35 research outputs found

    Keeping It Real: Reforming the Untried Conviction Impeachment Rule

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    There is a growing call for a New Legal Realism that among other things takes a bottomup approach to studying the effects of rules of law on the people to whom they actually apply on a daytoday basis The New Legal Realism movement spans across various fields and disciplines related to law The movement is particularly evident in the area of criminal law where there is an increasing effort to ensure reliability and accuracy in the system\u27s results The recent move of some states to require racial impact statements for pending legislation as well as the advocacy and findings of the innocence movement exemplify this effort Even more compelling are the recent lawsuits filed by public defenders in several states citing their inability to represent their clients in a constitutionally effective manner and demanding to have their caseloads reduced until they can be adequately funded This Article aids in the effort to improve our justice system\u27s reliability taking a New Legal Realist approach to the area of evidence law as applied in the criminal settingI explore the interrelationship between plea bargaining and the use of prior convictions to impeach criminal defendants at trial two of the most controversial practices in the criminal justice system The prior conviction impeachment rule is a classic and deeply entrenched evidentiary rule In this Article I rename the Rule dubbing it the untried conviction impeachment rule to reflect the reality of its application Indeed the reality “ overlooked by evidence and criminal law scholars “ is that prior convictions used in later proceedings to impeach criminal defendants are most often untried convictions having resulted from the plea bargaining system I propose a fundamental shift in the application of Rule 609 to reflect this reality Plea bargaining has rightly come under much scrutiny of late and is considered a prominent feature of our current system that processes defendants in an assemblyline fashion I propose that as long as we continue to impeach defendants with their untried convictions Congress and state legislatures should act to exclude from Rule 609\u27s applicability the use of untried convictions Alternatively until lawmakers act courts who are charged with protecting the fundamental rights of criminal defendants must vigilantly scrutinize the practice of impeaching criminal defendants with untried convictions thus utilizing Rule 609 as an additional check on plea bargaining instead of as a rubber stam

    Employment trajectories and economic specialization in the communes of the Ñuble Region in 1982, 1992, 2002, and 2017

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    The goal of this study was to analyze the changes that have taken place in the economic sectors in the system of cities between 1982, 1992, 2002, and 2017, alongside understanding the evolution and functional trajectory of employment in the Ñuble Region. The research approach is quantitative and applies a correlational design. The database was extracted from the 1982, 1992, 2002, and 2017 censuses of the National Institute of Statistics (INE, in Spanish) using the REDATAM program. Then, a principal component analysis (PCA) was performed using R software, shown through tables, graphs, and cartographies. The results indicate a trend that diversifies the region’s economic branches, evolving from agriculture toward commerce, services, education, and construction. The specialization indexes show a trajectory towards the homogenization of tertiary sectors and that, in a small number of communes, the primary sector represents a relevant part of local activity. In addition, from the decrease in agricultural and industrial employment, it can be concluded that the different communes of the region have a primary and tertiary vocation, recognizing a co-evolution between the different economic branches.El objetivo de este estudio es analizar los cambios en los sectores económicos ocurridos durante 1982, 1992, 2002 y 2017 en el sistema de ciudades, junto con comprender la evolución y trayectoria funcional del empleo en la Región de Ñuble. La investigación posee un enfoque cuantitativo y aplica un diseño correlacional. La base de datos fue extraída de los censos del Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) de los años mencionados a través del programa REDATAM. A partir de lo anterior, se realizó un análisis de componentes principales (ACP) mediante el software R, visualizado a través de tablas, gráficos y cartografías. Los resultados señalan que existe una tendencia que diversifica las ramas económicas en la región, las cuales evolucionan desde la agricultura hacia el comercio, servicios, enseñanza y construcción. Los índices de especialización demuestran que existe una trayectoria hacia la homogeneización de los sectores terciarios y que, en una cantidad reducida de comunas, el sector primario representa una parte importante de la actividad local. Además de la disminución del empleo agrícola e industrial, se concluye que las diferentes comunas de la región presentan una vocación primaria y terciaria, reconociéndose una coevolución entre las diferentes ramas económicas

    Habilidades sociales en los planes de formación ciudadana de escuelas de las provincias de Concepción y Arauco, región del Biobío-Chile

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    El objetivo de la investigación fue caracterizar el desarrollo curricular de las habilidades sociales en los planes de Formación Ciudadana de escuelas de la provincia de Concepción y Arauco en la región del Biobío. La metodología del estudio fue mixta, desde la perspectiva cualitativa se utilizó un diseño hermenéutico a través de la técnica de investigación documental; cuantitativamente, el diseño es no experimental de tipo descriptivo y transversal. La muestra del estudio son los 29 planes de formación ciudadana de escuelas pertenecientes a la región del Biobío; se utilizó un muestreo por conveniencia e intencionado. Los planes fueron tratados con la técnica de análisis de contenido y descripción univariada de las variables educativas y sociodemográficas. Los resultados del estudio evidencian que la mayoría de las escuelas promueve entre 4 a 5 habilidades sociales a través de sus planes de formación ciudadana. Además, existen diferencias entre las habilidades sociales desarrolladas entre establecimientos subvencionados y municipales, provincia de Arauco y Concepción, y zona urbana y rural

    Urban imaginaries, topophilias and topophobias: The city of Chiguayante (Biobío region, Chile), a case study

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    As an element of memory and social capital construction, Infrastructure projects constitutes an exquisite model of sovereignty and integral control of the territory that gets materialised in a social memory, through a cultural landscape. This paper is set to explore, in a qualitative dimension, the development of a local and cultural landscape; the changes that has been produced in the territory as the physical matrix, as well as the memory of the community from the city of La Unión (Chile), after the installation of the Llollelhue hydroelectric plant, also known as La Turbina [the turbine]. The architecture, the building that control the water supply, still remain as an important part of the city landscape, with heritage attributes and current profitable vocation. The methodology uses a multiple-scales approach of landscape and social memory, linked as an element of the sociocultural dimension. The preliminary results point to characterize a matrix of the collaborative dynamics, between landscape and society. Thus, this cultural landscape developed by La Turbina, is defined as a heritage system that conjugates features that go far beyond the limits of a building and they refer an epistemology of territory

    Disponibilidad léxica de profesores sobre democracia, ciudadanía y derechos humanos

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    La formación ciudadana se ha transformado en un eje clave del Ministerio de Educación de Chile a través de la ley 20.911, que se puede entender desde tres dimensiones: ciudadanía, democracia y derechos humanos. El objeto de estudio es analizar la disponibilidad léxica del profesorado en relación con los conceptos de democracia, ciudadanía y derechos humanos. La metodología de la investigación es cualitativa con un diseño descriptivo e interpretativo. Los participantes son 36 profesores de Historia, Geografía y Ciencias Sociales de la provincia de Arauco. La información fue recolectada a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas, siendo procesada en el programa Gephi con el objetivo de estudiar las redes semánticas. Los resultados de la investigación demuestran que los vocablos principales del profesorado en torno a ciudadanía son respeto, derecho, deberes y personas, existiendo diferencias sustanciales en los vocablos señalados por los planes y programas en este centro de interés en particular. En relación con la comparación entre los centros de interés de derechos humanos del plan de formación ciudadana y las conceptualizaciones del profesorado, se evidencia que los vocablos más representativos son respeto, derechos e igualdad, pero en menor medida son representados los conceptos de reivindicación, violación, constitución y agrupación. Por último, la democracia presenta como conceptos principales derecho, representación y respeto y en menor medida constitución, transición y responsabilidad.// The citizenship education has become a key axis of the Chilean Ministry of Education through Law 20,911, which can be understood from three dimensions: citizenship, democracy and human rights. The object of study is to analyze the lexical availability of teachers in relation to the concepts of Democracy, Citizenship and Human Rights. The research methodology is qualitative with a descriptive and interpretive design. The participants are thirtysix teachers of History, Geography and Social Sciences from the province of Arauco. The information was collected through semistructured interviews, being processed in the Gephi program with the aim of studying semantic networks. The research results exhibit that the main vocabulary of teachers around citizenship is respect, right, duties and people, evidencing substantial differences in the vocabulary indicated in plans and programs about this particular center of interest. In relation to the comparison between human rights centers of interest of the citizenship plan and the teachers’ conceptualizations, it is evident that the most representative words are respect, rights and equality, but to a lesser range the represented concepts are vindication, violation, constitution and grouping. Finally, Democracy presents such concepts as law, representation and respect and to a lesser range constitution, transition and responsibility

    What determine the innovation performance of Sports SMEs in Thailand?

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    The study can add to the existing literature on SMEs, service innovation, and dynamic capabilities by the identified mechanism. The way in which service innovation can be improved in SMEs has been explained in this research. The managerial and theoretical guidelines have been offered to achieve the competitive advantages based on service. This has been achieved by showing the way in which ACAP (dynamic knowledge capability) can be encouraged through internal and external collaboration. The study has used the SEM-PLS to analyse the data. The final sample comprises of 100 firms and response rate is 14.5 percent. It has been shown by the findings that both innovation types are derived through the similar mechanisms of knowledge. The positive influence created on product innovation by ACAP has been confirmed by previous research. The performance of service innovation can be influenced positively through use of external knowledge via RACAP. Therefore, the performance of service innovation can be achieved by an SME in manufacturing sector when it possesses the ability to use the relevant knowledge gained from external sources. Moreover, it must have the capability of assimilating and utilizing the acquired knowledge. It has been suggested by this research that employee collaboration should be ensured by SMEs in the process of service innovation. However, future studies can analyse the way in which the adoption of this mind set can be established by the manufacturing SMEs

    Experimental Investigation of a 2-D Air Augmented Rocket: Effects of Nozzle Lip Thickness on Rocket Mixing and Entrainment

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    Cold-flow tests were performed using a simulated Air Augmented Rocket (AAR) operating as a mixer-ejector in order to investigate the effects of varied primary nozzle lip thickness on mixing and entrainment. The simulated primary rocket ejector was supplied with nitrogen at a maximum chamber stagnation pressure of 1712 psi, and maximum flow rate of 1.67 lbm/s. Secondary air was entrained from a plenum, producing pressures as low as 6.8 psi and yielding maximum stagnation pressure ratios as high as 160. The primary ejector nozzles each had an area ratio of approximately 20, yielding average primary exit Mach numbers between 4.34 and 4.57. The primary flow was ejected into an 18.75 inch-long mixing duct with a rectangular cross-sectional area of 2.10 in2. The secondary flow was entrained into the mixing duct through a total cross section of 0.94 in2. Two mixing duct configurations were used, one with plexiglass upper and lower surfaces for flow visualization and one with pressure ports along the lower surface for primary plume measurements. Shadowgraph images were used to characterize the mixing duct flow field, while pressure and temperature instrumentation allowed for calculation of various ejector performance characteristics. Experimentally-calculated performance characteristics were compared to inviscid theoretical predictions. Varying degrees of flow field asymmetry were observed with each nozzle. Test repeatability was found to be excellent for all nozzles. Several distinct phenomena were observed in both the primary plume and secondary streams. The duration of secondary flow choking was found to be inversely proportional to nozzle lip thickness, due to the primary plume being physically closer to the secondary flow with a thinner nozzle lip. This indicated that the ejector’s ability to choke the secondary flow is primarily an inviscid phenomenon. Secondary flow blockage was demonstrated in two consecutive tests using the thickest nozzle lip. Only the left secondary duct became blocked in each case. Blockage was only demonstrated in the centerline pressure configuration, so no visual evidence was able to support the blocked flow theory. At every pressure ratio, entrainment ratio was shown to increase with nozzle lip thickness. The original conical nozzle produced the largest level of entrainment, indicating that the angle of primary flow impingement was the largest contributing factor to secondary entrainment. The increase in efficiency resulting from a bell-mouth nozzle was less than the increase in entrainment efficiency of a conical nozzle, indicating that the conical design was more efficient overall for air augmented rocket applications

    Keeping It Real: Reforming the Untried Conviction Impeachment Rule

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