11 research outputs found

    Gender and Racial Disparity Among Liver Transplantation Professionals: Report of a Global Survey.

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    Equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) are fundamental principles. Little is known about the pattern of practice and perceptions of EDI among liver transplant (LT) providers. International Liver Transplant Society (ILTS) EDI Committee survey around topics related to discrimination, mentorship, and gender. Answers were collected and analyzed anonymously. Worldwide female leadership was also queried via publicly available data. The survey was e-mailed to 1312 ILTS members, 199 responses (40.7% female) were collected from 38 countries (15.2% response rate). Almost half were surgeons (45.7%), 27.6% hepatologists and 26.6% anesthetists. Among 856 LT programs worldwide, 8.2% of leadership positions were held by females, and 22% of division chiefs were female across all specialties. Sixty-eight of respondents (34.7%) reported some form of discrimination during training or at their current position, presumably related to gender/sexual orientation (20.6%), race/country of origin (25.2%) and others (7.1%). Less than half (43.7%) received mentorship when discrimination occurred. An association between female responses and discrimination, differences in compensation, and job promotion was observed. This survey reveals alarmingly high rate of experience with racial and gender disparity, lack of mentorship, and very low rates of female leadership in the LT field and calls to action to equity and inclusion

    Addressing the Burden and Management Strategies for Disparities and Inequities Among Liver Transplant Professionals: The ILTS Experience.

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    Medical professional environments are becoming increasingly multicultural, international, and diverse in terms of its specialists. Many transplant professionals face challenges related to gender, sexual orientation or racial background in their work environment or experience inequities involving access to leadership positions, professional promotion, and compensation. These circumstances not infrequently become a major source of work-related stress and burnout for these disadvantaged, under-represented transplant professionals. In this review, we aim to 1) discuss the current perceptions regarding disparities among liver transplant providers 2) outline the burden and impact of disparities and inequities in the liver transplant workforce 3) propose potential solutions and role of professional societies to mitigate inequities and maximize inclusion within the transplant community

    Hepatocellular Carcinoma in a 24-Year-Old Female with Beckwith–Wiedemann Syndrome: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    In this report, the case of a 24-year-old female with Beckwith–Wiedemann Syndrome (BWS) who was diagnosed with well-differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is described. While BWS has been associated with childhood embryonal tumors, most commonly Wilms tumors and hepatoblastomas, this is the first case report to describe HCC in an adult with BWS. Although HCC typically occurs in elderly adults or those with underlying liver disease, in this case, we show that HCC can occur in a young adult with BWS without any underlying liver disease

    Liver Transplantation in the Obese Cirrhotic Patient

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    Despite the rapidly increasing prevalence of obesity in the transplant population, the optimal management of obese liver transplant candidates remains undefined. Setting strict body mass index cutoffs for transplant candidacy remains controversial, with limited data to guide this practice. Body mass index is an imperfect measure of surgical risk in this population, partly due to volume overload and variable visceral adiposity. Weight loss before transplantation may be beneficial, but it remains important to avoid protein calorie malnutrition and sarcopenia. Intensive lifestyle modifications appear to be successful in achieving weight loss, though the durability of these interventions is not known. Pretransplant and intraoperative bariatric surgeries have been performed, but large randomized controlled trials are lacking. Traditional cardiovascular comorbidities are more prevalent in obese individuals and remain the basis for pretransplant cardiovascular evaluation and risk stratification. The recent US liver transplant experience demonstrates comparable patient and graft survival between obese and nonobese liver transplant recipients, but obesity presents important medical and surgical challenges during and after transplant. Specifically, obesity is associated with an increased incidence of wound infections, wound dehiscence, biliary complications and overall infection, and confers a higher risk of posttransplant obesity and metabolic syndrome-related complications. In this review, we examine current practices in the obese liver transplant population, offer recommendations based on the currently available data, and highlight areas where additional research is needed

    Rejection in the setting of combined Heart and Liver Transplantation

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    Introduction: Each year the number of combined heart-liver transplants (HLT) increases, with two distinct patient populations proceeding down this pathway. The first are patients with congenital heart disease (CHD), most commonly single ventricle patients palliated with Fontan. The second group are those with long standing congestive hepatopathy, amyloidosis, hemochromatosis, or alcohol induced myopathies and liver disease.One argument for HLT has been the low rate of rejection even among sensitized patients, with reported rejection rates ranging from 0% to 31%. Historically, those with CHD have been highly sensitized which in some cases may prevent or at least delay transplantation. As such, a recent consensus statement by Emamaulee et al. suggest that “there may be an immunological benefit to proceed with HLT with significantly fewer acute cellular and humoral rejection episodes”. The aim of this study is to demonstrate that HLT patients remain at risk for rejection and have required treatment for it. Results: There were 15 patients who underwent HLT from January 2017 to February 2022. Of the four patients who did not have CHD, none were considered sensitized, and all underwent induction with basiliximab per our institutional protocol. One of these had rejection. Rejection episodes were identified in four of the 11 CHD patients (36%) patients. Conclusions: In our study of 15 HLT, including 11 CHD patients (73% denied transplant at ≥ 1 center) demonstrated a higher rate of rejection than previously reported. While theoretically, HLT may mitigate the likelihood of rejection, the risk still exists, and patients benefit from close monitoring commensurate with single organ transplant