22 research outputs found

    Occurrence of antibiotics and bacterial resistance in wastewater and sea water from the Antarctic

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    The potential presence of introduced antibiotics in the aquatic environment is a hot topic of concern, particularly in the Antarctic, a highly vulnerable area protected under the Madrid protocol. The increasing presence of human population, especially during summer, might led to the appearance of pharmaceuticals in wastewater. The previous discovery of Escherichia coli strains resistant to antibiotics in sea water and wastewater collected in King George Island motivated our investigation on antibiotics occurrence in these samples. The application of a multi-residue LCMS/MS method for 20 antibiotics, revealed the presence of 8 compounds in treated wastewater, mainly the quinolones ciprofloxacin and norfloxacin (92% and 54% of the samples analyzed, average concentrations 0.89 μg/L and 0.75 μg/L, respectively) and the macrolides azithromycin and clarithromycin (15% positive samples, and average concentrations near 0.4 μg/L), and erythromycin (38% positive samples, average concentration 0.003 μg/L). Metronidazole and clindamycin were found in one sample, at 0.17 and 0.1 μg/L, respectively; and trimethoprim in two samples, at 0.001 μg/L. Analysis of sea water collected near the outfall of the wastewater discharges also showed the sporadic presence of 3 antibiotics (ciprofloxacin, clindamycin, trimethoprim) at low ng/L level, illustrating the impact of pharmaceuticals consumption and the poor removal of these compounds in conventional WWTPs. The most widespread antibiotic in sea water was ciprofloxacin, which was found in 15 out of 34 sea water samples analyzed, at concentrations ranging from 4 to 218 ng/L. Bacteria resistance was observed for some antibiotics identified in the samples (e.g. trimetropim and nalidixic acid –a first generation quinolone). However, resistance to some groups of antibiotics could not be correlated to their presence in the water samples due to analytical limitations (penicillins, tetraciclines). On the contrary, for some groups of antibiotics detected in samples (macrolides), the antibacterial activity against E. Coli was not investigated because these antibiotics do not include this bacterial species in their spectrum of activity. Our preliminary data demonstrate that antibiotics occurrence in the Antarctic aquatic environment is an issue that needs to be properly addressed. Periodical monitoring of water samples and the implementation of additional treatments in the WWTPs are recommended as a first step to prevent potential problems related to the presence of antibiotics and other emerging contaminants in the near future in Antarctica

    The influence of season and the tidal cycle on division of labour by the radula during feeding in the estuarine brooding gastropod Crepipatella dilatata (Calyptraeidae)

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    Abstract The brooding gastropod Crepipatella dilatata can feed by scraping the substrate with the radula and by suspension-feeding, which also requires use of the radula. There is a “division of labour” for the radula among three discrete tasks associated with feeding: (1) removing mucous balls from the food pouch; (2) transferring the mucous cord from the neck channel to the mouth (both components of suspension-feeding); (3) scraping the substrate. We hypothesised that the proportion of time used for each feeding activity varies according to environmental conditions. Total radular activity in females was greatest at high tide and in summer. The rate of radular extrusion for ingesting the mucous cord varied seasonally and between brooding and non-brooding females. Non-brooding females exhibited higher rates of radular extrusion for ingesting the mucous cord and for scraping the substrate than did brooders. In females, radular activity in removing the mucous ball from the food pouch was strongly influenced by the tidal cycle during winter, reaching minimum values at low tide. Differences were recorded in substrate scraping among seasons and within tidal cycles, and among males, brooding females and non-brooding females. Brooding females displayed less rasping than non-brooders, since the area available for grazing was restricted by the egg mass. Throughout the year, including low salinity periods, males allocated a greater proportion of total radular activity to rasping than to removing the mucous ball or ingesting the mucous cord. The feeding behaviour of both males and females is modulated by salinity, but the principal determinants of radular activity are the mode of reproduction (brooding in females) and, in males, motility

    Copper/Silver Bimetallic Nanoparticles Supported on Aluminosilicate Geomaterials as Antibacterial Agents

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    This study aims to understand how properties of modified aluminosilicate geomaterials influence the antibacterial performance of nanocomposites when prepared with bimetallic nanoparticles (NPs). Copper/silver (Cu/Ag) bimetallic NPs were synthesized in the presence of imogolite (Imo), montmorillonite (Mtt), or zeolite (Zeo) using a simple one-pot method and characterized for their crystal phases, micro- and nanomorphologies, particle size, elemental composition, and electrophoretic mobility. The antibacterial activity was evaluated through minimum inhibition concentration assays of NPs and nanocomposites for Gram (-) Escherichia coli and Gram (+) Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. Deposition of metallic Cu0, Ag0, and cuprite NPs was confirmed in Zeo_Cu/Ag and Imo_Cu/Ag nanocomposites, whereas only Cu0 and Ag0 were identified in Mtt_Cu/Ag. The bimetallic NPs were more uniformly distributed on Zeo and Mtt than Imo. Particle sizes of 28.1 ± 5.0, 9.4 ± 2.3, 10.1 ± 1.7, and 12 ± 1.3 nm were determined for Cu/Ag NPs, Imo_Cu/Ag, Mtt_Cu/Ag, and Zeo_Cu/Ag, respectively. The release rate of Cu and Ag ions from Zeo_Cu/Ag was higher than those of pristine Cu/Ag NPs and the other two nanocomposites. The antimicrobial action of bimetallic NPs and nanocomposites was dose-dependent in relation to the concentration of concerned materials and their stability in the medium. The physicochemical characteristics of Zeo resulted in a homogeneous distribution and low oxidation and agglomeration of Cu/Ag NPs, consequently increasing the antibacterial activity. Results of this study highlight the benefits of using a geomaterial support to achieve high antibacterial activity of bimetallic NPs, which could help reduce the consumption of pure Cu/Ag salts in NP-based antibacterial applications

    Brooding in the Chilean oyster Ostrea chilensis: unexpected complexity in the movements of brooded offspring within the mantle cavity.

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    Brooding in invertebrates serves to protect embryos from stressful external conditions by retaining progeny inside the female body, effectively reducing the risk of pelagic stages being exposed to predation or other environmental stressors, but with accompanying changes in pallial fluid characteristics, including reduced oxygen availability. Brooded embryos are usually immobile and often encapsulated, but in some Ostrea species the embryos move freely inside the female pallial cavity in close association with the mother's gills for as long as eight weeks. We used endoscopic techniques to characterize the circulation pattern of embryos brooded by females of the oyster, Ostrea chilensis. Progeny at embryonic and veliger stages typically circulated in established patterns that included the use of dorsal and ventral food grooves (DFG, VFG) to move anteriorly on the gills. Both embryos and veligers accumulated around the mother's palps, and remained there until an active maternal countercurrent moved them to the gill inhalant area. Both food grooves were able to move embryos, veligers, and food-particle aggregates anteriorly, but the DFG was more important in progeny transport; early embryos were moved more rapidly than veligers in the DFG. A microcirculation pattern of embryos was apparent when they were moved by gill lamellae: when they were close to the VFG, most embryos lost gill contact and "fell" down to the DFG. Those that actually reached the DFG moved anteriorly, but others came into contact with the base of the lamellae and again moved towards the VFG. The circulation pattern of the progeny appears well-suited for both cleaning them and directing them posteriorly to an area where there is more oxygen and food than in the palp region. This process for actively circulating progeny involves the feeding structures (gill and palps) and appears to be energetically costly for the female. It also interferes with feeding, which could explain the poor energy balance previously documented for brooding females of this species

    Ostrea chilensis.

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    <p>Utilization of female oyster ciliated grooves to transport embryo or veligers. DFG: Dorsal food groove; VFG: Ventral food groove. Different letters above the bars indicate significant differences (p<0.05); mean + SD shown.</p

    Profiles of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in aquatic biota

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    The profiles (concentrations scaled to a sum of 100) of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in aquatic fauna differ from those of the commercial PBDE formulations, particularly by a much higher proportion of the congener 47. At the same time, the profiles reported by different authors vary a great deal and no patterns related to species, localities, etc. are obvious. It seems that there are systematic differences among the reporting laboratories, and measurement errors within the same laboratory may also play a role. However, the profiles of PBDEs in fish from the Baltic are very similar and form a tight “cluster”. PBDE profiles in crustaceans appear different from those in fish.Sastav polibromiranih difenil-etera u vodenoj fauni razlikuje se od onih u komercijalnim formulacijama, ponajviše po mnogo većem udjelu kongenera 47. Osim toga različiti autori opisuju bitno različite značajke, a da pritom nisu vidljivi nikakvi obrasci vezani uz vrstu, lokaciju i sl. Izgleda da tomu pridonose sustavne razlike među laboratorijima i pogreške u mjerenju unutar samih laboratorija. Međutim, sastav polibromiranih difenil-etera u baltičkoj ribi vrlo je sličan i čini blisko povezanu skupinu. Polibromirani difenil-eteri u rakova različiti su od onih u riba