155 research outputs found

    Tuberculosis extrapulmonar: más allá de un pulmón

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    La tuberculosis extrapulmonar (TBEP) es una infección producida por bacilos del complejo Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MT) en cualquier localización fuera del pulmón, con mayor afectación pleural. Ésta suele ser asociada a enfermedades que inmunosuprimen al paciente. La sintomatología es inespecífica y depende del órgano que se encuentre afectado. Por consiguiente, es necesario el uso de distintas herramientas para lograr un diagnóstico rápido y oportuno. Se recomienda utilizar el mismo régimen de antibióticos utilizados para el tratamiento de las formas pulmonares, con variaciones en su duración. De este modo, la adherencia a éste es relevante para evitar la progresión de la enfermedad

    Calidad de las sentencias de primera y segunda instancia sobre pago de beneficios laborales; en el expediente n° 02074-2014-0-2001-jr-la-02, del distrito judicial de Piura, 2021

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    En el presente informe, se realizó un análisis de la calidad de la sentencia de primera y segunda instancia, que se aplicó en un expediente judicialsobre pago de beneficios laborales, teniendo como planteamiento del problema “Cuál es calidad de la sentencia de primera y segunda instancia en el expediente judicial N° 02074- 2014-0-2001-JR-LA-02, del distrito judicial de Piura. El cual tuvo como objetivo general, determinar la calidad del proceso judicial recaído en el expediente judicial N° 02074- 2014-0-2001-JR-LA-02, del distrito judicial de Piura. La metodología que se utilizó fue exploratorio descriptivo y diseño transversal. Por otro lado, la recolección de datos se realizó de un expediente seleccionado mediante muestreo por conveniencia, para resolver el problema planteado y detectar cual es la calidad de las sentencias en un proceso judicial el cual es objeto de estudio. La Litis materia de este proceso es el pago de beneficios laborales como son las gratificaciones, vacaciones, cts, etc, de los cuales goza el trabajador y que son irrenunciables. Por lo tanto, este informe nos permitió profundizar sobre que son los beneficios laborales en el Perú, porqué son irrenunciables y porque las entidades públicas y privadas se han empeñado a negar estos beneficios que han sido ganados en pactos colectivos. Los resultados del análisis de la sentencia de primera y segunda instancia en su parte expositiva, considerativa y resolutiva revelaron que tuvo un rango de alto, muy Alto y muy alto. Para finalizar, se concluyó, que el análisis de los resultados tuvo un rango de alto, muy alto y muy alto respectivamente.Tesi

    Producción de hidrógeno en un reactor de filtro percolador: Evaluación de los hidrolizados de bagazo de agave obtenidos con enzimas comerciales

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    "El bagazo de agave es un residuo lignocelulósico generado durante la elaboración de tequila que puede ser empleado como materia prima para la producción de hidrógeno (H2), a través de procesos biológicos como la fermentación oscura. Sin embargo, debido a su estructura compleja, este material debe ser hidrolizado con el fin de liberar azúcares fácilmente fermentables para los microorganismos. En este estudio se investigó la viabilidad de la producción de H2 a partir de hidrolizados enzimáticos de bagazo de agave. Se utilizaron enzimas comerciales que presentan actividades celulolíticas y hemicelulolíticas. Se realizaron dos diferentes hidrólisis enzimáticas, en la primera se empleó una mezcla de dos enzimas importadas (Celluclast 1.5L y Viscozyme L) y en la segunda se empleó una enzima nacional (Stonezyme). Se evaluó la producción continua de H2 de dichos hidrolizados en un reactor de filtro percolador (TBR, por sus siglas en inglés) variando la carga orgánica. El TBR para el hidrolizado con la mezcla enzimática y con la enzima individual fueron operados por 59 y 40 días, respectivamente, a cargas orgánicas volumétricas (COV) aplicadas con valores entre 34.6 y 81 g DQO/L·d. En ambos hidrolizados se encontró que la velocidad volumétrica de producción de H2 (VVPH) estaba directamente relacionada con la COV aplicada, donde las máximas VVPH alcanzadas con los hidrolizados de la mezcla enzimática y de la enzima individual fueron de 5.75 y 1.98 L H2/L·d, respectivamente, a una COV de 81 g DQO/L·d. Por otra parte, con los hidrolizados obtenidos con la mezcla enzimática, el rendimiento específico de H2 (REH) incrementó claramente en función de la COV, obteniendo un valor máximo de 73.21 L H2/kg de bagazo a la máxima COV aplicada; este valor es mayor a lo obtenido con el hidrolizado de la enzima individual donde se obtuvo un rendimiento de 16.15 L H2/kg de bagazo a la misma COV. En conclusión, los resultados muestran que los hidrolizados obtenidos con la mezcla enzimática pueden aumentar significativamente la producción de H2 a partir de bagazo de agave y ser una alternativa prometedora en el contexto de la transición energética.""Agave bagasse is a lignocellulosic residue generated during the tequila manufacturing that can be used as a feedstock for H2 production. Nevertheless, due to its complex structure, this material has to be hydrolysed in order to release easily fermentable sugars. In this study, it was investigated the feasibility of H2 production from enzymatic hydrolysates of agave bagasse. Commercial enzymes with cellulolytic and hemicellulolytic activities were used. Two different enzymatic hydrolysis of agave bagasse were performed, in the first one a mixture of two imported enzymes (Celluclast 1.5L and Viscozyme L) was used and in the second one a domestic enzyme (Stonezyme) was used. The continuous H2 production from both hydrolysates was evaluated in a trickling bed reactor (TBR) using different organic loading rates (OLR). TBR for hydrolysates with enzymatic mixture and with individual enzyme were successfully operated for 59 and 40 days, respectively, under OLR ranging from 43.2 to 81 g COD/L·d. In both hydrolysates, the volumetric H2 production rate (VHPR) was found to be directly linked to the OLR applied, where the maximum VHPR for the hydrolysates of the mixture and the individual enzyme were 5.75 and 1.98 L H2/L·d, respectively, at an OLR of 81 g COD/L·d. Moreover, for the hydrolysates obtained with the mixture of enzymes, the specific hydrogen yield clearly increased as function of OLR, reaching a maximum value of 73.21 L H2/kg bagasse at the maximum OLR, which is higher than that obtained with hydrolysates from the individual enzyme that reported a yield of 16.15 H2/kg bagasse at the same OLR. Overall, the results showed that the enzymatic mixture hydrolysate can substantially improve the H2 production from agave bagasse in comparison with the individual enzyme hydrolysate and therefore it becomes a promising alternative in the energy transition context.

    An Effective Power Dispatch of Photovoltaic Generators in DC Networks via the Antlion Optimizer

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    This paper studies the problem regarding the optimal power dispatch of photovoltaic (PV) distributed generators (DGs) in Direct Current (DC) grid-connected and standalone networks. The mathematical model employed considers the reduction of operating costs, energy losses, and CO2 emissions as objective functions, and it integrates all technical and operating constraints implied by DC grids in a scenario of variable PV generation and power demand. As a solution methodology, a master–slave strategy was proposed, whose master stage employs Antlion Optimizer (ALO) for identifying the values of power to be dispatched by each PV-DG installed in the grid, whereas the slave stage uses a matrix hourly power flow method based on successive approximations to evaluate the objective functions and constraints associated with each solution proposed within the iterative process of the ALO. Two test scenarios were considered: a grid-connected network that considers the operating characteristics of the city of Medellín, Antioquia, and a standalone network that uses data from the municipality of Capurganá, Chocó, both of them located in Colombia. As comparison methods, five continuous optimization methods were used which were proposed in the specialized literature to solve optimal power flow problems in DC grids: the crow search algorithm, the particle swarm optimization algorithm, the multiverse optimization algorithm, the salp swarm algorithm, and the vortex search algorithm. The effectiveness of the proposed method was evaluated in terms of the solution, its repeatability, and its processing times, and it obtained the best results with respect to the comparison methods for both grid types. The simulation results obtained for both test systems evidenced that the proposed methodology obtained the best results with regard to the solution, with short processing times for all of the objective functions analyzed

    Igualdad de género y transversalidad en la educación básica en Chihuahua

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    Este documento reporta resultados preliminares del trabajo de investigación dirigido a visibilizar las representaciones sociales que las y los docentes de educación preescolar y primaria poseen sobre la igualdad de género y la transversalidad en el estado de Chihuahua, teniendo como antecedente la igualdad de género como uno de los ocho objetivos del milenio de Naciones Unidas y la implementación de la transversalidad (gender mainstreaming). Por su parte, el actual Plan Nacional de Desarrollo 2013-2018 establece la igualdad de género como una de sus tres estrategias transversales, lo que implica que el sector educativo tenga la información necesaria y pertinente para poder llegar a acciones concretas en este sentido. Para ello se ha recurrido a los cruces interdisciplinarios entre género, educación y representaciones sociales

    Co-deposited Ni-Cr-B Nanocomposite Coatings for Protection Against Corrosion-Erosion

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    Electrodeposition is a low-cost and low-temperature method for producing metal matrix composite coatings. The electrodeposition of Ni matrix/Ni-Cr-B particles is considered as the co-deposition of Ni-Cr-B particles in a Ni matrix, resulting in nanocomposite coatings that can offer good wear and corrosion resistance between other applications. For comparison, the electrodeposition of Ni films and their wear and corrosion evaluation were also carried out under the same conditions. Some coatings usually contain oxide or carbide particles in micrometer size and are electrodeposited in a nickel matrix; however, the use of the mechanical alloying process offers the possibility to reduce the particle size in the order of nanometers obtaining solid solutions, amorphous phases, or intermetallic compounds during the development of new alloys to be co-deposited, improving the engineering materials properties. This kind of nanocomposite can be used in industrial components with an irregular geometry exposed in aggressive environments such as the energy generation and oil industry

    Application of the arithmetic optimization algorithm to solve the optimal power flow problem in direct current networks

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    This article presents a methodology to solve to the Optimal Power Flow (OPF) problem in Direct Current (DC) networks using the Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm (AOA) and Successive Approximation (SA). This master-slave methodology solves the OPF problem in two stages: the master stage estimates the solution to the OPF problem considering its constraints and variables, and the slave stage assesses the fitness of the solution proposed by the master stage. To validate the methodology suggested in this article, three test systems cited multiple times in the literature were used: the 10, 21 and the 69 nodes test systems. In addition, three scenarios varying the allowable power limits for the Distributed Generators (DGs) are presented; thus, the methodology explores solutions under different conditions. To prove its efficiency and robustness, the solution was compared with four other methods reported in the literature: Ant Lion Optimization (ALO), Black Hole Optimization (BHO), the Continuous Genetic Algorithm (CGA), and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). The results show that the methodology proposed here to reduce power losses presents the best solution in terms of standard deviation. © 2022 The Author

    Cooperative platform (facsnanort-qpcr): contribution to the successful management of patients with mrd leukemia

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    t(9;22) Ph translocation is a chromosome abnormality recurrent in human chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) and cases of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Ph is a marker of adverse prognosis significant with remission more frequent and earlier and lower percentage of overall survival. If there are less than 5% blasts in a bone marrow sample, the patient is in "clinical remission". In the light of sensitivity current controls molecular (10-6) are an important role in therapy, although this depends on the amount of cells analyzed. Our goal is to improve the sensitivity by proposing a platforms combination, which allow MRD evaluation with only 10 cells. Flow cytometry sorting (multiparameter immunological detection), nano-PCR (RNA isolation and RT) and qPCR (diagnostic confirmation). The molecular remission has many more probability to be lasting that the cytogenetic remission, both before and after the transplant. We consider this technique as an important step forward towards performed diagnosis, monitoring treatment responses, and identification of relapse in Leukemia patients

    Optimal Power Dispatch of Distributed Generators in Direct Current Networks Using a Master–Slave Methodology that Combines the Salp Swarm Algorithm and the Successive Approximation Method

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    This paper addresses the Optimal Power Flow (OPF) problem in Direct Current (DC) networks by considering the integration of Distributed Generators (DGs). In order to model said problem, this study employs a mathematical formulation that has, as the objective function, the reduction in power losses associated with energy transport and that considers the set of constraints that compose DC networks in an environment of distributed generation. To solve this mathematical formulation, a master–slave methodology that combines the Salp Swarm Algorithm (SSA) and the Successive Approximations (SA) method was used here. The effectiveness, repeatability, and robustness of the proposed solution methodology was validated using two test systems (the 21- and 69-node systems), five other optimization methods reported in the specialized literature, and three different penetration levels of distributed generation: 20%, 40%, and 60% of the power provided by the slack node in the test systems in an environment with no DGs (base case). All simulations were executed 100 times for each solution methodology in the different test scenarios. The purpose of this was to evaluate the repeatability of the solutions provided by each technique by analyzing their minimum and average power losses and required processing times. The results show that the proposed solution methodology achieved the best trade-off between (minimum and average) power loss reduction and processing time for networks of any size

    Application of the Multiverse Optimization Method to Solve the Optimal Power Flow Problem in Alternating Current Networks

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    In this paper, we solve the optimal power flow problem in alternating current networks to reduce power losses. For that purpose, we propose a master–slave methodology that combines the multiverse optimization algorithm (master stage) and the power flow method for alternating current networks based on successive approximation (slave stage). The master stage determines the level of active power to be injected by each distributed generator in the network, and the slave stage evaluates the impact of the proposed solution on each distributed generator in terms of the objective function and the constraints. For the simulations, we used the 10-, 33-, and 69-node radial test systems and the 10-node mesh test system with three levels of distributed generation penetration: 20%, 40%, and 60% of the power provided by the slack generator in a scenario without DGs. In order to validate the robustness and convergence of the proposed optimization algorithm, we compared it with four other optimization methods that have been reported in the specialized literature to solve the problem addressed here: Particle Swarm Optimization, the Continuous Genetic Algorithm, the Black Hole Optimization algorithm, and the Ant Lion Optimization algorithm. The results obtained demonstrate that the proposed master–slave methodology can find the best solution (in terms of power loss reduction, repeatability, and technical conditions) for networks of any size while offering excellent performance in terms of computation time