453 research outputs found

    Influencia de la conductividad y fuerza iónica de soluciones sintéticas que simulan la fase acuosa del hormigón en el fenómeno de la corrosión de armaduras

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    Polarization Resistance (Rp) has been the electrochemical technique employed to study quantitatively the influence of Cl- and OH- ions on the corrosion of steel reinforcing, in a synthetic aqueous medium of similar composition to those of the concrete pore solution. Ionic strength, resistivity and their variations in function of CI- and OH- concentration have been chosen as more interesting solution parameters, together with intensity and potential corrosion measurements. The results showed the clear antagonistic role played by CI- and OH- ions on the corrosion process, which decreased as ionic strength increased.Este trabajo presenta el estudio cuantitativo, mediante la técnica de Resistencia de Polarización (Rp), de la influencia de los iones Cl- y OH- en la corrosión de armaduras de acero, en un medio acuoso sintético de similar composición al contenido en los poros del hormigón. Fuerza iónica, conductividad (resistividad) y sus variaciones en función de la concentración de dichos iones, han sido los parámetros de interés escogidos para la evaluación del proceso, además de las medidas de intensidad y potenciales de corrosión. Los resultados muestran claramente el antagonismo de los iones Cl - y OH- , cuyo carácter agresivo o protector disminuye a medida que aumenta la fuerza iónica del medio

    Seed germination and seedling allogamy in Rosmarinus officinalis: the costs of inbreeding

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    1) Self-pollination by geitonogamy is likely in self-compatible plants that simultaneously expose large numbers of flowers to pollinators. However, the progeny of these plants is often highly allogamous. Although mechanisms to increase cross-pollination have been identified and studied, their relative importance has rarely been addressed simultaneously in plant populations. (2) We used Rosmarinus officinalis to explore the factors that influence the probability of self-fertilization due to geitonogamy or that purge its consequences, focusing on their effect on seed germination and allogamy rate. For doing this, we experimentally tested the effects of geitonogamy on the proportion of filled seeds and how it influences germination rates. Then during two field seasons, we studied how life-history and flowering traits of individuals influence seed germination and allogamy rates of their progeny in wild populations at the extremes of the altitudinal range. The traits considered were plant size, population density, duration of the flowering season, number of open flowers, flowering synchrony among individuals within populations, and the proportion of male-sterile flowers. (3) We found that most seeds obtained experimentally from self-pollinations were apparently healthy but in fact empty, and that the presence of filled seeds drove the differences in germination rates between self- and cross-pollination experiments. Plants from wild populations consistently showed low germination rates and high rates of allogamy as determined with microsatellites. Germination rates related positively to the length of the flowering season, flowering synchrony and the rate of male-sterile flowers whereas the rate of allogamous seedlings was positively related only to the rate of male-sterile flowers. (4) Rosemary plants purge most of the inbreeding caused by its pollination system by aborting seeds. This study showed that the rates of seed germination and of the resulting allogamy are a function of a complex combination of factors that vary in space and time. Male sterility of flowers, length of the flowering season and flowering synchrony of individuals within populations all favor high rates of cross-pollination, therefore increasing germination and allogamy rates. These flowering traits appear to be highly plastic and respond to local and seasonal environmental conditions

    Nektar++: Development of the Compressible Flow Solver for Large Scale Aeroacoustic Applications

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    A recently developed computational framework for jet noise predictions is presented. The framework consists of two main components, focusing on source prediction and noise propagation. To compute the noise sources, the turbulent jet is simulated using the compressible flow solver implemented in the open-source spectral/hp element framework Nektar++, which solves the unfiltered Navier-Stokes equations on unstructured grids using the high- order discontinuous Galerkin method. This allows high-order accuracy to be achieved on unstructured grids, which in turn is important in order to accu- rately simulate industrially relevant geometries. For noise propagation, the Ffowcs Williams - Hawkings method is used to propagate the noise between the jet and the far-field. The paper provides a detailed description of the com- putational framework, including how the different components fit together and how to use them. To demonstrate the framework, two configurations of a single stream subsonic jet are considered. In the first configuration, the jet is treated in isolation, whereas in the second configuration, it is installed under a wing. The aerodynamic results for these two jets show strong agreement with experimental data, while some discrepancies are observed in the acous- tic results, which are discussed. In addition to this, we demonstrate close to linear scaling beyond 100, 000 processors on the ARCHER2 supercomputer

    Large Eddy simulations of isolated and installed jet noise using the high-order discontinuous Galerkin method

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    A recently developed computational framework for jet noise is used to compute the noise generated by an isolated and installed jet. The framework consists of two parts. In the first part, the spectral/hp element framework Nektar++ is used to compute the near-field flow. Nektar++ solves the unfiltered Navier-Stokes equations on unstructured grids using the high-order discontinuous Galerkin method. The discrete equations are integrated in time using an implicit scheme based on the matrix-free Newton-GMRES method. In the second part, the Antares library is used to compute the far-field noise. Antares solves the Ffowcs Williams - Hawkings equation for a permeable integration surface in the time domain using a source-time dominant algorithm. The simulations are validated against experimental data obtained in the Doak Laboratory Flight Jet Rig, located at the University of Southampton. For the isolated jet, good agreement is achieved, both in terms of the flow statistics and the far-field noise. The discrepancies observed for the isolated jet are believed to be caused by an under-resolved boundary layer in the simulations. For the installed jet, the flow statistics are also well predicted. In the far-field, very good agreement is achieved for downstream observers. For upstream observers, some discrepancies are observed for very high and very low frequencies

    Ultrasound in the study and monitoring of osteoarthritis

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    This review addresses the use of ultrasound (US) as an imaging technique for the evaluation and monitoring of the osteoarthritic joint. US complements both the clinical examination and radiological imaging by allowing the rheumatologist to recognize not only the bony profile but also to visualize the soft tissues. Systematic US scanning following established guidelines can demonstrate even minimal abnormalities of articular cartilage, bony cortex and synovial tissue. US is also extremely sensitive in the detection of soft tissue changes in the involved joints including the proliferation of the synovium and changes in the amount of fluid present within the joint. Monitoring the amount of fluid in the hip and knee joint with osteoarthritis may be a potentially useful finding in the selection of patients for clinical investigation and for assessing their response to therapeutic interventions. © 2008

    Variability in glutenin subunit composition of Mediterranean durum wheat germplasm and its relationship with gluten strength

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    The allelic composition at five glutenin loci was assessed by one-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (1D SDS–PAGE) on a set of 155 landraces (from 21 Mediterranean countries) and 18 representative modern varieties. Gluten strength was determined by SDS-sedimentation on samples grown under rainfed conditions during 3 years in north-eastern Spain. One hundred and fourteen alleles/banding patterns were identified (25 at Glu-1 and 89 at Glu-2/Glu-3 loci); 0·85 of them were in landraces at very low frequency and 0·72 were unreported. Genetic diversity index was 0·71 for landraces and 0·38 for modern varieties. All modern varieties exhibited medium to strong gluten type with none of their 13 banding patterns having a significant effect on gluten-strength type. Ten banding patterns significantly affected gluten strength in landraces. Alleles Glu-B1e (band 20), Glu-A3a (band 6), Glu-A3d (bands 6+11), Glu-B3a (bands 2+4+15+19) and Glu-B2a (band 12) significantly increased the SDS-value, and their effects were associated with their frequency. Two alleles, Glu-A3b (band 5) and Glu-B2b (null), significantly reduced gluten strength, but only the effect of the latter locus could be associated with its frequency. Only three rare banding patterns affected gluten strength significantly: Glu-B1a (band 7), found in six landraces, had a negative effect, whereas banding patterns 2+4+14+15+18 and 2+4+15+18+19 at Glu-B3 had a positive effect. Landraces with outstanding gluten strength were more frequent in eastern than in western Mediterranean countries. The geographical pattern displayed from the frequencies of Glu-A1c is discussed.R. Nazco was recipient of a Ph.D. grant from the Comissionat per Universitats i Investigació del Departament d’Innovació, Universitats i Empresa of the Generalitat of Catalonia and the Fondo Social Europeo. This study was partially funded by CICYT under projects AGL2006-09226-C02-01, AGL2009- 11187 and AGL2012-37217 and was developed within the framework of the agreement between INIA Spain and CIMMYT. The Centre UdL-IRTA is part of the Centre CONSOLIDER INGENIO 2010 on Agrigenomics funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. CRF, ICARDA and USDA Germplasm Bank are acknowledged for providing accessions for the present study.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Exploring the contribution of alternative food networks to food security. A comparative analysis

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    [EN] Food (in)security has become a challenge not only for developing economies but also for High Income Countries. In parallel, food scholars have actively investigated the contribution of alternative food networks (AFNs) to the development of more sustainable and just food systems, paying attention to drivers, initiatives and policies supporting the development of alternatives to the dominant industrialised food system and its detrimental environmental and socio-economic impacts. However, few studies have directly addressed the contribution of AFNs to food security in the Global North. This paper aims to establish new linkages between food security debates and critical AFNs literature. For that purpose, we conduct a place-based approach to food security in a comparative analysis of initiatives of three different European contexts: Cardiff city-region (UK), the Flemish Region (Belgium) and the peri-urban area of the city of Valencia (Spain). The results unfold: i) how AFNs weave a more localised socio-economic fabric that creates new relationships between food security outcomes and specific territories, ii) hybridization processes within alternative but also conventional systems and iii) the role of advocacy and collective action at different levels. The analysis allows identification of key elements on which food security debates hinge and provides new insights to ground conceptual discussions on territorial and place-based food security approaches.This research is part of the project "Assessment of the impact of global drivers of change on Europe's food security" (TRANSMANGO), granted by the EU under 7th Framework Programme; theme KBBE.2013.2.5-01; Grant agreement no: 613532. Dr. Ana Moragues-Faus also acknowledges the funding of the European Commission and the Welsh Government that currently supports her Ser Cymru fellowship. These results reflect only the authors' view; the funders are not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.Cerrada-Serra, P.; Moragues-Faus, A.; Zwart, TA.; Adlerova, B.; Ortiz-Miranda, D.; Avermaete, T. (2018). Exploring the contribution of alternative food networks to food security. A comparative analysis. Food Security. 10(6):1371-1388. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12571-018-0860-xS13711388106Arcuri, S., Brunori, G., & Galli, F. (2017). Insights on the role of private and public actors in food assistance provision: A literature review for high income countries. Economia agro-alimentare. https://doi.org/10.3280/ECAG2017-001006 .Barca, F., McCann, P., & Rodríguez-Pose, A. (2012). The case for regional development intervetion: Place-based versus place-neutral approaches. Journal of Regional Science, 52, 134–152. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9787.2011.00756.x .Bauler, T., Mutombo, E., van Gameren, V., Crivits, M., Paredis, E., Boulanger, P., . . . 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