43 research outputs found

    Pancreatic cancer spheres are more than just aggregates of stem marker-positive cells

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    Pancreatic cancer stem-like cells are described by membrane expression of CD24, CD44 and ESA (epithelial-specific antigen) and their capacity to grow as spheres in a serum-free medium containing well-defined growth factors. The capacity of a panel of four pancreatic cancer cell lines (PANC-1, CFPAC-1, PancTu-1 and PSN-1) to form spheres was tested. All cell lines with the exception of PancTu-1 developed spheres. Phenotypically, the sphere-growing cells showed an increased in vitro invasion capability. Both gene and protein expressions of markers of metastases [CXCR4 (CXC chemokine receptor 4), OPN (osteopontin) and CD44v6] and components of active hedgehog pathway signalling were assessed. Spheres clearly demonstrated increased expression of the above-mentioned markers when compared with their adherent counterpart. With the aim of identifying a minimum set of markers able to separate cells that have the capacity to form spheres from those incapable of forming spheres, a PCA (principal component analysis) of the multidimensional dataset was performed. Although PCA of the ‘accepted’ stemness genes was unable to separate sphere-forming from sphere-incapable cell lines, the addition of the ‘aggressiveness’ marker CD44v6 allowed a clear differentiation. Moreover, inoculation of the spheres and the adherent cells in vivo confirmed the superior aggressiveness (proliferation and metastasis) of the spheres over the adherent cells. In conclusion, the present study suggests that the sphere-growing cell population is not only composed of cells displaying classical stem membrane markers but also needs CD44v6-positive cells to successfully form spheres. Our results also emphasize the potential therapeutic importance of pathways such as CXCR4 and hedgehog for pancreatic cancer treatment

    Long-Lasting Response Changes in Deep Cerebellar Nuclei in vivo Correlate With Low-Frequency Oscillations

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    The deep cerebellar nuclei (DCN) have been suggested to play a critical role in sensorimotor learning and some forms of long-term synaptic plasticity observed in vitro have been proposed as a possible substrate. However, till now it was not clear whether and how DCN neuron responses manifest long-lasting changes in vivo. Here, we have characterized DCN unit responses to tactile stimulation of the facial area in anesthetized mice and evaluated the changes induced by theta-sensory stimulation (TSS), a 4 Hz stimulation pattern that is known to induce plasticity in the cerebellar cortex in vivo. DCN units responded to tactile stimulation generating bursts and pauses, which reflected combinations of excitatory inputs most likely relayed by mossy fiber collaterals, inhibitory inputs relayed by Purkinje cells, and intrinsic rebound firing. Interestingly, initial bursts and pauses were often followed by stimulus-induced oscillations in the peri-stimulus time histograms (PSTH). TSS induced long-lasting changes in DCN unit responses. Spike-related potentiation and suppression (SR-P and SR-S), either in units initiating the response with bursts or pauses, were correlated with stimulus-induced oscillations. Fitting with resonant functions suggested the existence of peaks in the theta-band (burst SR-P at 9 Hz, pause SR-S at 5 Hz). Optogenetic stimulation of the cerebellar cortex altered stimulus-induced oscillations suggesting that Purkinje cells play a critical role in the circuits controlling DCN oscillations and plasticity. This observation complements those reported before on the granular and molecular layers supporting the generation of multiple distributed plasticities in the cerebellum following naturally patterned sensory entrainment. The unique dependency of DCN plasticity on circuit oscillations discloses a potential relationship between cerebellar learning and activity patterns generated in the cerebellar network

    Air microbial contamination in dental clinics: comparison between active and passive methods

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between the microbial air contamination values obtained by active sampling (colony-forming units per cubic metre, CFU/m3) and by passive sampling (Index of microbial air contamination, IMA) and to calculate the corresponding equations. Air sampling was performed in ten dental clinics (DC), before (T0), during (T1) and after (T2) the clinical activity, for five consecutive days, once a month for a period of three months, for a total of 450 air samplings. The correlation was evaluated using the Spearman test, and a p value below 0.05 was considered statistically significant. A statistically significant correlation was found considering both the results obtained from the total observations and from the single sampling times, T0, T1 and T2. Different correlation patterns were observed stratifying by DC. Both methods were able to evaluate the microbial air quality and highlight critical situations; therefore, both can be used with this aim. However, in particular during the activity, passive sampling resulted more sensitive, and for its simplicity, economy and standardization by IMA, as suggested by several authors, can be suggested for routine monitoring

    Knowledge about tuberculosis among undergraduate health care students in 15 Italian universities: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: The Italian Study Group on Hospital Hygiene of the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health conducted a multicentre survey aiming to evaluate undergraduate health care students’ knowledge of tuberculosis and tuberculosis control measures in Italy. Methods: In October 2012–June 2013, a sample of medical and nursing students from 15 Italian universities were enrolled on a voluntary basis and asked to complete an anonymous questionnaire investigating both general knowledge of tuberculosis (aetiology, clinical presentation, outcome, screening methods) and personal experiences and practices related to tuberculosis prevention. Data were analysed through multivariable regression using Stata software. Results: The sample consisted of 2,220 students in nursing (72.6%) and medicine (27.4%) courses. Our findings clearly showed that medical students had a better knowledge of tuberculosis than did nursing students. Although the vast majority of the sample (up to 95%) answered questions about tuberculosis aetiology correctly, only 60% of the students gave the correct responses regarding clinical aspects and vaccine details. Overall, 66.9% of the students had been screened for tuberculosis, but less than 20% of those with a negative result on the tuberculin skin test were vaccinated. Multivariable regression analysis showed that age and type of study programme (nursing vs. medical course) were determinants of answering the questions correctly. Conclusions: Although our data showed sufficient knowledge on tuberculosis, this survey underlines the considerable need for improvement in knowledge about the disease, especially among nursing students. In light of the scientific recommendations concerning tuberculosis knowledge among students, progress of current health care curricula aimed to develop students’ skills in this field is needed.</br

    Consumption of energy drinks among Italian University students : a cross-sectional multicenter study

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    Purpose The aim of the study was to evaluate the caffeinated Energy Drinks (EDs) consumption among a large sample of Italian undergraduates and its association with some of the major lifestyle risk factors. Methods Students attending twelve public Italian universities were involved between October 2021 and May 2022. Information on socio-demographic characteristics, ED consumption, and on health-related behaviors of participants was collected by the use of a web-based questionnaire. Results A total of 2165 students participated in the study and 15.2% of them reported having used caffeinated EDs in the last six months, mainly once a month (41.5%). In comparison with non-users, ED users showed a higher proportion of males (p &lt; 0.001) and a higher father’s educational level (p = 0.003), came mainly from Northern universities (p = 0.004) and life sciences degree courses (p &lt; 0.001). Besides, ED users reported higher BMI values (p = 0.003), more particular dietary regimens (p &lt; 0.001), higher levels of weekly moderate–vigorous physical activity (p &lt; 0.001) and participation in sports (p &lt; 0.001) and in team sports (p = 0.003), and higher proportion of smokers (p &lt; 0.001) and alcohol drinkers (p = 0.005). ED use was negatively related with female gender (OR 0.546; 95% CI 0.374–0.798), the Mediterranean diet (OR 0.587; 95% CI 0.362–0.951) and coming from the center of Italy (OR 0.500; 95% CI 0.275–0.909) and positively associated with tobacco smoke (OR 1.712; 95% CI 1.176–2.492) and participation in a team sport (OR 1.686; 95% CI 1.051–2.707). Conclusion These findings could encourage figures engaged in education to increase the students’ awareness on this issue in order to prevent the excessive use of EDs and associated unhealthy behaviors, especially in the most interested subgroups

    Knowledge about tuberculosis among undergraduate health care students in 15 Italian universities: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: The Italian Study Group on Hospital Hygiene of the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health conducted a multicentre survey aiming to evaluate undergraduate health care students' knowledge of tuberculosis and tuberculosis control measures in Italy. Methods. In October 2012-June 2013, a sample of medical and nursing students from 15 Italian universities were enrolled on a voluntary basis and asked to complete an anonymous questionnaire investigating both general knowledge of tuberculosis (aetiology, clinical presentation, outcome, screening methods) and personal experiences and practices related to tuberculosis prevention. Data were analysed through multivariable regression using Stata software. Results: The sample consisted of 2,220 students in nursing (72.6%) and medicine (27.4%) courses. Our findings clearly showed that medical students had a better knowledge of tuberculosis than did nursing students.Although the vast majority of the sample (up to 95%) answered questions about tuberculosis aetiology correctly, only 60% of the students gave the correct responses regarding clinical aspects and vaccine details. Overall, 66.9% of the students had been screened for tuberculosis, but less than 20% of those with a negative result on the tuberculin skin test were vaccinated. Multivariable regression analysis showed that age and type of study programme (nursing vs. medical course) were determinants of answering the questions correctly. Conclusions: Although our data showed sufficient knowledge on tuberculosis, this survey underlines the considerable need for improvement in knowledge about the disease, especially among nursing students. In light of the scientific recommendations concerning tuberculosis knowledge among students, progress of current health care curricula aimed to develop students' skills in this field is needed

    Predicting needlestick and sharps injuries in nursing students: Development of the SNNIP scale

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    © 2020 The Authors. Nursing Open published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Aim: To develop an instrument to investigate knowledge and predictive factors of needlestick and sharps injuries (NSIs) in nursing students during clinical placements. Design: Instrument development and cross-sectional study for psychometric testing. Methods: A self-administered instrument including demographic data, injury epidemiology and predictive factors of NSIs was developed between October 2018–January 2019. Content validity was assessed by a panel of experts. The instrument's factor structure and discriminant validity were explored using principal components analysis. The STROBE guidelines were followed. Results: Evidence of content validity was found (S-CVI 0.75; I-CVI 0.50–1.00). A three-factor structure was shown by exploratory factor analysis. Of the 238 participants, 39% had been injured at least once, of which 67.3% in the second year. Higher perceptions of “personal exposure” (4.06, SD 3.78) were reported by third-year students. Higher scores for “perceived benefits” of preventive behaviours (13.6, SD 1.46) were reported by second-year students

    Predicting needlestick and sharps injuries in nursing students: Development of the SNNIP scale

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    La scrittura riflessiva nella formazione infermieristica: background, esperienze e metodi

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    La scrittura della propria esperienza formativa/clinica Ăš da tempo utilizzata in ambito infermieristico per sviluppare riflessione e dunque apprendimento. La scrittura riflessiva (reflective writing) viene utilizzata per sostenere lo sviluppo della competenza clinica, relazionale, etica e della conoscenza di sĂ©. Obiettivo. Descrivere le esperienze riportate in letteratura sulla scrittura riflessiva, indicando i contesti formativi e le tecniche utilizzate in ambito infermieristico. Metodo. Analisi narrativa della letteratura internazionale utilizzando le banche dati MedLine e Cinahl. Risultati. La scrittura dell'esperienza viene utilizzata nella formazione infermieristica di base, post-base e permanente per sviluppare apprendimenti clinici oppure una piĂč globale crescita professionale e personale. Nel primo caso si utilizzano brevi mandati scritti (anche a partire da scenari clinici), mentre nel secondo diari o giornali di bordo, spesso con richieste di focalizzazione su aspetti specifici dell'esperienza. Queste focalizzazioni sono molto utili soprattutto per chi non Ăš abituato alla scrittura. Si utilizzano anche gli episodi significativi e/o gli incidenti critici occorsi nella pratica formativa/ professionale. Molti lavori su esperienze di scrittura riflessiva sottolineano l'importanza della sua condivisione tra pari e/o del feedback da parte del docente/tutor. Conclusioni. Le pratiche di reflective writing possono efficacemente supportare studenti/infermieri nell'apprendimento dall'esperienza. Va tuttavia attentamente considerata la predisposizione alla scrittura e, soprattutto, va previsto un feedback o da parte dei pari o dei docenti/tutor. PoichĂ© questo feedback puĂČ avere costi umani elevati, l'introduzione di attivitĂ  di scrittura riflessiva va attentamente valutata