649 research outputs found
Diagnosticand pronostic utility of serum microrna-21 in colorectal cancer
Los microRNAs son estructuras moleculares de 20-22 nucleótidos con actividad post-transcripional que están
implicados en la carcinogénesis mediante una regulación genética post-transcripcional. Presentamos un estudio prospectivo
donde se determina la expresión sérica de microRNA-21 en pacientes con diagnóstico de adenocarcinoma de colon.
MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. Estudio de cohorte prospectivo de al menos 100 pacientes con diagnóstico de adenocarcinoma de colon,
y de al menos 60 pacientes con apendicitis aguda como grupo control. Se realizó el análisis de microRNA-21 sérico mediante
PCR de las muestras sanguíneas de los pacientes obtenidas de forma preoperatoria.
RESULTADOS. La comparación de la expresión del microRNA-21 sérico fue mayor en los pacientes con cáncer colorrectal que
en los pacientes del grupo control, siendo el área bajo la curva de 0,603. En el análisis univariante, la expresión del miR-
21 se relaciona de forma estadísticamente significativa con la recidiva local (p=0,025) y con la mortalidad (p=0,029). En el
análisis multivariante también se puso de manifiesto que las expresiones mayores (sobreexpresiones) de miR-21 se relacionaban
con una reducción del riesgo derecidiva del 51%, mientras que dicha sobreexpresión se relacionaba con una reducción
de mortalidad del 50%.
CONCLUSIONES. La expresión del microRNA-21 sérico podría ser considerado como un potencial marcador diagnóstico para
el cáncer colorrectal. La expresión sérica del microRNA-21 se correlaciona con la recidiva y mortalidad en el cáncer colorrectal.
Nuestros resultados sugieren que el miR-21 sérico es un prometedor marcador diagnóstico y pronóstico, y pone de
manifiesto su potencial utilidad clínica en el cáncer colorrectalMicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small, noncoding RNAs that are involved in carcinogenesis through postranscriptional
gene regulatory activity. Few studies have focused on the detection of miR-21 in serum rather than in tissue. The current
study aimed to measure serum miR-21 expression levels and to evaluate their association with the outcome of colorectal cancer
METHODS. Blood samples were collected from almost 100 CRC patients undergoing surgery with curative intent, and almost
60 control patients. The expression levels of miR-21 were measured using a quantitative reverse transcription polymerase
chain reaction (qRT-PCR).
RESULTS. Serum microRNA-21 expression was higher in colorectal cancer patients than in control patients, with a ROC curve
of 0.603. A univariate analysis revealed that lower expression levels of serum miR-21 were associated with higher local recurrence
(p=0.025) and mortality (p=0.029). A logistic regression analysis demonstrated that the relative overexpression of
miR-21 (expression >1) was associated with a 51% reduction in the risk of recurrence. A Cox regression analysis identified
that a relative increase in miR-21 expression (>1) was associated with a 50% reduction in the risk of mortality
CONCLUSIONS. Serum microRNA-21 expression could be considered as a potential diagnostic marker for colorectal cancer. The
expression level of serum miR-21 correlates with the recurrence and mortality of CRC patients. Our results suggest that circulating
serum miR-21 is a promising diagnostic and prognostic tumour marker, and they highlight the potential clinical utility
of miR-21 in colorectal cancerEl presente estudio ha sido financiado con la ayuda otorgada por la
Fundación para la Investigación Sanitaria en Castilla La Mancha (FISCAM)
y por la Fundación Mutua Madrileña Investigación Médic
Colorectal cancer carcinogenesis
El cáncer colorrectal representó en el año 2008 el tercer tumor más diagnosticado en España, siendo la segunda neoplasia
que causó más fallecimientos. El conocimiento del proceso carcinogenético de este tipo de enfermedad permitirá el descubrimiento
de nuevas terapéuticas que conlleven menores tasas de incidencia y mortalidad. El continuo avance en la enfermedad
tumoral hace que esta revisión sea una puesta al día en el conocimiento de la carcinogénesis del cáncer colorrectalIn 2008, colorectal cancer represented the third most commonly diagnosed tumor in Spain, and the second tumor that caused
more deaths. Knowledge of the carcinogenetic process of this disease will allow the discovery of new therapies involving
lower rates of incidence and mortality. The continuous progress in tumor disease makes this review an update on the knowledge
of colorectal cancer carcinogenesi
Hipotiroidismo subclínico y factores de riesgo cardiovascular
Objetivo: Conocer la prevalencia del hipotiroidismo
subclínico en la población general de un centro de salud
urbano y describir las características clínicas y factores
de riesgo cardiovascular de los pacientes con hipotiroidismo
Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo,
transversal, retrospectivo, revisando las historias clínicas
de los pacientes incluidos en la muestra desde junio de 2005
hasta julio de 2007. Se analizaron las siguientes variables;
Datos generales: edad y sexo. Antecedentes familiares:
patología tiroidea y otras enfermedades. Antecedentes personales:
cardiovasculares, pulmonares, enfermedades
autoinmunes, alteraciones gineco-obstétricas, diabetes,
hipertensión (HT), dislipemia, obesidad, alteraciones psiquiátricas
y hematológicas. Datos de laboratorio: niveles
de TSH, niveles de T4 libre,presencia de anticuerpos antiperoxidasa,
niveles de colesterol total y sus fracciones.
Resultados: La prevalencia de la muestra de 100
pacientes recogida durante 8 meses fue de 3,8% de la
población general mayor de 14 años, de la cual 79 eran
mujeres y 21 eran hombres. El 13% eran diabéticos tipo
2, 23% tenían HT y un 40% tenían dislipemia. Sobrepeso
y obesidad estaban presentes en un 26%. El nivel medio
de TSH fue 6.92 ± 2,29 U/ml y el nivel medio de T4 libre
fue 1,16 ± 0,16 ng/ml.
Conclusiones: La prevalencia del hipotiroidismo subclínico
fue 3,8%. sobre todo en mujeres con una edad
media de 46 años. La incidencia de factores de riesgo cardiovascular
en los sujetos estudiados es mayor en DM
(13%), similar a la población general en cuanto a la dislipemia
(40%) y obesidad (20%) y menor en HTA (23%).
En nuestro estudio no se observa una pauta común en
el manejo del hipotiroidismo subclínico, siendo necesaria
la implementación y promoción de guías de actuación en
Atención PrimariaObjective: To determine the prevalence of subclinical
hypothyroidism in the general population of an urban
health center and describe the clinical characteristics and
cardiovascular risk factors in patients with subclinical
Methods: An observational study, retrospective, reviewing
the medical histories of patients sampled from June
2005 until July 2007. We analyzed the following variables;
facts: age and sex. Family history thyroid disease
and other diseases. Personal history: cardiovascular pulmonary
autoimmune, alterations gynecology obstetric
diabetes, hypertension (HT) dislipemia, obesity, psychiatric
alterations and haematological. Laboratory data:
novel TSH, free T4, antiperoxidase antibodies, total cholesterol
and its fractions.
Results: The prevalence of the sample of 100 patients
collected over 8 months was 3.8% in the general population
over 14 years, of which 79 were women and 21 were
men. 13% were type 2 diabetics, 23% had HT and 40%
had dyslipidemia. Overweight and obesity were present
in 26%. The average level of TSH was 6.92 ± 2.29 U/ml
and the average level of free T4 was 1.16 ± 0.16 ng/ml.
Conclusions: Prevalence subclinical hypothyroidism
was 3.8%. especially in women with a mean age of 46. The
incidence of cardiovascular risk factors in the subjects
studied is higher in DM (13%), similar to general population
in terms of dyslipidemia (40%) and obesity (23%)
and lowest in hypertension (23%). In our study we observed
a common pattern in the management of subclinical
hypothyroidism, requiring the implementation and promotion
of practice guidelines in primary car
Study of metals in leached soils of a municipal dumpsite in Tampico, Tamaulipas, Mexico: preliminary results
The Zapote dumpsite measures 420000 m 2 and is 28 years old; an estimated 2.5 millions tons of waste have accumulated on the site (household waste, clinical waste, commercial waste). The thickness of the waste is 3 to 9 meters. Since operations began, no control regulations have existed on the residues received. The Zapote dumpsite is located within a salt-marsh between a system of channels and river lagoons of brackish water, located in a tropical sedimentary environment in the urban zone of Tampico, Tamaulipas, Mexico. Recently, the Zapote has been closed and work is presently underway in its rehabilitation since a geo-environmental perspective. The present investigation integrates information of preliminary results of metals (Pb, Ni, Cd, Cu, Mg, Fe and Al) contained in sediments that underlie the Zapote dumpsite. In laboratory research the metals of the sediment were correlated with the metals contained in samples of leachate from the Zapote dumpsite. The concentration of metals Pb, Ni, Cd, Cu, Mg, Fe and Al were analyzed in samples of sediments that underlie the body of the dumpsite in layers of 10 cm, reaching a depth of 1.5 m under the interface waste-soil. The results denote high concentrations of metals in layers that are in contact with waste that decreased until reaching 60 to 80 cm of depth. The proportions of the concentrations of metals studied in the soil are comparable with that leached, until layers of 60 to 80 cm of depth are reached, and are then lost in the deepest layers. The high plastic characteristics of clay layers have stood in the way of metallic contaminants in sub layers of the Zapote dumpsite. The results were correlated with metal concentrations of natural and anthropogenic sediments of the region
Eating quality of beef from biotypes included in the PGI “Ternera Asturiana” showing distinct physicochemical characteristics and tenderization pattern
determine if their differences in physicochemical characteristics and tenderization pattern during
maturation (3 to 21 days) had an effect on the consumer evaluation of beef palatability. Biotype affected
significantly pH, water holding capacity, chemical composition (Pb0.001) and meat lightness (Pb0.05).
Ageing time affected significantly (Pb0.05) colour, meat toughness and sensory attributes in a different way
within each biotype. Multivariate analysis showed two different meat groups: 1) meat from mh-genotypes,
characterized by high juice losses, lightness (L*), protein content and high sensory acceptability at
intermediate (7 and 14 days) ageing times; 2) meat from rustic (AM) breed and biotypes free of myostatin
mutation (AV (+/+) and AV×AM), showing higher intramuscular fat, myoglobin content, and instrumental
toughness and requiring longer storage times (21 days). This should be taken into account for the proper
post-mortem management and commercialization of each product to achieve its best sensory quality
Structural and functional findings in patients with moderate diabetic retinopathy
Purpose: To evaluate structural and functional ocular changes in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) and moderate diabetic retinopathy (DR) without apparent diabetic macular edema (DME) assessed by optical coherence tomography (OCT) and microperimetry. Methods: This was a single-center cross-sectional descriptive study for which 75 healthy controls and 48 DM2 patients with moderate DR were included after applying exclusion criteria (one eye per patient was included). All eyes underwent a complete ophthalmic examination (axial length, macular imaging with swept-source OCT, and MAIA microperimetry). Macular thicknesses, ganglion cell complex (GCC) thicknesses, and central retinal sensitivity were compared between groups, and the relationships between the OCT and microperimetry parameters were evaluated. Results: Macular thickness was similar in both groups (242.17 ± 35.0 in the DM2 group vs 260.64 ± 73.9 in the control group). There was a diminution in the parafoveal area thickness in the DM2 group in the GCC complex. Retinal sensitivity was reduced in all sectors in the DM2 group. The central global value was 24.01 ± 5.7 in the DM2 group and 27.31 ± 2.7 in the control group (p < 0.001). Macular integrity was 80.89 ± 26.4 vs 64.70 ± 28.3 (p < 0.001) and total mean threshold was 23.90 ± 4.9 vs 26.48 ± 2.6 (p < 0.001) in the DM2 and control group, respectively. Moderate correlations were detected between the central sector of MAIA microperimetry and retina total central thickness (- 0.347; p = 0.0035). Age, visual acuity, and hemoglobin A1c levels also correlated with retinal sensitivity. Conclusion: Macular GCC thickness and central retinal sensitivity were reduced in patients with moderate DR without DME, suggesting the presence of macular neurodegeneration.[Figure not available: see fulltext.] © 2021, The Author(s)
Occurrence of emerging persistent and mobile organic contaminants in European water samples
This is the Author’s Accepted Manuscript of the following article: Schulze, S., Zahn, D., Montes, R., Rodil, R., Quintana, J., & Knepper, T. et al. (2019). Occurrence of emerging persistent and mobile organic contaminants in European water samples. Water Research, 153, 80-90. doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2019.01.008The release of persistent and mobile organic chemicals (PMOCs) into the aquatic environment puts the quality of water resources at risk. PMOCs are challenging to analyze in water samples, due to their high polarity. The aim of this study was to develop novel analytical methods for PMOCs and to investigate their occurrence in surface and groundwater samples. The target compounds were culled from a prioritized list of industrial chemicals that were modeled to be persistent, mobile, and emitted into the environment. Analytical screening methods based on mixed-mode liquid chromatography (LC), hydrophilic interaction LC, reversed phase LC, or supercritical fluid chromatography in combination with mass spectrometric detection were successfully developed for 57 target PMOCs and applied to 14 water samples from three European countries. A total of 43 PMOCs were detected in at least one sample, among them 23 PMOCs that have not been reported before to occur in environmental waters. The most prevalent of these novel PMOCs were methyl sulfate, 2-acrylamino-2-methylpropane sulfonate, benzyltrimethylammonium, benzyldimethylamine, trifluoromethanesulfonic acid, 6-methyl-1,3,5-triazine-diamine, and 1,3-di-o-tolylguanidine occurring in ≥50% of the samples at estimated concentrations in the low ng L−1 up to μg L−1 range. The approach of focused prioritization combined with sensitive target chemical analysis proved to be highly efficient in revealing a large suite of novel as well as scarcely investigated PMOCs in surface and groundwaterThis work has been funded by the German BMBF (02WU1347A/B) and the Spanish MINECO/AEI (JPIW2013-117) in the frame of the collaborative international consortium (WATERJPI2013 – PROMOTE) of the Water Challenges for a Changing World Joint Programming Initiative (Water JPI) Pilot Call. RM, RR and JBQ also acknowledge Galician Council of Culture, Education and Universities and FEDER/EDRF funding (ED431C2017/36)S
Geographic distribution and habitat use of Lepidoblepharis miyatai (Squamata: Sphaerodactylidae), with comments on the taxonomic status of the genus in northern Colombia
Geographic distribution and habitat use of Lepidoblepharis miyatai (Squamata: Sphaerodactylidae), with comments on the taxonomic status of the genus in northern Colombia. We present some ecological and biogeographic data on Lepidoblepharis miyatai, a small and endangered gecko endemic to the northwestern foothills of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (SNSM), 31 years after its description. Based on museum specimens and feld observations, we recorded four new localities with confrmed presence of L. miyatai. We calculated the extent of occurrence and altitudinal distribution of this species reaching 21.3 km2 and from sea level to 360 m respectively. Lepidoblepharis miyatai inhabits plant formations of scrub thorn and tropical deciduous forest. Based on microhabitat data obtained from 88 individuals observed in “Las Tinajas Village” we can state a differential use of three substrates with predominant use of leaf-litter. We consider L. miyatai an endemic species of the northwestern sector of the SNSM with a distribution range limited to the south-west by the occurrence of L. sanctaemartae, and towards the east by a thus far undetermined Lepidoblepharis species (here called Lepidoblepharis cf. sanctaemartae). We do not register sympatry of L. miyatai with any other congener. Accordingly, we consider that the recent records of this species in the southeast sector of SNSM are erroneous, given that the specimens cited as L. miyatai of this zone correspond to Lepidoblepharis cf. sanctaemartae. Finally, a reevaluation of the conservation status of L. miyatai is needed, including precise information of its distribution.Distribuição geográfca e uso de hábitat de Lepidoblepharis miyatai (Squamata: Sphaerodactylidae) com comentários sobre a taxonomia do gênero no norte da Colômbia. Apresentamos alguns dados ecológicos de Lepidoblepharis miyatai, um pequeno lagarto ameaçado endêmico das encostas norteocidentais da Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (SNSM) 31 anos após sua descrição. Com base em exemplares depositados em coleções e observações de campo, registramos quatro novas localidades com presença confrmada de L. miyatai. Calculamos a extensão de ocorrência e a distribuição altitudinal dessa espécie com as localidades apresentadas, alcançando uma área de 21.3 km2 e uma variação altitudinal do nível do mar a 360 m. Essa espécie está presente em formações de bosque espinhoso e de foresta tropical decídua. Com informações sobre o uso de micro-hábitats obtidas de 88 indivíduos registrados em “Las Tinajas”, determinamos que essa espécie apresenta uso diferencial dos três tipos de substrato que ocupa, utilizando principalmente a serapilheira. Consideramos esse lagarto como endêmico do setor norte-ocidental de SNSM, com sua distribuição limitada a sudoeste pelo contato com Lepidoblepharis sanctaemartae e a leste com uma espécie indeterminada de Lepidoblepharis (aqui denominada Lepidoblepharis cf. sanctaemartae). Não registramos simpatria de L. miyatai com nenhuma dessas espécies congêneres. Do mesmo modo, consideramos errôneos os registros recentes dessa espécie no setor sul-oriental de SNSM, já que os exemplares citados previamente como L. miyatai nessa zona correspondem a Lepidoblepharis cf. sanctaemartae. Finalmente, se faz necessária uma reavaliação do estado de conservação de L. miyatai que incluam informações mais precisas sobre sua distribuição.Distribución geográfca y uso de hábitat de Lepidoblepharis miyatai (Squamata: Sphaerodactylidae) con comentarios sobre la taxonomía del género en el norte de Colombia. Presentamos algunos datos ecológicos de Lepidoblepharis miyatai, un pequeño y amenazado gecko endémico de las estribaciones noroccidentales de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (SNSM) 31 años después de su descripción. Con base a ejemplares depositados en colecciones y observaciones en campo, registramos cuatro nuevas localidades con presencia confrmada de L. miyatai. Calculamos la extensión de ocurrencia y la distribución altitudinal de esta especie con las localidades presentadas, alcanzando un área de 21.3 km2 y un rango altitudinal entre el nivel del mar y los 360 m. Esta especie está presente en formaciones de matorral espinoso y bosque seco. Con la información de microhábitat obtenida de 88 individuos registrados en “Las Tinajas”, determinamos que esta especie presenta uso diferencial de los tres tipos de sustrato que ocupa, utilizando principalmente la hojarasca. Consideramos a este lagarto como endémico del sector noroccidental de la SNSM, limitando hacia occidente con el rango de distribución de Lepidoblepharis sanctaemartae y hacia oriente con una especie de Lepidoblepharis hasta ahora no determinada (denominada aquí como Lepidoblepharis cf. sanctaemartae). No registramos simpatría de L. miyatai con alguno de estos congéneres. De igual manera, consideramos que los registros recientes de esta especie en el sector suroriental de la SNSM son erróneos, dado a que los ejemplares citados previamente como L. miyatai en esta zona corresponden con Lepidoblepharis cf. sanctaemartae. Finalmente, se hace necesaria una reevaluación del estado de conservación de L. miyatai, donde se incluya la información más precisa de su distribución
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