal plasma were, respectively, 238.26±67.92,1 05.20±32.14,13.24± 1.62 and 1.54±0.10 mg%. All the result obtained at the present study were compared to scientific information about donkeys and horses. Both species are quite semilar apart from Mg levels that was lower for the donkeys. Due to the similarities between jackass and stallion seminal characteristics we believe that procedures for equine semen “in vitro” conservation might also be used for jackass semen. Complementary research is need to confirm the procedures viability.Amostras de sêmen e plasma seminal de seis jumentos da raça Pêga foram analisadas para determinação do pH (n=70), osmolalidade (n=69) e níveis de Na (n=49), K (n=51), Ca (n=51) e Mg (n=51 ). Os valores de pH variaram de 7,0 a 7,8 com uma média de 7,29 ± 0,18 para o total de ejaculados. A osmolalidade do plasma seminal oscilou entre 273 e 373 mOsm tendo como média global o valor de 302,89 ± 15,03 mOsm, o que corresponde a um ponto crioscópico de -0,56°C. As concentrações média de Na, K, Ca e Mg foram, respectivamente, 238,26 ± 67,92, 105,20 ± 32,14, 13,24 ± 1,62 e 1,54 ± 0,10 mg para cada 100 ml de plasma seminal. Os resultados obtidos no presente estudo foram confrontados com dados publicados relativos a jumentos e garanhões, sendo em geral muito próximos. A exceção foram os níveis de Mg que se mostraram relativamente baixos nos animais por nós encaminhados. Pela semelhança existente entre as características seminais de asininos e eqüinos, acredita-se que os métodos utilizados para a congelação de sêmen eqüino possam, em princípio, ser utilizados para o sêmen de jumentos. A confirmação desta hipótese fica na dependência de estudos complementares

    Infestation in inlandrace, conventional and transgenic corn by fall armyworm and corn earworm, and egg parasitism

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    O objetivo foi avaliar a infestação, o parasitismo de ovos e danos da lagarta-do-cartucho, Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith), e da lagarta-da-espiga, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie), em cultivares de milho: variedade crioulo (Lombo Baio), híbrido convencional (Semilha S395) e híbrido geneticamente modificado (Bt) (TC1507 Herculex I ®, Cry1F). O experimento foi conduzido em Santa Maria-RS, no período de segunda safra de 2014. O delineamento foi de blocos ao acaso, com três tratamentos e quatro repetições. Foram registrados os danos, o número de lagartas, de posturas e o parasitismo em ovos da lagarta-do-cartucho, dos 9 aos 72 dias após a emergência das plantas (DAE). A infestação da lagarta-da-espiga e o parasitismo de ovos foram registrados dos 67 aos 101 DAE. Os danos causados pela lagarta-do-cartucho foram semelhantes entre milho crioulo e convencional, os quais foram mais elevados do que no milho geneticamente modificado Bt. O número médio de lagartas-do-cartucho foi maior em milho crioulo. A média do número total de lagartas-da-espiga foi semelhante entre milho crioulo e convencional e superior à do Bt. Foi registrado o parasitismo de ovos para a lagarta-da-espiga por Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, nas três cultivares avaliadas, com porcentagens semelhantes entre milho crioulo e convencional e superior em milho Bt.The objective of the work was to estimate the infestation and eggs parasitism of fall armyworm (J. E. Smith) and corn earworm (Boddie), in three corn varieties: landrace (LomboBaio), conventional hybrid (Semilha S395) and genetically modified hybrid (Bt) (TC1507 Herculex I ®, Cry1F). The experiment was carried out in Santa Maria-RS, during the second-season corn crop, in 2014. The experimental design was a completely randomized block with three treatments, and four replicates. We evaluated the damages, number of larvae, number of eggs and fall armyworm egg parasitism from 9 to 72 days after emergence (DAE). The infestation of corn earworm and the eggs parasitism were measured from 67 to 101 DAE. Fall armyworm damage was similar between landrace and conventional hybrid, and both higher than those of genetically modified hybrid Bt. Average number of fall armyworm larvae was higher in landrace cultivar. The average of total number of corn earworm larvae was similar on landrace and conventional hybrid, both higher than Bt hybrid. Corn earworm eggs parasitism by Trichogramma pretiosum Riley was recorded in the three evaluated cultivars and similar parasitism percentage was observed between landrace and conventional hybrid, which was higher in Bt maize