91 research outputs found

    Evaluación del cambio conceptual mediante una entrevista "en profundidad"

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    En este artículo se analizan algunas concepciones espontáneas que los estudiantes puedan mostrar sobre al aplicar el Principio de Acción y Reacción a diversas situaciones físicas, tratando de complementar métodos cuantitativos y cualitativos. En relación a estos últimos, se presenta el estudio de un caso mediante una "entrevista en profundidad", que fue aplicada a 18 estudiantes con edades comprendidas entra 12 y 18 años, con objeto de analizar su pensamiento implícito a lo largo del proceso de cambio conceptual

    Pedagogic methods for a new century. Are they really innovative?

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    In this work 14 pedagogic innovation areas, widespread in the educational system over the last two decades, are examined. A classification of four approaches is proposed, according to their educational goal and didactic principles: (1) experiential and inquiry learning, (2) cooperative learning, (3) intelligence and thinking-based teaching, and (4) emotion and motivation-based teaching. The historical antecedents of each of those approaches show that they mainly go back to last century pedagogic ideas, which have been improved with new didactics and technological tools. From the revision of recent research on its benefits and limitations we infer the interest of such innovations being orchestrated with direct instruction strategies, as well as the need to develop a research, focused on the process and the dificulties of its implementation in classroom. </p

    Didáctica general: planificación y práctica en la enseñanza primaria

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    Actualmente hay un cierto consenso en considerar la Didáctica general como una disciplina científico-pedagógica que estudia las metas y los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje, particularmente en lo que se refiere al diseño y desarrollo curricular y a la práctica educativa. A diferencia de la Psicología de la instrucción, la Didáctica general estudia los contenidos y los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje en un marco curricular. A diferencia de las didácticas, estudia aspectos del diseño curricular y la práctica educativa que son en gran parte transversales a las diferentes áreas del currículo. La bibliografía coincide mayoritariamente en enfatizar tres dimensiones de la Didáctica, íntimamente ligadas, que conforman también la estructura de este manual: el currículo, los métodos docentes y la práctica educativa. Este libro se enmarca en el contexto escolar y, más específicamente, en la Educación Primaria. La primera parte del texto se centra en diseño y desarrollo del currículo de la Educación Primaria. La segunda parte se centra más específicamente en los métodos y estrategias didácticas para el desarrollo del currículo. La tercera parte del libro aborda otra dimensión didáctica, íntimamente ligada al desarrollo del currículo, pero a la que tradicionalmente se ha reservado un espacio menor en este tipo de manuales: la “práctica curricular”·y “educativa del aula”. El manual pretende abordar estos tres ejes fundamentales de la disciplina conjugando un enfoque a la vez conceptual y práctico, que se trasluce en la estructura interna de cada uno de los capítulos. Por un lado, se ha buscado ofrecer un material sencillo y sintético, que recoja los conceptos principales de cada tema y las fuentes clásicas originales. Por otro lado, se ha procurado ejemplificar diversas estrategias de diseño y desarrollo curricular con contenidos específicos de la Educación Primaria. Aunque el texto está principalmente enfocado a esta etapa educativa, la mayoría de sus apartados son también aplicables a la Educación Secundaria.Currently there is a certain consensus in considering general Didactics as a scientific-pedagogical discipline that studies the goals and processes of teaching and learning, particularly in regard to curriculum design and development and educational practice. Unlike the Psychology of the instruction, the General Didactics studies the contents and the teaching-learning processes in a curricular frame. Unlike didactics, it studies aspects of curricular design and educational practice that are largely transversal to the different areas of the curriculum. The bibliography coincides mainly in emphasizing three dimensions of the Didactics, closely linked, that also make up the structure of this manual: the curriculum, the teaching methods and the educational practice. This book is framed in the school context and, more specifically, in Primary Education. The first part of the text focuses on the design and development of the Primary Education curriculum. The second part focuses more specifically on didactic methods and strategies for developing the curriculum. The third part of the book addresses another didactic dimension, closely linked to the development of the curriculum, but to which traditionally a smaller space has been reserved in this type of manuals: the "curricular practice" and the "educational classroom". The manual aims to address these three fundamental axes of the discipline by combining a conceptual and practical approach, which is reflected in the internal structure of each of the chapters. On the one hand, it has sought to offer a simple and synthetic material, which includes the main concepts of each theme and the original classical sources. On the other hand, we have tried to exemplify various design strategies and curricular development with specific contents of Primary Education. Although the text is mainly focused on this educational stage, most of its sections are also applicable to Secondary Education


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    En este trabajo se presenta una revisión teórica de las diferentes áreas en las que ha ido tomando cuerpo el desarrollo de la Orientación durante el último siglo. Sediscute su conceptualización, así como los principales enfoques desde los que se ha afrontado la intervención psicopedagógica en cada una de ellas. Finalmente, se justifican las ventajas y limitaciones de una nueva propuesta de clasificación delos principales contenidos de la Orientación en el contexto educativo.ABSTRACTIn this paper we niake a theoretical review of different áreas which have characterised the development of Educational Guidance during the last century. We discussed its conceptualisation, as well as the principal approaches in order to face the educational intervention. Finally, we justify the advantages and limitations with regard to a new proposal of classification of the main Guidance contents in educational contexts

    Pedagogic methods for a new century. Are they really innovative?

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    In this work 14 pedagogic innovation areas, widespread in the educational system over the last two decades, are examined. A classification of four approaches is proposed, according to their educational goal and didactic principles: (1) experiential and inquiry learning, (2) cooperative learning, (3) intelligence and thinking-based teaching, and (4) emotion and motivation-based teaching. The historical antecedents of each of those approaches show that they mainly go back to last century pedagogic ideas, which have been improved with new didactics and technological tools. From the revision of recent research on its benefits and limitations we infer the interest of such innovations being orchestrated with direct instruction strategies, as well as the need to develop a research, focused on the process and the dificulties of its implementation in classroom./n En este trabajo se examinan 14 líneas de innovación pedagógica que se han difundido en el sistema educativo a lo largo de las dos últimas décadas. Se propone una clasificación en 4 grandes enfoques, en función de sus metas educativas y los principios didácticos en los que se asientan: (1) aprendizaje experiencial y por indagación, (2) aprendizaje cooperativo, (3) enseñanza centrada en la inteligencia y el pensamiento, y (4) enseñanza centrada en la emoción y la motivación. A partir de la identificación de sus principales antecedentes históricos, se concluye que principalmente retoman ideas pedagógicas del siglo pasado, enriquecidas con nuevos recursos didácticos y tecnológicos. De la revisión de la investigación reciente acerca de sus beneficios y limitaciones se deduce la conveniencia de articular dichas innovaciones con otras alternativas de instrucción directa, así como desarrollar una investigación más centrada en los procesos y las dificultades que ocasiona en el aula

    Las imágenes dinámicas en las presentaciones multimedia

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    Las imágenes dinámicas en las presentaciones multimedia

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    The act of writing texts is a common practice in the classroom and teachers suffer difficulties to assess writing ability due to poor teacher training and to the lack of tools to assess this skill. Therefore, we plan to explore if the rubric could be a good tool for assess Primary Education students’ narrations. A total of 128 stories written by Primary Education students were analyzed using: a standardized test (PROESC: assessment of writing processes), a rubric and, also, the texts were graded by 4 teachers (unaware of the research). Also was taken into account the qualifications in Spanish language obtained by students that wrote the texts. The results show that the relationship between the criteria that evaluate similar elements of PROESC and rubric is significant in all cases. This trend of results has also been located between the two tools, the grade of teachers and the grade in Spanish Language; aspect that is positive to the validity of the rubric explored.Redação é uma prática comum na avaliação de sala de aula e professor cria dificuldades devido à falta de formação pedagógica dos docentes e a falta de ferramentas para avaliar essa capacidade. Por isso, propusemos para determinar se uma rúbrica seria apropriadapara avaliar histórias no Ensino Fundamental. Um total de 128 histórias escritas por alunos do ensino fundamental foram analisados através da aplicação: um teste padronizado (PROESC: avaliação dos processos de escrita), uma rúbrica e avaliação de quatro professores de fora do estudo. Também foram levadas em conta as notas obtidas do curso da Língua Espanhola das alumnos participantes. Os resultados mostram que existe uma relação significativa entre as pontuações dos critérios o PROESC e aos criterios a rúbrica quando avaliam aspectos semelhantes. Esta tendência também ocorre entre estas duas ferramentas, avaliação de profesores e notas de Língua Espanhola; beneficiando a validade da proposta rúbrica.Redação é uma prática comum na avaliação de sala de aula e professor cria dificuldades devido à falta de formação pedagógica dos docentes e a falta de ferramentas para avaliar essa capacidade. Por isso, propusemos para determinar se uma rúbrica seria apropriadapara avaliar histórias no Ensino Fundamental. Um total de 128 histórias escritas por alunos do ensino fundamental foram analisados através da aplicação: um teste padronizado (PROESC: avaliação dos processos de escrita), uma rúbrica e avaliação de quatro professores de fora do estudo. Também foram levadas em conta as notas obtidas do curso da Língua Espanhola das alumnos participantes. Os resultados mostram que existe uma relação significativa entre as pontuações dos critérios o PROESC e aos criterios a rúbrica quando avaliam aspectos semelhantes. Esta tendência também ocorre entre estas duas ferramentas, avaliação de profesores e notas de Língua Espanhola; beneficiando a validade da proposta rúbrica

    ¿Cómo ayudan los compañeros de trabajo a los empleados con discapacidad intelectual? Una experiencia de coaching laboral en empleo con apoyo

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    ABSTRACTIn this paper we analyze before and after a counseling session framed in a context of supported employment some characteristics of verbal interaction and natural support that a worker  provides to trainees with intellectual disability. Two labour tasks of an administrative assistant position that required a certain degree of cognitive demand were selected: enveloping and photocopying documents. The disabled trainee carried out several demands that were closely related to both selected tasks, these demands were developed with and without the help of the worker. Later, these workers received a counseling session by a specialist in supported employment. The results show an increase of the helps that are focused on facilitate the autonomy of the worker with intellectual disability after counseling session, and also it is shown a higher verbal participation of the worker with disabilities in the interaction with the partner. As for labour demands performed autonomously we could see an improvement in the carried out process by two of the disabled workers, but not in third study case. We discuss the implications of these results in the training of the agents that perform support functions in the workplace to workers with disabilities.RESUMENEn este trabajo se analizan algunas características de la interacción verbal y el apoyo natural que los compañeros de trabajo  proporcionan a otros trabajadores en prácticas con discapacidad intelectual, antes y después de un proceso de asesoramiento enmarcado en un contexto laboral de Empleo con Apoyo. Se seleccionaron dos tareas laborales de un puesto de auxiliar administrativo, que requerían un cierto grado de exigencia cognitiva: ensobrar y fotocopiar documentos. Los trabajadores con discapacidad realizaron una serie de demandas relacionadas con ambas tareas, con y sin la ayuda del compañero de trabajo. Posteriormente, dichos compañeros recibieron una sesión de asesoramiento por parte de un especialista en empleo con apoyo. Los resultados muestran mejoras tras la sesión de asesoramiento de las ayudas verbales centradas en facilitar la autonomía del trabajador con discapacidad intelectual, así como una mayor participación verbal del propio trabajador con discapacidad en la interacción con el compañero. En cuanto a la realización autónoma de las demandas laborales, se registró también una mejora en la calidad, tanto de los productos, como del proceso llevado a cabo por dos de los trabajadores con discapacidad, aunque no en un tercer caso. Se discuten las implicaciones de estos resultados de cara a la formación de los agentes que realizan funciones de apoyo en el entorno laboral a trabajadores con discapacidad.ABSTRACTIn this paper we analyze before and after a counseling session framed in a context of supported employment some characteristics of verbal interaction and natural support that a worker  provides to trainees with intellectual disability. Two labour tasks of an administrative assistant position that required a certain degree of cognitive demand were selected: enveloping and photocopying documents. The disabled trainee carried out several demands that were closely related to both selected tasks, these demands were developed with and without the help of the worker. Later, these workers received a counseling session by a specialist in supported employment. The results show an increase of the helps that are focused on facilitate the autonomy of the worker with intellectual disability after counseling session, and also it is shown a higher verbal participation of the worker with disabilities in the interaction with the partner. As for labour demands performed autonomously we could see an improvement in the carried out process by two of the disabled workers, but not in third study case. We discuss the implications of these results in the training of the agents that perform support functions in the workplace to workers with disabilities

    Influence of the Surface Viscosity on the Breakup of a Surfactant-Laden Drop

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    We examine both theoretically and experimentally the breakup of a pendant drop loaded with an insoluble surfactant. The experiments show that a significant amount of surfactant is trapped in the resulting satellite droplet. This result contradicts previous theoretical predictions, where the effects of surface tension variation were limited to solutocapillarity and Marangoni stresses.We solve numerically the hydrodynamic equations, including not only those effects but also those of surface shear and dilatational viscosities. We show that surface viscosities play a critical role to explain the accumulation of surfactant in the satellite droplet.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad DPI2013-46485-C3-1-R, TRA2013- 45808-RJunta de Extremadura GR1004