46 research outputs found

    Attentional biases in older adults with generalized anxiety disorder

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    Cognitive theories of anxiety propose that selective attention to negative information plays a central role in the development and maintenance of anxiety. The presence of such attentional bias has been confirmed in younger adults. Nevertheless, there are few studies that have explored anxiety-linked attentional bias in older adults, and the available results are inconclusive. Conversely, the socioemotional selectivity theory posits that there are agerelated changes in emotional information processing and, consistent with this account, it has been found that older adults preferentially pay more attention to positive stimuli compared with younger adults (“positivity effect”). The present study aimed to explore attentional bias towards negative and positive information in a sample of older adults with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) compared with a control group. The results showed that older adults with GAD displayed an attentional preference for negative information and attentional avoidance for positive information, whereas healthy older adults showed the reverse pattern of attentional deployment. These results suggest that selective attention toward negative information and selective avoidance of positive information may be a relevant factor in clinically anxious older adultsThis work was supported by the National Plan for Scientific Research, Development, and Technological Innovation 2008-2011 [PSI2008-02338/PSIC], the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science [AP2005-0377] and MINECO (Spain) Excellence Network PROMOSAM: Research on Processes, Mechanisms, and Psychological Treatment for the Promotion of Mental Health [PSI2014-56303-REDT]. The funding agencies played no role in the study (design, collection, analysis, and interpretation of data), or in the writing of the report or decision to submit the article for publicatio

    Psychological and social factors that promote positive adaptation to stress and adversity in the adult life cycle

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    The author may only post his/her version provided acknowledgement is given to the original source of publication and a link is inserted to the published article on Springer's website. The link must be provided by inserting the DOI number of the article in the following sentence: “The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/[insert DOI]”."The phenomenon of resilience reflects positive adaptation despite contexts of risk, significant adversity, or trauma (Masten and Powell 2003; Luthar 2006). The purpose of this investigation was to propose a mediation model to explain the relation between stress and some psychological and social resources that enhance positive adaptation throughout the entire adult life cycle, and to explore the moderator role of age and country of origin. The indicator of positive adaptation was life satisfaction (LS). The sample comprised 171 Mexicans and 154 Spaniards (N = 325), aged between 18 and 87 years. Mediation was tested by means of various hierarchical regression analyses, which revealed that the positive adaptation process is enhanced by a group of psychological and social resources that mediate the effects of stress on LS. Self-esteem, optimism, internal control, coping aimed at acceptance, and coping aimed at seeking emotional support, as well as social contacts can mediate the negative effects of stress. Finally, it was found that age moderates the internal control but none of the remaining variables whereas the country does not moderate the relation of the variables.This investigation was partially funded by a grant from the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología [National Council of Science and Technology] (Mexico) awarded to the first author for her doctoral studies, and partially as a research project funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación [Ministry of Science and Innovation] (Spain) through the project PSI2008-02338/PSIC Emotional Information-Processing in Later Adulthood

    An intervention program to enhance the wellbeing of the elderly: pilot study based on positive psychology

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    Reconocimiento-NoComercial-NoDerivadaThe aim of this study was to show the efficacy of a pilot program based on positive psychology to enhance the well-being of the elderly. The experimental design included intervention and control groups. The sample consisted of 67 adults aged 60-89. The program included nine 1.5 hour weekly sessions. The program topics included character strengths, positive emotions, and emotional regulation. The variables assessed were affection, happiness level, concern level, optimism, and blood pressure. The results show that participants in the program significantly increased the happiness level and decreased the concern level, and systolic blood pressure. Increasing the level of happiness in the elderly favours the construction of personal resources and involvement with goals and projects that bring them to active and healthy aging. Results and limitations are discussed on the basis of the positive psychology and ageing psychologyEl objetivo de este trabajo fue probar la eficacia de un programa piloto basado en la psicología positiva y destinado a incrementar el bienestar emocional de las personas mayores. El diseno˜ de investigación fue experimental, con grupos de intervención y control. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 67 adultos de 60 a 89 anos ˜ de edad. El programa consistió en nueve sesiones de 1.5horas de duración y frecuencia semanal. Los temas incluyeron fortalezas de carácter, emociones positivas y regulación emocional. Se evaluó el afecto, el nivel de felicidad, el nivel de preocupación, el optimismo y la presión arterial. Los resultados indicaron que los participantes del programa incrementaron significativamente su nivel de felicidad y disminuyeron el nivel de preocupación y la presión arterial sistólica. El incremento del nivel de felicidad en personas mayores favorece la construcción de recursos personales y la implicación con objetivos y proyectos que les acercan al envejecimiento activo y saludable. Los resultados, limitaciones y mejoras de este trabajo son discutidos en el contexto de la psicología positiva y la psicología de la vejezEste estudio se realizó gracias a la ayuda concedida por el Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica, del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, con el número de ref. PSI2012-36546/PSIC. La investigación se enmarca en la Red de Excelencia PSI2014-56303-REDT: PROMOSAM: investigación en procesos, mecanismos y tratamientos psicológicos para la promoción de la salud mental, financiada por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitivida

    Discrepancy between radiographic damage and functional disability in elderly people with osteoarthritis: the role of pain coping strategies

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    The aim of this study is twofold. First, to assess the level of agreement between radiographic damage and functional disability in older people with osteoarthritis. And second, to assess the role of coping skills and sensory pain parameters as sources of disagreement between these variables. To achieve this objective we assess, in a sample of 104 older people with osteoarthritis, the following variables: functional capacity, radiographic damage, pain coping strategies, pain intensity, pain frequency and pain duration. The results show a non-linear relationship between radiographic damage and functional disability, modified by the levels of the two variables. There was maximum agreement between low levels of radiographic damage and of functional impairment, whilst agreement decreased for moderate and high levels of radiographic damage. Certain coping strategies may help to explain this disparity.El presente trabajo persigue un doble objetivo. Primero, evaluar el grado de concordancia entre el deterioro radiológico y el nivel de capacidad funcional en las personas mayores con artrosis. En segundo lugar, analizar las fuentes de disparidad de tal concordancia, para lo que se estudia el papel de los parámetros sensoriales del dolor y de las estrategias de afrontamiento ante el mismo. Para ello se evaluaron, en una muestra de 104 personas mayores con artrosis, la capacidad funcional, el grado de deterioro físico -afectación radiológica-, las estrategias de afrontamiento al dolor y los parámetros sensoriales del dolor de intensidad, frecuencia y duración. Los resultados mostraron que la relación entre el deterioro radiológico y funcional no varía linealmente, sino que depende de los niveles de ambas variables, existiendo una concordancia máxima entre niveles bajos de deterioro funcional y de deterioro radiológico, mientras que disminuye para niveles moderados o elevados de deterioro radiológico. Ciertas estrategias cognitivas y conductuales de afrontamiento evaluadas parecen ayudar a explicar tal disparidad

    Knowledge about aging and worry in older adults:testing the mediating role of intolerance of uncertainty

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    OBJECTIVES: This study aims to explore the relationship between knowledge about aging and severity of worry in older adults, and to test the potential mediational role of intolerance of uncertainty. METHOD: The sample was composed of 120 community-dwelling older adults, with a mean of age of 71.0 years (SD = 6.3). Mediational analyses and structural equation modeling were used to analyze and compare different models. RESULTS: Greater knowledge about aging was negatively related to both intolerance of uncertainty and worry, and its effect on worry was partially mediated by intolerance of uncertainty. The mediational model obtained an excellent fit to the data (i.e. Goodness of fit index (GFI) = 0.995) and clearly had a better fit than alternative models. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that a good knowledge of the aging process could help decrease aversive uncertainty and thus reduce the level of worry among older adults. Thus, educational programs to increase knowledge about aging could serve as one preventive strategy for anxiety in old age

    Prevalence of elder abuse in Spanish dwelling in community

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    Authors posting Accepted Author Manuscript online should later add a citation for the Published Journal Article indicating that the Article was subsequently published, and may mention the journal title provided they add the following text at the beginning of the document: “NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Medicina Clínica. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Medicina Clínica, 141.12 (2013): 522–526 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.medcli.2012.09.048Aunque los malos tratos hacia las personas mayores no son un fenómeno nuevo, continúa estando oculto. A pesar de que se han realizado diversos estudios sobre prevalencia en diferentes países, los resultados de estos solo pueden ser utilizados como datos orientativos. El objetivo de este estudio es estimar la prevalencia de malos tratos en personas mayores sin deterioro cognitivo residentes en el ámbito comunitario que acudían a Centros de Atención Primaria o de Servicios Sociales. Pacientes y método: Se realizo´ un estudio transversal en el que participaron 340 personas mayores. Resultados: Se ha encontrado una prevalencia de malos tratos del 12,1%, siendo el tipo más frecuente el psicológico y siendo frecuente la presencia simultánea de diferentes tipos (maltrato psicológico y físico y sexual). Los malos tratos son más frecuentes en mujeres y los responsables son con mayor frecuencia los cónyuges. Conclusiones: Los datos obtenidos permiten avanzar en el conocimiento de los malos tratos hacia personas mayores en España, donde los precedentes de investigación en este área son aislados. No obstante, la cifra estimada de prevalencia de malos tratos no debe caer dentro del alarmismo social ni, por el contrario, en una «dejadez social».Although elder abuse is not a new phenomenon, it remains hidden. There have been carried out various preliminary studies about the prevalence of elder abuse in different countries. The aim of this study is to estimate the prevalence of suspicion of elder abuse in old persons without cognitive impairment, dwelling in community, who were attended in Primary Health Care or Social Services Centres. Patients and method: We carried out a transverse study in which 340 elders participated. Results: We found a 12.1% prevalence of suspicion of elder abuse. Psychological abuse suspicion was the most frequent type and it was very common the simultaneous presence of different types of abuse (psychological and physical and sexual). The suspicion of elder abuse was more frequent in women and spouses were responsible in a high great frequency. Conclusions: The information obtained allows advancing in the knowledge of elder abuse in Spain, where the research about this issue is poor. However, the prevalence found neither has to be considered as a social alarm nor as a social slackness.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el Instituto de Mayores y Servicios Sociales (IMSERSO)

    Predictores de recuperación subjetiva en la esquizofrenia

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    The aim of the present study was to analyze factors that promote the experience of subjectiverecovery in people with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, and their relationship with objective recovery indicators. To do so, and after reviewing the existing literature, the predictive value of a set of different clinical and psychosocial variables on subjective recovery was evaluated of a sample of 43 adults with schizophrenia. Multiple regression analysis revealed that using adaptive coping strategies, low internalized stigma, and high self-esteem predicted 55% of the variance of subjective recovery (F = 12.5; p < 0.0001). Negative symptoms and social functioning did not predict subjective recovery, in spite of significant correlations. Both the lack of predictive value of objective compared to subjective recovery measures, and the implications of the present findings for the treatment and promotion of increased recovery expectancies in this population are discussed.El objetivo del presente trabajo fue analizar los factores que promueven la experiencia subjetiva de recuperación en personas con diagnóstico de esquizofrenia, y su relación con los indicadores de recuperación objetiva. Para ello, tras revisar la literatura existente, se evalúo el valor predictivo de diferentes variables psicosociales y clínicas sobre la recuperación subjetiva en una muestra de 43 personas con esquizofrenia. El análisis de regresión múltiple reveló que el uso de estrategias adaptativas de afrontamiento, un bajo estigma internalizado y una elevada autoestima predijeron un 55% de la variable recuperación subjetiva (F = 12,5; p < 0,0001). Los síntomas negativos y el funcionamiento social no predijeron recuperación subjetiva, pese a la presencia de correlaciones significativas. Se discuten los resultados en relación con la superior predicción de los indicadores subjetivos de recuperación, y se reflexiona sobre las implicaciones de estos resultados en el tratamiento y la promoción de mejores expectativas de recuperación en esta población

    Reliability and validity of the Severe Impairment Battery, short form (SIB-s), in patients with dementia in Spain

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    Las personas con demencia progresiva evolucionan hacia un estado donde los tests neuropsicológicos tradicionales dejan de ser eficaces. La batería de evaluación del deterioro grave, en su forma completa (SIB) y abreviada (SIB-s), se desarrolló para evaluar el estado cognitivo de pacientes con demencia avanzada. Objetivo. Evaluar los atributos psicométricos de la SIB-s en población española. Pacientes y métodos. Estudio transversal de 127 pacientes con demencia (86,6%, mujeres; edad media: 82,6 ± 7,5 años) evaluados con la SIB-s y las siguientes medidas: escala de deterioro global, miniexamen cognitivo (MEC), miniexamen del estado mental grave (sMMSE), índice de Barthel y escala del estado funcional. Resultados. La puntuación media total de la SIB-s fue de 19,1 ± 15,34 (rango: 0-48). Efectos suelo y techo < 20%. El análisis factorial identificó un único factor que explica el 68% de la varianza total de la escala. La consistencia interna fue alta (α de Cronbach: 0,96). La correlación ítem-total corregida osciló entre 0,27 y 0,83, y la homogeneidad de los ítems fue de 0,43. La fiabilidad test-retest e interevaluador fue satisfactoria (coeficiente de correlación intraclase: 0,96 y 0,95, respectivamente), así como la validez de constructo convergente con otras medidas cognitivas (MEC: 0,83; sMMSE: 0,9). La SIB-s mostró una correlación moderada con escalas cognitivas de dependencia funcional (índice de Barthel: 0,48; FAST: –0,74). El error estándar de la medida fue de 3,07 para el total de la escala. Conclusiones. La SIB-s es un instrumento fiable y válido, relativamente breve, para evaluar a pacientes con demencia avanzada en la población española.People with progressive dementia evolve into a state where traditional neuropsychological tests are not effective. Severe Impairment Battery (SIB) and short form (SIB-s) were developed for evaluating the cognitive status in patients with severe dementia. Aim. To evaluate the psychometric attributes of the SIB-s in patients with severe dementia. Patients and methods. 127 institutionalized patients (female: 86.6%; mean age: 82.6 ± 7.5 years-old) with dementia were assessed with the SIB-s, the Global Deterioration Scale (GDS), Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), Severe MiniMental State Examination (sMMSE), Barthel Index and FAST. Results. SIB-s acceptability, reliability, validity and precision were analyzed. The mean total score for scale was 19.1 ± 15.34 (range: 0-48). Floor effect was 18.1%, only marginally higher than the desirable 15%. Factor analysis identified a single factor explaining 68% of the total variance of the scale. Cronbach’s α coefficient was 0.96 and the item-total corrected correlation ranged from 0.27 to 0.83. The item homogeneity value was 0.43. Test-retest and inter-rater reliability for the total score was satisfactory (ICC: 0.96 and 0.95, respectively). The SIB-s showed moderate correlation with functional dependency scales (Barthel Index: 0.48, FAST: –0.74). Standard error of measurement was 3.07 for the total score. Conclusions. The SIB-s is a reliable and valid instrument for evaluating patients with severe dementia in the Spanish population of relatively brief instruments

    Dimensiones de contenido de preocupación en población de edad avanzada

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    This study is aimed to analyze the main dimensions of contents of worry in the elderly, from the starting point of a broad pool of items referring to specific contents of worry relevant to this age group. The sample was composed by 105 adults aged 65 and over, who were randomly selected from the census of an urban locality. A Factor Analysis was used and 35 items, grouping into 5 subscales (Financial, Health, Family, Personal Competences, and Socio- Affective concerns) were retained. These five subscales correlated positive and significantly with worry, anxiety and depression measures. High worriers scored significantly higher in every subscale. The 35-item Worry Scale (Escala de Preocupaciones; EP), is proposed as a reliable and valid instrument to assess contents of worry among older adults, although additional validations are still required.Este estudio se dirige a analizar las principales dimensiones de contenidos de preocupación entre las personas mayores, partiendo de un amplio listado de Ítems sobre contenidos específicos relevantes en esta edad. La muestra se compuso de 105 personas mayores de 65 años, seleccionadas mediante muestreo aleatorio a partir del censo de una localidad urbana. Mediante análisis factorial se retuvieron 35 Ítems agrupados en cinco subescalas; Economía, Salud, Familia, Competencias Personales y aspectos Socio-Afectivos. Estas cinco subescalas tuvieron correlaciones positivas y significativas con medidas de preocupación, ansiedad y depresión. Las personas con niveles altos de preocupación obtuvieron puntuaciones significativamente superiores en todas las escalas. La Escala de Preocupaciones (EP) compuesta por los 35 Ítems retenidos se propone como un instrumento fiable y válido de evaluación de los contenidos de preocupación en las personas mayores, aunque son precisas validaciones adicionales