25 research outputs found

    Mahepõllumajanduslik köögiviljakasvatus

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    Juhendmaterjal maheköögiviljakasvatuseks väikestel pindadel

    Effect of pressing method on the sensory quality of organic apple juice

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    There is a need for alternative, gentle processing methods that can be used for processing of organic food products. The pressing methods used for organic apple juice include the slow rack-and-frame press and the faster water press or belt press. The aim was to evaluate the influence of these three pressing methods on the sensory quality of cloudy organic apple juice produced from two apple cultivars

    Mahepõllumajanduslik köögiviljakasvatus

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    TäistekstVäikestel ja vähe põllutöömasinaid kasutavatel maheköögiviljakasvatajatel on sageli probleemiks põldude suur umbrohtumus, suur töömaht ja ebarahuldavad majandustulemused. Köögivilja kasvupinnad on maheviljelejatel üldiselt väiksemad kui tavaviljelejatel. Kui tavatootmises on pinda enamasti 5–10 hektarit, siis mahetootmises sageli vaid üks hektar ja vähemgi. Sellised väiketootjad vajavad universaalseid masinaid, millega saaks harida eri kultuure. Põllutöömasinaid pakkuvatest firmadest leiab üsna suure valiku seadmeid mingile konkreetsele kultuurile spetsialiseerunud suurtootjate tarbeks, kuid väiketootjatele sobivate seadmete valik on pea olematu. Et väiksemate köögiviljakasvatajate kasumlikkus ja jätkusuutlikkus suureneksid, on parem tehniline varustatus vältimatu, see muudab töö lihtsamaks ja kiiremaks. Hea tehnika olemasolu aitab kaasa vajalike tööde õigeaegsele tegemisele, näiteks umbrohtu tõrjutakse siis, kui see on veel väike ega häiri kultuurtaime kasvu. Väljaandes kirjeldatakse mõningaid tööjõukulu säästvaid ning universaalseid seadmed, mille kasutamiseks piisab väikesest traktorist või pole traktorit üldse vajagi. Antakse ülevaade maa ettevalmistamise, külvi, istutustööde, umbrohutõrje ja taimekaitse tegemiseks sobivatest seadmetest. Seadmeid saab enamasti tellida interneti kaudu, mõned neist on müügil ka Eestis. Antakse ülevaade ka köögiviljade säilitamisest

    Effect of pressing method on the sensory quality of organic apple juice

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    There is a need for alternative, gentle processing methods that can be used for processing of organic food products. The pressing methods used for organic apple juice include the slow rack-and-frame press and the faster water press or belt press. The aim was to evaluate the influence of these three pressing methods on the sensory quality of cloudy organic apple juice produced from two apple cultivars

    Physiological disorders affect apple susceptibility to Penicillium expansum infection and increase probability for mycotoxin patulin occurrence in apple juice

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    ArticlePenicillium expansum infection of apples and mycotoxin patulin (PAT) production has previously been associated with many pre- and postharvest factors other than physiological disorders. In the current study, ‘Antei’ and ‘Krameri tuviõun’ apples with and without bitter pit (BP) symptoms and ‘Talvenauding’ apples with and without superficial scald (SS) symptoms were used in order to determine if the named physiological disorders may influence susceptibility to P. expansum infection and PAT production. Apples were inoculated with 10 μL P. expansum spore suspension with the concentration of 1×105 conidia mL-1 and stored at 24 °C with relative humidity (RH) 80%. After 7 and 11 days, lesion diameters were measured, and apples were pressed into juice. PAT content was determined in pasteurized juice. Two cultivars out of three showed that in fruit with physiological disorders, Penicilllium infection and PAT production proceeded significantly faster compared to apples, which did not have physiological disorders. SS increased the risk for PAT occurrence in juice more than BP: while the juice pressed from BP–affected apples with no visual signs of fungal diseases did not contain PAT, juice pressed from apples with SS contained PAT three times above legislative limits defined by the World Health Organization (50 μg L-1)

    Mitmeliigiliste põõsasribade rajamine

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    TäistekstPaljudes Lääne-Euroopa riikides on põllumajandusmaastikega seotud loomade, lindude ja putukate arvukus ning liigirikkus põllumajanduse intensiivistamise tagajärjel tuntavalt vähenenud. Viimasel ajal on järjest rohkem loodusliku tasakaalu tähtsust teadvustatud ja kulutatakse ulatuslikke summasid, et hävitatud ökosüsteeme taastada. Kuigi Eestis pole see probleem veel kuigi terav, tuleks siiski piirkondades, kus põllud on järjest suurenenud ja looduslikud elupaigad hävinud, pöörata rohkem tähelepanu looduslikule mitmekesisusele. Ühe võimalusena aitab seda suurendada põõsasribade rajamine. Põõsasribadel on mitu nii ökoloogiliselt, esteetiliselt kui ka põllumajanduslikult olulist funktsiooni: loodusliku mitmekesisuse tagamine ja maastikupildi mitmekesistamine, loomulikult ka mullaerosiooni vähendamine ja soodsa mikrokliima loomine põldudel. Siia lisandub paremate võimaluste loomine mitmetele teistele maamajandustegevustele nagu taluturism ja mesindus.Infomaterjali koostamist rahastati Põllumajandusministeeriumi projekti “Põllumajanduslikku informatsioonilevi koordineeriva keskuse (PIKK) käivitamine” raame

    Final report for the CORE Organic Plus funded project “Drying, Juices and Jams of Organic Fruit and Vegetables: what happens to Desired and Non-Desired compounds? FaVOR-DeNonDe” Period covered: 30 March 2015 - 29 March 2018

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    The main activity was related to the description of qualitative data on commonly consumed fruit (strawberry, plum, apple) and vegetables (tomato and sweet bell pepper) along some processing chains (jam, juices and dried products), pointing out the role of different sources of variability, such as the type of cultivation (Conventional, CONV or Organic, ORG), the different cultivars, the sampling year, and the type of processing. A particular attention has been paid on the type of processing, where the use of innovative plant was performed, in comparison with traditional or home-made processing typologies. This for the need, especially for local and small farmers, of small and simple plants to process agricultural products, in order to add value for their productions, for achieving high quality and safe products. For this scope three types of approaches for processing were used: - a miniaturized multifunctional processing line (MT), already validated in previous Projects, in comparison with home-made technique (HM) for jam strawberry production; - a pneumatic press, a rack-press and a belt-press compared for the production of apple juices; - an innovative drier, completely supplied by solar energy (SUN) compared with a traditional forced air oven-drier (OVEN) was used for the production of prunes, dried tomatoes and sweet bell peppers. The list of analyzed samples is shown on the Final Report Document: SCHEME OF ANALYZED SAMPLES (ORG is Organic, CONV is Conventional) The processed samples were produced in open field on two consecutive sampling years (2015 and 2016), on experimental fields. A third year of sampling was added, considering the evaluation made on raw products. Moreover, for tomato and sweet bell pepper, the production made from open fields of private organic growers, was considered, so obtaining samples in two consecutive years (2016 and 2017). Hence, a further comparison of the quality indexes was made on raw products in three consecutive years (2015, 2016 and 2017). The control samples were represented by the lyophilized material, generally referred as “raw” or “not treated” sample. The considered qualitative data regarded "Desired" and "Non Desired" compounds, being the desired ones those potentially healthy and tasty for humans, such as phytochemicals, antioxidants and volatiles, and the non desired some anti-nutritional traits, such as the mycotoxin patulin and the presence of allergens. The samples were also evaluated by their sensory properties, by using a trained panel. As for the allergen analysis, they were analyzed by indirect competitive ELISA for determination of Bet v 1-related protein, or pathogenesis-related proteins (PR-10), causing birch pollen related fruit allergies. A big amount of data was collected, with a consequent variability among them. The general consideration about desired compounds that can be made is that, if a well detectable difference in composition has been found in raw product, this difference was also retained in the processed one, with the processing technique strongly influencing the qualitative parameters of the final products. In this context, better results in terms of antioxidant presence were found for: - apple juices obtained from belt-press; - strawberry jams obtained with miniaturized small-scale plant; - prunes, tomatoes and sweet bell pepper obtained with oven drying. On the other hand, it has to be pointed out that processing methods causing a lower retention on the phytochemical contents often show a better response in term of sensory properties, as found in apple juices and in solar-dried samples of strawberries, plums and tomatoes. Some differences were found among the assayed cultivars, and, finally, among the comparison of the system of cultivation (ORG vs CONV). Specifically, the system of cultivation mainly influenced the antioxidant content in apples of traditional cultivars of Estonia obtained from aged plants; as for strawberry, it was found an higher amount of antioxidants in organic samples in one year of three, and a significant increase in ascorbic acid was found in the assayed local variety of organic bell pepper, in all three years, but not in the corresponding commercial hybrid. On the other hand, the plum cultivar Jubileum, assayed from Denmark and Norway in two years, resulted not adapted for organic cultivation for the content in ascorbic acid, constantly giving lower indexes in all samples in comparison with fruits from conventional cultivation. As regards the influence of the sampling years, in samples of apples, plums, tomatoes and sweet bell pepper, a tendency to an increase in phytochemicals and antioxidant indexes was detected in 2016 with respect to 2015 samples, due to the very different climate conditions of these two years. Interestingly, for the non desired traits, no clear relationship was found between the presence of patulin and allergens for the systems of cultivations, but significant variations were found with the difference in processing technique, with the sampling years and with the assayed cultivars. Interestingly, for some apple cultivars from Estonia low levels of the allergen Mald1 were detected. Concluding, the sources of variability among the analyzed samples gave, in order of influence, the following ranking: - 1. Processing techniques; - 2. Years of sampling; - 3. Cultivars; - 4. Growing methods

    Mahepõllumajandussaadustele lisandväärtuse andmine, kvaliteet ja turustamine

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    TäistekstMahepõllumajandus on Eestis viimase kümnekonna aasta jooksul jõudsalt laienenud. Mitmekordistunud on nii tootjate arv kui ka mahepõllumajandusmaa pindala. Mõnevõrra tagasihoidlikum on aga olnud mahetöötlemise ja -turustamise areng. Kuigi turule tuleb igal aastal uusi mahetooteid ja uusi müügikohti, pole mahetoit ikka veel hõlpsasti kättesaadav. Praegu võib üsna kindlalt väita, et pakkumine jääb nii koguses kui ka sortimendis nõudlusele alla. Kõige rohkem võib turult leida töötlemata mahetoodangut – marju, puu- ja köögivilja ning kartulit. Väga tähtis on, et nende kvaliteet ei jääks milleski tavatoodangule alla. Ainult nii on tarbijad nõus mahetoodangu eest hinnalisa maksma. Käesolevas bukletis on kirjeldatud marjade, puu- ja köögivilja ning kartuli peamiseid kvaliteedinõudeid, mis kehtivad nii tava- kui ka mahetoodangule. Osa nendest on kohustuslikud ELi standardid, osa aga soovituslikud siseriiklikud standardid. Maheturul, kus tootevalik on veel väike, on iga töödeldud mahetoode teretulnud. Siin on tootjatel head võimalused oma toodangule lisandväärtust anda ja seda talus kohapeal töödelda. ELi uus hügieenipakett võimaldab töötlemist alustada üsna lihtsates tingimustes, ka oma koduköögis. Kui toode on kvaliteetne ja maitsev, ei tohiks ka selle turustamine raskusi tekitada. On üsna oluline, et mahetootjad ise oleksid aktiivsemad ja mahetoidu turu arengule kaasa aitaksid. Selle asemel, et käega lüüa ja mahetoodang lihtsalt tavatöötlemisse maha müüa, tasuks teha tööd turustuskanalite leidmiseks, samuti tuleks otsida võimalusi koostööks teiste mahetootjatega, sest ühiselt on nii mõnedki probleemid lihtsamini lahendatavad kui üksinda. Trükises kirjeldatakse ka mahetoodete turuletoomist ja võimalikke turustuskanaleid. Nende hulgast tuleks valida endale sobivamad ja selles suunas tegutsema asuda

    Occurrence of mycotoxin patulin and polyphenol profile of Nordic apple juices in relation to apple cultivation system and pre-processing storage temperature

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    The aims of this study were to find out if organic apple juice (AJ) contained higher contents of polyphenols or patulin compared to conventional AJ, and if higher storage temperature before processing increases patulin content in juice. AJ was pressed from Estonian, Danish and Norwegian apples. Additionally, three cultivars from Estonian organic and conventional orchards were stored at 3±2 °C and 9±2 °C before processing. Patulin, polyphenol content and antioxidant capacity were determined in pasteurized juices. In 2015, 33% of conventional (n=6) and 46% of organic (n=11) juices contained patulin; two of the organic juices above the legal limit (191 and 64µg l-1). In 2016, none of the AJs contained patulin. Patulin occurrence was more affected by weather conditions two weeks before harvest than by cultivation system and apple storage temperature. Polyphenol content was higher in organic than in conventional juices and was reduced at higher apple storage temperature