10,756 research outputs found

    Experimental creep data for a built-up aluminum/titanium structure subjected to heating and loading

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    Experimental creep, temperature, and strain data resulting from a laboratory experiment on a built-up aluminum/titanium structure are presented. The structure and the experiment are described in detail. A heating and loading experiment lasting approximately six hours is conducted on a test structure. Considerable creep strain resulted from compressive stresses in the heated skin. Large residual stresses were found after the experiment was completed. The residual stresses in the substructure frames were large enough to preclude further cycles of creep experiments with this built-up structure because of concern that the frame webs would buckle

    Long-range correlations and trends in Colombian seismic time series

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    We study long-range correlations and trends in time series extracted from the data of seismic events occurred from 1973 to 2011 in a rectangular region that contains mainly all the continental part of Colombia. The long-range correlations are detected by the calculation of the Hurst exponents for the time series of interevent intervals, separation distances, depth differences and magnitude differences. By using a modification of the classical R/SR/S method that has been developed to detect short-range correlations in time series, we find the existence of persistence for all the time series considered except for magnitude differences. We find also, by using the DFADFA until the third order, that the studied time series are not influenced by trends. Additionally, an analysis of the Hurst exponent as a function of the number of events in the time and the maximum window size is presented.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, 2 figures added, types corrected, accepted to be published in Physica

    Diseño de un algoritmo de control para un ala delta

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    A diferencia de los aeromodelos operados por radiocontrol, los UAV1 cuentan con una especie de “inteligencia automática” que permite, no sólo recorrer una trayectoria predefinida, adquirir datos sobre el entorno y realizar tareas específicas con su carga útil, sino el envío de esta información en tiempo real a una estación en tierra (1). Adicionalmente, en el caso en que alguna falla ocurra, un UAV puede estar programado para corregirla o informarla a tierra. Por esta razón, el desarrollo de una aeronave de este tipo involucra diversas áreas como la matemática aplicada y el control, la aerodinámica, la electrónica, la programación y las telecomunicaciones. El desarrollo del cerebro de un UAV, es decir, un módulo de control que reciba la información de la aviónica con la que este se encuentre instrumentado para tomar una decisión en cuando a las acciones de los diferentes actuadores, e.g. alerones, elevadores, motores, entre otros, se centra específicamente en la comprensión y confiabilidad del modelo dinámico del sistema

    Reproductive capacity of the red cusk-eel genypterus chilensis (Guichenot, 1848) in captivity

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    Indexación: Scopus.This work was supported by the FONDEF Project D06I 1024 “Development of technologies for the production of red cusk-eel fingerlings (Genypterus chilensis)”.Genypterus chilensis is a marine fish of high gastronomic demand, whose capture has declined in recent years due to overfishing. In the development of the farming technology, high mortalities were obtained during egg incubation. The objective of this study is to contribute to the knowledge of fecundity and eggs viability of G. chilensis in captivity. The spawns of G. chilensis were analyzed over a period of 2 years and 3 months. The total fecundity was estimated by counting the masses and eggs produced monthly throughout the period. The results confirm that G. chilensis is a partial spawner, since a female may more than two masses of eggs per day, due to a large amount of mass spawned per season (621 average). The total production of masses of the Farming Centre during the period was 2,290; of these, only 7% (166) corresponding to 15,330,517 eggs were incubated. Because of its high fecundity, G. chilensis produces numerous masses of eggs, of which only a small percentage reaches incubation, as well as it occurs in other marine fish. © 2018, Escuela de Ciencias del Mar. All rights reserved.https://scielo.conicyt.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0718-560X201800020048

    Restructurable Controls

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    Restructurable control system theory, robust reconfiguration for high reliability and survivability for advanced aircraft, restructurable controls problem definition and research, experimentation, system identification methods applied to aircraft, a self-repairing digital flight control system, and state-of-the-art theory application are addressed

    Memory for Object Location in Augmented Reality: The Role of Gender and the Relationship Among Spatial and Anxiety Outcomes

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    The potential of augmented reality (AR) technology for the study of spatial memory and orientation is a new research field. AR defines systems that attempt to enhance the user's experience with the physical world. In our app, we enhance the sense of sight by adding interactive 3D elements to the real environment. Our app can be used in any real environment so that the experimental conditions during the tasks and the way in which an individual navigates are similar to those used in real life. With AR, the experimenter has a high level of control of the task and can store the participant's responses accurately. The classical factors that influence an individual's performance on virtual spatial tasks are gender and cognitive factors. The influence of emotional factors on spatial performance has been studied more recently. Since AR tasks for the study of spatial memory and spatial orientation are new developments, little is known about the factors that are related to performance on tasks of this type. In our study, we tested 46 young adults (26 women) in an AR object-location task that was performed in a building. The participants had to memorize the position of eight virtual objects while they were walking through the environment. We also assessed the participants' performance on an object-recall task, a map-pointing task, and a paper-and-pencil spatial orientation task. The self-reported importance of different spatial strategies for wayfinding and the levels of trait anxiety and wayfinding anxiety were also evaluated. Our findings indicate that men performed better on the spatial paper-and-pencil test and spent more time completing the learning phase of the AR task. The spatial memory for the location of the objects in AR and on the map correlated positively. Anxiety was related to individual differences in the self-reported use of a spatial orientation strategy, but the association among them was weak. Trait anxiety was positively related to the time employed by the participants during the learning phase of the AR task, whereas wayfinding anxiety correlated negatively with the preference for an orientation strategy. Our results highlight the importance of anxiety in spatial orientation

    Augmented Reality Based on SLAM to Assess Spatial Short-Term Memory

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    Spatial short-term memory is defined as the limited ability of people to retain and remember the location of elements for short periods of time. In this paper, we present the first AR app based on SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) to assess spatial short-term memory. A total of 55 participants were involved in a study for remembering the real place where four virtual objects were located in the real environment. The participants were divided into two groups: the ARGroup (the participants learned the location of the virtual objects in the real environment in an adaptation phase using AR) and the NoARGroup (the participants learned the location of the objects by looking at photographs). The results indicated that the performance outcomes in remembering objects and their location for the participants in the ARGroup were statistically significantly greater than those obtained by the participants in the NoARGroup. From this result and our observations, we can conclude that touring the augmented environment helped the participants to better remember the location of virtual objects added to the real scene compared to looking at photographs of the environment. Furthermore, statistically significant differences were not found in relation to gender or age. Finally, our app has several advantages: 1) Our app works in any environment and does not require adding real elements to the environment; 2) the evaluators can select any real environment and place the virtual elements where they want and even change them between sessions; and 3) our app could work similar to the way spatial memory does in everyday life

    SLAM-based augmented reality for the assessment of short-Term spatial memory. A comparative study of visual versus tactile stimuli

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    The assessment of human spatial short-Term memory has mainly been performed using visual stimuli and less frequently using auditory stimuli. This paper presents a framework for the development of SLAM-based Augmented Reality applications for the assessment of spatial memory. An AR mobile application was developed for this type of assessment involving visual and tactile stimuli by using our framework. The task to be carried out with the AR application is divided into two phases: 1) a learning phase, in which participants physically walk around a room and have to remember the location of simple geometrical shapes; and 2) an evaluation phase, in which the participants are asked to recall the location of the shapes. A study for comparing the performance outcomes using visual and tactile stimuli was carried out. Fifty-Three participants performed the task using the two conditions (Tactile vs Visual), but with more than two months of difference (within-subject design). The number of shapes placed correctly was similar for both conditions. However, the group that used the tactile stimulus spent significantly more time completing the task and required significantly more attempts. The performance outcomes were independent of gender. Some significant correlations among variables related to the performance outcomes and other tests were found. The following significant correlations among variables related to the performance outcomes using visual stimuli and the participants subjective variables were also found: 1) the greater the number of correctly placed shapes, the greater the perceived competence; 2) the more attempts required, the less the perceived competence. We also found that perceived enjoyment was higher when a higher sense of presence was induced. Our results suggest that tactile stimuli are valid stimuli to exploit for the assessment of the ability to memorize spatial-Tactile associations, but that the ability to memorize spatial-visual associations is dominant. Our results also show that gender does not affect these types of memory tasks