166 research outputs found

    Disseny d'un petit coet reutilitzable amb aterratge vertical

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    Aiming to design, produce and test a model rocket capable of landing. Different systems to accomplish the objective are implemented (aerodynamics brakes, landing legs, thrust vector control). A flight computer capable of managing these systems is used. A PID feedbacked with the attitude of the rocket to control the direction of the engine through two servos mounted on a two-axes gimbal is designed. Furthermore, the algorithm logs data from sensors and from a Kalman filter to estimate velocity, altitude, accelerations and the attitude of the rocket for later review. The mission is tested only for landing, it is to say, there is no launch. The results conclude that the idea is feasible and works properly but can be improved. Moreover, trying to launch and land is discussed at the end as the results from landing tests are a succes

    Habilidades comerciales para la venta de automóviles en épocas de crisis = Commercial skills for the sale of cars in epochs of crisis

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    La crisis que sufre la venta de vehículos en España ha hecho que las matriculaciones hayan descendido en el año 2012 a cifras similares a hace casi treinta años. Ni siquiera el Plan PIVE, el programa de ayudas públicas puesto en marcha hace algunos meses, ha podido frenar el deterioro de las matriculaciones. El objetivo principal de este trabajo será analizar, por tanto, como la aplicación de un instrumento de ventas, denominado programa de ventas excelente, facilita la venta de automóviles en concesionarios automovilísticos. Con la puesta en práctica del programa de ventas excelente, además del incremento de las ventas con una adecuada rentabilidad, se conseguirá potenciar la satisfacción y fidelidad de los clientes y desarrollar las habilidades del asesor comercial de gestión de equipo. Finalmente en dicho trabajo se abordarán también de forma más detallada dos de las etapas más importantes de todo proceso de ventas, como son: el conocimiento y acogida de nuevos clientes y la argumentación y el cierre de la vent

    Role of D-GADD45 in JNK-Dependent Apoptosis and Regeneration in Drosophila

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    The GADD45 proteins are induced in response to stress and have been implicated in the regulation of several cellular functions, including DNA repair, cell cycle control, senescence, and apoptosis. In this study, we investigate the role of D-GADD45 during Drosophila development and regeneration of the wing imaginal discs. We find that higher expression of D-GADD45 results in JNK-dependent apoptosis, while its temporary expression does not have harmful effects. Moreover, D-GADD45 is required for proper regeneration of wing imaginal discs. Our findings demonstrate that a tight regulation of D-GADD45 levels is required for its correct function both, in development and during the stress response after cell death

    Archetype Modeling Methodology

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    [EN] Clinical Information Models (CIMs) expressed as archetypes play an essential role in the design and development of current Electronic Health Record (EHR) information structures. Although there exist many experiences about using archetypes in the literature, a comprehensive and formal methodology for archetype modeling does not exist. Having a modeling methodology is essential to develop quality archetypes, in order to guide the development of EHR systems and to allow the semantic interoperability of health data. In this work, an archetype modeling methodology is proposed. This paper describes its phases, the inputs and outputs of each phase, and the involved participants and tools. It also includes the description of the possible strategies to organize the modeling process. The proposed methodology is inspired by existing best practices of CIMs, software and ontology development. The methodology has been applied and evaluated in regional and national EHR projects. The application of the methodology provided useful feedback and improvements, and confirmed its advantages. The conclusion of this work is that having a formal methodology for archetype development facilitates the definition and adoption of interoperable archetypes, improves their quality, and facilitates their reuse among different information systems and EHR projects. Moreover, the proposed methodology can be also a reference for CIMs development using any other formalism.This work was partially funded by grant DI-14-06564 (Doctorados Industriales) of the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of Spain. The authors would also thank the participants of all R&D projects that have served to evaluate and improve the presented methodology.Moner Cano, D.; Maldonado Segura, JA.; Robles Viejo, M. (2018). Archetype Modeling Methodology. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 79:71-81. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbi.2018.02.003S71817

    Comparative study of probability distribution distances to define a metric for the stability of multi-source biomedical research data

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    Research biobanks are often composed by data from multiple sources. In some cases, these different subsets of data may present dissimilarities among their probability density functions (PDF) due to spatial shifts. This, may lead to wrong hypothesis when treating the data as a whole. Also, the overall quality of the data is diminished. With the purpose of developing a generic and comparable metric to assess the stability of multi-source datasets, we have studied the applicability and behaviour of several PDF distances over shifts on different conditions (such as uni- and multivariate, different types of variable, and multi-modality) which may appear in real biomedical data. From the studied distances, we found information-theoretic based and Earth Mover’s Distance to be the most practical distances for most conditions. We discuss the properties and usefulness of each distance according to the possible requirements of a general stability metric.Sáez Silvestre, C.; Robles Viejo, M.; García Gómez, JM. (2013). Comparative study of probability distribution distances to define a metric for the stability of multi-source biomedical research data. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE. 3226-3229. doi:10.1109/EMBC.2013.6610228S3226322

    MRI Superresolution Using Self-Similarity and Image Priors

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    In Magnetic Resonance Imaging typical clinical settings, both low- and high-resolution images of different types are routinarily acquired. In some cases, the acquired low-resolution images have to be upsampled to match with other high-resolution images for posterior analysis or postprocessing such as registration or multimodal segmentation. However, classical interpolation techniques are not able to recover the high-frequency information lost during the acquisition process. In the present paper, a new superresolution method is proposed to reconstruct high-resolution images from the low-resolution ones using information from coplanar high resolution images acquired of the same subject. Furthermore, the reconstruction process is constrained to be physically plausible with the MR acquisition model that allows a meaningful interpretation of the results. Experiments on synthetic and real data are supplied to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach. A comparison with classical state-of-the-art interpolation techniques is presented to demonstrate the improved performance of the proposed methodology

    Augmented EHR: Enrichment of EHR with Contents from Semantic Web Sources

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    [EN] This work presents methods to combine data from the Semantic Web into existing EHRs, leading to an augmented EHR. An existing EHR extract is augmented by combining it with additional information from external sources, typically linked data sources. The starting point is a standardized EHR extract described by an archetype. The method consists of combining specific data from the original EHR with contents from the external information source by building a semantic representation, which is used to query the external source. The results are converted into a standardized EHR extract according to an archetype. This work sets the foundations to transform Semantic Web contents into normalized EHR extracts. Finally, to exemplify the approach, the work includes a practical use case in which the summarized EHR is augmented with drug¿drug interactions and disease-related treatment information.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the FEDER program through grant TIN2014-53749-C2-1-R, and by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities through grant PTQ2018-009924.Mañas-García, A.; Maldonado, JA.; Marcos, M.; Boscá, D.; Robles, M. (2021). Augmented EHR: Enrichment of EHR with Contents from Semantic Web Sources. Applied Sciences. 11(9). https://doi.org/10.3390/app1109397811

    Augmented EHR: Enrichment of EHR with Contents from Semantic Web Sources

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    This work presents methods to combine data from the Semantic Web into existing EHRs, leading to an augmented EHR. An existing EHR extract is augmented by combining it with additional information from external sources, typically linked data sources. The starting point is a standardized EHR extract described by an archetype. The method consists of combining specific data from the original EHR with contents from the external information source by building a semantic representation, which is used to query the external source. The results are converted into a standardized EHR extract according to an archetype. This work sets the foundations to transform Semantic Web contents into normalized EHR extracts. Finally, to exemplify the approach, the work includes a practical use case in which the summarized EHR is augmented with drug–drug interactions and disease-related treatment information

    Corpus based learning of stochastic, context-free grammars combined with Hidden Markov Models for tRNA modelling

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    [EN] In this paper, a new method for modelling tRNA secondary structures is presented. This method is based on the combination of stochastic context-free grammars (SCFG) and Hidden Markov Models (HMM). HMM are used to capture the local relations in the loops of the molecule (nonstructured regions) and SCFG are used to capture the long term relations between nucleotides of the arms (structured regions). Given annotated public databases, the HMM and SCFG models are learned by means of automatic inductive learning methods. Two SCFG learning methods have been explored. Both of them take advantage of the structural information associated with the training sequences: one of them is based on a stochastic version of the Sakakibara algorithm and the other one is based on a Corpus based algorithm. A final model is then obtained by merging of the HMM of the nonstructured regions and the SCFG of the structured regions. Finally, the performed experiments on the tRNA sequence corpus and the non-tRNA sequence corpus give significant results. Comparative experiments with another published method are also presented.We would like to thank Diego Linares and Joan Andreu Sanchez for answering all our questions about SCFG, as well as Satoshi Sekine for his evaluation software. We would also like to thank the Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo of Spain for the grants to the INBIOMED consortium.García Gómez, JM.; Benedí Ruiz, JM.; Vicente Robledo, J.; Robles Viejo, M. (2005). Corpus based learning of stochastic, context-free grammars combined with Hidden Markov Models for tRNA modelling. International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications. 1(3):305-318. doi:10.1504/IJBRA.2005.007908S3053181

    Perfil TIC de posibles usuarios de una web 2.0 para cuidadores de enfermos crónicos

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    Introducción: Este trabajo forma parte del proyecto multicéntrico: “Cuidadoras 2.0: efectividad de un programa de apoyo 2.0 para cuidadoras no profesionales de pacientes crónicos”. Expediente PI 12/01224 2012, financiado por Instituto de Salud Carlos III y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional. Objetivos: Estimar el uso de las TIC de los cuidadores de pacientes crónicos. Identificar la disposición de estos cuidadores para usar una web 2.0 de soporte. Método: Ámbito: Unidades de hospitalización Hospital de Tortosa Verge de la Cinta Diseño: estudio descriptivo, transversal, cuantitativo. Participantes: 50 cuidadores de pacientes crónicos ingresados de marzo-mayo 2013. El tamaño muestral limitado por tratarse estudio piloto para probar metodología de evaluación y captación de población susceptible. Variables: sociodemográficas; uso telefonía móvil; uso ordenador; conexión y uso Internet; búsqueda información sobre salud en Internet; opinión sobre información; comentar esta información con el profesional; disposición para usar web 2.0; contenidos de web. Instrumento: cuestionario diseñado para el estudio administrado por encuestadora. Análisis estadístico: tablas frecuencias y medias. Resultados: Media edad: 54,4 años (24-76 años); 78% mujeres. Uso teléfono móvil: 100% tiene y utiliza para hacer llamadas; 37% envía SMS; 16% participa en redes sociales. Ordenador y conexión a Internet: 66% tiene ordenador en casa; 54% sabe utilizarlo; 68 % dispone de conexión a Internet; 52% entra varias veces a la semana; 66% se conecta diariamente; 40% no sabe usar Internet pero manifiesta que le gustaría aprender. Uso Internet: buscar información 92%; correo electrónico 67%; control cuentas bancarias 32%; compras 16%. Buscar información sobre salud: 80% dice haberla buscado; 33% en asociaciones; 26% confía en esta información; 74% no siempre confía. Comentar con el profesional la información: 60% nunca; 47% cree que no lo van a encontrar correcto; 26% por falta de confianza; 85% dice que su profesional nunca le ha sugerido buscar información en Internet. Disposición uso Web: 77% se muestra dispuesto a informarse sobre enfermedad o compartir experiencias. Discusión: La edad y el sexo coinciden con otros estudios. La participación en redes sociales es baja. Un elevado porcentaje todavía no sabe usar el ordenador ni navegar por Internet. Tener en cuenta para promocionar e implementar con éxito la web. La búsqueda de información sobre temas de salud es más baja que en otros estudios. Muchos no comentan esta información con el equipo de salud por vergüenza o falta de confianza. Puede deberse a que nunca han recibido información por parte de los profesionales sobre los recursos disponibles en Internet. La disposición a participar en una comunidad 2.0 es alta, sobretodo como espacio de encuentro. Principal limitación del estudio: número de participantes y lugar de recogida de datos. Se está ampliando la captación de población. Implicaciones para la práctica: El acceso a información, apoyo y asesoramiento multidisciplinar utilizando Internet, puede tener un efecto positivo para los cuidadores, evitando el sentimiento de soledad y aportando calidad a una asistencia sanitaria en crisis.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec