11 research outputs found

    Università e lavoro - Quali saperi e metodi per attrezzare i giovani al dopo università

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    On the 11th of January 2007 a conference took place in Palermo, in the striking frame of the Steri palace. The conference, titled “University and work – what knowledge is necessary to equip students for after the university”, was organised by the University of Palermo. It has been an important opportunity to show the data of the second occupational survey STELLA, with a specific attention toward data concerning Palermo and Sicily. We well here briefly describe the conference. A deeper view into the subject is available on the STELLA project website.Nella suggestiva cornice di Palazzo Steri si è svolto l’11 Gennaio 2007 a Palermo un convegno dal titolo “Università e lavoro – Quali saperi e metodi per attrezzare i giovani al dopo università”, organizzato dall’Università degli Studi di Palermo. È stata una importante occasione per presentare i dati della seconda indagine occupazionale STELLA (Statistica in Tema di Laureati e LAvoro), con particolare attenzione alla realtà palermitana e siciliana. Di seguito riportiamo una breve relazione della giornata, rimandando al sito STELLA[1] per eventuali approfondimenti

    UNIVERSITA' e LAVORO: Riforma universitaria e mercato del lavoro dei laureati

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    On the 12th of October, the interuniversity STELLA initiative presented it annual reports, concerning data about the university career of students in Italy and their path when they enter the job market. The data was obtained from 13 Italian universities. Such reports in Italy are particularly meaningful, due to the recent change of the whole university system in the country.Il 12 di ottobre si è svolto il convegno annuale di presentazione dei dati STELLA presso l’aula Giò ponti di Assolombarda. L’evento è stato organizzato in collaborazione con Assolombarda e con il Patrocinio del Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca. Il convegno, dal titolo “UNIVERSITA' e LAVORO: riforma universitaria e mercato del lavoro dei laureati”, ha riscosso notevole successo sia di pubblico che di personalità. Per l’università erano presenti, tra gli altri, il prof. Marcello Fontanesi, rettore dell’Università degli studi di Milano-Bicocca e Presidente del CILEA, il Prof. Enrico Decleva, e vicepresidente CRUI rettore dell’Università degli studi di Milano, il prof. Angiolino STELLA, rettore dell’Università degli studi di Pavia, il prof. Augusto Preti, rettore dell’Università degli studi di Brescia, prof. Marco Pasquali, rettore dell’Università di Pisa. Il mondo produttivo è stato rappresentato alla tavola rotonda finale da Andrea Pontremoli - Presidente e Amministratore delegato - IBM Italia, Marco Tronchetti Provera -Presidente Pirelli & C. Spa, Gianfelice Rocca - Vicepresidente Education Confindustria. Il mondo delle istituzioni ha visto gli interventi di Roberto Formigoni, Presidente Regione Lombardia e Luciano Modica - Sottosegretario Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca

    Il progetto “STELLA”: Indagine occupazionanale post-laurea maggio-dicembre 2004 – Rilevazione aprile 2006

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    We show the main results of the second occupational investigation about the graduates within the STELLA project. It is part of an ongoing project started in 2005 that aims at performing a longitudital analysis of graduates job career at fixed times after graduation. It allows to evaluate both the efficacy of the education methods used by universities and the needs of the job market. It also permits to gauge the degree of satisfaction of graduates in respect to their position.Illustriamo i principali esiti della seconda indagine occupazionale sui Laureati nell’ambito del progetto STELLA; appartiene a una serie di indagini, avviata nel 2005, che si propone di effettuare un'analisi longitudinale del percorso lavorativo dei laureati a distanze prefissate dalla laurea per valutare, sia l'efficacia dei processi formativi offerti dall'Ateneo, sia le esigenze del mercato del lavoro nonchè il grado di soddisfazione dei laureati rispetto alla loro condizione professionale

    Progetto STELLA: Rapporto Statistico Laureati 2003-2005

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    The fifth edition of the Statistical Report 2003-2005 of the STELLA project has been published. The project was promoted by CILEA since 2002 to collect and manage statistical data of graduates. The project aims at drawing a reference frame of graduates and their placement in the job market. The project has been joined by the main universities of Lombardy and by the universities of Pisa, Naples and Palermo and by the Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e Perfezionamento S.Anna, in Pisa.È stata pubblicata la quinta edizione del Rapporto Statistico 2003-2005, nell’ambito del progetto STELLA, promosso dal CILEA dal 2002 per rilevare e gestire dati statistici dei laureati. Il progetto mira a tracciare un quadro di riferimento per i profili dei laureati e il loro inserimento nel mercato del lavoro. Aderiscono, oltre alle principali università lombarde, le università di Pisa, Napoli e Palermo, e la Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e Perfezionamento S. Anna di Pisa

    Pigeon Pea Husk for Removal of Emerging Contaminants Trimethoprim and Atenolol from Water

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    The pace of industrialization and rapid population growth in countries such as India entail an increased input of industrial and sanitary organic micropollutants, the so-called emerging contaminants (EC), into the environment. The emission of EC, such as pharmaceuticals, reaching Indian water bodies causes a detrimental effect on aquatic life and ultimately on human health. However, the financial burden of expanding sophisticated water treatment capacities renders complementary, cost-efficient alternatives, such as adsorption, attractive. Here we show the merits of washed and milled pigeon pea husk (PPH) as low-cost adsorbent for the removal of the EC trimethoprim (TMP) and atenolol (ATN) that are among the most detected pharmaceuticals in Indian waters. We found a linear increase in adsorption capacity of PPH for TMP and ATN at concentrations ranging from 10 to 200 μg/L and from 50 to 400 μg/L, respectively, reflecting the concentrations occurring in Indian water bodies. Investigation of adsorption kinetics using the external mass transfer model (EMTM) revealed that film diffusion resistance governed the adsorption process of TMP or ATN onto PPH. Moreover, analysis of the adsorption performance of PPH across an extensive range of pH and temperature illustrated that the highest adsorption loadings achieved concurred with actual conditions of Indian waters. We anticipate our work as starting point towards the development of a feasible adsorbent system aiming at low-cost water treatment.ISSN:1420-304

    Right ventricular remodelling in mild hypertensive patients: role of left ventricular morpho-functional parameters

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    Previous studies suggested that hypertensive patients with left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy display right ventricular (RV) remodelling. Few data are available about RV remodelling in naive hypertensives without severe cardiac organ damage. Our aim was to evaluate the relationship between RV and LV morpho-functional parameters in never-treated patients with grade 1 hypertension and whether central blood pressure (CBP), inflammatory and metabolic parameters are potentially associated with RV remodelling. 150 never-treated subjects without evidence of diabetes or other cardiovascular diseases were enrolled in our study. We recruited 100 patients with mild hypertension (twenty-four hours blood pressure (24 h BP) 65 130/80 mmHg) and 50 normotensive subjects matched for gender, age and body mass index. To estimate the LV/RV parameters, we performed echography as well as arterial tonometry to assess pulse wave analysis/velocity (PWA/PWV). We found 24 h BP, CBP and PWV were higher in hypertensive patients than in normotensives. In addition, LV mass index was higher in hypertensives, and greater RV free wall thickness was observed (5.3 \ub1 1.4 vs 4.6 \ub1 1.2 mm, P = 0.02). RV thickness correlated with interventricular septum (IVS), systolic CBP and RV E\u2032 (r = 0.50, P = 0.0001, r = 0.30, P = 0.003, r = 120.24, P = 0.015); linear regression analysis showed a correlation with only IVS (\u3b2 = 0.39, P = 0.001). RV E\u2032 was correlated with IVS, LV E\u2032 and systolic CBP (r = 120.35, P = 0.0001, r = 0.25, P = 0.012, r = 120.24, P = 0.019); the correlation with IVS and LV E\u2032 (\u3b2 = 120.310, P = 0.001; \u3b2 = 0.27, P = 0.004) was confirmed by linear regression analysis. Our study shows RV remodelling is mostly correlated with IVS thickness, supporting the ventricular interdependence hypothesis