638 research outputs found

    Prediction of the acoustic insulation of a prefabricated wooden-based system for collective buildings

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    Using wood, a renewable, carbon sink material with outstanding thermal properties associated with the prefabrication process and its benefits, a construction system for multi-storey multifamily buildings based on prefabricated wooden panels was developed to act as a tool for meeting the national carbon neutrality targets. It will contribute to the promotion of increasingly sustainable cities that optimise the use of materials and rely on highly energy-efficient buildings. This sustainable alternative to conventional construction materials was designed to comply with the Portuguese needs, regulations, and regulatory requirements regarding construction, structural, functional, and logistics demands. As the acoustic behaviour of wooden buildings is a sensitive subject due to the wood's lightweight and poor insulation performance for low-frequency sounds, this work aims to analyse the panels regarding their acoustic behaviour through INSUL software. The predictions showed favourable results for airborne insulation and partially favourable for impact sound insulation.This work was supported by national funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, within the scope of a Ph.D. scholarship (PRT/BD/152841/2021) granted by MIT Portugal Program to the first author

    Catches in ghost-fishing octopus and fish traps in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean (Algarve, Portugal)

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    Ghost fishing is the term used to describe the continued capture of fish and other living organisms after a fisherman has lost all control over the gear. Traps may be lost for a variety of reasons including theft, vandalism, abandonment, interactions with other gear, fouling on the bottom (i.e., traps and ropes are caught on rocky substrate), bad weather, and human error (Laist, 1995). Annual trap loss can be as high as 20% to 50% of fished traps in some fisheries (Al-Masroori et al., 2004). Because lost traps can continue to fish for long periods, albeit with decreasing efficiency over time (e.g., Smolowitz, 1978; Breen, 1987, 1990; Guillory, 1993), ghost fishing is a concern in fisheries worldwide

    Body composition comparison between gender in institutionalized elderly

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    Este estudo teve como objetivo averiguar sobre a existência de diferenças entre sexos, da composição corporal de idosos institucionalizados.The purpose of this Study was to compare the body composition differences between gender in institutionalized elderly.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Do the strength levels predict the motor coordination in young basketball players?

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi averiguar sobre a existência de relação entre os níveis de força e a coordenação motora em basquetebolistas pertencentes ao escalão de sub-18.The aim of this study was to analyse the relation between the strength levels and motor coordination in young basketball players.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Do the strength levels predict the motor coordination in young basketball players?

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    The aim of this study was to analyse the relation between the strength levels and motor coordination in young basketball players. The sample of this study was composed by 12 basketball players with 15.83 (± 0.55) years old from the U-18 category. The players participate in the inter-regional, national championship round and national cup in 2015/2016 season. The upper limbs strength was evaluated with the push-up exercise, counting the number of repetitions in 30 seconds. The lower limbs strength was evaluated in centimetres with the horizontal jump without preparatory sprint. The motor coordination was evaluated with 6 cones separated by 1,5m in the diagonal. The athletes with ball, skirted the cones and ended with layup finalization, this exercise was measured in seconds. Spearman correlation test was accessed with a significance level of 5%. No significant correlation was observed between upper limbs strength and motor coordination (F =-0,259; p =0.208). However, a negative significant correlation was observed between lower limbs strength and coordination was observed (F =-0,539; p =0,035). Thus, basketball coaches should perform specific strength training seasons intending to improve the motor coordination. Improving strength levels may contribute for motor coordination improvement.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Curriculum analysis process: Analysing fourteen industrial engineering programs

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    The fourth industrial revolution is demanding for new competences, thus requiring curricula redesign. A comprehensive analysis of current curricula contributes for the design of the new foreseen curricula. According to Hoffman (1999, p. 283): “the design of learning programs may be based on the inputs needed or the outputs demanded”. Thus, curriculum analysis is helpful to identify aspects that are working and those that need a change (Wolf, Hill, & Evers, 2006). This purpose is crucial in the context of Industry 4.0, in order to prepare future engineers to face the challenges of their practice. Considering that in Europe, in general, formal curriculum level presents the structural aspects (e.g. hours and number of courses) and the learning outcomes of each course, it is possible to identify the areas of knowledge and the competences students are expected to develop. This paper aims to make a curriculum analysis, based on areas of knowledge and learning outcomes. This was based on a process exploring information from the formal level of curriculum that can be replicated in other contexts. Additionally, the process was applied to fourteen European Industrial Engineering master programs. The results show that there is a high level of diversity regarding main areas of knowledge and technical competences of each program. Moreover, it showed an enormous lack of attention in terms of transversal competences in all programs.EU - European Commission(586137-EPP-1-2017-1-TH-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

    When gold stops glittering: corrosion mechanisms of René Lalique's Art Nouveau jewellery

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    ABSTRACT: Art Nouveau jewellery created by René Lalique is presently corroded. To identify the corrosion processes, Au-Ag-Cu alloys with compositions comparable to those used in the René Lalique’s jewellery were fabricated to be exposed to sulphide-containing environments. Using SEM-EDS, XRD, UV-Vis spectroscopy and ellipsometry, it was for the first time demon-strated that at the surface of tarnished Au alloys forms a corrosion film with a layer-by-layer structure. Considering the complex refractive indices of bulk Cu and Ag oxides and sulphides, a two-step corrosion mechanism was proposed. The formation of Cu-based compounds during the early corrosion stages is followed by the formation of Ag-based compounds. The thinness of the formed film, shown for one of the gold alloys to be of 80 nm, is due to a corrosion kinetics controlled by the presence of Au and by the formation of an Au-S self-assembled monolayer. The corrosion mechanism of gold alloys raises a new conservation challenge concerning the removal of nanometric layers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Macrofauna assemblages in a XVIIth century shipwreck: comparison with those on natural reefs and sandy bottoms

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    The macrofauna assemblages of a XVIIth century shipwreck off southern Portugal were studied and compared with those of nearby natural reefs and sandy bottoms, by underwater visual census. A total of 11 173 specimens of 224 different fauna taxa and 12 phyla were recorded. Natural reefs had the highest density of specimens (35 122 / 1000 m²) followed by the shipwreck (21 392 / 1000 m²) and the sandy bottoms (3771 / 1000 m²). Three biodiversity indices were estimated (Margalef, Shannon-Wiener and Pielou), with the natural reefs showing the highest values. However, the shipwreck presented values relatively similar to those of the natural reefs for the Shannon-Wiener and Pielou indices. The three habitats were clearly distinguishable by multivariate statistical analysis, with the average dissimilarity between sand and shipwreck, and between sand and natural reefs being much higher than that between the shipwreck and the natural reefs. The shipwreck had higher abundances of some commercially important species, such as the pouting Trisopterus luscus, European conger Conger conger, and common spider crab Maja squinado, as well as some vulnerable and threatened species such as the pink seafan Eunicella verrucosa. The results presented emphasize the importance of this habitat on the southern Portuguese coast.As comunidades de macrofauna de um naufrágio do século XVII ocorrido ao largo da costa Sul de Portugal, foram estudadas e comparadas com recifes naturais e fundos de areia através de census visuais subaquáticos. Foram registados 11 173 espécimes pertencentes a 224 taxa faunísticos e 12 phyla. Os recifes naturais apresentaram a maior densidade de espécimes (35 122 / 1000 m²) seguidos do naufrágio (21 392 / 1000 m²) e dos fundos de areia (3771 / 1000 m²). Foram calculados três índices de biodiversidade (Margalef, Shannon-Wiener e Pielou), com os recifes naturais que apresentarem os valores mais elevados. No entanto, o naufrágio mostrou valores relativamente semelhantes aos fundos rochosos nos índices de Shannon-Wiener e Pielou. Os três habitats foram separados por estatística multivariada, com a dissimilaridade média entre areia e naufrágio, e entre areia e recifes naturais sendo muito superior à dissimilaridade entre os recifes naturais e o naufrágio. O naufrágio apresentou elevada abundância de algumas espécies comercialmente importantes, como a faneca Trisopterus luscus, o safio Conger conger e a santola Maja squinado, assim como de espécies vulneráveis e ameaçadas como a gorgonia rosa Eunicella verrucosa. Os resultados apresentados realçam a importância desse habitat para a costa Sul de Portugal

    Variação do valor nutricional de caprinos Serranos ecótipo Jarmelista com diferentes graus de maturidade

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    O teor de gordura da carne dos caprinos é inferior em 47 e 54% relativamente à da carne dos bovinos e dos ovinos, respectivamente. A maior parte da gordura daqueles animais situa-se na cavidade abdominal, sendo retirada aquando da obtenção da carcaça, reduzindo desta forma o teor de gordura subcutânea o que, sob o ponto de vista de saúde, pode ter efeitos benéficos em relação à carne de bovinos e de suínos. Este estudo teve como objectivo caracterizar a carne de carcaças de caprinos machos e fêmeas desde os 10% até aos 40% de maturidade. Utilizaram-se 21 machos e 21 fêmeas, da raça caprina serrana ecótipo jarmelista, alimentados em prado de sequeiro natural. Quando os animais atingiram o grau de maturidade para abate, este foi efectuado após um jejum de 24 horas. As amostras de cada carcaça foram obtidas por dissecação, sendo o músculo e a gordura triturados e homogeneizados por forma a obter uma amostra de músculo e de gordura (gordura subcutânea com a gordura intermuscular). As amostras foram armazenadas a -18ºC até as análises serem efectuadas. A determinação da Humidade foi realizada pelo método II da NP– 1614 (1979). A determinação da proteína bruta foi efectuada pelo método de Kjeldhal, segundo a NP– 1612 . Para a determinação da gordura utilizou-se método de Soxhlet, segundo a NP– 1224 (1982). Com os resultados obtidos verifica-se que os caprinos são animais com baixo teor de tecido adiposo, apresentando os machos ligeiramente mais músculo, mais osso e menos gordura do que as fêmeas. Os teores de gordura na carcaça de caprino foram de 12,5% e 14,5% para os machos e as fêmeas respectivamente. Nas fêmeas, contrariamente aos machos, a distribuição da gordura, faz-se tanto no músculo como no tecido adiposo. Constatou-se também que as fêmeas apresentavam teores de proteína ligeiramente mais elevados (21,7%) do que os machos (20,9%) sem contudo haver diferença significativa entre os grupos. Quanto ao conteúdo mineral também não se observaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas Verifica-se assim que a carne dos caprinos é uma fonte de carne magra e quando consumida como parte integrante de uma dieta variada, equilibrada e em associação com o exercício físico, esta carne é saudável e benéfica, podendo contribuir para a prevenção de algumas patologias, nomeadamente as doenças cardiovasculares