1,603 research outputs found

    Microcystins as Agents for Treatment of Cancer

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    This invention relates to the use of microcystins as agents for treatment of cancer. Also provided are methods of screening for microcystins with improved cytotoxicity

    The TOMCAT global chemical transport model v1.6: description of chemical mechanism and model evaluation

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    This paper documents the tropospheric chemical mechanism scheme used in the TOMCAT 3-D chemical transport model. The current scheme includes a more detailed representation of hydrocarbon chemistry than previously included in the model, with the inclusion of the emission and oxidation of ethene, propene, butane, toluene and monoterpenes. The model is evaluated against a range of surface, balloon, aircraft and satellite measurements. The model is generally able to capture the main spatial and seasonal features of high and low concentrations of carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (O3), volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and reactive nitrogen. However, model biases are found in some species, some of which are common to chemistry models and some that are specific to TOMCAT and warrant further investigation. The most notable of these biases are (1) a negative bias in Northern Hemisphere (NH) winter and spring CO and a positive bias in Southern Hemisphere (SH) CO throughout the year, (2) a positive bias in NH O3 in summer and a negative bias at high latitudes during SH winter and (3) a negative bias in NH winter C2 and C3 alkanes and alkenes. TOMCAT global mean tropospheric hydroxyl radical (OH) concentrations are higher than estimates inferred from observations of methyl chloroform but similar to, or lower than, multi-model mean concentrations reported in recent model intercomparison studies. TOMCAT shows peak OH concentrations in the tropical lower troposphere, unlike other models which show peak concentrations in the tropical upper troposphere. This is likely to affect the lifetime and transport of important trace gases and warrants further investigation

    Adhesion-induced phase separation of multiple species of membrane junctions

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    A theory is presented for the membrane junction separation induced by the adhesion between two biomimetic membranes that contain two different types of anchored junctions (receptor/ligand complexes). The analysis shows that several mechanisms contribute to the membrane junction separation. These mechanisms include (i) the height difference between type-1 and type-2 junctions is the main factor which drives the junction separation, (ii) when type-1 and type-2 junctions have different rigidities against stretch and compression, the ``softer'' junctions are the ``favored'' species, and the aggregation of the softer junction can occur, (iii) the elasticity of the membranes mediates a non-local interaction between the junctions, (iv) the thermally activated shape fluctuations of the membranes also contribute to the junction separation by inducing another non-local interaction between the junctions and renormalizing the binding energy of the junctions. The combined effect of these mechanisms is that when junction separation occurs, the system separates into two domains with different relative and total junction densities.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figure

    Can clinical audits be enhanced by pathway simulation and machine learning? An example from the acute stroke pathway

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the application of clinical pathway simulation in machine learning, using clinical audit data, in order to identify key drivers for improving use and speed of thrombolysis at individual hospitals

    Seasonal dependence of peroxy radical concentrations at a Northern hemisphere marine boundary layer site during summer and winter: evidence for radical activity in winter

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    Peroxy radicals (HO2+Σ RO2) were measured at the Weybourne Atmospheric Observatory (52° N, 1° E), Norfolk using a PEroxy Radical Chemical Amplifier (PERCA) during the winter and summer of 2002. The peroxy radical diurnal cycles showed a marked difference between the winter and summer campaigns with maximum concentrations of 12 pptv at midday in the summer and maximum concentrations as high as 30 pptv (10 min averages) in winter at night. The corresponding nighttime peroxy radical concentrations were not as high in summer (3 pptv). The peroxy radical concentration shows a distinct anti-correlation with increasing NOx during the daylight hours. At night, peroxy radicals increase with increasing NOx indicative of the role of NO3 chemistry. The average diurnal cycles for net ozone production, N(O3) show a large variability in ozone production, P(O3), and a large ozone loss, L(O3) in summer relative to winter. For a daylight average, net ozone production in summer was higher than winter (1.51±0.5 ppbv h−1 and 1.11±0.47 ppbv h−1, respectively). The variability in NO concentration has a much larger effect on N(O3) than the peroxy radical concentrations. Photostationary state (PSS) calculations show an NO2 lifetime of 5 min in summer and 21 minutes in the winter, implying that steady-state NO-NO2 ratios are not always attained during the winter months. The results show an active peroxy radical chemistry at night and that significant oxidant levels are sustained in winter. The net effect of this with respect to production of ozone in winter is unclear owing to the breakdown in the photostationary state

    Cellular glutathione as a determinant of the sensitivity of colorectal tumour cell-lines to ZD2767 antibody-directed enzyme prodrug therapy (ADEPT)

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    ZD2767P, a nitrogen mustard glutamate prodrug, is currently being evaluated in Phase 1 clinical trials of antibody directed enzyme prodrug therapy (ADEPT). There was no significant relationship between basal glutathione (GSH) concentration and sensitivity to ZD2767P + carboxpeptidase G2 (CPG2) in colorectal tumour cell-lines. Depletion of intracellular GSH using buthionine sulfoximine (BSO) resulted in only a modest potentiation of ZD2767P + CPG2 activity and hence BSO is unlikely to markedly enhance the activity of this ADEPT treatment. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Seasonal dependence of peroxy radical concentrations at a northern hemisphere marine boundary layer site during summer and winter: evidence for photochemical activity in winter

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    International audiencePeroxy radicals (HO2+?RO2) were measured at the Weybourne Atmospheric Observatory (52° N, 1° E), Norfolk using a PEroxy Radical Chemical Amplifier (PERCA) during the winter and summer of 2002. The peroxy radical diurnal cycles showed a marked difference between the winter and summer campaigns with maximum concentrations of 12 pptv at midday in the summer and maximum concentrations as high as 30 pptv (10 min averages) in winter at night. The corresponding nighttime peroxy radical concentrations were not as high in summer (3 pptv). The peroxy radical concentration shows a distinct anti-correlation with increasing NOx during the daylight hours. At night, peroxy radicals increase with increasing NOx indicative of the role of NO3 chemistry. The average diurnal cycles for net ozone production, N(O3) show a large variability in ozone production, P(O3), and a large ozone loss, L(O3) in summer relative to winter. For a daylight average, net ozone production in summer than winter (1.51±0.5 ppbv h?1 and 1.11±0.47 ppbv h?1 respectively) but summer shows more variability of (meteorological) conditions than winter. The variability in NO concentration has a much larger effect on N(O3) than the peroxy radical concentrations. Photostationary state (PSS) calculations show an NO2 lifetime of 5 min in summer and 21 min in the winter, implying that steady-state NO-NO2 ratios are not always attained during the winter months. The results show an active peroxy radical chemistry at night and the ability of winter to make oxidant. The net effect of this with respect to production of ozone in winter is unclear owing to the breakdown in the photostationary state

    Reduction of Steady-State Valproate Levels by Other Antiepileptic Drugs

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    Steady-state plasma valproate (VPA) levels were analyzed in 37 children after 6 weeks of VPA therapy. Twenty-six patients were receiving other antiepileptic drugs in addition to VPA (experimental group). Eleven patients who received VPA alone served as controls. The mean VPA dose was not statistically different for the two groups (experimental group, 35.4 mg/kg/ day, 11.6 SD; control group, 31.1 mg/kg/day, SD 6.6) The mean plasma VPA level was significantly lower for the experimental group (63.0 Μg/m1, SD 21.8) than for the control (99.3 Μg/m1), SD 23.3) ( p < 0.01). VPA levelrdose ratio (LDR) was also reduced in the experimental group (1.92, SD 0.75) as compared to controls (3.26, SD 0.65) ( p < 0.01). Within the experimental group the VPA levels and VPA LDR were significantly reduced in patients receiving either phenytoin or phenobarbital. The data suggest that other antiepileptic drugs significantly alter the steady-state level to dose relationship for VPA. RÉSUMÉ Le taux plasmatique À l'Équilibre du valproate de sodium (VPA) a ÉtÉÉtudiÉ chez 37 enfants aprÈs 6 semaines de thÉrapeutique. Vingt six patients reÇoivent d'autres mÉdicaments antiÉpileptiques associÉs au VPA (groupe expÉrimental) alors que 11 sujets tÉmoins ne reÇoivent que le VPA seul. La posologie moyenne du VPA n'est pas significativement diffÉrente entre les deux groupes (35,4 mg/kg/jour ± 11,6 centre 31,1 mg/kg/jour ± 6,6). Le taux plasmatique de VPA est significativement plus bas dans le groupe experimental (63,0 Μg/ml ± 21,8) contre 99,3 Μg/ml ± 23,3 dans le groupe tÉmoin ( p < 0,01). Le rapport taux plasmatique/posologie (LDR) a ÉtÉ diminuÉ dans le groupe expÉrimental (1,92 ± 0,75) par rapport au groupe tÉmoin (3,26 ± 0,65), p < 0,01 en particulier chez les malades recevant de la phÉnytoÏne ou du phÉnobarbital. La posologie moyenne du VPA n'Étant pas significativement diffÉrente dans les deux groupes, les faits observÉs suggÈrent que l'addition d'autres antiÉpileptiques est capable de modifier le taux À l'Équilibre du VPA plasmatique en fonction de la dose administrÉe. RESUMEN Se analizaron los niveles estables de valproato en plasma (VPA) en 37 niÑos despuÉs de 6 semanas de terapia con VPA. Ventiseis pacientes recibÍan otros fÁrmacos ademÁs de VPA (grupo experimental) y once sÓlo tomaban VPA y sirvieron como controles. La dosis media de VPA no fue significativamente distinta en los dos grupos (grupo experimental: 35,4 mg/kg/dÍa, DS 11,6; grupo control: 31.1 mg/kg/dÍa, DS 6,6). El nivel plasmÁtico medio de VPA fue significativamente inferior en el grupo experimental (63,0 Μg/ml, DS 21,8) que en el control (99,3 Μg/ml, DS 23,3), p < 0,01. La relaciÓn nivel de VPA: dosis (LDR) estaba tambiÉn reducida en el grupo experimental (1,92, DS 0,75) al compararla con los controles (3,26, DS 0,65), p < 0,01. Dentro del grupo experimental los niveles de VPA y la LDR estaban significativamente reducidos en pacientes que tomaban fenitoÍna o fenobarbital. La dosis media no fue diferente entre los grupos experimental y control. Estos datos sugieren que la ingestiÓn de otros fÁrmacos alteran de modo significativo los niveles estables de VPA en relaciÓn con la dosis. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG In steady-state befindliche Plasma Valproatspiegel (VPA) wurden bei 37 Kindern nach 6 wÖchiger VPA-Therapie analysiert. 26 Patienten erhielten zusÄtzlich zum VPA andere Antiepileptika (experimentelle Gruppe). 11 Patienten, die VPA alleine bekamen, dienten als Kontrollen. Die mittlere VPA-Dosis war in beiden Gruppen nicht signifikant Vunterschiedlich (experimentelle Gruppe 35,4 mg/kg pro Tag, 11,6 SD; Kontrollgruppe 31,1 mg/kg pro Tag, SD 6,6). Der mittlere Plasma VPA-Spiegel war signifikant niedriger in der experimentellen Gruppe (63,0 Μg/ml, SD 21,8) als in der Kontrollgruppe (99,3 Μg/m1, SD 23,3), p < 0.01. Das VerhÄltnis VPA-Spiegel: Dosis (LDR) war in der experimentellen Gruppe ebenfalls reduziert (1,92, SD 0,75) gegenuber der Kontrollgruppe (3,26, SD 0,65), p < 0.01. Innerhalb der experimentellen Gruppe waren die VPA-Spiegel und die VPA/LDR bei Patienten, die entweder Phenytoin oder Phenobarbital bekamen, signifikant erniedrigt. Die mittlere VPA-Dosis war nicht signifikant unterschiedlich in der experimentellen und in der Kontrollgruppe. Diese Daten lassen vermuten, daß andere Antiepileptika signifikanterweise den Steady-state-Spiegel im Hinblick auf die verabfolgte Dosis VPA Ändern.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/66058/1/j.1528-1157.1981.tb06154.x.pd

    Governance tools for board members : adapting strategy maps and balanced scorecards for directorial action

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    The accountability of members of the board of directors of publicly traded companies has increased over years. Corresponding to these developments, there has been an inadequate advancement of tools and frameworks to help directorial functioning. This paper provides an argument for design of the Balanced Scorecard and Strategy Maps made available to the directors as a means of influencing, monitoring, controlling and assisting managerial action. This paper examines how the Balanced Scorecard and Strategy Maps could be modified and used for this purpose. The paper suggests incorporating Balanced Scorecards in the Internal Process perspective, ‘internal’ implying here not just ‘internal to the firm’, but also ‘internal to the inter-organizational system’. We recommend that other such factors be introduced separately under a new ‘perspective’ depending upon what the board wants to emphasize without creating any unwieldy proliferation of measures. Tracking the Strategy Map over time by the board of directors is a way for the board to take responsibility for the firm’s performance. The paper makes a distinction between action variables and monitoring variables. Monitoring variables are further divided on the basis of two considerations: a) whether results have been met or not and b) whether causative factors have met the expected levels of performance or not. Based on directorial responsibilities and accountability, we take another look at how the variables could be specified more completely and accurately with directorial recommendations for executives