58 research outputs found

    Kompetensi Komunikasi dalam endidikan Dokter YangBerorientasi Pada kepentingan pasien:Belajar Dari Kasus Klinik dan Role -Play Mahasiswa

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    Communication competence in medical education usually focusing only on history taking, which is diseases oriented, while in the reality patients have their own perception of illness, feeling, hope, and expectation. The gap between patient and doctor may lead to uncooperative patient, which is in the end will not be an effective, neither efficient problem solving session for both. This study is aimed to explore more on the competency of patient centered communication style: the reason for encounter, empathy, and active listening, through study from clinical cases and result of student\u27s role-plays during skills training sessions in Faculty of Medicine Gadjah Mada University. Furthermore, observing the importance of doctor-patient communication related with other competence of KIPDI III: managin

    Formulating Employability Skills for Graduates of Public Health Study Program

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    Employability skills as non technical skills are important for effective and successful individual participation in the workplace. The main aims of the research were to identify important employability skills needed by graduates of Public Health Study Program Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (PHSP UAD) and to assess the achievement of the employability skills development that has been carried out by PHSP UAD. This study used a mixed method research with convergent design. Quantitative research was conducted with survey to graduates. Qualitative research was conducted with structured interviews to employers. Both data were analyzed separately and interpreted concurrently. Graduates and employers of PHSP UAD in broad outline were in line on the important employability skills needed in the workplace and the assessment of the achievement. Several employability skills consistently were considered important. The achievement of employability skills that were related to public health knowledge and its application was high, meanwhile the achievement of several important employability skills which are needed in the work place in the 21st were low. Employability skills needed for graduates of PHSP UAD were formulated. Curriculum revision is recommended to integrate employability skills into core activities to promote the development of employability skills of PHSP UAD graduates.

    Role of Posyandu Cadres in Community Empowerment in Bintan

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    Purpose: This study was conducted to examine the role of posyandu cadres in community empowerment in Bintan. Method: This case study involved 10 posyandu cadres through indepth interviews and focus group discussions. Results: Cadres serve as health motivators and educators. Caders are able to identify needs, barriers and coordination in providing health services.Conclusion: Posyandu cadres have a high social spirit from a combination of internal and external motivation, resources and potential and experience. With a social spirit it inspires, mengantusiasi, activate, stimulate, move and motivate the community

    Penerapan Collaborative Learning Bagi Pendidik Sebaya di Sekolah Tentang Pendidikan Seksual dengan Metode Evalusi Kirkpatrick

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    Evaluation of collaborative learning for peer educators of sexual education with Kirkpatrick methodPurposeThis research aimed to evaluate the collaborative learning outcomes of the application of Kirkpatrick method for peer educators on sexual education in schools. MethodThis research was a quantitative study with a quasi-experimental design. Educators/peer tutors from two schools were grouped into two groups, namely the intervention group and the control group. ResultsResults of the study describes the Kirkpatrick evaluation on collaborative learning methods in peer educators in schools, namely: 1) The majority of participants were satisfied with the results of the intervention group training; 2) there was an increase in knowledge and skills in the control group and intervention during the pretest and posttest; 3) increased knowledge and skills of collaborative learning participants with better training than in the control group; and 4) the intervention group could conduct collaborative learning as a result of the training given. ConclusionThrough the training methods of collaborative learning, the knowledge and skills of participants increased significantly compared to the control group, and participants could apply the training about sexual education in schools while doing health education and distributing brochures on sexual education

    Towards improving soft skills of medical education in the 21st century: A literature review

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    Global challenge forced medical education to be transformative in preparing the future health care professional. Student-centered learning (SCL) has been regarded as the most suitable medical curriculum approach to meet the health care demand. Indonesia, with its hierarchical and collectivistic culture, has long implemented SCL. The necessary skills are needed to be identified to improve the medical curriculum in Indonesia. We did a literature review to generate soft skills for the health care professionals. We distributed the list to stakeholders and medical teachers for a two-round Delphi study. We identify 26 soft skills through literature review. The Delphi study's first-round yielded 95 responses comparing the expectation and reality of the 26 soft skills in the current medical curriculum. The second round Delphi study was performed towards the similar participants to gather the final set of soft skills recommended for curriculum improvement in medical and health professions education. Soft skills, though considered necessary, are not well-understood yet. The unfamiliarity influenced the irresolute delivery of soft skills in medical schools. Faculty developments are recommended to improve the understanding and capability of teachers to facilitate the learning of soft skills

    Analisis Pelaksanaan Rujukan Berjenjang Fasilitas Kesehatan Tingkat Pertama Kasus Kegawatdaruratan Maternal Peserta Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial di 3 Puskesmas Perawatan Kota Bengkulu

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    ABSTRACTBackground: Indonesia National Health Insurance also regulates referral system, which is intended to increase effectiveness and efficiency of resources. There is a need to optimize tiered referral system: primary, secondary, and tertiary so that it runs effectively and efficiently. Tiered referral for maternal cases are still frequently done in Bengkulu City, especially on emergency cases that cannot be handled by primary health center, a lot of expectant mother are aged 35 which become risk factor in pregnancy, and patients’ wish to undergo USG exam which is unavailable at PHC. The high frequency of referral among National Health Insurance participants will cause an increase on referral facility utilization, which in turn will increase cost in referral health facility.Objective: To analyze implementation of tiered referral system on maternal cases in National Health Insurance participants in 3 PHC of Bengkulu City.Methods: This study use quantitative design using case studies. Study use primary and secondary data. Primary data collected from observation and in depth interview with medical staff in PHC and patients.Results: From observation and direct interview with medical staffs, patients, and management or doctors from 3 PHC used as sample, 4 aspects among other are found, including staffs perception about health workers availability, drugs availability, medical instrument availability, and availability of health facility are often become obstacle, proven by observation of medicines and instruments that available in PHC. Meanwhile no obstacle found in severity level and access to hospital.Conclusion: Perception of medical staffs in terms of understanding of diagnosis and severity level and also access to hospital is not the main factors. On the contrary, staffs’ perception about human resources, drug, instruments, and health facilities still need support from involved parties in addressing these obstacles found in primary health center. Keywords: Tiered referral, maternal emergency, National Health Insurance ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Didalam BPJS diatur juga system rujukan kesehatan, yang merupakan manajemen utilisasi pelayanan kesehatan untuk meningkatkan efektifitas dan efisiensi sumber daya, dapat ditinjau dari penyedia kesehatan maupun penerima kesehatan. Perlunya optimalisasi kepatuhan pelaksanaan sistem rujukan berjenjang: primer, sekunder dan tersier agar efektifitas dan efisiensi berjalan optimal. Proses rujukan berjenjang pada pasien maternal di kota Bengkulu masih tinggi, terutama kasus kegawatdaruratan maternal hal ini tidak dapat ditangani oleh fasilitas kesehatan tingkat pertama dan masih adanya ibu hamil yang berusia 35 tahun yag menjadi resiko tinggi dari kehamilan tersebut dan juga keinginan dari pasien untuk melakukan USG yang tidak tersedia di puskesmas. Tingginya rujukan pasien BPJS akan berdampak pada peningkatan pemanfaatan fasilitas pelayanan tingkat lanjutan, maka akibatnya akan terjadi pembengkakan biaya pelayanan kesehatan pada fasilitas kesehatan lanjutan. Tujuan: Menganalisis pelaksanaan rujukan berjenjang FKTP kasus kegawatdaruratan maternal peserta BPJS Kesehatan pada 3 Puskesmas perawatan di Kota Bengkulu.Metode: Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif bersifat case studies. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer dan data skunder. Data primer diperoleh melalui observasi dan wawancara mendalam (in-depth interview) kepada petugas medis di puskesmas dan pasien. Aspek yang dikaji pada penelitian ini yaitu Severity level, ketersediaan sumber daya manusia kesehatan, ketersediaan obat-obatan, ketersediaan alat-alat medis, ketersediaan fasilitas kesehatan dan akses menuju rumah sakit.Hasil: Dari hasil observasi dan wawancara langsung dengan petugas medis, pasien dan pihak manajemen atau dokter dari 3 puskesmas menjadi tempat penelitian di peroleh informasi bahwa dari ke 6 (enam) aspek tersebut ada 4 aspek antara lain persepsi petugas tentang ketersediaan sumber daya manusia kesehatan, ketersediaan obat-obatan, ketersediaan alat-alat medis, ketersediaan fasilitas kesehatan menjadi kendala yang sering dan di buktikan oleh hasil observasi obat-obatan dan alat-alat yang tersedia di puskesmas. Sedang kan pada aspek severity level dan Akses menuju RS tidak ditemukannya kendala.Kesimpulan: Persepsi petugas medis dilihat dari pemahaman diagnosa dan severity level dan akses menuju RS tidak mengalami kendala. Sedangkan pada persepsi petugas mengenai SDM, Ketersediaan obat-obatan, ketersediaan alat- alat kesehatan dan Fasilitas kesehatan masih diperlukan adanya bantuan dari berbagai pihak yang terkait dalam memperbaiki untuk melengkapi kendala dihadapi di fasilitas kesehatan tingkat pertama. Kata Kunci : Rujukan berjenjang, Kegawatdaruratan maternal, BPJ

    Pharmacist-patient communication in Indonesia: The Roter Interaction Analysis System (RIAS) a socio-hierarchical context

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    Background: Patient-centred communication skills are required for good counselling practice of a pharmacist. Little is known about the communication skill of pharmacists in the Indonesian setting, where socio-hierarchical gaps between health care provider - patient exist.Objective: To assess the communication between pharmacist and patient in an outpatient clinical counselling setting in Indonesia.Method: Data were analysed from 54 outpatient clinical counselling sessions conducted by pharmacists with their patients at a private hospital. Utterances in each session were coded and analysed using the Roter Interaction Analysis System (RIAS). The differences between the pharmacists’ and patients’ types of communication were analysed using Mann-Whitney tests. Results: According to RIAS, ‘biomedical communication’ was dominated by the pharmacists and ‘socio-emotional communication’ was dominated by the patients. Statistical analysis showed there was a significant difference between the ‘biomedical’ and ‘socio-emotional communication’ between the patients and pharmacists (p<0.001).Conclusion: Pharmacist-patient communication in this study was directed mostly towards a pharmacist-centred communication. Further investigation is needed to explain the reasons behind this phenomenon and to identify whether the same result also occurred in different settings

    Peran kader posyandu dalam memberdayakan masyarakat Bintan

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    Role of posyandu cadres in empowering the community of BintanPurposeThis study aimed to determine the role of posyandu cadres in empowering the community in Kawal village, Gunung Kijang district, Bintan regency.MethodsThis study used a qualitative method with a case study design and purposive sampling technique, with the cadres of posyandu. Data collection was done by in-depth interviews and focus group discussion (FGD), with triangulation of sources and methods.ResultsThe role of cadres are as a health motivator, with the extension officers of the health and medical services as well as cadres being able to identify the needs, barriers and help to coordinate in providing health services.ConclusionPosyandu cadres have high social spirit created by the combination of internal and external motivation, resources and potential as well as experience developing ability, with the social spirit capable of inspiring, activating, stimulating, mobilizing and motivating people. Latar belakang: Perkembangan dan peningkatan mutu pelayanan posyandu sangat dipengaruhi oleh peran serta masyarakat diantaranya adalah kader. Fungsi kader terhadap posyandu sangat besar yaitu sebagai perencana pelaksana dan sebagai pembina penyuluh untuk memotivasi masyarakat yang berperan serta dalam kegiatan posyandu. Pada tahun 2014, jumlah posyandu yang tersebar di 33 Provinsi di Indonesia sekitar 330.000 posyandu, 50% balita diantaranya tidak melakukan penimbangan teratur di posyandu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran kader posyandu dalam memberdayakan masyarakat di Kelurahan Kawal Kecamatan Gunung Kijang Kabupaten BintanMetode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan rancangan studi kasus dan teknik sampling purposive sampling, terhadap kader posyandu, pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam dan focus group discussion (FGD). Peneliti juga melakukan triangulasi sumber dan metode.Hasil: Peran kader sebagai motivator kesehatan, penyuluh kesehatan dan pelayanan kesehatan serta Kader mampu mengidentifikasi kebutuhan, hambatan serta berkoordinasi dalam memberikan pelayanan kesehatan.Kesimpulan: Kader posyandu memiliki semangat sosial tinggi yang dibentuk oleh kombinasi motivasi internal dan eksternal, sumber daya dan potensi serta pengalaman mengembangkan kemampuan, dengan semangat sosial tersebut mampu menginspirasi, mengantusiasi, mengaktivasi, menstimulasi, menggerakkan dan memotivasi masyarakat
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