131 research outputs found

    Quality of life measures in Italian children with atopic dermatitis and their families

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The impact of atopic dermatitis (AD) on children's quality of life (QoL) in US and European countries is relatively well known, though rarely evaluated in the Italian population. Moreover, the association between child age and QoL has not been enough investigated, even though few studies detected a worse QoL in youngest AD children. The aim of the study was to evaluate the QoL in an Italian sample of atopic children and their families, also exploring a possible association with child age.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>60 AD children aged between 1-12 years and their mothers completed specific QoL questionnaires (IDQoL/CDLQI, DFI) and a clinician completed a measure of AD severity (SCORAD).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>AD severity (Objective SCORAD) significantly correlated with QoL measures. Severe AD children showed higher IDQoL/CDLQI and DFI scores compared to mild and moderate AD groups (<it>P </it>= 0.006 and <it>P </it>< 0.0005, respectively), but only DFI scores differed in these last two conditions (<it>P </it>= 0.014). DFI scores negatively correlated with children's age (<it>P </it>= 0.046), but did not differ when considering child age ranges. Multiple linear regression analyses revealed a significant association between Objective SCORAD and QoL measures.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A strong association between severe AD and poor QoL, both in children and mothers, was found in the Italian sample, in line with the international literature. Family's QoL scores were sensitively related to AD severity, more than the child's QoL, emphasising that the disease has a deep impact on the family. A significant association between age and QoL was only partially found and needs further investigation.</p

    An International Multi-center Study on Self-assessed and Family Quality of Life in Children with Atopic Dermatitis

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    Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common childhood chronic inflammatory skin condition that greatly affects the quality of life (QoL) of affected children and their families. The aim of our study was to assess QoL and family QoL of children with AD from 4 different countries and then compare the data, evaluating the effects of AD severity and age of children. Data on the Children’s Dermatology Life Quality Index (CDLQI) and the Dermatitis Family Impact (DFI) questionnaires and the SCORAD index of 167 AD children 5-16 years old from Ukraine, Czech Republic, Singapore, and Italy was used for the study. SCORAD correlated with the CDLQI in all 4 countries and with DFI in all countries except Singapore. Only in Czech children did the CDLQI correlate with their age. No significant correlations between age and DFI results were found. AD symptoms and expenditures related to AD were highly scored in all countries. Impact of AD on friendship and relations between family members were among the lower scored items, and family problems did not increase proportionately with duration of AD in any of the four countries. Self-assessed health-related QoL of children with AD in our study correlated better in most cases with disease severity than family QoL results. Parents of school children with AD were generally less stressed, tired, and exhausted than parents of preschool children. These data together with results showing that duration of AD in children does not affect relations between parents and other family members is optimistic news for families with children with AD who did not recover until adolescence.</p

    Age-related differences in the expression of circulating microRNAs: miR-21 as a new circulating marker of inflammaging.

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    none15noopenF Olivieri; L Spazzafumo; G Santini; R Lazzarini; MC Albertini; MR Rippo; R Galeazzi; AM Abbatecola; F Marcheselli; D Monti; R Ostan; E Cevenini; R Antonicelli; C Franceschi; AD Procopio.F., Olivieri; L., Spazzafumo; G., Santini; R., Lazzarini; Albertini, MARIA CRISTINA; Mr, Rippo; R., Galeazzi; Am, Abbatecola; F., Marcheselli; D., Monti; R., Ostan; E., Cevenini; R., Antonicelli; C., Franceschi; Ad, Procopi

    Phosphocaveolin-1 enforces tumor growth and chemoresistance in rhabdomyosarcoma

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    Caveolin-1 (Cav-1) can ambiguously behave as either tumor suppressor or oncogene depending on its phosphorylation state and the type of cancer. In this study we show that Cav-1 was phosphorylated on tyrosine 14 (pCav-1) by Src-kinase family members in various human cell lines and primary mouse cultures of rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS), the most frequent soft-tissue sarcoma affecting childhood. Cav-1 overexpression in the human embryonal RD or alveolar RH30 cells yielded increased pCav-1 levels and reinforced the phosphorylation state of either ERK or AKT kinase, respectively, in turn enhancing in vitro cell proliferation, migration, invasiveness and chemoresistance. In contrast, reducing the pCav-1 levels by administration of a Src-kinase inhibitor or through targeted Cav-1 silencing counteracted the malignant in vitro phenotype of RMS cells. Consistent with these results, xenotransplantation of Cav-1 overexpressing RD cells into nude mice resulted in substantial tumor growth in comparison to control cells. Taken together, these data point to pCav-1 as an important and therapeutically valuable target for overcoming the progression and multidrug resistance of RMS

    Validation of the Italian version of the cystic fibrosis quality of life questionnaire (CFQoL), a disease specific measure for adults and adolescents with cystic fibrosis.

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    Background Disease specific, health-related quality of life (HRQoL) measurement is important in cystic fibrosis (CF). This work aimed to translate the original English Cystic Fibrosis Quality of Life Questionnaire (CFQoL) into Italian, evaluate the linguistic translation and to psychometrically evaluate the Italian version of the CFQoL. Methods The linguistic translation followed the international guidelines of forward and backward translation. Psychometric evaluation of the Italian CFQoL involved the assessment of construct validity, internal reliability, concurrent validity, known groups validity and test–retest reliability. Results The instrument was acceptable to adolescents and adults with CF and demonstrated robust psychometric properties. Principle components analysis indicated that the factorial structure was essentially similar to the original, and the internal reliability of each domain was good (Cronbach alpha coefficients 0.73 to 0.91). Appropriate domains of the CFQoL and SF-36 correlated well indicating good concurrent validity (r=0.68–0.80). Consistent with theoretical expectations some domains were able to discriminate between disease severity groups. Test–retest reliability, assessed by intraclass correlation coefficients, was found to be excellent (ICC 0.83 to 0.98). Conclusions The Italian CFQoL is a valid and reliable measure. Its use in individual patient monitoring and research should complement traditional clinical outcome measures

    The gene of an archaeal α-l-fucosidase is expressed by translational frameshifting

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    The standard rules of genetic translational decoding are altered in specific genes by different events that are globally termed recoding. In Archaea recoding has been unequivocally determined so far only for termination codon readthrough events. We study here the mechanism of expression of a gene encoding for a α-l-fucosidase from the archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus (fucA1), which is split in two open reading frames separated by a −1 frameshifting. The expression in Escherichia coli of the wild-type split gene led to the production by frameshifting of full-length polypeptides with an efficiency of 5%. Mutations in the regulatory site where the shift takes place demonstrate that the expression in vivo occurs in a programmed way. Further, we identify a full-length product of fucA1 in S.solfataricus extracts, which translate this gene in vitro by following programmed −1 frameshifting. This is the first experimental demonstration that this kind of recoding is present in Archaea

    Ресурсоэффективные системы в управлении и контроле: взгляд в будущее (т. 2): сборник научных трудов VII Международной конференции школьников, студентов, аспирантов, молодых ученых, 8 -13 октября 2018 г., г. Томск

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    В сборнике представлены материалы VII Международной конференции школьников, студентов, аспирантов, молодых ученых "Ресурсоэффективные системы в управлении и контроле: взгляд в будущее". Более 500 авторов из 35 вузов, предприятий и научных исследовательских университетов России, ближнего и дальнего зарубежья представили тезисы своих докладов, в которых рассматриваются актуальные проблемы неразрушающего контроля и технической диагностики, внедрения систем менеджмента, качества образования, управления в современной экономике. Материалы предназначены для специалистов, преподавателей, аспирантов и студентов вузов, а также для всех интересующихся проблемами ресурсоэффективных технологий

    The Silent Epidemic of Diabetic Ketoacidosis at Diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes in Children and Adolescents in Italy During the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020

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    To compare the frequency of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) at diagnosis of type 1 diabetes in Italy during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 with the frequency of DKA during 2017-2019

    La percezione del ruolo materno in madri detenute

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    Nel panorama nazionale ed internazionale non si discute ancora abbastanza della maternità vissuta in carcere, tuttavia largamente diffusa e quindi tema che merita opportuni approfondimenti al fine di promuovere la ricerca di strategie che garantiscano il diritto della donna detenuta ad essere madre e il diritto dei figli a non essere privati di questo legame. Questo studio esplorativo, svolto presso la Casa Circondariale “Dozza” di Bologna, nella sezione femminile, ha avuto come obiettivo quello di indagare le caratteristiche della percezione del ruolo materno in donne detenute che non vivono con il proprio figlio. Attraverso le interviste e l’uso di strumenti standardizzati, si è approfondito il tipo di maternità esperita dalle donne e le difficoltà personali che la lontananza e l’ambiente frappongono alla possibilità di svolgere adeguatamente il proprio ruolo genitoriale. Pur essendo piccolo il campione, le indagini qualitative hanno consentito di evidenziare un quadro di consistente sofferenza, con utilizzo di meccanismi difensivi quali processi di idealizzazione dell’esperienza di maternità e di razionalizzazione. Dans le panorama national et international, on ne discute pas encore assez de la maternité vécue en prison. Toutefois, celle-ci est largement répandue. Partant, il s’agit d’un thème qui mérite d’être approfondi afin de promouvoir la recherche de stratégies qui garantissent le droit de la femme détenue à être mère et le droit des enfants à ne pas être privés de ce lien. Cette étude - réalisée dans le quartier pour femmes de la maison d’arrêt "Dozza" de Bologne - a eu comme objectif d’analyser les caractéristiques de la perception du rôle maternel chez les femmes détenues qui ne vivent pas avec leurs propres enfants. À travers les entretiens et l'usage d'instruments standardisés, nous avons approfondi le type de maternité vécue par ces femmes et les difficultés personnelles que l’éloignement des enfants et le milieu carcéral interposent aux possibilités de développer d’une façon adéquate le rôle parental. Bien que l’échantillon soit limité, ces enquêtes qualitatives ont permis de souligner un cadre de grande souffrance et le recours à des mécanismes de défense tels que l'idéalisation de l'expérience de maternité et de rationalisation. In the national and international background the debate of motherhood in prison is not yet sufficiently explored, however it is a widespread reality that deserves a deep investigation in order to promote the search for strategies that guarantee the right of women prisoners to be mothers and the right of children of not being deprived of this maternal bond. This exploratory study conducted at the District Prison “Dozza" of Bologna, in women's section, aimed at investigating what kind of perception of maternal role is present in women prisoners not living with their own children. Through the use of interviews and appropriate instruments we examined the type of motherhood experienced by incarcerated women and the personal difficulties in expressing the maternal role imposed by the distance and the environment. Although the recruited sample was small, qualitative analysis of the data highlighted a framework of significant pain along with the tendency to use defence mechanisms giving origin to perceptions of maternal idealization and rationalization

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