4,790 research outputs found

    Portfolio Risk Assessment under Dynamic (Equi)Correlation and Semi-Nonparametric Estimation: An Application to Cryptocurrencies

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    The semi-nonparametric (SNP) modeling of the return distribution has been proved to be a flexible and accurate methodology for portfolio risk management that allows two-step estimation of the dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) matrix. For this SNP-DCC model, we propose a stepwise procedure to compute pairwise conditional correlations under bivariate marginal SNP distributions, overcoming the curse of dimensionality. The procedure is compared to the assumption of dynamic equicorrelation (DECO), which is a parsimonious model when correlations among the assets are not significantly different but requires joint estimation of the multivariate SNP model. The risk assessment of both methodologies is tested for a portfolio of cryptocurrencies by implementing backtesting techniques and for different risk measures: value-at-risk, expected shortfall and median shortfall. The results support our proposal showing that the SNP-DCC model has better performance for lower confidence levels than the SNP-DECO model and is more appropriate for portfolio diversification purposes

    Acoso psicológico en el trabajo “mobbing” en empresas de servicios colombianas. Un factor de riesgo que se debe controlar.

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    Study realized with bosses, in a heavy machines sales and maintenance companying Bogota-Colombia, from July 2014 to June 2015. Objective: Determining conditions that generate psychological harassment at work (WPH) and health affections. Methods: Applied, mixed and correlated research. Realized at three companies with 121 employees and with 32 out of 45 bosses participating voluntarily and signing informed consent. For determining the intra-labor and stress psychological risk factors (PRF) it was applied the “instrumental gadget set to evaluate PRF”,1 with 0.944 reliability levels (RL) in the intra-labor questionnaires and 0.83 stress. The intra-labor result information and complaints presented to the labor coexitence commetee (LCC) vs. Stress were triangulated. Results: 75% of bosses presented affection by PRF, with high and mid risk levels for leadership, social relations control over work, and the intra-labor complaints, verbal mistreatment and agressive and abusive behavior conditions report; identifying the direct relation with the appearance of stress symptomatologies. Conclusions: It was stablished that the intra-labor conditions and stress have a direct correlation establishing themselves as predictors to detect PRF. Companies must keep into account that presented complaints to the LCC, to develop actions, improve and keep good treatment in labor relationships. States must do their own, through public policies that are applicabe to all economy sectors.Estudio realizado con jefes, en empresas de venta y mantenimiento de maquinaria pesada de Bogotá-Colombia, en los periodos julio de 2014 a junio de 2015. Objetivo: Determinar condiciones generadoras de acoso psicológico en el trabajo (APT) y afectación en salud. Métodos: Investigación aplicada, mixta y correlacional. Realizada en tres empresas con 121 empleados y cuya muestra fue de 32 jefes, de 45, quienes voluntariamente participaron y firmaron el consentimiento informado. Para la determinación de los factores de riesgo psicosocial (FRP) intralaboral y estrés se aplicó la “Batería de Instrumentos para la evaluación de FRP”,1 con Niveles de Confiabilidad (NC) en los cuestionarios intralaboral de 0.944 y estrés con 0.83. Se trianguló información de resultados intralaborales, quejas presentadas al Comité de Convivencia Laboral (CCL)2 vs. estrés. Resultados: Un 75% de los jefes presentan afectación por APT, con niveles de riesgo alto y medio para liderazgo, relaciones sociales y control sobre el trabajo, además el reporte de quejas de maltrato verbal y conductas agresivas y abusivas para la condición intralaboral. Se identificó relación directa con aparición de sintomatologías de estrés. Conclusiones: Se halló que las condiciones intralaborales y el estrés tienen una correlación directa y se establecieron como predictores para detectar APT. Las empresas deben tener en cuenta las quejas presentadas al CCL, para desarrollar acciones, mejorar y mantener el buen trato en las relaciones laborales. Los Estados deben hacer lo propio, mediante políticas públicas que sean aplicables a todos los sectores de la economía

    Propuesta de intervención para riesgo psicosocial y estrés laboral encontrados en el diagnóstico 2017 en una empresa del sector farmacéutico

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    Proponer un plan de intervención para los factores de riesgo psicosocial y estrategias de promoción y prevención a fin de reducir los niveles de estrés laboral que se presentaron en el diagnóstico realizado a los empleados de una empresa del sector farmacéutico en la ciudad de BogotáEsta investigación tuvo como propósito proponer un plan de intervención para el manejo del riesgo psicosocial y estrés laboral en una Empresa del sector farmacéutico de acuerdo a la medición realizada por una Empresa asesora al aplicar la Batería de instrumentos para la evaluación de factores de riesgo psicosocial del Ministerio de la Protección Social. Se realizó un análisis de la información que arrojó como resultado una matriz de priorización sobre la cual se propuso el plan de intervención a partir de lo sugerido por el diagnóstico y las recomendaciones propuestas por el grupo investigador. Desde lo sugerido del diagnóstico, se plantea la necesidad de diseñar el sistema de vigilancia epidemiológica, un plan de intervención y monitoreo a los cargos que puntuaron alto y el diseño del perfil de cargo para el caso de atención prioritaria (CAP) y otras recomendaciones. Con lo anterior, se dio respuesta a los tres objetivos propuestos en esta investigación: plantear plan de intervención para manejo de riesgo psicosocial, diseñar plan de intervención y monitoreo de cargo al (CAP) y diseñar el Sistema de Vigilancia Epidemiológic

    Lung Radiology and Pulmonary Function of Children Chronically Exposed to Air Pollution

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    We analyzed the chest radiographs (CXRs) of 249 clinically healthy children, 230 from southwest Mexico City and 19 from Tlaxcala. In contrast to children from Tlaxcala, children from southwest Mexico City were chronically exposed to ozone levels exceeding the U.S. National Ambient Air Quality Standards for an average of 4.7 hr/day and to concentrations of particulate matter (PM) with aerodynamic diameters ≤2.5 μm (PM(2.5)) above the annual standard. CXRs of Mexico City children demonstrated bilateral hyperinflation (151 of 230) and increased linear markings (121 of 230). Hyperinflation and interstitial markings were significantly more common in Mexico City children (p < 0.0002 and 0.00006 respectively). Mexico City boys had a higher probability of developing interstitial markings with age (p = 0.004). Computed tomography (CT) scans were obtained in 25 selected Mexico City children with abnormal CXRs. Mild bronchial wall thickening was seen in 10 of 25, prominent central airways in 4 of 25, air trapping in 8 of 21, and pulmonary nodules in 2 of 21. Only 7.8% of Mexico City children had abnormal lung function tests based on predicted values. These findings are consistent with bronchiolar, peribronchiolar, and/or alveolar duct inflammation, possibly caused by ozone, PM, and lipopolysaccharide exposure. The epidemiologic implications of these findings are important for children residing in polluted environments, because bronchiolar disease could lead to chronic pulmonary disease later in life

    Epilepsy and neuropsychiatric comorbidities in mice carrying a recurrent Dravet syndrome SCN1A missense mutation

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    Dravet Syndrome (DS) is an encephalopathy with epilepsy associated with multiple neuropsychiatric comorbidities. In up to 90% of cases, it is caused by functional happloinsufficiency of the SCN1A gene, which encodes the alpha subunit of a voltage-dependent sodium channel (Nav1.1). Preclinical development of new targeted therapies requires accessible animal models which recapitulate the disease at the genetic and clinical levels. Here we describe that a C57BL/6 J knock-in mouse strain carrying a heterozygous, clinically relevant SCN1A mutation (A1783V) presents a full spectrum of DS manifestations. This includes 70% mortality rate during the first 8 weeks of age, reduced threshold for heat-induced seizures (4.7 °C lower compared with control littermates), cognitive impairment, motor disturbances, anxiety, hyperactive behavior and defects in the interaction with the environment. In contrast, sociability was relatively preserved. Electrophysiological studies showed spontaneous interictal epileptiform discharges, which increased in a temperature-dependent manner. Seizures were multifocal, with different origins within and across individuals. They showed intra/inter-hemispheric propagation and often resulted in generalized tonic-clonic seizures. 18F-labelled flourodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) revealed a global increase in glucose uptake in the brain of Scn1aWT/A1783V mice. We conclude that the Scn1aWT/A1783V model is a robust research platform for the evaluation of new therapies against DS

    Hacia una metodología estandarizada para el muestreo de escarabajos peloteros (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) en el Neotrópico: Una revisión crítica

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    Introducción: La estandarización de los protocolos de muestreo es imprescindible para el estudio robusto de cualquier grupo taxonómico. Los métodos replicables permiten la comparación de datos entre diferentes estudios espaciales y temporales. En el caso de los escarabajos coprófagos, uno de los grupos indicadores mejor estudiados en los análisis de perturbaciones ambientales, se utiliza una amplia gama de metodologías de recolección, desde trampas de caída básicas hasta métodos más complejos o complementarios, como el extractor mini-Winkler. Además, en los estudios de escarabajos coprófagos se utilizan diferentes tipos de cebos atractivos, esfuerzos de muestreo, duraciones y diseños. Las variaciones en los enfoques metodológicos se notan particularmente en el Neotrópico, lo que puede estar relacionado con la gran cantidad de estrategias biológicas y el comportamiento de los escarabajos coprófagos que habitan esta región. La falta de unificación metodológica para la región Neotropical imposibilita un análisis transversal de la información. Métodos: Realizamos una recopilación y revisión analítica de la literatura existente para el muestreo de escarabajos coprófagos en el Neotrópico, discutiendo las metodologías más utilizadas, sus ventajas y desventajas, y casos específicos en los que modelos particulares son más eficientes. Resultados: Las trampas Pitfall cebadas con excremento humano son el método de muestreo más común, pero existe una amplia gama de modelos y variaciones en la estructura de esta trampa. El efecto complementario generado por las trampas de interceptación de vuelos, las trampas de luz y las colecciones directas, particularmente dentro de los microhábitats, es emocionante por el potencial de encontrar nuevas especies. Algunas metodologías, como mini-Winkler extractor, fogging, o cebos muy específicos, se utilizan con poca frecuencia. Discusión: Hubo una falta de inclusión de la variación espacial y temporal entre los estudios. Por lo tanto, es necesario considerar ventanas de muestreo más amplias, que incluyan diferentes escalas espaciales, estaciones y años. Finalmente, proponemos un protocolo estándar para el muestreo de escarabajos coprófagos en el Neotrópico, dependiendo de cada objetivo, e incluyendo una metodología básica para la obtención de inventarios locales completos. Copyright © 2023 Mora-Aguilar, Arriaga-Jiménez, Correa, da Silva, Korasaki, López-Bedoya, Hernández, Pablo-Cea, Salomão, Valencia, Vulinec, Edwards, Edwards, Halffter y Noriega. Proponemos un protocolo estándar para el muestreo de escarabajos coprófagos en el Neotrópico, dependiendo de cada objetivo, e incluyendo una metodología básica para la obtención de inventarios locales completos. Copyright © 2023 Mora-Aguilar, Arriaga-Jiménez, Correa, da Silva, Korasaki, López-Bedoya, Hernández, Pablo-Cea, Salomão, Valencia, Vulinec, Edwards, Edwards, Halffter y Noriega. Proponemos un protocolo estándar para el muestreo de escarabajos coprófagos en el Neotrópico, dependiendo de cada objetivo, e incluyendo una metodología básica para la obtención de inventarios locales completos.Introduction: The standardization of sampling protocols is imperative for robustly studying any taxonomic group. Replicable methods allow the comparison of data between different spatial and temporal studies. In the case of dung beetles, one of the best-studied indicator groups in analyses of environmental disturbance, a wide range of collection methodologies are used, from basic pitfall traps to more complex or complementary methods such as mini-Winkler extractor. Also, different types of attractive baits, sampling effort, durations, and designs are used in dung beetle studies. Variations in methodological approaches are particularly noted in the Neotropics, which may be related to the vast number of biological strategies and behavior of dung beetles that inhabit this region. A lack of methodological unification for the Neotropical region makes a cross-sectional analysis of the information impossible. Methods: We performed a compilation and analytical review of the existing literature for dung beetle sampling in the Neotropics, discussing the most used methodologies, their advantages and disadvantages, and specific cases in which particular models are more efficient. Results: Pitfall traps baited with human excrement are the most common sampling method, but there is a wide range of models and variations in the structure of this trap. The complementary effect generated by flight interception traps, light traps, and direct collections, particularly within microhabitats, is exciting for the potential of finding new species. Some methodologies, such as mini-Winkler extractor, fogging, or very specific baits, are infrequently used. Discussion: There was a lack of inclusion of spatial and temporal variation among studies. Therefore, it is necessary to consider broader sampling windows, which include different spatial scales, seasons, and years. Finally, we propose a standard protocol for sampling dung beetles in the Neotropics, depending on each objective, and including a basic methodology for obtaining complete local inventories

    Transfer of SCN1A to the brain of adolescent mouse model of Dravet syndrome improves epileptic, motor, and behavioral manifestations

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    Dravet syndrome is a genetic encephalopathy characterized by severe epilepsy combined with motor, cognitive, and behavioral abnormalities. Current antiepileptic drugs achieve only partial control of seizures and provide little benefit on the patient’s neurological development. In >80% of cases, the disease is caused by haploinsufficiency of the SCN1A gene, which encodes the alpha subunit of the Nav1.1 voltage-gated sodium channel. Novel therapies aim to restore SCN1A expression in order to address all disease manifestations. We provide evidence that a high-capacity adenoviral vector harboring the 6-kb SCN1A cDNA is feasible and able to express functional Nav1.1 in neurons. In vivo, the best biodistribution was observed after intracerebral injection in basal ganglia, cerebellum, and prefrontal cortex. SCN1A A1783V knockin mice received the vector at 5 weeks of age, when most neurological alterations were present. Animals were protected from sudden death, and the epileptic phenotype was attenuated. Improvement of motor performance and interaction with the environment was observed. In contrast, hyperactivity persisted, and the impact on cognitive tests was variable (success in novel object recognition and failure in Morris water maze tests). These results provide proof of concept for gene supplementation in Dravet syndrome and indicate new directions for improvement

    Multivariate Approximations to Portfolio Return Distribution

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    This article proposes a three-step procedure to estimate portfolio return distributions under the multivariate Gram-Charlier (MGC) distribution. The method combines quasi maximum likelihood (QML) estimation for conditional means and variances and the method of moments (MM) estimation for the rest of the density parameters, including the correlation coefficients. The procedure involves consistent estimates even under density misspecification and solves the so-called ‘curse of dimensionality’ of multivariate modelling. Furthermore, the use of a MGC distribution represents a flexible and general approximation to the true distribution of portfolio returns and accounts for all its empirical regularities. An application of such procedure is performed for a portfolio composed of three European indices as an illustration. The MM estimation of the MGC (MGC-MM) is compared with the traditional maximum likelihood of both the MGC and multivariate Student’s t (benchmark) densities. A simulation on Value-at-Risk (VaR) performance for an equally weighted portfolio at 1% and 5% confidence indicates that the MGC-MM method provides reasonable approximations to the true empirical VaR. Therefore, the procedure seems to be a useful tool for risk managers and practitioners