398 research outputs found

    Impact of the Information and Communication Technologies on the Education of Students with Down Syndrome: a Bibliometric Study (2008- 2018)

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    This article analyzes the impact of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on students with Down syndrome through the consult of scientific articles published during the 2008 to 2018 period, in five scientific journal databases utilized in the academic world. Through a descriptive and quantitative methodology, the most significant bibliometric data according to citation index is shown. Likewise, a methodology based on the analysis of co-words and clustering techniques is applied through a bibliometric maps, in order to determine the fields of scientific study. The results show that articles published have a medium-low index of impact. There are linked with the importance of using ICT with these students, from educational inclusion and accessibility perspective

    Livelihood strategies of cacao producers in Ecuador: Effects of national policies to support cacao farmers and specialty cacao landraces

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    This study identifies the livelihood strategies pursued by small cacao farmers in the Guayas coastal region inEcuador, where two distinct cacao varieties are grown: thefineflavor variety, Cacao Nacional (CN), and a hybridvariety (CCN-51). Enhancing CN production is regarded as an economic development strategy since CN varietybeans are characterized by premium prices in international markets. This study aims to assess the trade-offsfaced by small cacao producers in the production of specialty (CN) vs. commodity (CCN-51) cacao and how theyaffect their livelihoods. A detailed household survey sampled 188 households. Based on activity variables, fourlatent profiles of livelihood strategies were identified, which were related to capital asset endowment and in-come share variables. The results show that there was not a clear gap between cultivation of CN and CCN-51, as60% of the sampled households simultaneously grew both varieties. The results indicate that the variable“shareof land allocated to CN”does not significantly contribute to discriminating among profiles. Households with alow share of land allocated to CCN-51 showed higher income diversification strategies and vice versa. Our studyalso shows that the lack of appropriate incentives may threaten the future cultivation of CN since the Nationalpolicy for CN rehabilitation has had little impact on the more cacao-driven profiles that have a lower assetendowment. The design, structuring and maintenance of a domestic differentiated value chain for the CNvariety, together with income diversification measures and prior improvement on the asset endowment of theseprofiles, seems to be the pathway to improve the livelihoods of small farmers and increase the success of thecurrent policy forfineflavor cacao rehabilitation at the national levelinfo:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Livelihood strategies of cacao producers in Ecuador: Effects of national policies to support cacao farmers and specialty cacao landraces

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    This study identifies the livelihood strategies pursued by small cacao farmers in the Guayas coastal region inEcuador, where two distinct cacao varieties are grown: thefineflavor variety, Cacao Nacional (CN), and a hybridvariety (CCN-51). Enhancing CN production is regarded as an economic development strategy since CN varietybeans are characterized by premium prices in international markets. This study aims to assess the trade-offsfaced by small cacao producers in the production of specialty (CN) vs. commodity (CCN-51) cacao and how theyaffect their livelihoods. A detailed household survey sampled 188 households. Based on activity variables, fourlatent profiles of livelihood strategies were identified, which were related to capital asset endowment and in-come share variables. The results show that there was not a clear gap between cultivation of CN and CCN-51, as60% of the sampled households simultaneously grew both varieties. The results indicate that the variable“shareof land allocated to CN”does not significantly contribute to discriminating among profiles. Households with alow share of land allocated to CCN-51 showed higher income diversification strategies and vice versa. Our studyalso shows that the lack of appropriate incentives may threaten the future cultivation of CN since the Nationalpolicy for CN rehabilitation has had little impact on the more cacao-driven profiles that have a lower assetendowment. The design, structuring and maintenance of a domestic differentiated value chain for the CNvariety, together with income diversification measures and prior improvement on the asset endowment of theseprofiles, seems to be the pathway to improve the livelihoods of small farmers and increase the success of thecurrent policy forfineflavor cacao rehabilitation at the national levelinfo:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    La inconsistencia del artículo 17 de la Ley de la Renta y los problemas en el gasto tributario

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    Este estudio realiza un análisis sistemático del origen y del alcance que el legislador quiso darle al concepto de ingreso no renta, y que en la actualidad se encuentra en el artículo 17 del Decreto Ley N° 824, Ley de la Renta, así como la coherencia entre este concepto y el concepto de ingreso renta del artículo 2 del mismo cuerpo legal. La utilidad de este estudio, será entregar las razones que llevaron al nacimiento de esta norma a través de la entrega de antecedentes que permitirán un mejor análisis a las personas que se encuentran por primera vez con su estudio y/o con su aplicación en términos técnicos, además de permitirnos ponderar la relevancia de este hecho para las cuentas fiscales de nuestro país. En el análisis podremos encontrar varias de las exenciones contempladas en distinto cuerpos legales dándonos a entender que la génesis de los ingresos no renta, fue más bien una compensación de las exenciones anteriormente existentes, más que un análisis exhaustivo de cada uno de ellos y su coherencia con el concepto de ingreso renta de la misma ley. Para ejemplificar la relevancia de este concepto, abordamos y analizamos el Caso Dávila, la importancia que la sentencia de la Excma. Corte Suprema otorga al artículo 17, el cual es tomado como referencia para definir que los ingresos producto de actos ilícitos al no estar definidos en el artículo 17, deben ser calificados como ingreso renta y por lo tanto tributar por ello. Concluiremos que el artículo 17 de la Ley de la Renta fue incorporado bajo la modalidad de ingresos no rentas para mantener el beneficios de no declaración de ciertas rentas, como era lo que sucedía con las rentas exentas antes de la incorporación del concepto de progresividad de la Ley Nº15.564 y sugerimos para subsanar y mejorar el artículo 17 las siguientes acciones: a) Cambiar el título del artículo 17 por “Rentas Totalmente Liberadas de Tributación”. b) En formulario 22 establecer una línea especial del monto de rentas totalmente liberadas de tributación de manera de contar con información que permita dimensionar y evaluar el monto global de los gastos tributarios analizados

    Are primary education teachers trained for the use of the technology with disabled students?

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    Incorporating information and communication technology (ICT) in inclusive class‑ rooms requires competent teachers, both technological and pedagogical. To contrast these theoretical assumptions, this study aims to identify the level of training and technical knowledge of primary school teachers in Spain regarding the use of ICTs for supporting students with special needs. The research methodology used was a mixed research design (quantitative and qualitative method), analysing 777 questionnaires supplied to primary school teachers and 723 interviews conducted with key inform‑ ants (members of management teams, ICT coordinators, directors and technological advisors of teacher training centres). The results informed teachers’ knowledge about ICT and disability and barriers or obstacles to their training. Among the conclusions, teachers’ inadequate training regarding ICTs for students with special needs stands out and the lack of training experiences in this feld

    Three-dimensional finite element modelling of stack pollutant emissions

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    In this paper we propose a finite element method approach formodelling the air quality in a local scale over complex terrain. The area of interest is up to tens of kilometres and it includes pollutant sources. The proposed methodology involves the generation of an adaptive tetrahedral mesh, the computation of an ambient wind field, the inclusion of the plume rise effect in the wind field, and the simulation of transport and reaction of pollutants. The methodology is used to simulate a fictitious pollution episode in La Palma island (Canary Island, Spain).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A Bias-adjusted three-step approach for analysing the livelihood strategies and the asset mix of cocoa producers in Ecuador

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    This study applies the Bias-Adjusted Three-Step approach with covariate and distal outcomes for identify the livelihood strategies pursued by small cacao farmers in the Guayas coastal region in Ecuador, where two distinct cacao varieties are grown: the fine flavor variety, cacao Nacional (CN) and a hybrid variety (CCN-51). A detailed household survey sampled 188 households. Four latent profiles of livelihood strategies were identified based on activity variables; these were related to capital assets used as covariate and income share variables used as distal outcomesPostprint (published version

    Use of Augmented Reality for Students with Educational Needs: A Systematic Review (2016–2021)

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    In recent years, interest in applying Augmented Reality technology as a teaching/learning resource in education has increased. However, few studies focus on the possibilities and challenges of these tools to support learners with educational needs. In this review, we aggregate the current knowledge of how Augmented Reality technologies are applicable and their impact on the learning of students with educational needs considering the above-mentioned factors. In total, 18 studies indexed in the Scopus and Web of Science databases were analysed. The main findings of this review provide the current state of Augmented Reality research in special education and show positive results in the learning of students with educational needs.Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness PID2019-108230RB-I0

    Implementación de un modelo de dirección organizacional dentro de una empresa dedicada a la asesoría y organización de eventos empresariales y/o negocios.

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    Este trabajo evalúa, el comportamiento tanto organizacional, como económico, durante los últimos tres ejercicios, el cual, refleja en sus Estados Financieros ganancias a los accionistas después de cumplir con los trabajadores y el Estado. En este sentido, se propone un modelo de dirección organizacional para que potencialice sus resultados y el retorno de la inversión sea de acuerdo a lo esperado por los accionistas. El plan de trabajo es exploratorio, porque parte de una evaluación donde se va a identificar, formular e inferir modelos para perfeccionar las habilidades administrativas financieras a través de matrices cualitativas, de esta forma, se establece un modelo de dirección dentro del sistema “empresa’, y se utilizó un plan de mejora frente al “obstáculo” que se tiene con las expectativas de los accionistas; con ello se encuentra un punto de congruencia entre lo esperado por los accionista y el servicio a los clientes. Por lo cual, se ha demostrado paso a paso los cambios planteados en el modelo de dirección recomendado, orientado en mejorar la productividad, eficiencia, eficacia, oportunidad y gestión, de los recursos y así alcanzar la permanencia en el mercado como una compañía líder, innovadora y competitiva. Por lo consiguiente, luego de analizar a la organización y los aspectos financieros, se concluye que es viable, ya que resalta las fortalezas de la empresa para mejorar los procesos implícitos en la actividad que desarrolla, con lo que se demuestra que con estas condiciones la compañía optimiza sus recursos y alcanza las expectativas de los accionistas

    Transferencia electrónica fotoinducida basada en aceptores tipo N-Óxidos de Isoquinolinas: procesos oxidativos radicalarios y operadores lógicos moleculares

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    Estudio de la transferencia electrónica fotoinducida en una serie de sistemas Dador-Espaciador-Aceptor (D-S-A). Estos sistemas están involucrados en una seried de procesos fotofísicos y fotoquímicos que incluyen emisión y quencheo de fluorescencia así como rotura y formación de enlaces. La interacción de estos sistemas con distintas especies químicas producen cambios de emisión de fluorescencia que pueden estudiarse desde la lógica Booleana y definirse como distintas puertas lógicas moleculares