81 research outputs found

    Epithelial senescence in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is propagated by small extracellular vesicles

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    BACKGROUND: Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a chronic lung disease that affects 3 million people worldwide. Senescence and small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) have been implicated in the pathogenesis of IPF, although how sEVs promote disease remains unclear. Here, we profile sEVs from bronchial epithelial cells and determine small RNA (smRNA) content. METHODS: Conditioned media was collected and sEVs were isolated from normal human bronchial epithelial cells (NHBEs) and IPF-diseased human bronchial epithelial cells (DHBEs). RESULTS: Increased sEV release from DHBEs compared to NHBEs (n = 4; p < 0.05) was detected by nanoparticle tracking analysis. NHBEs co-cultured with DHBE-derived sEVs for 72 h expressed higher levels of SA-β-Gal and γH2AX protein, p16 and p21 RNA and increased secretion of IL6 and IL8 proteins (all n = 6-8; p < 0.05). sEVs were also co-cultured with healthy air-liquid interface (ALI) cultures and similar results were observed, with increases in p21 and p16 gene expression and IL6 and IL8 (basal and apical) secretion (n = 6; p < 0.05). Transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) measurements, a reflection of epithelial barrier integrity, were decreased upon the addition of DHBE-derived sEVs (n = 6; p < 0.05). smRNA-sequencing identified nineteen significantly differentially expressed miRNA in DHBE-derived sEVs compared to NHBE-derived sEVs, with candidate miRNAs validated by qPCR (all n = 5; p < 0.05). Four of these miRNAs were upregulated in NHBEs co-cultured with DHBE-derived sEVs and three in healthy ALI cultures co-cultured with DHBE-derived sEVs (n = 3-4; p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: This data demonstrates that DHBE-derived sEVs transfer senescence to neighbouring healthy cells, promoting the disease state in IPF

    Rapid leukocyte migration by integrin-independent flowing and squeezing

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    All metazoan cells carry transmembrane receptors of the integrin family, which couple the contractile force of the actomyosin cytoskeleton to the extracellular environment. In agreement with this principle, rapidly migrating leukocytes use integrin-mediated adhesion when moving over two-dimensional surfaces. As migration on two-dimensional substrates naturally overemphasizes the role of adhesion, the contribution of integrins during three-dimensional movement of leukocytes within tissues has remained controversial. We studied the interplay between adhesive, contractile and protrusive forces during interstitial leukocyte chemotaxis in vivo and in vitro. We ablated all integrin heterodimers from murine leukocytes, and show here that functional integrins do not contribute to migration in three-dimensional environments. Instead, these cells migrate by the sole force of actin-network expansion, which promotes protrusive flowing of the leading edge. Myosin II-dependent contraction is only required on passage through narrow gaps, where a squeezing contraction of the trailing edge propels the rigid nucleus

    Modulation of MicroRNA-194 and cell migration by HER2-targeting trastuzumab in breast cancer

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    Conceived and designed the experiments: XFL GAC RCB. Performed the experiments: XFL MIA WM RS MSN SZ. Analyzed the data: XFL SR. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: YW GAC. Wrote the paper: XFL RCB.Trastuzumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody directed against the extracellular domain of the HER2 oncoprotein, can effectively target HER2-positive breast cancer through several mechanisms. Although the effects of trastuzumab on cancer cell proliferation, angiogenesis and apoptosis have been investigated in depth, the effect of trastuzumab on microRNA (miRNA) has not been extensively studied. We have performed miRNA microarray profiling before and after trastuzumab treatment in SKBr3 and BT474 human breast cancer cells that overexpress HER2. We found that trastuzumab treatment of SKBr3 cells significantly decreased five miRNAs and increased three others, whereas treatment of BT474 cells significantly decreased two miRNAs and increased nine. The only change in miRNA expression observed in both cell lines following trastuzumab treatment was upregulation of miRNA-194 (miR-194) that was further validated in vitro and in vivo. Forced expression of miR-194 in breast cancer cells that overexpress HER2 produced no effect on apoptosis, modest inhibition of proliferation, significant inhibition of cell migration/invasion in vitro and significant inhibition of xenograft growth in vivo. Conversely, knockdown of miR-194 promoted cell migration. Increased miR-194 expression markedly reduced levels of the cytoskeletal protein talin2 and specifically inhibited luciferase reporter activity of a talin2 wild-type 39-untranslated region, but not that of a mutant reporter, indicating that talin2 is a direct downstream target of miR-194. Trastuzumab treatment inhibited breast cancer cell migration and reduced talin2 expression in vitro and in vivo. Knockdown of talin2 inhibited cell migration/invasion. Knockdown of trastuzumab-induced miR-194 expression with a miR-194 inhibitor compromised trastuzumab-inhibited cell migration in HER2-overexpressing breast cancer cells. Consequently, trastuzumab treatment upregulates miR-194 expression and may exert its cell migration-inhibitory effect through miR-194-mediated downregulation of cytoskeleton protein talin2 in HER2-overexpressing human breast cancer cells.This work was supported by the Anne and Henry Zarrow Foundation, kind gifts from Stuart and Gaye Lynn Zarrow and from Mrs. Delores Wilkenfeld, the Laura and John Arnold Foundation, the RGK Foundation, and the MD Anderson NCI CCSG P30 CA16672. G.A.C. is supported as a Fellow at the University of Texas MD Anderson Research Trust, as a University of Texas System Regents Research Scholar and by the CLL Global Research Foundation

    Evidence that talin alternative splice variants from Ciona intestinalis have different roles in cell adhesion

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    BACKGROUND: Talins are large, modular cytoskeletal proteins found in animals and amoebozoans such as Dictyostelium discoideum. Since the identification of a second talin gene in vertebrates, it has become increasingly clear that vertebrate Talin1 and Talin2 have non-redundant roles as essential links between integrins and the actin cytoskeleton in distinct plasma membrane-associated adhesion complexes. The conserved C-terminal I/LWEQ module is important for talin function. This structural element mediates the interaction of talins with F-actin. The I/LWEQ module also targets mammalian Talin1 to focal adhesion complexes, which are dynamic multicomponent assemblies required for cell adhesion and cell motility. Although Talin1 is essential for focal adhesion function, Talin2 is not targeted to focal adhesions. The nonvertebrate chordate Ciona intestinalis has only one talin gene, but alternative splicing of the talin mRNA produces two proteins with different C-terminal I/LWEQ modules. Thus, C. intestinalis contains two talins, Talin-a and Talin-b, with potentially different activities, despite having only one talin gene. RESULTS: We show here that, based on their distribution in cDNA libraries, Talin-a and Talin-b are differentially expressed during C. intestinalis development. The I/LWEQ modules of the two proteins also have different affinities for F-actin. Consistent with the hypothesis that Talin-a and Talin-b have different roles in cell adhesion, the distinct I/LWEQ modules of Talin-a and Talin-b possess different subcellular targeting determinants. The I/LWEQ module of Talin-a is targeted to focal adhesions, where it most likely serves as the link between integrin and the actin cytoskeleton. The Talin-b I/LWEQ module is not targeted to focal adhesions, but instead preferentially labels F-actin stress fibers. These different properties of C. intestinalis the Talin-a and Talin-b I/LWEQ modules mimic the differences between mammalian Talin1 and Talin2. CONCLUSION: Vertebrates and D. discoideum contain two talin genes that encode proteins with different functions. The urochordate C. intestinalis has a single talin gene but produces two separate talins by alternative splicing that vary in a domain crucial for talin function. This suggests that multicellular organisms require multiple talins as components of adhesion complexes. In C. intestinalis, alternative splicing, rather than gene duplication followed by neo-functionalization, accounts for the presence of multiple talins with different properties. Given that C. intestinalis is an excellent model system for chordate biology, the study of Talin-a and Talin-b will lead to a deeper understanding of cell adhesion in the chordate lineage and how talin functions have been parceled out to multiple proteins during metazoan evolution

    Human Placental-Specific Epipolymorphism and its Association with Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes

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    Interindividual variation in DNA-methylation level is widespread in the human genome, despite its critical role in regulating gene expression. The nature of this variation, including its tissue-specific nature, and the role it may play in human phenotypic variation and disease is still poorly characterized. The placenta plays a critical role in regulating fetal growth and development in ways that have lifelong effects on health. To identify genes with a high degree of interindividual DNA methylation variation in the human placenta, we surveyed the human genome using the Illumina GoldenGate Methylation Cancer panel targeting 1505 CpG sites of 807 genes. While many sites show a continuous pattern of methylation levels, WNT2, TUSC3 and EPHB4 were identified to have a polymorphic “on-or-off” pattern of DNA methylation variation at their promoter region which was confirmed by pyrosequencing. Methylation of these genes can be found in 7%–25% of over 100 placentas tested. The methylation state at the promoter of these genes is concordant with mRNA allelic expression. In three informative cases TUSC3 was observed to be methylated on the maternal allele, and it is thus possible this represents a polymorphically imprinted gene. Furthermore, TUSC3 promoter methylation showed evidence for association with preeclampsia. A biological significance of these methylation allelic polymorphisms (MAPs) to human placental diversity is further implied by their placental specificity and absence in mouse. An extended study of blood suggests that MAPs may also be found in other tissues, implicating their utility for tissue-specific association with complex disorders. The identification of such “epipolymorphism” in other tissues and their use in association studies, should improve our understanding of interindividual phenotypic variability and complex disease susceptibility

    Vinculin controls talin engagement with the actomyosin machinery

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    The link between extracellular-matrix-bound integrins and intracellular F-actin is essential for cell spreading and migration. Here, we demonstrate how the actin-binding proteins talin and vinculin cooperate to provide this link. By expressing structure-based talin mutants in talin null cells, we show that while the C-terminal actin-binding site (ABS3) in talin is required for adhesion complex assembly, the central ABS2 is essential for focal adhesion (FA) maturation. Thus, although ABS2 mutants support cell spreading, the cells lack FAs, fail to polarize and exert reduced force on the surrounding matrix. ABS2 is inhibited by the preceding mechanosensitive vinculin-binding R3 domain, and deletion of R2R3 or expression of constitutively active vinculin generates stable force-independent FAs, although cell polarity is compromised. Our data suggest a model whereby force acting on integrin-talin complexes via ABS3 promotes R3 unfolding and vinculin binding, activating ABS2 and locking talin into an actin-binding configuration that stabilizes FAs

    Structural and biophysical properties of the integrin-associated cytoskeletal protein talin

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    Talin is a large cytoskeletal protein (2541 amino acid residues) which plays a key role in integrin-mediated events that are crucial for cell adhesion, migration, proliferation and survival. This review summarises recent work on the structure of talin and on some of the structurally better defined interactions with other proteins. The N-terminal talin head (approx. 50 kDa) consists of an atypical FERM domain linked to a long flexible rod (approx. 220 kDa) made up of a series of amphipathic helical bundle domains. The F3 FERM subdomain in the head binds the cytoplasmic tail of integrins, but this interaction can be inhibited by an interaction of F3 with a helical bundle in the talin rod, the so-called “autoinhibited form” of the molecule. The talin rod contains a second integrin-binding site, at least two actin-binding sites and a large number of binding sites for vinculin, which is important in reinforcing the initial integrin–actin link mediated by talin. The vinculin binding sites are defined by hydrophobic residues buried within helical bundles, and these must unfold to allow vinculin binding. Recent experiments suggest that this unfolding may be mediated by mechanical force exerted on the talin molecule by actomyosin contraction

    Role of Wnt canonical pathway in hematological malignancies

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    Wnt canonical signaling pathway plays a diverse role in embryonic development and maintenance of organs and tissues in adults. It has been observed that Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway is involved in the pathogenesis of many carcinomas. Moreover, Wnt/β-catenin pathway has been revealed to be associated with angiogenesis. Wnt canonical pathway signaling has great potential as a therapeutic target. It has been disclosed that some hematological malignancies, such as chronic lymphocytic leukemia, mantle cell lymphoma, may occur partly due to the constitutive activation of Wnt canonical signaling pathway. This review will summarize the latest development in Wnt canonical signaling pathway and its roles in tumorigenesis and angiogenesis