11 research outputs found

    Water content of pomegranate seeds subjected to storage and packaging periods

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    The worldwide demand for unconventional fruits, such as pomegranate (Punica granatum L.), has been growing due to their nutraceutical characteristics. Given the social and industrial importance of the crop, information about the seed storage conditions should be elucidated to technify its cultivation. The objective of this work was to evaluate, by determining the water content, the behavior of pomegranate seeds when stored in different periods and packages. The seeds were separated into 2 lots: seeds with sarcotesta and for another lot, seeds without sarcotesta. The storage periods used were: 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 days, in 3 types of packaging (polyethylene, paper bags and glass bottles), which were stored in BOD at 5±0.2ºC and relative humidity 35±2%. After storage periods, the seed water content was evaluated. Throughout storage periods, polyethylene containers reduced the water content of seeds with and without sarcotesta. Paper bags did not preserve the water content of both types of pomegranate seeds. The water content of pomegranate seeds with and without sarcotesta was better conserved when glass containers were used for storage.The worldwide demand for unconventional fruits, such as pomegranate (Punica granatum L.), has been growing due to their nutraceutical characteristics. Given the social and industrial importance of the crop, information about the seed storage conditions should be elucidated to technify its cultivation. The objective of this work was to evaluate, by determining the water content, the behavior of pomegranate seeds when stored in different periods and packages. The seeds were separated into 2 lots: seeds with sarcotesta and for another lot, seeds without sarcotesta. The storage periods used were: 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 days, in 3 types of packaging (polyethylene, paper bags and glass bottles), which were stored in BOD at 5±0.2ºC and relative humidity 35±2%. After storage periods, the seed water content was evaluated. Throughout storage periods, polyethylene containers reduced the water content of seeds with and without sarcotesta. Paper bags did not preserve the water content of both types of pomegranate seeds. The water content of pomegranate seeds with and without sarcotesta was better conserved when glass containers were used for storage

    Errata do Artigo: Desenvolvimento inicial de plantas de noni cultivadas em diferentes substratos

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    No artigo “Desenvolvimento inicial de plantas de noni cultivadas em diferentes substratos”, os autores relataram que, esqueceram o nome de um co-autor: Regina Maria Monteiro de Castilho

    Influencia de la escarificación y el ácido giberélico en la dormancia y germinación de semillas de granada

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    Contextualization: Due to the importance of pomegranate among fruit species, studies on the physiology of its seeds and the production of seedlings are essential for the expansion of commercial orchards. Knowledge gap: With the portrayed importance of this crop and its use in various sectors, such as agro-industrial and pharmaceutical products, the development of continuous and straightforward propagation techniques that provide a uniform seedling development will provide favorable conditions for the cultivation and exploitation of the species, improving its use and boosting new research.  Purpose: To evaluate the effect of scarification and immersion in gibberellic acid on the dormancy of pomegranate seeds, aiming at accelerating the emergence and improving the initial growth of seedlings. Methodology: The sarcotesta was removed and the seeds were scarified. The treatments consisted of a scarified control, a non-scarified control (seeds with and without scarification), and seeds subjected to the concentrations of 500 mg L-1, 1,000 mg L-1, and 1,500 mg L-1 of GA3. The following variables were evaluated: initial emergence, emergence percentage, mean emergence time, leaf number, stem diameter, shoot length, root length, and total dry matter. Results and conclusions: The pomegranate cv. Valencian seeds do not have tegument-related dormancy. In order to favor the emergence percentage and the initial growth of pomegranate seedlings, mechanical scarification and immersion of the seeds in GA3 are dispensed. Scarification and immersion of pomegranate seeds in 500 mg L-1 of GA3 are recommended to produce seedlings in a shorter time.Contextualización: debido a la importancia de la granada en los árboles frutales, los estudios sobre la fisiología de las semillas y la producción de plántulas son esenciales para la expansión de los huertos comerciales. Vacío de conocimiento: considerando la importancia de este cultivo y su uso en diversos sectores, como el agroindustrial y el farmacéutico, el uso de técnicas de propagación simples y continuas que permiten un desarrollo uniforme de las plántulas proporcionará las condiciones favorables para el cultivo y la explotación de la especie, mejorar su uso e impulsar nuevas investigaciones.  Propósito del estudio: evaluar el efecto de la escarificación y la inmersión en ácido giberélico en la fase de latencia de las semillas de granada, a fin de acelerar la aparición y mejorar el crecimiento inicial de las plántulas. Metodología: se retiró la sarcotesta y se escarificaron las semillas. Los tratamientos consistieron en testigo y control (semillas con y sin escarificación) y concentraciones, 500 mg L-1, 1000 mg L-1 y 1500 mg L-1 de GA3. Se evaluaron las siguientes variables: la emergencia inicial, el porcentaje de emergencia, el tiempo medio de emergencia, el número de hojas, el diámetro del tallo, la longitud del brote, la longitud de la raíz y la materia seca total. Resultados y conclusiones: las semillas de granada cv. valenciana no tienen dormancia relacionada con el tegumento. Para favorecer el porcentaje de emergencia y el crecimiento inicial de las plántulas de granada, se prescinde de la escarificación mecánica y de la inmersión de las semillas en GA3. Se recomienda la escarificación y la inmersión de las semillas de granada en 500 mg L-1 de GA3 para obtener las plántulas en menos tiempo

    Desenvolvimento inicial de plantas de noni cultivadas em diferentes substratos

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    O noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) é uma espécie de grande importância medicinal que possui ampla distribuição pelo mundo. Suas propriedades fitoterápicas englobam dentre várias utilidades, o tratamento de diabetes, hipertensão, alergias, depressão e câncer. Apesar do sucesso da planta, ainda são escassas as informações a respeito de suas características agronômicas no Brasil e com isso, a produção de mudas de qualidade, torna-se um desafio. Neste sentido, objetivou-se com o presente trabalho, avaliar os efeitos de composições de substratos na produção de mudas de noni. O experimento foi desenvolvido em casa de vegetação (Pad&Fan) da UNESP, Câmpus de Ilha Solteira - SP, no período de 16 de setembro a 16 de dezembro de 2014, sendo o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, composto por 4 tratamentos com 6 repetições de 4 plantas. Os substratos utilizados foram: S1 - solo + areia (1:1); S2 - solo + areia + matéria orgânica (1:1:1); S3 - solo + matéria orgânica (1:1); S4 - solo + areia (1:1) + Osmocote® 15-09-12 (4,0 g L-1). Avaliou-se: comprimento de parte aérea (CPA), diâmetro de caule (DC), relação comprimento de parte aérea/diâmetro de caule (RCPA/DC) e índice SPAD. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância e regressão utilizando o programa SISVAR 5.3 para análise dos dados e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey a 5 % de probabilidade. Concluiu-se que o melhor substrato para a formação de mudas de noni foi substrato S4, pois proporcionou maior CPA, DC, índice SPAD e valores ideais para RCPA/DC

    Nodal segments and zygotic embryos in culture media for the in vitro propagation of tamarind

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    There has been a lack of research on the propagation methods of tamarind, hindering the availability and supply of its products. Considering the nutraceutical potential of tamarind and the long-time required to initiate production, this study aimed to evaluate the establishment of nodal segments and the germination of in vitro zygotic embryos of tamarind plants in culture media, salt concentrations, and activated charcoal, aiming at the establishment of an in vitro propagation protocol. For this purpose, MS and WPM media with 25, 50, 75 and 100% salt concentrations were used both with and without activated charcoal (2 g L-1) for the inoculation of nodal segments and zygotic embryos of tamarind. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized experimental design, in a 2 x 4 x 2 factorial scheme (culture media x salt concentrations x activated charcoal) with 20 replications. It was observed that the in vitro establishment of tamarind nodal segments is viable when using the MS medium with 75% of salts plus 2 g L-1 of activated charcoal and that for the germination of zygotic embryos there was no influence of the treatments. It was also observed that in order to increase the length of the formed plantlets, the MS and WPM media can be employed with 75% of salts.There has been a lack of research on the propagation methods of tamarind, hindering the availability and supply of its products. Considering the nutraceutical potential of tamarind and the long-time required to initiate production, this study aimed to evaluate the establishment of nodal segments and the germination of in vitro zygotic embryos of tamarind plants in culture media, salt concentrations, and activated charcoal, aiming at the establishment of an in vitro propagation protocol. For this purpose, MS and WPM media with 25, 50, 75 and 100% salt concentrations were used both with and without activated charcoal (2 g L-1) for the inoculation of nodal segments and zygotic embryos of tamarind. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized experimental design, in a 2 x 4 x 2 factorial scheme (culture media x salt concentrations x activated charcoal) with 20 replications. It was observed that the in vitro establishment of tamarind nodal segments is viable when using the MS medium with 75% of salts plus 2 g L-1 of activated charcoal and that for the germination of zygotic embryos there was no influence of the treatments. It was also observed that in order to increase the length of the formed plantlets, the MS and WPM media can be employed with 75% of salts

    In vitro cultivation of Tamarindus indica L.: explants obtention and contamination in culture medium

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    The tamarind tree (Tamarindus indica L.) is a common tree in tropical countries with a great exploitation potential due to its high nutritional value and important pharmaceutical characteristics, justifying its potential as a promising crop. The scarcity of scientific studies of the species, especially on propagation, hinders its availability and, consequently, the supply of the product in the market. The aim of this study was to verify the obtainment of nodal segments via sexual propagation and the in vitro establishment of sweet tamarind in MS culture medium (25, 50, 75 and 100% of salts) and with or without activated charcoal (2 g.L-1). The experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design in a 2 x 4 factorial scheme (presence and absence of activated carbon x salt concentrations), with 25 replicates, each replicate consisting of a test tube with an inoculated explant. According to the results, it is possible to conclude that from seedlings with 45 days after sowing, nodal segments of sweet tamarind are obtained for in vitro establishment. As a precursor of protocol for in vitro formation of healthy seedlings is indicated the use of MS culture medium with 75 % of the salts and added with 2 gL-1 of activated charcoal to reduce the contamination index

    Chilling and forcing requirement of five international fig cultivars grown in Southeastern Brazil

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    ABSTRACT Chill hours availability influence break dormancy, sprouting and production of temperate fruits trees in different regions. However, there are few reports on the subject for fig tree. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of the accumulated chilling hours on the physiology and dormancy release of fig cultivars. Stem cuttings of five fig cultivars were collected at the end of winter over two crop cycles and exposed to 0, 40, 80, 120 and 160 accumulated chilling hours (CH) in a cold chamber (8±0.5 ºC). Physiology of fig buds was then evaluated with regards to antioxidant enzymes activity, carbohydrate and nitrogen contents. The exposure of fig stem cuttings with two buds to different accumulated CH presented physiological changes for antioxidant enzymes activity, carbohydrates and nitrogen contents and confirming that the cultivars responded differently to the climatic conditions of each crop cycle. Results detected that the lowest accumulated CH in field in 2018 (2.7 CH) enabled a greater effect of the artificial CH when compared to 2017 (19.5 CH). Each fig cultivar had a critical accumulation point. The cultivars Roxo de Valinhos and Pingo de Mel require less CH to break dormancy, while Troyano requires more CH to finish this vegetative rest period


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    The fig tree (Ficus carica L.) stands out due to its range of cultivation and easy adaptation to the diverse edaphoclimatic conditions. Besides its adaptability, the fruits produced have nutraceutical characteristics and are used in industry and in natura consumption, much appreciated by the world cuisine. Due to lack of manpower and phytosanitary problems the area planted in Brazil has been decreasing. And, to overcome these obstacles, the production of quality seedlings is the first step to obtaining productive and healthy orchards. Therefore, it was objectified with the present literature review, to gather the data referring to the advances in the research related to the propagation of the fig tree. Currently, the methods found for the propagation of the fig tree consists of seedling production, where entomophilic pollination occurs, or vegetatively. Commercially the propagation method by cutting is still the most used for this crop, however, other methods can also be used, such as the use of burrs or techniques of plunging, grafting and tissue culture. Although there is a diversity of propagation methods and new technologies being developed, cuttings remain the most feasible method. Still, obtaining healthy and quality seedlings is one of the main problems currently found in ficiculture, since, in addition to the scarcity of studies related to propagation, the use of resistant cultivars and pathogen-free substrates should be prioritized due to susceptibility From the fig tree to nematodes. With this, we can conclude that continuity in research in order to always seek new information on the cultivars most adapted to each locality, as well as improvements in propagation and cultivation techniques, should be encouraged

    Nodal segments and zygotic embryos in culture media for the in vitro propagation of tamarind

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    There has been a lack of research on the propagation methods of tamarind, hindering the availability and supply of its products. Considering the nutraceutical potential of tamarind and the long-time required to initiate production, this study aimed to evaluate the establishment of nodal segments and the germination of in vitro zygotic embryos of tamarind plants in culture media, salt concentrations, and activated charcoal, aiming at the establishment of an in vitro propagation protocol. For this purpose, MS and WPM media with 25, 50, 75 and 100% salt concentrations were used both with and without activated charcoal (2 g L-1) for the inoculation of nodal segments and zygotic embryos of tamarind. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized experimental design, in a 2 x 4 x 2 factorial scheme (culture media x salt concentrations x activated charcoal) with 20 replications. It was observed that the in vitro establishment of tamarind nodal segments is viable when using the MS medium with 75% of salts plus 2 g L-1 of activated charcoal and that for the germination of zygotic embryos there was no influence of the treatments. It was also observed that in order to increase the length of the formed plantlets, the MS and WPM media can be employed with 75% of salts