8 research outputs found

    Linfocitos intraepiteliales y células dendríticas: Distribución y utilidad en el diagnóstico y en la modulación de la respuesta inmunitaria intestinal.

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    El intestino representa el órgano inmunitario más grande y complejo que existe, sometido a una estimulación constante durante toda la vida tanto por antígenos de la dieta y flora bacteriana comensal, como por microorganismos patógenos oportunistas. Debido a ésto, la mucosa intestinal requiere una respuesta rápida aunque inespecífica para mantener la homeostasis intestinal y proteger al organismo de la entrada de patógenos en caso de que sea necesario. Esta respuesta depende de la inmunidad innata que se complementa con los mecanismos de tolerancia oral. Las principales poblaciones del sistema inmunitario encargadas de mantener la homeostasis son los linfocitos intraepiteliales (LIE) y las poblaciones de la lamina propia (LP). Entre estas últimas destacan las células dendríticas (CD) gracias a que son las células presentadoras de antígeno profesionales más potentes que existen. Los LIE son una población heterogénea y peculiar, compuesta sobre todo por células Tab, Tgd y células natural killer (NK), que se encuentran intercalados entre los enterocitos. Su singularidad, en cuanto a su ubicación, sus vías de desarrollo, su especificidad para reconocer antígenos propios y potencialmente patogénicos, y su especialización funcional con características entre la inmunidad innata y adaptativa, permite a estas células efectoras ser la primera barrera defensiva en un órgano con una gran carga antigénica, además de proteger la integridad de la barrera mucosa. Sin embargo, su estado activado en ambientes pro-inflamatorios sugiere que estas poblaciones pueden contribuir a iniciar y/o exacerbar una respuesta patológica, como ocurre en la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal (EII) y la enfermedad celíaca (EC). Nuestro laboratorio de investigación se ha dedicado a lo largo de su trayectoria al estudio de los diferentes mecanismos inmunopatogénicos responsables de estas patologías intestinales, centrándonos en este caso en el papel que pueden tener los LIE en el desarrollo de las enfermedades intestinales inflamatorias.Departamento de Pediatría e Inmunología, Obstetricía y Ginecología, Psiquiatría e Historia de la Medicin

    Restoring the Immunity in the Tumor Microenvironment: Insights into Immunogenic Cell Death in Onco-Therapies.

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    [EN]Immunogenic cell death (ICD) elicited by cancer therapy reshapes the tumor immune microenvironment. A long-term adaptative immune response can be initiated by modulating cell death by therapeutic approaches. Here, the major hallmarks of ICD, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, and damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) are correlated with ICD inducers used in clinical practice to enhance antitumoral activity by suppressing tumor immune evasion. Approaches to monitoring the ICD triggered by antitumoral therapeutics in the tumor microenvironment (TME) and novel perspective in this immune system strategy are also reviewed to give an overview of the relevance of ICD in cancer treatment

    Differential immunomodulatory effects of Lactobacillus rhamnosus DR20, Lactobacillus fermentum CECT 5716 and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis on monocyte-derived dentritic cells

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    Producción CientíficaIn this study we have identified, for the first time to our knowledge plasma CD-specific IgA Abs that recognize as specific antigen a novel deamidated gliadin peptide (FPLQPEQP), derived from an 8-mer peptide generated during duodenal degradation of gliadin by CD-specific duodenal proteases. The native peptide (FPLQPQQP) remained restricted to prolamin and glutenin proteins from toxic cereals to CD patients and was particularly expressed in ω-prolamins. The 8-mer peptide overlapped with a previously identified gluten T cell epitope and its ability to develop a humoral immune response in vivo in CD patients was confirmed by the detection of IgA anti-DGP 8-mer Abs in plasma samples from those patients. The DGP 8-mer could be used as a novel specific CD antigen for the diagnosis of CD and monitoring of the compliance of GFD. We have designed an ELISA test which detects IgA anti-DGP 8-mer Abs in plasma samples from CD- patients with a high specificity (94% in children and 98.8% in adults) and sensitivity (93.5% in children and 81.3% in adults). Future studies with larger number of samples and additional relevant data (i.e. use of novel tools for GFD compliance) will assess the full potential of the novel diagnostic tool for celiac diagnosis and management

    Translational research into frailty from bench to bedside: Salivary biomarkers for inflammaging

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    [EN] Frailty is a complex physiological syndrome associated with adverse ageing and decreased physiological reserves. Frailty leads to cognitive and physical disability and is a significant cause of morbidity, mortality and economic costs. The underlying cause of frailty is multifaceted, including immunosenescence and inflammaging, changes in microbiota and metabolic dysfunction. Currently, salivary biomarkers are used as early predictors for some clinical diseases, contributing to the effective prevention and treatment of diseases, including frailty. Sample collection for salivary analysis is non-invasive and simple, which are paramount factors for testing in the vulnerable frail population. The aim of this review is to describe the current knowledge on the association between frailty and the inflammatory process and discuss methods to identify putative biomarkers in salivary fluids to predict this syndrome. This study describes the relationship between i.-inflammatory process and frailty; ii.-infectious, chronic, skeletal, metabolic and cognitive diseases with inflammation and frailty; iii.-inflammatory biomarkers and salivary fluids. There is a limited number of previous studies focusing on the analysis of inflammatory salivary biomarkers and frailty syndrome; hence, the study of salivary fluids as a source for biomarkers is an open area of research with the potential to address the increasing demands for frailty-associated biomarker