5,573 research outputs found

    Promoting Physical Exercise Participation: The Role of Interpersonal Behaviors for Practical Implications

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    he number of people engaging in physical exercise has been decreasing every year. These behaviors are known to be related with non-communicable chronic diseases and to drastically increase premature morbidity and mortality. Since “the lack of motivation” has been pointed out as one of the main reasons for not engaging in physical exercise, several theoretical and empirical studies have been conducted aimed at understanding what influences behavior regulation. According to literature, gym exercisers who perceive exercise instructors as supportive are more likely to maintain physical exercise participation over the long-run. Supporting autonomy, competence, and relatedness should be carefully considered when interacting with health club clients as a way to promote more autonomous motivation. Overall, it seems that exercise instructors should foster a supportive environment for gym exercisers, in order to encourage exercise as a habitual behavior.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Resultados da primeira campanha de escavação na Anta dos Currais do Galhordas (Castelo de Vide - Centro Leste de Portugal) : breve síntese

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    A Anta dos Currais do Galhordas é um monumento megalítico composto por câmara poligonal, corredore mamoa. A primeira campanha de escavação permitiu identificar vários aspectos relacionados com a sua arquitectura; permitiu igualmente a recolha de diversos artefactos, nomeadamente em pedra lascada (raros) e em pedra polida, placas de xisto (uma lisa e uma gravada) e vasos cerâmicos. No âmbito do estudo destes últimos procedeu-se à análise do conteúdo de três recipientes através de cromatografia gasosa com detecção por massa.Alguns dos recipientes cerâmicos exumados relacionam a anta com uma cronologia que deverá estar próxima da transição do IV para o III milénio cal. BC. Não se exclui, no entanto, a possibilidade da sua construção ser anterior a esta fase, o que terá de ser verificado através de datações absolutas pelo radiocarbono. Outros recipientes sugerem reutilizações mais tardias (Idade do Bronze).Anta dos Currais do Galhordas is a megalithic passage tomb complete with mound and a chamber of polygonal plan. The first season of excavation has identified several of the building techniques that were employed in its construction; and recovered associated artefacts such as flaked (rare) and polished stone-tools, engraved and non-engraved slate plaques, and pottery. Three vessels have been sent for content analysis by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. Absolute dating is not yet available, but some of the pottery suggests that the monument was built between the end of the 4th millennium cal. BC and the beginning of the 3rd millennium cal. BC. However, an earlier chronology is also accepted. Other vases document more recent burials (Bronze age)

    Full-Duplex Relaying in MIMO-OFDM Frequency-Selective Channels with Optimal Adaptive Filtering

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    In-band full-duplex transmission allows a relay station to theoretically double its spectral efficiency by simultaneously receiving and transmitting in the same frequency band, when compared to the traditional half-duplex or out-of-band full-duplex counterpart. Consequently, the induced self-interference suffered by the relay may reach considerable power levels, which decreases the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) in a decode-and-forward (DF) relay, leading to a degradation of the relay performance. This paper presents a technique to cope with the problem of self-interference in broadband multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) relays. The proposed method uses a time-domain cancellation in a DF relay, where a replica of the interfering signal is created with the help of a recursive least squares (RLS) algorithm that estimates the interference frequency-selective channel. Its convergence mean time is shown to be negligible by simulation results, when compared to the length of a typical orthogonal-frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) sequences. Moreover, the bit-error-rate (BER) and the SINR in a OFDM transmission are evaluated, confirming that the proposed method extends significantly the range of self-interference power to which the relay is resilient to, when compared with other mitigation schemes

    A etnomatemática no encontro entre práticas e saberes: convergências, tensões e negociação de sentidos

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    A proposta desse texto é apresentar debate em torno noção de diálogo mobilizado nos estudos da Etnomatemática, em especial aqueles que buscam relações com a teoria crítica do currículo. Partimos do pressuposto de que noções de diálogo têm permeado os trabalhos sobre o currículo, provenientes das perspectivas da Etnomatemática e da Teoria Crítica, quando se abordam as relações que podem ser estabelecidas no encontro entre diferentes práticas e saberes no espaço escolar. Assim, discutimos as implicações, para o campo da etnomatemática quando se pensa o diálogo nas perspectivas: Freiriana e do círculo de Bakhtin. Diante disso, entendemos ser necessário discutir as diferentes formas de apropriação e uso do termo diálogo no campo da educação e em especial no campo da Etnomatemática. Procuramos apresentar uma discussão dessa noção, a partir da perspectiva de dialogia apresentada nos estudos bakhtinianos, para além de perspectivas que possam entender o diálogo como uma forma de relação harmoniosa, de acordo ou interação simétrica, acenando para uma visão mais complexa que envolve tensão e negociação de sentidos nesses processos dialógicos

    Optimal control of a dengue epidemic model with vaccination

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    We present a SIR+ASI epidemic model to describe the interaction between human and dengue fever mosquito populations. A control strategy in the form of vaccination, to decrease the number of infected individuals, is used. An optimal control approach is applied in order to find the best way to fight the disease.Comment: This is a preprint of a paper accepted for presentation at ICNAAM 2011, Halkidiki, Greece, 19-25 September 2011, and to appear in AIP Conference Proceedings, volume 138

    Recomendação de conteúdos : aplicação de agrupamento distribuído a conteúdos de TV

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Modeling and Optimal Control Applied to a Vector Borne Disease

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    A model with six mutually-exclusive compartments related to Dengue disease is presented. In this model there are three vector control tools: insecticides (larvicide and adulticide) and mechanical control. The problem is studied using an Optimal Control (OC) approach. The human data for the model is based on the Cape Verde Dengue outbreak. Some control measures are simulated and their consequences analyzed

    The effects of product market reforms In Portugal: a more productive, more efficient and more resilient economy?

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    This paper assesses the short-term impact of product market deregulation in upstream sectors on the productivity of firms in downstream sectors (i.e. those firms using the output of the reformed sectors as inputs in their production process). Relying on a firm level database for the period 2004-2014 covering all Portuguese firms, we show that the most productive firms (those at the sectoral technological frontier) grasp short-run benefits from these reforms, which are then spread to all other firms via spillover mechanisms. In addition, reforms potentiate the exit of the least productive firms, improving the resource allocation in the economy. Finally, we show that the adoption of product market reforms in upstream sectors leads to a more resilient economy, better equipped to face adverse shocks