794 research outputs found


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    Linfocitopenia T CD4+ associada à sideropenia: relato de caso

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    Importance of the issue: Idiopathic CD4 T lymphocytopenia is an unusual immune defect in which there is an unexplained deficit of CD4 T cells. This case presents a 39-year-old female patient, with CD4+ T lymphocytopenia, who was not infected with immunosuppressive viruses neither was she subjected to immunosuppressive therapies. Comments: While monitoring the patient, she was found to have very low serum ferritin and, after parenteral iron therapy, there were changes in CD4+ cell levels, indicating that, in this case, lymphocytopenia was secondary to sideropenia. The patient is being kept under strict control of serum iron and periodic immunological evaluation, and she has not showed any clinical and/or laboratory adverse events so far. It is known that iron deficiency is an important factor in the genesis of immunological changes that occur in patients with iron deficiency anemia. It is important to understand the effects of iron deficiency on the immune system due to its high prevalence worldwide. Moreover, it could also help to clarify several cases of idiopathic CD4 lymphocytopenia.Importância da questão: Linfocitopenia T CD4+ idiopática é um defeito imune incomum em que há um déficit inexplicável de células T CD4. Este caso clínico apresenta uma paciente do sexo feminino de 39 anos de idade, com linfocitopenia T CD4+, que não estava infectada por vírus imunossupressores nem foi submetida a terapias imunossupressoras. Comentários: Durante o acompanhamento da paciente, ela apresentou níveis muito baixos de ferritina sérica e, após a terapia parenteral de ferro, houve aumento da quantidade de células CD4+, indicando que, neste caso, linfocitopenia era secundária à sideropenia. A paciente estava sendo mantida sob rigoroso controle de ferro sérico e avaliação imunológica periódica, e não mostrou quaisquer eventos adversos clínicos e/ou laboratoriais até o momento. Com base em mudanças na reatividade imunológica dos pacientes observadas por outros pesquisadores após a suplementação com ferro, é evidente que a deficiência de ferro seria um fator importante na gênese das alterações imunológicas que ocorrem em pacientes com anemia ferropriva. É importante compreender os efeitos da deficiência de ferro no sistema imune, devido à sua elevada prevalência mundial. Essas informações também auxiliariam a esclarecer vários casos de linfocitopenia T CD4+ idiopática

    Impacted tooth associated with dentigerous cyst and compound odontoma – case report

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    The dentigerous cyst is a benign cyst associated with the development of odontogenic epithelium that covers the crown of impacted teeth. These are prevalent in the first three decades of life, reaching more often Caucasian males. Odontomas are hamartomas affecting the dental tissues, which can be divided into compound and complex odontoma. Odontoma affects children and young adults of both sexes, with a predilection for jaw bone. Case report: A 12-year-old boy attended the Pediatric Dentistry Clinic of Positivo University, complaining of pain in right parasymphysis region. The panoramic radiograph showed an impacted tooth (#43) located in base of the jaw below the apex of the teeth #31 to #42, with increased follicle. A radiopaque mass with small fragments of approximately 1 cm, located at the apex of the teeth #83 and #84 was seen. The patient underwent surgery under general anesthesia to remove the impacted tooth and radiopaque injury. Histopathological analysis of the dental follicle was compatible with dentigerous cyst and dental fragments were diagnosed as compound odontoma. The postoperative was uneventful, four months after the surgery the patient began orthodontic treatment for traction of tooth #44. Conclusion: Both lesions, dentigerous cyst and compound odontoma have favorable prognosis and low recurrence rate, but must be removed to maintain the integrity of the stomatognathic system. In this case was important the inter-relationship between dental specialties for the treatment of the patient

    The knowledge of health sciences undergraduate female students regarding women breast cancer

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    Objective: To characterize the knowledge of university students in the health area of breast cancer in women, whereas the academic health fits into the contemporary woman profile and that breast cancer is the disease that affects more women. Método: descriptive, qualitative research with 11 university students of nursing and medicine courses in a public University of Paraná, between April and June 2012. Results: Data analysis was performed according to the 6 steps suggested by John W. Creswell and the referential Edgar Morin about knowledge and its dimensions: the context size, global, multidimensional and complex dimension. Conclusion: Knowledge about breast cancer, goes beyond the set of information that involves implementation of public policies and programs, but also refers to the involvement and awareness of professionals who will work in this area


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    A atuação no serviço público ainda é muito atrativa em virtude dos benefícios proporcionados. O presente estudo é de caráter intervencionista e pretende, por meio da capacitação com habilidades secretariais dos servidores técnico-administrativos de nível médio que atuam nas secretarias da universidade, melhorar a eficiência e eficácia desses servidores. Para isso, foi aplicado um questionário a fim de identificar quais as maiores dificuldades enfrentas por eles, e quais seriam passíveis de serem ensinadas em cursos de curta duração. Foi utilizada a pesquisa de campo, de abordagem qualitativa, quantitativa e de observação participante. O referencial teórico aborda a gestão pública, a gestão de pessoas, a gestão e o assessoramento secretarial e as habilidades secretariais no serviço público. Pode-se apurar que as observações da acadêmica, que também é servidora da universidade, tem fundamento no que tange aos problemas apresentados pelos servidores quanto à atendimento e dificuldade na realização das suas tarefas, e que a aplicabilidade deste estudo é viável por meio da utilização de pessoal disponível do curso de Secretariado Executivo Trilingue da mesma instituição

    Career Anchors for Travel Agents: An Exploratory Study Based on Edgard Schein’s Model

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    The travel agents job market is a field in constant expansion. Everyday new enterprises are open in the country and with the growth of this activity, more and more people are trying to get in the tourist market. Therewith, the goal of the present study was to identify the travel agents' professional inclinations in agreement with the inventory of career anchors proposed by Schein (1993, 1996), as well as their main characteristics, to adapt them to the needs of the agencies and obtain the best of each employee. First, it was approached the main concepts used in tourism area and Human Resources concepts in relation to career plans. It is also shown a panorama of the travel agencies, as well as their professionals' evolution. It is a descriptive exploratory and quantitative research which was used to build a theoretical reference on the theme. A field research was accomplished with the travel agents, where analyses are presented, added to the theoretical reference, on aspects of his/her personal formation, on his/her career and also on the development of these careers, through the identification of the travel agents profile in the market of São Paulo, Brazil.O mercado de trabalho dos agentes de viagens é um campo em constanteexpansão. Todos os dias novos empreendimentos são abertos no Brasil e com ocrescimento desta atividade, cada vez mais pessoas estão buscando entrar no mercadoturístico. Com isso, o presente estudo teve por objetivo identificar as inclinaçõesprofissionais dos agentes de viagens de acordo com o inventário de âncoras de carreiraproposta por Schein (1993, 1996), bem como as suas principais características, paraadequá-las às necessidades das agências e obter o melhor de cada funcionário.Abordam-se primeiramente as principais conceituações de termos utilizados no turismoe conceitos de gestão de pessoas no que tange a planos de carreira. Mostra-se tambémum panorama das agências de viagens, bem como a evolução de seus profissionais.Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória descritiva e quantitativa a fim de melhor construirum referencial teórico sobre o tema. Uma pesquisa de campo foi realizada junto aosagentes de viagens, onde são apresentadas análises, somadas ao referencial teórico,sobre aspectos de suas formações pessoais, sobre suas carreiras e também sobre odesenvolvimento das mesmas, através da identificação do perfil dos agentes de viagensno mercado da cidade de São Paulo, Brasil


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    O objetivo deste artigo é compreender as atividades de trabalho dos cabeleireiros de um salão de beleza, revelando as variabilidades, constrangimentos e estratégias desenvolvidas por eles parar gerir suas atividades. Por meio da Análise Ergonômica do Trabalho foram analisadas as atividades de sete cabeleireiros e observados os fatores que interferem na saúde e na segurança destes. Entre os principais constrangimentos que elevam a sobrecarga física e psíquica desses trabalhadores estão: pressão por tempo, elevada carga horária, movimentos repetitivos e a falta de controle sobre a organização do trabalho

    Germinação e crescimento de plântulas de genótipos de aveia branca submetidas ao estresse salino

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    <p>The white oat is a winter crop used in succession to rice cultivation, subject to salt stress due to the accumulation of salts in the soil, especially in the southern Rio Grande do Sul. The objective of this work was to evaluate the seed germination, initial growth of the nine genotypes seedling of white oat and to identify contrasting genotypes, well as to identify the genotypes contrasting to character for salt tolerance character. For this, the genotypes were submitted to different salt concentrations (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 mM de NaCl per liter of water), being analyzed the following variables: percentage of germination, first counting germination, index germination speed, length, shoots and roots dry mass of seedlings. The results may imply that seed germination that the percentage of germination was slightly decreased compared to the shoot growth and roots that have been greatly reduced with increasing salt concentrations. The root length and shoot length is in promising variables in the separation of genotypes in relation to different salt concentrations, allowing you to select two contrasting genotypes to salinity, the (URS 22) characterized as tolerant and (UPF 16) as sensitive.</p