1,249 research outputs found

    Ichthyological ecoregions of Argentina

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    The Argentine Republic is situated in the southernmost portion of the American continent, occupying over 2,785,600 km2 not including the Antarctic territory. The country ranges from subtropical areas (21º46’S) to subantarctic regions (55º03’S), extending latitudinally over about 4,000 km. It possesses significant latitudinal and altitudinal variation (33º of latitudinal range, and heights from Bajo de San Julián in Santa Cruz province at 105 m below sea level, up to Mt. Aconcagua, 6,959 m over sea level), as well as two gradients of physical variability, extending in north-south and east-west directions. Owing to these features, the country presents a wide range of climates and soil types, being one of the countries with greatest diversity of biogeographical units (Lean et al., 1990, In: Bertonatti & Corcuera, 2000). There are four main hydrographic systems: Río de la Plata basin, the Atlantic and Pacific drainages, and several endorrheic systems. Within these basins, the ichthyofaunistic assemblage is well represented, with different magnitude in accordance with the different taxonomic groupings and regions considered. From an ichthyogeographic standpoint, and according to the works of Ringuelet (1975) and Arratia et al. (1983), Argentina is included in the Brasilic and Austral Subregions. The first of these is represented by two domains: the Andean Domain, comprising the southernmost portion of Titicaca Province, and the Paranensean Domain, including part of Alto Paraná and Paranoplatensean Provinces. The Austral Subregion is represented in Argentina by the Subandean-Cuyan and Patagonian Provinces. The present survey indicates that there are about 441 fish species in Argentina, distributed throughout the country; this number represents less than 10% of the total fish species occurring in the Neotropical Region. There is a recognizable trend of faunal impoverishment, both in North-South and East-West direction, reaching its maximum expression in the provinces of Tierra del Fuego (situated at approximately 52º30’S to 55ºS, and 65ºS to 68º50’W) and San Juan (approximately 28º50’S and 67ºW to 70º45’W), which have 4 and 5 fish species respectively. In north-south direction, one of the regional indicators of this phenomenon is the Salado river basin in Buenos Aires province, which constitutes the southern distributional boundary for the majority of the paranoplatensean ichthyofauna; 12 of the families occurring in the Paraná-Plata system are absent from this pauperized paranensean ichthyofaunal assemblage. Most of the continental fish fauna of Argentina belongs to the primary division of Myers (1949), while some elements are included in the secondary division and others in an amphibiotic or ‘marine penetration’ category. This ichthyofaunistic scope encompasses a wide range of morphological, biological, ecological and ethological types (benthic and pelagic, migrating and sedentary, haematophagous or parasites, annual species, inhabitants of plains or heights, estivation-adapted, etc.) inhabiting different regions within the national territory

    Cfd optimization of a net design and seakeeping analysis for an offshore fish cage

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    The present study conducted a comprehensive examination of the design and analysis of an offshore fish cage based on an existing fish cage known as ”shenlan.” The study began with a thorough site selection process, which resulted in the decision to position the fish cage around 20 kilometers from the massachusetts bay shore, at a water depth of 64.6 meters. To optimize the net design, computational fluid dynamics (cfd) simulations were conducted using the tdyn cfd+ht software. Finally, a seakeeping analysis was performed using the tdyn seafem software to assess the fish cage’s motions within acceptable limits

    Análisis del proceso de inclusión de MIPYMES a la política de contratación pública del Ecuador , durante el periodo 2008-2016

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    This article analyzes the inclusion of micro, small and medium enterprises (MIPYMES) in the public procurement policy of Ecuador and the role and interaction of public entities responsible for public procurement with the business sector in the process of inclusion. The year 2008 marked an important milestone in State policy, when the new Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador was issued, the basis for the implementation of a social, 6 solidary and sustainable economic system was established. The model of strengthening the economy and promoting employment considered the inclusion of MIPYMES in public procurement. By the year 2016, after eight years of a complex process of formulation and construction of policies, with successes and failures, the National System of Public Procurement was consolidated. With an inclusive approach, policies and regulations were incorporated that allowed promoting the integration of the MIPYMES to public purchases and established advantageous conditions for market participation and reserve vis-à-vis other segments of the business fabric, largely directing the destinations' resources to the purchase public to the development and strengthening of MIPYMES.El presente artículo hace un análisis sobre la inclusión de las Micro, Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas (MIPYMES) en la política de contratación pública del Ecuador y el rol e interacción de las entidades públicas rectoras de la contratación pública, con el sector empresarial en el proceso de inclusión. El año 2008 marcó un hito importante en la política de Estado, al expedirse la nueva Constitución de la República del Ecuador quedó establecida la base para la implantación de un sistema económico social, solidario y sostenible. El modelo de fortalecimiento de la economía y el fomento del empleo consideró la inclusión de las MIPYMES en las compras públicas. Para el año 2016, transcurridos ocho años de un complejo proceso de formulación y construcción de políticas, con aciertos y desaciertos se consolidó el Sistema Nacional de Contratación Pública. Con un enfoque inclusivo se incorporaron políticas y normas que permitieron fomentar la integración de las MIPYMES a las compras públicas y establecieron condiciones ventajosas para la participación y reserva de mercado frente a otros segmentos del tejido empresarial, dirigiendo en gran medida los recursos destinos a la compra pública al desarrollo y fortalecimiento de las MIPYMES

    Diagnóstico de la infraestructura vial y situación actual de la producción de adoquines vehiculares en el Cantón Montúfar de la Provincia del Carchi

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    En el cantón Montúfar y en la provincia del Carchi, históricamente la industria de la prefabricación de adoquines, para infraestructura vial, es prácticamente nula, situación que se ha visto agravada por la ausencia de minas productoras de materiales pétreos con características adecuadas para la elaboración de estos elementos. Se desarrolla un diagnóstico cuantitativo de la infraestructura vial, tanto en la parte urbana de la ciudad de San Gabriel, (cabecera cantonal y conformada por dos parroquias urbanas), cuanto en los centros poblados de las parroquias rurales del cantón Montúfar de la Provincia del Carchi, determinando los diferentes tipos de materiales utilizados como capa de rodadura, así como la parroquia más atendida con redes viales y el tipo de material predominante. Así mismo, se realiza un diagnóstico cualitativo de la infraestructura vial, en base al recorrido de las vías y consideraciones analizadas, en los sectores antes indicados del cantón Montúfar. Para calcular la cantidad necesaria total actual de adoquinados en el cantón Montúfar, (parte urbana de San Gabriel y centros poblados de las parroquias rurales), se utilizaron criterios de valoración, “inspecciones “in situ” y análisis pertinentes para cada tipo de capa de rodadura y estado actual de las vías de cada parroquia. Finalmente, se hace un estudio aproximado de un proyecto de fábrica que se implementaría en el cantón Montúfar, cuyas características, capacidad de producción, cobertura y un estimado de su rentabilidad se describen en el texto

    A revisited thermal, hydrodynamic, chemical and mechanical model of compacted bentonite for the entire duration of the FEBEX in situ test

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    Versión aceptada de https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clay.2018.02.019[Abstract:] The safety assessment of geological repositories for radioactive waste requires quantifying the geochemical evolution of the engineered clay barriers where thermal (T), hydrodynamic (H), mechanical (M) and chemical (C) phenomena play a major role during the early stages of the repository. Compacted bentonite is one of the components of the engineered barrier system. The FEBEX (Full-scale Engineered Barrier EXperiment) in situ heating and hydration test was performed at the Grimsel underground laboratory (Switzerland) in two operation periods. The 1st period lasted from 1997 to 2002 when heater 1 was switched off and the area around it was dismantled. Heater 2 was turned off and the full test was dismantled in 2015. Here we present a revisited THCM model of the two operation periods of the FEBEX in situ test, which improves the THCM model reported by Zheng et al. (2011) for the 1st operation period by revising the boundary condition at the heater/bentonite interface, refining the spatial discretization of the finite element mesh near the heater, updating the dispersivities of the bentonite and the granite and revisiting the back-diffusion of solutes from the bentonite barrier into the granite. The concentrations of dissolved Cl− computed with the revisited model at the end of the 1st operation period almost coincide with those of the previous model, except near the heater where the concentrations computed with the revisited model are much larger than those of the previous model. Both models provide a similar fit to the pore water concentration data inferred from aqueous extracts because the model differences occur in a band 0.045 m thick near the heater where there are no measured pore water chemical data. Solute back-diffusion from the bentonite pore water to the granite groundwater is not uniform along the FEBEX gallery due to the heterogeneity of the surrounding granitic formation. The revisited model reproduces the trends of the experimental observations of solute back-diffusion by adopting diffusion coefficients of the bentonite and granite larger than those of the simulation run without the solute back-diffusion. The results of the revisited THCM model match the gravimetric water content and dry density data measured at the end of both operation periods in 2002 and 2015 and fit the general trends of the on line data of temperature and volumetric water content in the bentonite and pore water pressure in the granitic rock collected from 2002 to 2015. The predicted concentrations of the dissolved species in 2002 are sensitive to changes in the vapour tortuosity factor and the retention curve of the bentonite, but are less sensitive to smectite dissolution. The predicted concentrations of the dissolved species at the end of the 2nd operation period in 2015 computed with the revisited THCM model are large near the heater and decrease towards the bentonite/granite interface. The concentrations are generally smaller than those computed at the end of the 1st operation period, except for the concentration of dissolved HCO3– which increases due to a calcite dissolution front. The predicted pH at the end of the 2nd operation period is similar to that of the 1st operation period. The concentrations of dissolved Cl− predicted at the end of the 2nd period with the revisited model reproduce the sharp increase of the measured Cl− data near the heater and match the data measured in 5 out of 6 radial distances.The FEBEX-DP Consortium funded the dismantling operation in 2015. The support of the responsible person of the Consortium, Dr. Florian Kober, is greatly acknowledged. Additional funding by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Project CGL2016-78281-R), the FEDER funds (Project CGL2016-78281-R) and the Galician Regional Government (Ref. ED431C 2017/67 from “Consolidación e Estruturación de Unidades de Investigación Competitivas”, Grupos de Referencia Competitiva) are acknowledged. Alba Mon enjoyed a research contract from University of A Coruña. We thank the comments, corrections and suggestions of the two reviewers which contributed to the significant improvement of the paper.Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2017/6

    Fast-Forward Video Based on Semantic Extraction

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    Thanks to the low operational cost and large storage capacity of smartphones and wearable devices, people are recording many hours of daily activities, sport actions and home videos. These videos, also known as egocentric videos, are generally long-running streams with unedited content, which make them boring and visually unpalatable, bringing up the challenge to make egocentric videos more appealing. In this work we propose a novel methodology to compose the new fast-forward video by selecting frames based on semantic information extracted from images. The experiments show that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art as far as semantic information is concerned and that it is also able to produce videos that are more pleasant to be watched.Comment: Accepted for publication and presented in 2016 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP

    Aporte de la meliponicultura a la economia familiar en El Pochote, El Arenal y Nuevo Amanecer, Masatepe, Masaya, 2013

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    Las meliponas son abejas sin aguijón, nativas de América, utilizadas por muchas familias en el medio rural mesoamericano para la obtención de miel y cera, pero también por los múltiples servicios que estos insectos prestan, entre ellos polinización y monitoreo ambiental. El estudio valora el aporte de meliponicultura a la econo mía familiar en las comunidades de El Pochote, El Arenal y Nuevo Amanecer, del municipio de Masatepe, Masaya. Esta investigación es de tipo cualitativa, para recolectar la información se aplicaron entrevistas, grupos focales y estudios de casos con productores y técnicos. Los resultados reflejaron 14 familias que en su conjunto suman 64 colmenas, de las cuales 41% utilizan cajas racionales. La meliponicultura está enfocada únicamente en la producción de miel, con un rendimiento de 0.78 litros por productor. Los ingresos de la venta de miel no cubren las necesidades para la familia, es una actividad incipiente y los conocimientos de manejo productivo son rudimentarios. Los resultados del análisis de margen bruto de Meliponicultura representó un rango de -1.02 % a 7 % del total de ingresos de los productores y contribuye a la economía del 57% de las familias. Actualmente los productores agregan valor a través de la utilización de envases de 35 ml., con lo que mejoran el precio de venta. El acompañamiento técnico de Alianza Comunitaria y su metodología inclusiva y de consenso, centró su trabajo en la formación de capacidades en las personas, con lo que fortalecieron su incidencia en la toma de decisiones, autogestión, y organización por iniciativa propia del grupo de “Meliponicultores Tamagás”.Actualmente el desarrollo comunitario en las comunidades de incidencia es incipiente y los lazos entre organizaciones locales afines a Meliponicultura son débiles, sin embargo, la necesidad en mejorar los niveles técnicos coadyuva a que este esfuerzo sea asumido en colaboración y reciprocidad

    Opiniones de satisfacción en usuarios de farmacias y boticas - Chiclayo. Perú

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general describir las opiniones de satisfacción de usuarios que acuden a farmacias y boticas de Chiclayo. Para ello, se tomó como base la satisfacción del paciente y la atención farmacéutica según el concepto de la Organización Mundial de la Salud - OMS, enfocándonos directamente en la atención farmacéutica recibida, la dispensación del medicamento y el servicio recibido. La investigación fue de tipo cuantitativo con método descriptivo. La población estudiada estuvo conformada por 420 usuarios de farmacias y boticas; utilizándose un cuestionario validado por el Dr. Pedro Armando en su tesis doctoral “desarrollo y validación de cuestionarios de satisfacción de pacientes con los servicios esenciales de atención farmacéutica en farmacias comunitarias". Finalmente, se encontró que el nivel de satisfacción de los usuarios de farmacias y boticas es alto en la ciudad de Chiclayo

    Factores de riesgo de mortalidad neonatal en prematuros menores de 32 semanas en el hospital Belén de Trujillo periodo 2012 - 2015

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    Determinar si la sepsis neonatal, hemorragia intraventricular, enfermedad de membrana hialina, cardiopatía congénita, muy bajo peso al nacer, extremo bajo peso al nacer y vía de parto vaginal son factores de riesgo de mortalidad neonatal en recién nacidos prematuros menores de 32 semanas en el Hospital Belen de Trujillo. Material y Métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio retrospectivo observacional de casos y controles. La población de estudio estuvo constituida por 240 neonatos según criterios de inclusión y exclusión, establecidos y distribuidos en dos grupos: con mortalidad neonatal y sin mortalidad neonatal. Resultados: El análisis estadístico sobre las variables en estudio como factores de riesgo fue: sepsis neonatal (OR 1,41; IC: 0.69 – 2.89; p>0.05), Hemorragia intraventricular (OR: 3,25; IC: 1.63 – 6.46; p<0.05), enfermedad de membrana hialina (OR: 11,54; IC: 3.48 – 38.28; p<0.05), cardiopatía congénita (OR: 0.86; IC: 0,43 – 1.71), muy bajo peso al nacer (OR: 0,15; IC: 0.08 – 0.30; p<0.05), extremo bajo peso al nacer (OR: 7.09; IC: 3,72 - 13.51; p<0.05) y via de Parto vaginal (OR: 1,88; IC: 1.03 – 3.42; p<0.05). En el análisis multivariado se encontró signficancia estadística en las variables hemorragia intraventricular (p< 0.05; IC: 1.20 – 6.26), enfermedad de membrana hialina (p<0.001; IC: 3.36 – 67.79), extremo bajo peso al nacer (p<0.01; IC: 3.36 – 14.04) y parto vaginal (p<0.05; IC: 1.07 – 4.47). Conclusiones: La hemorragia intraventricular, la enfermedad de membrana hialina, el extremo bajo peso al nacer y la vía de parto vaginal son factores de riesgo de mortalidad neonatal en prematuros menores de 32 semanas en el Hospital Belen de Trujillo.To determine whether neonatal sepsis, intraventricular hemorrhage, hyaline membrane disease, congenital heart disease, very low birth weight, extreme low birth weight and vaginal delivery are risk factors for neonatal mortality in preterm infants less than 32 weeks Belen Hospital in Trujillo. Material and Methods: An observational retrospective study of cases and controls were carried out. The study population consisted of 240 neonates according to inclusion and exclusion criteria established and divided into two groups: with neonatal mortality and neonatal mortality without. Results: The statistical analysis of the variables studied as risk factors were: neonatal sepsis (OR 1.41, CI 0.69 - 2.89; p> 0.05), intraventricular hemorrhage (OR: 3.25, CI: 1.63 - 6.46; p <0.05), hyaline membrane disease (OR: 11.54, CI 3.48 - 38.28; p <0.05), congenital heart disease (OR: 0.86, CI 0.43 - 1.71), very low birth weight (OR : 0.15, CI: 0.08 - 0.30; p <0.05), extreme low birth weight (OR: 7.09, CI 3.72 - 13.51; p <0.05) and vaginal delivery (OR: 1.88; CI: 1.03 - 3.42; p <0.05). In multivariate analysis statistical significance was found in Intraventricular hemorrhage (p <0.05, CI 1.20 - 6.26), Hyaline membrane disease (p <0.001; CI: 3.36 - 67.79), Extreme low birth weight (p <0.01 CI: 3.36 - 14.04) and vaginal delivery (p <0.05, CI 1.07 - 4.47). Conclusions: Intraventricular hemorrhage, hyaline membrane disease, the extreme low birth weight and vaginal delivery are risk factors for neonatal mortality in infants less than 32 weeks at the Belen Hospital in Trujillo