2,815 research outputs found

    Brazilian funk as the herald of a new social order: a semiotic analysis of the internet music video “Beijinho no ombro” and its reception in social media

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    The present article aims to analyze the music video “Beijinho no ombro” – a major Brazilian social media phenomenon that reached more than 9 million Youtube views in 3 months in 2014 –, discussing both the processes by which homologies between categories of expression and content are established – the so called Hjelmslev’s “commutations” – and suspended – the Danish linguist’s concept of “syncretism” (Hjelmslev, 2003) – in the audiovisual text, and the effects of meaning created thereby. The analytical treatment assimilates also some of Éric Landowski’s contributions to the discussions about the intersubjective interactions regimes (Landowski, 1997, 2006) and their impact on the study of the socalled states of soul deeply developed by Greimas and Fontanille in their Sémiotique des passions (Greimas & Fontanille, 1993). The object analysis intends moreover to illustrate a methodological approach proposed by the author and that may be applied to various corpora regarding the audiovisual repertory. Such an approach, a natural extension of Greimas’ treatment of the plane of content and Floch’s developments into the plane of expression (Floch, 1984, 1993), offers as a contribution the proposition of a methodology that, departing from the figures of expression and their homologations and semi-symbolic relations with categories of content, will then detect their projections in each one of the three levels of the generative path. Thus, not only the role of the means of manifestation in the process of generation of effects of meaning can be better evaluated, but also the possibilities of a generative approach that includes the textual structures – rather than the explicit exclusion that appears in the Dictionary of semiotics (Greimas & Courtés, 1991:208) – can be further discussed.O presente artigo tem por objetivo analisar o clipe de “Beijinho no ombro” — um grande sucesso brasileiro nas redes sociais que alcançou, em três meses, mais de nove milhões de visualizações no YouTube em 2014 — discutindo tanto os processos pelos quais estabelecem-se homologias entre categorias do expressão e do conteúdo — as assim chamadas comutações de Hjelmslev — e suspensões — o conceito de “sincretismo” do linguista dinamarquês (Hjelmslev, 2003) — no texto audiovisual, e os efeitos de sentido criados dessa forma. O tratamento analítico assimila algumas das contribuições de Eric Landowski para as discussões sobre os regimes de interação intersubjetivos (Landowski, 1997, 2006) e seu impacto no estudo dos assim chamados estados de alma, desenvolvidos com profundidade por Greimas e Fontanille em seu Semiótica das paixões (Greimas; Fontanille, 1993). O objeto de análise visa, além dissop, ilustrar a abordagem metodológica proposta pelo autor e que pode ser aplicada a vários corpora considerando o repertório audiovisual. Tal abordagem, uma extensão natural do tratamento greimasiano do plano do conteúdo e dos desenvolvimentos de Floch para o plano da expressão, oferece como contribuição a proposta de uma metodologia que, partindo das figuras de expressão e de suas homologações e relações semissimbólicas com as categorias do conteúdo, detectará então as projeções em cada um dos três níveis do percurso gerativo. Assim, não apenas o papel dos meios de manifestação no processo de geração de efeitos de sentido pode ser melhor avaliado, mas também as possibilidades de uma abordagem gerativa que inclui as estruturas textuais — mais do que a exclusão explícita que aparece no Dicionário de Semiótica (Greimas; Courtés, 1991: 208) — podem ser discutidas

    Our Virtual Existence: the Eternity is here!

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    What characterizes the existence of a person? The fact that it has a blood and flesh body, the actions and goals achieved during is life, or both? Like we all have a real existence, we propose to create a virtual existence for each one of us. Like our real life, our virtual life would have knowledge of our goals and desires in all areas. Like our real life, our virtual life would have autonomy. It would know all about us, our ID number and data, our IRSinformation, our health information, and so on. The "real I" should be able to define the preferences and goals of the "virtual I". Those preferences and goals should be possible to change along our life. It should be able to pursue those goals in our behalf. It should be able to learn, interact and adapt to the virtual environment, like our "real I" has to learn, interact and adapt tothe real environment. Our "virtual I" should exist, of course, in a virtual space: the Internet. It should seek our goals and preferences, inform and give advices to the "real I". It should be able to communicate all this to us through our home PC, our mobile phone, PDA, and so on. We should be able to carry our "virtual I", if we wish, with everything about us, in our mobiledevice or in a flash pen. Because it knows everything about us, itshould be able to represent us in the restaurant information system, in the IRS information system, in the health information system, in the Bank information system, and so on. Say goodbye to ID cards, driving licenses, passports, and so on. Our "virtual I" will represent us to the police and immigration officer. When our "real I" dies our "virtual I" can continue to live, representing and pursuing our goals. Our family and friends can continue to talk with us, through our "virtual I". - The eternity is here!What characterizes the existence of a person? The fact that it has a blood and flesh body, the actions and goals achieved during is life, or both? Like we all have a real existence, we propose to create a virtual existence for each one of us. Like our real life, our virtual life would have knowledge of our goals and desires in all areas. Like our real life, our virtual life would have autonomy. It would know all about us, our ID number and data, our IRSinformation, our health information, and so on. The "real I" should be able to define the preferences and goals of the "virtual I". Those preferences and goals should be possible to change along our life. It should be able to pursue those goals in our behalf. It should be able to learn, interact and adapt to the virtual environment, like our "real I" has to learn, interact and adapt tothe real environment. Our "virtual I" should exist, of course, in a virtual space: the Internet. It should seek our goals and preferences, inform and give advices to the "real I". It should be able to communicate all this to us through our home PC, our mobile phone, PDA, and so on. We should be able to carry our "virtual I", if we wish, with everything about us, in our mobiledevice or in a flash pen. Because it knows everything about us, itshould be able to represent us in the restaurant information system, in the IRS information system, in the health information system, in the Bank information system, and so on. Say goodbye to ID cards, driving licenses, passports, and so on. Our "virtual I" will represent us to the police and immigration officer. When our "real I" dies our "virtual I" can continue to live, representing and pursuing our goals. Our family and friends can continue to talk with us, through our "virtual I". - The eternity is here

    Project Portfolio Management: an exploratory study on the challenges of its implementation and results

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    Os principais conceitos de gerenciamento de portfolio de projetos (PPM - Project Portfolio Management) ainda têm pouca penetração nas empresas. Apesar do desenvolvimento acadêmico, as técnicas de PPM são novas para as organizações, particularmente no Brasil, onde este tema ainda é emergente, dado que os primeiros estudos foram realizados no início da década de 90 e vêm se tornando mais frequentes na década atual. Dada a lacuna de dados empíricos sobre a implementação do PPM e de seus resultados, este artigo visa investigar as principais práticas de PPM adotadas, o estágio de implementação e a relação entre as práticas e os resultados obtidos. Neste artigo foi realizado um levantamento exploratório, com 31 respondentes de diferentes organizações. Os principais resultados deste estudo indicam que o PPM ainda é pouco presente nas organizações e, quando é, não apresenta medidas claras dos resultados obtidos com este processo.The main concepts of project portfolio management, or just PPM, are not widely spread through organizations, especially in project the area. In spite of the academic development, PPM techniques are new for most of the companies, mainly in Brazil where this is an emergent topic since it started in the 90,s but it has grown fast in the current decade. Due to the lack of empirical data about PPM implementation and its results, this paper aims to identify the main PPM practices adopted, its implementation stages, and the relationship between those practices and the obtained benefits. This study presents an exploratory survey completed by 31 respondents, who are executives from different organizations. The main research results indicate that PPM is still rarely present in organizations and, whenever it is present, it does not show clear results.Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)CNPqProcad de Universa

    MCW: taking the future into one’s hands

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    This case presents a decision set regarding the future of a real family business, whose CEO is getting closer to retirement and desires to establish a logical and effective succession plan. Written from Eduardo Pinheiro’s perspective, a consultant hired by the company CEO, the case depicts Carlos Vieira’s need to think about the future of the company, considering nonconsensual alternatives, which can become a great success or an unexpected loss. The case intends to illustrate succession planning, the complexity of decision-making processes in family firms and the role of emotions. A teaching note is included to guide the use of the case in a classroom environment. It includes complementing readings and discussion questions with possible answers intended to improve the learning process

    Activity schedule and foraging in Protopolybia sedula (Hymenoptera, Vespidae)

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    Protopolybia sedula is a social swarming wasp, widely spread throughout many countries in the Americas, including most of Brazil. Despite its distribution, studies of its behavioral ecology are scarce. This study aimed to describe its foraging activity and relation to climatic variables in the city of Juiz de Fora in southeastern Brazil. Three colonies were under observation between 07:00 and 18:00 during April 2012, January 2013, and March 2013. Every 30 minutes, the number of foragers leaving and returning to the colony was registered along with air temperature and relative humidity. Activity began around 07:30¸ increased between 10:30 and 14:30, and ended around 18:30. A mean of 52.7 exits and 54 returns were measured every 30 minutes. The daily mean values were 1,107 ± 510.6 exits and 1,135 ± 854.8 returns. Only one colony showed a significant correlation between forager exits and temperature (rs = 0.8055; P \u3c 0.0001) and between exits and relative humidity (rs = -0.7441; P = 0.0001). This paper shows that climatic variables are likely to have little control on the foraging rhythm of P. sedula when compared to other species, suggesting the interaction of other external and internal factors as stimuli of species foraging behavio

    The role of information systems in achieving the sustainable development goals : an overview of established and emerging technologies for development

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Marketing IntelligenceThe Sustainable Development Goals initiative is one of the most significant Global Development programs created by the United Nations for the future. It is both the result and the continuation of a successful anti-poverty movement called Millennium Development Goals, implemented in the year 2000. At a time of transition marked by the post-2015 agenda for Development, new questions and problems have arisen and new challenges have been set in order to keep track of Sustainable Development. Information Systems and technology are among the key elements behind these Global Agenda Programmes, since they are rightly seen as enablers of Sustainable Development. The aim of this study was to understand what the role of technology might be in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals according to literature and field experts, providing a framework that can be used for discussion in a 2015 post-agenda context

    Rastreamento do câncer do colo uterino

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    Esta webaula teve como objetivo apresentar o protocolo de rastreamento do câncer do colo uterino do Ministério da Saúde-2016 e as condutas diante dos possíveis laudos do exame citopatológico