1,250 research outputs found

    Restoration of peatlands and greenhouse gas balances

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    In this chapter the impact of peatland restoration on greenhouse gas fluxes is discussed based on a literature review. Casestudies are presented covering different peatland types, different regions and different starting conditions

    Distribution of Pd clusters on ultrathin, epitaxial TiOx films on Pt3Ti(111)

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    Scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) was used to investigate the nucleation and growth of palladium clusters on two different, ultrathin, epitaxial, titania films grown on a Pt3_{3}Ti(111) surface. The first oxide phase, z\u27-TiOχ_{χ}, is anisotropic and consists of parallel stripes separated by trenches. Defects (i.e., oxygen vacancies) in this structure are confined to these trenches and act as nucleation sites. Therefore, the Pd clusters are mostly arranged in unidirectional rows along the trenches, creating a template effect. The second phase, w\u27-TiOχ_{χ}, exhibits a hexagonal, long range, (7 × 7)R21.8°, Moiré-type superstructure with fewer and shallower defects, making the template effect less discernible

    Локальные элиминационные алгоритмы обработки запросов в базах данных

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    Рассмотрено использование локальных элиминационных алгоритмов (ЛЭА) для обработки запросов в реляционных базах данных. Обсуждаются особенности реализации локального алгоритма, использующего лишь прямую часть.Розглянуто використання локальних елімінаційних алгоритмів (ЛЕА) для обробки запитів в реляційних базах даних. Обговорюються особливості реалізації локального алгоритму, що використовує лише пряму частину.The applying local elimination algorithms (LEA) for processing queries in relational databases is considered. The special features of realization of local algorithm using only a forward part are discussed

    Титульні сторінки та зміст

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    The pharmaceutical industry is increasingly focusing on the development of biological therapeutics. These molecules generally cause no off-target toxicity and are highly species specific. Therefore, non-human primates (NHPs) are often the only relevant species in which to conduct regulatory safety testing to support clinical trials. However, species specificity and immunogenicity may negatively impact the predictive value of these ethically contentious animals and thus limits their value as a test species for drug development. To study what the value has been of 30 years of NHP testing in drug development, we investigated the drug registration files of all therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) which were approved in the European Union to date. We analysed 30 mAbs of which 5 were diagnostic agents. As the industry moved towards the development of more human proteins, we observed that the average use of NHPs also increased. 16 registration files described studies in which anti-drug-antibodies caused increased clearance of the therapeutic and potentially confounded the study. Post mortem analysis in repeated-dose toxicity studies rarely revealed new or unexpected findings nor did embryofetal and peri-postnatal developmental toxicity studies. These issues limited the value of NHPs in the safety assessment of new monoclonal antibodies. To reduce the use of less relevant NHP studies in the development of new biological drugs, regulatory demands might be decreased, and manufacturers should be given incentives for successfully evaluating the safety of biological therapeutics using alternative technologies

    De wetenschap, de NRC, en de veiligheidsdiensten

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