1,417 research outputs found

    Spacecraft Risk Posed by the 2016 Perseid Outburst

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    The Perseids are one of the more prolific annual showers, known for high rates and for producing bright meteors. Outbursts of this shower have been noted in the 1860s, the early 1990s, 2004, and 2009, with the 1993 outburst being especially active (peak ZHR above 300). The 1993 Perseids also affected the space-faring nations, as the launch of the STS-51 mission was delayed by NASA until after the shower maximum due to an inability to predict the shower intensity, and the ESA telecommunications satellite Olympus suffered a mission-ending anomaly attributed to a static discharge caused by a Perseid impact [1]. Rates were again high (peak ZHR around 200) in 2009, when the NASA/USGS imaging satellite Landsat-5 experienced a gyro anomaly just before the shower peak; however in this case, the satellite was recovered and normal operations resumed one week later [2]. It is interesting to note that both spacecraft anomalies were not what is typically expected from meteoroid strikes, i.e., physical damage or an attitude displacement due to transfer of momentum. It would appear that the very fast Perseids (59 km s(sup -1) have a marked ability to produce plasma upon impact, which can then serve as a conductive path for discharge currents. The shower is expected to outburst again in 2016, and we present the results from the MSFC Meteoroid Stream Model [4], which predicts enhanced activity on a level similar to that of 2009 as the Earth passes through several debris trails on the night of August 11-12 (UT). We then compare our results to those of other modelers

    Frequent grazing by sheep reduced caucasian clover cover and rhizome mass in ryegrass pasture

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    The responses of hexaploid caucasian clover (Trifolium ambiguum) to four contrasting grazing regimes were compared with those of white clover (T. repens) in an endophytic (Neotyphodium lolii) hybrid ryegrass pasture on a fertile lowland site. After 2 years, frequent grazing (set stocking) by sheep reduced caucasian clover cover to 10% compared with 25.5% in infrequent grazing (rotational grazing) treatments (mean spelling time 25 days). Similarly, frequent grazing reduced caucasian clover rhizome plus root dry weight (780 kg DM/ha when sampled to 100 mm depth in frequently grazed plots, compared with 3220 kg DM/ha for infrequent). Under frequent grazing treatments, mean white clover cover was 21%, under infrequent hard grazing it was 26% and under lax infrequent grazing it was 14%. The reduction in ryegrass tiller population from 5720/m² in the infrequently and laxly grazed treatments to 4150/ m² in the frequently hard grazed pastures indicated the severity of that hard grazed treatment. These results show that in lowland ryegrass pastures on high fertility sites, the stoloniferous growth form of white clover may be superior to the rhizomatous strategy of caucasian clover when grazing by sheep is frequent throughout spring, summer and autumn

    Simple guide to starting a research group

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    Conducting cutting-edge research and scholarship becomes more complicated with each passing year; forming a collaborative research group offers a way to navigate this increasing complexity. Yet many individuals whose work might benefit from the formation of a collaborative team may feel overwhelmed by the prospect of attempting to build and maintain a research group. We propose this simple guide for starting and maintaining such an enterprise

    The distribution of transit durations for Kepler planet candidates and implications for their orbital eccentricities

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    ‘In these times, during the rise in the popularity of institutional repositories, the Society does not forbid authors from depositing their work in such repositories. However, the AAS regards the deposit of scholarly work in such repositories to be a decision of the individual scholar, as long as the individual's actions respect the diligence of the journals and their reviewers.’ Original article can be found at : http://iopscience.iop.org/ Copyright American Astronomical SocietyDoppler planet searches have discovered that giant planets follow orbits with a wide range of orbital eccentricities, revolutionizing theories of planet formation. The discovery of hundreds of exoplanet candidates by NASA's Kepler mission enables astronomers to characterize the eccentricity distribution of small exoplanets. Measuring the eccentricity of individual planets is only practical in favorable cases that are amenable to complementary techniques (e.g., radial velocities, transit timing variations, occultation photometry). Yet even in the absence of individual eccentricities, it is possible to study the distribution of eccentricities based on the distribution of transit durations (relative to the maximum transit duration for a circular orbit). We analyze the transit duration distribution of Kepler planet candidates. We find that for host stars with T > 5100 K we cannot invert this to infer the eccentricity distribution at this time due to uncertainties and possible systematics in the host star densities. With this limitation in mind, we compare the observed transit duration distribution with models to rule out extreme distributions. If we assume a Rayleigh eccentricity distribution for Kepler planet candidates, then we find best fits with a mean eccentricity of 0.1-0.25 for host stars with T ≤ 5100 K. We compare the transit duration distribution for different subsets of Kepler planet candidates and discuss tentative trends with planetary radius and multiplicity. High-precision spectroscopic follow-up observations for a large sample of host stars will be required to confirm which trends are real and which are the results of systematic errors in stellar radii. Finally, we identify planet candidates that must be eccentric or have a significantly underestimated stellar radius.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Recent Corrections to Meteoroid Environment Models

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    The dynamical and physical characteristics of a meteoroid affects its behavior in the atmosphere and the damage it does to spacecraft surfaces. Accurate environment models must therefore correctly describe the speed, size, density, and direction of meteoroids. However, the measurement of dynamical characteristics such as speed is subject to observational biases, and physical properties such as size and density cannot be directly measured. De-biasing techniques and proxies are needed to overcome these challenges. In this presentation, we discuss several recent improvements to the derivation of the meteoroid velocity, directionality, and bulk density distributions. We derive our speed distribution from observations made by the Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar. These observations are de-biased using modern descriptions of the ionization efficiency and sharpened to remove the effects of measurement uncertainty, and the result is a meteoroid speed distribution that is skewed slower than in previous analyses. We also adopt a higher fidelity density distribution than that used by many older models. In our distribution, meteoroids with T(sub J) less than 2 are assigned to a low-density population, while those with T(sub J) greater than 2 have higher densities. This division and the distributions themselves are derived from the densities reported by Kikwaya et al. (2009, 2011). These changes have implications for the environment. For instance, helion and antihelion meteors have lower speeds and higher densities than apex and toroidal meteors. A slower speed distribution therefore corresponds to a sporadic environment that is more completely dominated by the helion and antihelion sources than in previous models. Finally, assigning these meteors high densities further increases their significance from a spacecraft damage perspective

    The Velocity and Density Distribution of Earth-Intersecting Meteoroids: Implications for Environment Models

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    Meteoroids are known to damage spacecraft: they can crater or puncture components, disturb a spacecraft's attitude, and potentially create secondary electrical effects. Because the damage done depends on the speed, size, density, and direction of the impactor, accurate environment models are critical for mitigating meteoroid-related risks. Yet because meteoroid properties are derived from indirect observations such as meteors and impact craters, many characteristics of the meteoroid environment are uncertain. In this work, we present recent improvements to the meteoroid speed and density distributions. Our speed distribution is derived from observations made by the Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar. These observations are de-biased using modern descriptions of the ionization efficiency. Our approach yields a slower meteoroid population than previous analyses (see Fig. 1 for an example) and we compute the uncertainties associated with our derived distribution. We adopt a higher fidelity density distribution than that used by many older models. In our distribution, meteoroids with TJ less than 2 are assigned to a low-density population, while those with TJ greater than 2 have higher densities (see Fig. 2). This division and the distributions themselves are derived from the densities reported by Kikwaya et al. These changes have implications for the environment: for instance, the helion/antihelion sporadic sources have lower speeds than the apex and toroidal sources and originate from high-T(sub J) parent bodies. Our on-average slower and denser distributions thus imply that the helion and antihelion sources dominate the meteoroid environment even more completely than previously thought. Finally, for a given near-Earth meteoroid cratering rate, a slower meteoroid population produces a comparatively higher rate of satellite attitude disturbances

    Gravitational Couplings of Intrinsic Spin

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    The gravitational couplings of intrinsic spin are briefly reviewed. A consequence of the Dirac equation in the exterior gravitational field of a rotating mass is considered in detail, namely, the difference in the energy of a spin-1/2 particle polarized vertically up and down near the surface of a rotating body is Ωsinθ\hbar\Omega\sin\theta. Here θ\theta is the latitude and Ω=2GJ/(c2R3)\Omega = 2GJ/(c^2 R^3), where JJ and RR are, respectively, the angular momentum and radius of the body. It seems that this relativistic quantum gravitational effect could be measurable in the foreseeable future.Comment: LaTeX file, no figures, 16 page

    The ATLAS SCT grounding and shielding concept and implementation

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    This paper presents a complete description of Virgo, the French-Italian gravitational wave detector. The detector, built at Cascina, near Pisa (Italy), is a very large Michelson interferometer, with 3 km-long arms. In this paper, following a presentation of the physics requirements, leading to the specifications for the construction of the detector, a detailed description of all its different elements is given. These include civil engineering infrastructures, a huge ultra-high vacuum (UHV) chamber (about 6000 cubic metres), all of the optical components, including high quality mirrors and their seismic isolating suspensions, all of the electronics required to control the interferometer and for signal detection. The expected performances of these different elements are given, leading to an overall sensitivity curve as a function of the incoming gravitational wave frequency. This description represents the detector as built and used in the first data-taking runs. Improvements in different parts have been and continue to be performed, leading to better sensitivities. These will be detailed in a forthcoming paper

    Measurement of the rate of nu_e + d --> p + p + e^- interactions produced by 8B solar neutrinos at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory

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    Solar neutrinos from the decay of 8^8B have been detected at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) via the charged current (CC) reaction on deuterium and by the elastic scattering (ES) of electrons. The CC reaction is sensitive exclusively to nu_e's, while the ES reaction also has a small sensitivity to nu_mu's and nu_tau's. The flux of nu_e's from ^8B decay measured by the CC reaction rate is \phi^CC(nu_e) = 1.75 +/- 0.07 (stat)+0.12/-0.11 (sys.) +/- 0.05(theor) x 10^6 /cm^2 s. Assuming no flavor transformation, the flux inferred from the ES reaction rate is \phi^ES(nu_x) = 2.39+/-0.34 (stat.)+0.16}/-0.14 (sys) x 10^6 /cm^2 s. Comparison of \phi^CC(nu_e) to the Super-Kamiokande Collaboration's precision value of \phi^ES(\nu_x) yields a 3.3 sigma difference, providing evidence that there is a non-electron flavor active neutrino component in the solar flux. The total flux of active ^8B neutrinos is thus determined to be 5.44 +/-0.99 x 10^6/cm^2 s, in close agreement with the predictions of solar models.Comment: 6 pages (LaTex), 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Letter